# Login shell profile. umask 022 # Favourite editor and pager, search path for binaries, etc. export EDITOR=vi export PAGER=less # Let cd display the current directory on the status line. if [ -t 0 -a -f /usr/bin/tget ] && tget -flag hs then case $- in *i*) hostname=$(expr $(uname -n) : '\([^.]*\)') eval "cd() { chdir \"\$@\" && echo -n '$(tget -str ts \ "$USER@$hostname:'\"\`pwd\`\"'" \ -str fs)' }" unset hostname cd . ;; esac fi # Check terminal type. case $TERM in dialup|unknown|network) echo -n "Terminal type? ($TERM) "; read term TERM="${term:-$TERM}" unset term esac