.TH GETNUCRED 2 .SH NAME getnucred \- obtain the credentials that correspond to the given endpoint. .SH SYNOPSIS .ft B #include .in +5 .ti -5 #include .ti -5 int getnucred(endpoint_t \fIproc_ep\fP, struct ucred * \fIucred\fP); .br .ft P .SH DESCRIPTION Given an endpoint \fIproc_ep\fP, this function will fill in \fIucred\fP with the \fIpid\fP, \fIuid\fP, and \fIgid\fP that correspond to that endpoint. .SH RETURN VALUES On success, this function returns 0 and \fIucred\fP will be filled in. On error, -1 is returned and \fIerrno\fP is set. .SH ERRORS .TP 15 [EFAULT] The address pointed to by \fIucred\fP is not in a valid part of the process address space. [EPERM] The user calling this function has insufficient privileges. Only a user with an euid of 0 may call this function. [ESRCH] The endpoint was not found. This is caused by an invalid endpoint or an endpoint for a process that no longer exists. .SH SEE ALSO .BR getpid(2), .BR getuid(2), .BR getgid(2), .BR getnpid(2), .BR getnuid(2), .BR getngid(2) .SH HISTORY This function first appeared in Minix 3.1.8.