use another scratch partition for /tmp (sorry) (needed because of small

CD root and large compilations)
This commit is contained in:
Ben Gras 2005-08-30 17:26:56 +00:00
parent 602ae06a3c
commit f90449a78b

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@ -104,7 +104,20 @@ else echo "$TMPDISK is not a block device.."
exit 1
echo "Temporary (sub)partition to use for /tmp? "
echo "It will be mkfsed!"
echo -n "Device: /dev/"
read dev || exit 1
if [ -b $TMPDISK2 ]
then :
else echo "$TMPDISK2 is not a block device.."
exit 1
umount $TMPDISK
umount $TMPDISK2
umount $RAM
echo " * Cleanup old files"
@ -114,10 +127,12 @@ mkdir -p $RELEASEDIR
echo " * Zeroing $RAM"
dd if=/dev/zero of=$RAM bs=$BS count=$ROOTBLOCKS
mkfs -B $BS -b $ROOTBLOCKS $RAM || exit
mkfs $TMPDISK2 || exit
echo " * mounting $RAM as $RELEASEDIR"
mount $RAM $RELEASEDIR || exit
mkdir -m 755 $RELEASEDIR/usr
mkdir -m 1777 $RELEASEDIR/tmp
echo " * Zeroing $TMPDISK"
dd if=/dev/zero of=$TMPDISK bs=$BS count=$USRBLOCKS