- clean up kernel section of minix/com.h somewhat
- remove ALLOCMEM and VM_ALLOCMEM calls
- remove non-safecopy and minix-vmd support from Inet
- remove obsolete segment encoding in SYS_SAFECOPY*
- remove DEVCTL call, svrctl(FSDEVUNMAP), map_driverX
- remove declarations of unimplemented svrctl requests
- remove everything related to swapping to disk
- remove floppysetup.sh
- remove traces of rescue device
- update DESCRIBE.sh with new devices
- some other small changes
- if "debug_fkeys" boot monitor variable is set to 0:
- pass Fn, Shift+Fn, Ctrl+Fn, Shift+Ctrl+Fn to applications
- don't start IS
- update termcap files with function key, color, end key support
bin_img=1 in the boot monitor will make sure that during the boot procedure the
mfs binary that is part of the boot image is the only binary that is used to
mount partitions. This is useful when for some reason the mfs binary on disk
malfunctions, rendering Minix unable to boot. By setting bin_img=1, the binary
on disk is ignored and the binary in the boot image is used instead.
- 'service' now accepts an additional flag -r. -r implies -c. -r instructs RS
to first look in memory if the binary has already been copied to memory and
execute that version, instead of loading the binary from disk. For example,
the first time a MFS is being started it is copied (-c) to memory and
executed from there. The second time MFS is being started this way, RS will
look in memory for a previously copied MFS binary and reuse it if it exists.
- The mount and newroot commands now accept an additional flag -i, which
instructs them to set the MS_REUSE flag in the mount flags.
- The mount system call now supports the MS_REUSE flag and invokes 'service'
with the -r flag when MS_REUSE is set.
- /etc/rc and the rc script that's included in the boot image check for the
existence of the bin_img flag in the boot monitor, and invoke mount and
newroot with the -i flag accordingly.
. replaced by a readclock 'driver' that runs once, a re-imported version
of the minix 2.0.4 readclock command.
. this has also restored cmos writing.
. readclock wrapper script calls service command to run /bin/readclock.drv
enforced. If a call is denied, this will be kprinted. Please report any such
errors, so that I can adjust the mask before returning errors instead of
Wrote CMOS driver. All CMOS code from FS has been removed. Currently the
driver only supports get time calls. Set time is left out as an exercise
for the book readers ... startup scripts were updated because the CMOS driver
is needed early on. (IS got same treatment.) Don't forget to run MAKEDEV cmos
in /dev/, otherwise the driver cannot be loaded.
The user needs to set label=... to choose the driver of his or her choice.
This driver will be mapped onto the controller that is set in controller=...
Minor cleanup of kernel source code (boot image table now is static).