/* fix file difflist - update file from difflist Author: Erik Baalbergen */ /* Notes: files old and old.patch are equal after the following commands diff old new > difflist patch old difflist > old.patch * the diff output is assumed to be produced by my diff program. * the difflist has the following form: difflist ::= chunk* chunk ::= append | delete | change ; append ::= n1 'a' n2 [',' n3]? '\n' ['> ' line '\n'](n3 - n2 + 1) delete ::= n1 [',' n2]? 'd' n3 '\n' ['< ' line '\n'](n2 - n1 + 1) change ::= n1 [',' n2]? 'c' n3 [',' n4]? '\n' ['< ' line '\n'](n2 - n1 + 1) '---\n' ['> ' line '\n'](n4 - n3 + 1) where - n[1234] is an unsigned integer - "[pat](expr)" means "(expr) occurences of pat" - "[pat]?" means "either pat or nothing" * the information in the diff listing is checked against the file to which it is applied; an error is printed if there is a conflict */ #include #include #include #include #include #define IGNORE_WHITE_SPACE /* This makes it white space insensitive */ #ifdef IGNORE_WHITE_SPACE #define strcmp strwcmp #endif #define LINELEN 1024 char *prog = 0, *processing = 0; /* getline() already declared in stdio.h */ #define getline fix_getline char *getline(FILE *fp, char *b); char *range(char *s, int *p1, int *p2); int getcommand(FILE *fp, int *o1, int *o2, char *pcmd, int *n1, int *n2); void fatal(const char *s, ...); int strwcmp(char *s1, char *s2); int whitespace(int ch); char * getline(FILE *fp, char *b) { if (fgets(b, LINELEN, fp) == NULL) fatal("unexpected eof"); return b; } #define copy(str) printf("%s", str) int main(int argc, char **argv) { char cmd, *fl, *fd, obuf[LINELEN], nbuf[LINELEN]; int o1, o2, n1, n2, here; FILE *fpf, *fpd; prog = argv[0]; processing = argv[1]; if (argc != 3) fatal("use: %s original-file diff-list-file", prog); if ((fpf = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL) fatal("can't read %s", argv[1]); if ((fpd = fopen(argv[2], "r")) == NULL) fatal("can't read %s", argv[2]); here = 0; while (getcommand(fpd, &o1, &o2, &cmd, &n1, &n2)) { while (here < o1 - 1) { here++; copy(getline(fpf, obuf)); } switch (cmd) { case 'c': case 'd': if (cmd == 'd' && n1 != n2) fatal("delete count conflict"); while (o1 <= o2) { fl = getline(fpf, obuf); here++; fd = getline(fpd, nbuf); if (strncmp(fd, "<", (size_t)1)) fatal("illegal delete line"); if (strcmp(fl, fd + 2)) fatal("delete line conflict"); o1++; } if (cmd == 'd') break; if (strcmp(getline(fpd, nbuf), "---\n")) fatal("illegal separator in chunk"); /* FALLTHROUGH */ case 'a': if (cmd == 'a') { if (o1 != o2) fatal("append count conflict"); copy(getline(fpf, obuf)); here++; } while (n1 <= n2) { if (strncmp(getline(fpd, nbuf), ">", (size_t)1)) fatal("illegal append line"); copy(nbuf + 2); n1++; } break; } } while (fgets(obuf, LINELEN, fpf) != NULL) copy(obuf); return(0); } char * range(s, p1, p2) char *s; int *p1, *p2; { register int v1 = 0, v2; while (isdigit(*s)) v1 = 10 * v1 + *s++ - '0'; v2 = v1; if (*s == ',') { s++; v2 = 0; while (isdigit(*s)) v2 = 10 * v2 + *s++ - '0'; } if (v1 > v2) fatal("illegal range"); *p1 = v1; *p2 = v2; return s; } int getcommand(fp, o1, o2, pcmd, n1, n2) FILE *fp; int *o1, *o2, *n1, *n2; char *pcmd; { char buf[LINELEN]; register char *s; char cmd; if ((s = fgets(buf, LINELEN, fp)) == NULL) return 0; s = range(s, o1, o2); if ((cmd = *s++) != 'a' && cmd != 'c' && cmd != 'd') fatal("illegal command"); s = range(s, n1, n2); if (*s != '\n' && s[1] != '\0') fatal("extra characters at end of command: %s", s); *pcmd = cmd; return 1; } #ifdef __STDC__ void fatal(const char *s, ...) { va_list args; va_start (args, s); fprintf(stderr, "%s: processing: %s fatal: ", prog, processing); vfprintf(stderr, s, args); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); va_end(args); exit(1); } #else /* the K&R lib does not have vfprintf */ void fatal(s, a) const char *s, *a; { fprintf(stderr, "%s: processing: %s fatal: ", prog, processing); fprintf(stderr, s, a); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); exit(1); } #endif #ifdef IGNORE_WHITE_SPACE /* This routine is a white space insensitive version of strcmp. It is needed for testing things which might have undergone tab conversion or trailing space removal Bret Mckee June, 1988 */ int strwcmp(s1, s2) char *s1, *s2; { char *x1 = s1, *x2 = s2; /* Remove leading white space */ while (whitespace(*s1)) s1++; while (whitespace(*s2)) s2++; do { while ((*s1 == *s2) && *s1 && *s2) { s1++; s2++; } ; /* consume identical characters */ while (whitespace(*s1)) s1++; while (whitespace(*s2)) s2++; } while (*s1 && *s2 && (*s1 == *s2)); if (*s1 - *s2) fprintf(stderr, "Failing for (%x)[%s]\n (%x)[%s]\n", (int) *s1, x1, (int) *s2, x2); return(*s1 - *s2); } int whitespace(ch) char ch; { switch (ch) { case ' ': case '\n': case 0x0D: case '\t': return(1); default: return(0); } } #endif