import NetBSD /usr/share/misc/

. for /usr/share/misc/style, NetBSD coding style
	. and for (style-compatible indent(1) indenting profile)
This commit is contained in:
Ben Gras 2012-03-16 17:33:49 +01:00
parent f140910d3c
commit 5737b690dc
32 changed files with 57511 additions and 1 deletions

View file

@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
700 root operator /usr/preserve 700 root operator /usr/preserve
755 root operator /usr/run 755 root operator /usr/run
755 root operator /usr/share 755 root operator /usr/share
755 root operator /usr/share/misc
755 root operator /usr/share/doc 755 root operator /usr/share/doc
755 root operator /usr/share/doc/html 755 root operator /usr/share/doc/html
755 root operator /usr/share/doc/html/bzip2 755 root operator /usr/share/doc/html/bzip2

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
.include <> .include <>
SUBDIR= mk terminfo zoneinfo SUBDIR= mk terminfo zoneinfo misc
.include <> .include <>

share/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
BINDIR?= /usr/share

share/misc/Makefile Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.36 2011/01/18 23:12:38 jruoho Exp $
# @(#)Makefile 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/8/93
NOOBJ= # defined
FILES= NetBSD.el acronyms acronyms.comp airport ascii \
birthtoken bsd-family-tree \
country domains operator \
eqnchar flowers language man.template \
mdoc.template na.postal style zipcodes
# According to iana@ISI.EDU, the URL below is the authoritative list
# distributed by the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency.
( \
echo '# $$''NetBSD''$$' ; \
echo '# ISO 3166 country codes, from ${DOMAIN_URL}' ; \
echo '# Last update:' `date` ; \
echo '#' ; \
ftp -o - ${DOMAIN_URL} \
| ${TOOL_SED} -n -f ${.CURDIR}/domains.sed \
) > domains ; \
< /dev/null ${TOOL_AWK} -f nanpa.awk >
${.CURDIR}/ > country
.include <>

share/misc/NetBSD.el Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
;; $NetBSD: NetBSD.el,v 1.6 2009/02/16 21:37:12 uwe Exp $
(defconst netbsd-knf-style
;; (c-auto-newline . nil)
;; default indentation level
(c-basic-offset . 8)
;; in which column to add backslashes when macroizing a region
(c-backslash-column . 78)
(c-backslash-max-column . 78)
;; automatically compact brace-else(if)-brace on one line and
;; semi-colon after closing struct brace
(c-cleanup-list . (brace-else-brace
;; do not indent lines containing only start-of-comment more than default
(c-comment-only-line-offset . 0)
;; start new lines after braces
;; default is: before and after (for all other cases)
(c-hanging-braces-alist . ((defun-open . (before after))
(defun-close . (before after))
(block-open . (after))
(block-close . c-snug-do-while)
(substatement-open . after)
(statement-case-open . nil)
(brace-list-open . after)
(brace-list-close . nil)
;; where to put newlines around colons
(c-hanging-colons-alist . (quote ((label after)
(case-label after))))
;; indent comments syntactically
(c-indent-comments-syntactically-p . t)
;; no spaces needed before a label
;; (c-label-minimum-indentation . 0)
;; define offsets for some code parts
(c-offsets-alist . ((arglist-cont-nonempty . 4)
(block-open . 0)
;; (block-open . -)
(brace-list-open . +)
(brace-list-intro . +)
(brace-list-entry . 0)
(brace-list-close . 0)
(knr-argdecl . 0)
(knr-argdecl-intro . +)
(label . -)
(member-init-intro . ++)
(statement-cont . 4)
(substatement-open . 0)
(case-label . 0)))
;; XXX: undocumented. Recognize KNR style?
(c-recognize-knr-p . t)
;; indent line when pressing tab, instead of a plain tab character
(c-tab-always-indent . t)
;; use TABs for indentation, not spaces
(indent-tabs-mode . t)
;; set default tab width to 8
(tab-width . 8)
"NetBSD KNF Style")
(eval-when-compile (require 'whitespace nil t))
(defcustom netbsd-knf-whitespace-check nil
"Enable NetBSD KNF whitespace cleanup when saving the buffer.
See also:
1) `whitespace-check-spacetab-whitespace' will replace any RE-match of
\" +\\t\" with single '\\t' and hence may break tabbing.
2) Both `whitespace-check-spacetab-whitespace' and
`whitespace-check-indent-whitespace' may alter strings."
:type 'boolean
:group 'netbsd-knf)
(defun netbsd-knf-whitespace-cleanup ()
;; XXX - emacs 21.4 whitespace.el was badly behaved on blank
;; buffers. This was fixed in 22.1. I don't know about other
;; versions, so these conditions may need to be more restrictive.
(cond ((> emacs-major-version 21)
(t ;; default
(if (save-excursion
(goto-char (point-min))
(re-search-forward "[^ \t\n]" nil t))
(delete-region (point-min) (point-max))))))
(defun netbsd-knf-write-contents-hook ()
(if (and (string-equal c-indentation-style "netbsd knf")
(require 'whitespace nil t))
(if netbsd-knf-whitespace-check
(if whitespace-auto-cleanup
(if (and (whitespace-buffer) whitespace-abort-on-error)
(error (concat "Abort write due to whitespaces in "
(remove-hook 'write-contents-hook 'netbsd-knf-write-contents-hook))
(defun netbsd-knf-c-mode-hook ()
;; Add style and set it for current buffer
(c-add-style "NetBSD KNF" netbsd-knf-style t)
;; useful, but not necessary for the mode
;; give syntactic information in message buffer
;;(setq c-echo-syntactic-information-p t)
;; automatic newlines after special characters
(setq c-toggle-auto-state 1)
;; delete all connected whitespace when pressing delete
(setq c-toggle-hungry-state 1)
;; auto-indent new lines
(define-key c-mode-base-map "\C-m" 'newline-and-indent)
;; check/cleanup whitespace when saving
(add-hook 'write-contents-hooks 'netbsd-knf-write-contents-hook))
(add-hook 'c-mode-hook 'netbsd-knf-c-mode-hook)

share/misc/acronyms Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
$NetBSD: acronyms,v 1.209 2011/11/19 17:40:19 mbalmer Exp $
10Q thank you
10X thanks
1337 elite ("leet")
224 today, tomorrow, forever
31337 elite ("eleet")
4TW for the win
AAMOF as a matter of fact
AC audible chuckle
ADN any day now
AEAP as early as possible
AFAIAC as far as I am concerned
AFAIC as far as I'm concerned
AFAICR as far as I can recall
AFAICS as far as I can see
AFAICT as far as I can tell
AFAIK as far as I know
AFAIR as far as I {recall, remember}
AFAIU as far as I understand
AFD away from desktop
AFK away from keyboard
AFU all fucked up
AFW away from window
AGM annual general meeting
AINEC and it's not even close
AISE as I see it
AIU as I understand
AIUI as I understand it
AKA also known as
AMOL a mountain of love
ASAIC as soon as I can
ASAP as soon as possible
ATEOTD at the end of the day
ATM at the moment
ATM automatic teller machine
ATW around the world
AWK Aho Weinberger Kernighan
AWOL absent without official leave
AYBABTU all your base are belong to us
AYF all your fault
AYOR at your own risk
AYT are you there
B/C because
B/S bullshit
B/W bandwidth
B/W between
BAK back at keyboard
BBIAB be back in a bit
BBL [I'll] be back later
BBR burnt beyond repair
BBS be back soon
BBT be back tomorrow
BCNU be seeing you
BCNUL8R be seeing you later
BF best friend
BF boyfriend
BCP best current practice
BFD big fucking deal
BFF best friend forever
BFH big fucking hammer
BIAB back in a bit
BIAF back in a few
BIALW back in a little while
BIAS back in a second
BIAW back in a while
BNYA burned now you are
BOATILAS bend over and take it like a slut
BOC but of course
BOFH bastard operator from hell
BOGAHICA bend over, grab ankles, here it comes again
BOHICA bend over here it comes again
BOT back on topic
BRB [I'll] be right back
BS bullshit
BSD booze, sex, drugs
BTDT been there, done that
BTFT been there, fixed that
BTTH boot to the head
BTW by the way
CC credit card
CFV call for votes
CFY calling for you
CG center of gravity
CMIIW correct me if I'm wrong
CNP continued [in my] next post
COB close of business [day]
COTS commercial off-the-shelf
CPC cost per click
CTN can't talk now
CU see you
CYA see you around
CYE check your email
D/L download
DBEYR don't believe everything you read
DGAS don't give a shit
DIAFYO did I ask for your opinion?
DIY do it yourself
DKDC don't know, don't care
DMZ demilitarized zone
DND do not disturb
DOA dead on arrival
DRY don't repeat yourself
DSTM don't shoot the messenger
DTRT do the right thing
DTWT do the wrong thing
DYK do you know?
DWIM do what I mean
ECR electronic cash register
EDS eternal downward spiral
EFT electronic funds transfer
EG evil grin
EIE enough is enough
EMSG email message
EOB end of business [day]
EOD end of {day, discussion}
EOL end of life
EOM end of message
EOS end of story
ETA estimated time of arrival
ETA edited to add
ETLA extended three letter acronym
ETR early to rise
EWAG experienced wild-ass guess
F9 fine
FAQ frequently asked question
FBOW for better or worse
FCOL for crying out loud
FCFS first come first served
FFS for fuck's sake
FFS free for shipping
FIGJAM fuck I'm good, just ask me
FIIK fuck[ed] if I know
FIIR fuck[ed] if I remember
FITB fill in the blank
FM fucking magic
FML fuck my life
FNO from now on
FNO for nerds only
FOAD {fuck off,fall over} and die
FOC free of charge
FOS full of shit
FPS first person shooter
FSCK fuck
FSDO for some definition of
FSVO for some value of
FTBFS fails to build from source
FTFA from the fucking article
FTFM fuck the fuckin' manual!
FTFY fixed that for you
FTHOI for the {heck,hell} of it
FTL for the loss
FTMFW for the motherfucking win
FTS fuck that shit
FTTT from time to time
FTW for the win
FUBAR fucked up beyond all recognition
FUD fear, uncertainty and doubt
FWIW for what it's worth
FYEO for your eyes only
FYI for your information
G grin
G/C garbage collect
G2G got to go
G2K good to know
GAC get a clue
GAL get a life
GBTW get back to work
GF girlfriend
GFU good for you
GFY good for you
GFY go fuck yourself
GG good game
GGWP good game, well played
GIGO garbage in, garbage out
GIYF google is your friend
GJ good job
GL good luck
GLHF good luck, have fun
GLWT good luck with that
GMTA great minds think alike
GOK god only knows
GOWI get on with it
GPS global positioning system
GR8 great
GTFO get the fuck out
GTG got to go
GTH go to hell
GTSY {good, glad} to see you
GWS get well soon
H8 hate
HAND have a nice day
HE how embarrasing
HF have fun
HHIS hanging head in shame
HHOS ha ha, only serious
HICA here it comes again
HNY happy new year
HOAS hold on a second
HTH hope this helps
IAC in any case
IAE in any event
IANAL I am not a lawyer
IAW in another window
IAWTC I agree with this comment
IAY I adore you
IB I'm back
IC I see
ICBW I could be {wrong, worse}
ICCL I couldn't care less
ICUR I see you are
IDC I don't care
IDGI I don't get it
IDGW in a good way
IDI I doubt it
IDK I don't know
IDRC I don't really care
IDTS I don't think so
IDTT I drink to that
IHAFC I haven't a fucking clue
IHBW I have been wrong
IHNFC I have no fucking clue
IIANM if I am not mistaken
IIRC if I recall correctly
IIUC if I understand correctly
IKWYM I know what you mean
ILU I love you
ILY I love you
IMAO in my arrogant opinion
IMBO in my biased opinion
IMCO in my considered opinion
IMHO in my humble opinion
IMNSHO in my not so humble opinion
IMO in my opinion
INPO in no particular order
IOW in other words
IQ intelligence quotient
IPML I pissed myself laughing
IRL in real life
IRT in real time
IRT in regards to
ISAGN I see a great need
ISBN international standard book number
ISTM it seems to me
ISTR I seem to recall
ITYM I think you mean
IUD insert usual disclaimers
IUSS if you say so
IW it's worse
IWBNI it would be nice if
IYD in your dreams
IYKWIM if you know what I mean
IYSS if you say so
IYSWIM if you see what I mean
J/K just kidding
JAM just a minute
JAS just a second
JFK John Fitzgerald Kennedy
JFTR just for the record
JFW just fucking works
JGI just got it
JGI just Google it
JHD just hit ``delete''
JIC just in case
JJA just joking around
JK just kidding
JMO just my opinion
JSYK just so you know
JTLYK just to let you know
JW just wondering
KISS keep it simple, stupid
KITA kick in the ass
KK okay, okay
KMA keep moving ahead
KMA keep me advised
KMA kill me already
KNF kernel normal form
KOS kill on sight
KTHX okay, thanks
KWIM know what I mean?
L8 late
L8R later
LART luser attitude readjustment tool (ie, hammer)
LBNL last but not least
LGTM looks good to me
LJBF let's just be friends
LMAO laughing my ass off
LMB lick my balls
LMC let me check
LMFAO laughing my fucking ass off
LMHO laughing my head off
LMK let me know
LMNO laughing my nuts off
LMSO laughing my socks off
LOL laughing out loud
LP long playing (record)
LTNS long time no see
LWYL laugh with you later
M8 mate
MAD mutually assured destruction
MIA missing in action
MMB message me back
MO modus operandi
MOTAS member of the appropriate sex
MOTOS member of the opposite sex
MOTSS member of the same sex
MTF more to follow
MYOB mind your own business
N/M never mind
NAFAIK not as far as I know
NBD no big deal
NE1 anyone
NFA no flaming allowed
NFC no fucking clue
NFI no fucking idea
NFW no fucking way
NIFOC naked in front of computer
NIH not invented here
NIMBY not in my backyard
NM never mind
NMF not my fault
NMP not my problem
NOM no offence meant
NOOB newbie
NOYB none of your business
NOYFB none of your fucking business
NP no problem
NRFPT not ready for prime time
NRN not right now
NRN no reply necessary
NSFW not suitable for work
NTN no thanks needed
NUNP no users, no problems
NVM never mind
NW no way
NXT next
O2W off to work
OH other half
OIC oh, I see
OMFG oh my fucking god
OMG oh, my god
OMW on my way
ONNA oh no, not again
ONNTA oh no, not this again
OAO over and out
OOB out of bounds
OOC out of curiosity
OOI out of interest
OOSOOM out of sight, out of mind
OT off topic
OTL out to lunch
OTOH on the other hand
OTS off the shelf
OTT over the top
OTTOMH off the top of my head
OWTTE or words to that effect
PDQ pretty darn quick
PDS please don't shout
PEBKAC problem exists between keyboard and chair
PFI pay for inclusion
PFO please fuck off
PFY pimply faced youth
PHB pointy haired boss
PIN personal identification number
PITA pain in the ass
PKSP pound keys and spew profanity
PM post meridiem
PMFI problem magically fixed itself
PMFJI pardon me for jumping in
PMSL pissing myself laughing
PNG persona non grata
PNP plug and pray
POC point of contact
POC proof of concept
POLA principle of least astonishment
POLS principle of least surprise
POS piece of shit
POS point of sale
POV point of view
PPL people
PPL pretty please
PPP petty pet peeve
PR public relations
PTV parental tunnel vision
QED quod erat demonstrandum
QFT quoted for truth
RA residential advisor
RFC request for comments
RFD request for discussion
RFE request for enhancements
RIP rest in peace
RL real life
RLC rod length check
RMS Richard Matthew Stallman
ROFL rolling on floor laughing
ROFLMAO rolling on floor laughing my ass off
ROTFL rolling on the floor laughing
ROI return on investment
RP responsible person
RR railroad
RSI repetitive strain injury
RSN real soon now
RSVP repondez s'il vous plait (please reply)
RTFB read the fine/fucking book
RTFC read the fine/fucking code
RTFD read the fine/fucking documentation
RTFM read the fine/fucking manual
RTFMP read the fine/fucking man page
RTFS read the fine/fucking source
SAR some assembly required
SCNR sorry, could not resist
SEP someone else's problem
SERP search engine results page
SFA sweet fuck all
SFAICT so far as I can tell
SHID slaps head in disgust
SIMCA sitting in my chair amused
SITD still in the dark
SMH shaking my head
SMLSFB so many losers, so few bullets
SMOP simple matter of programming
SNAFU situation normal, all fucked up
SNERT snot-nosed egotistical rude teenager
SNMP sorry, not my problem
SNR signal to noise ratio
SO significant other
SOB son of [a] bitch
SOL shit out [of] luck
SOP standard operating procedure
SSIA subject says it all
SSTO single stage to orbit
STFA search the fucking archives
STFU shut the fuck up
STFW search the fucking web
STW search the web
SUS stupid user syndrome
SUX sucks
SUX2BU sucks to be you
SWAG silly, wild-assed guess
SWAHBI silly, wild-assed hare-brained idea
SWFG search with fucking google
SWMBO she who must be obeyed
SYS see you soon
TA teaching assistant
TANSTAAFL there ain't no such thing as a free lunch
TBA to be announced
TBC to be continued
TBD to be {decided,determined,done}
TBH to be honest
TBOMK the best of my knowledge
TCB taking care of business
TCO taken care of
THNX thanks
THX thanks
TIA thanks in advance
TIAVP this is a volunteer project
TIC tonque in cheek
TIL today I learned
TINC there is no cabal
TINLA this is not legal advice
TINWIS this is not what I said
TJM that's just me
TLA three letter acronym
TLC tender loving care
TLDR too long, didn't read
TM trademark
TM trust me
TMA too many abbreviations
TMG too much government
TMI too much information
TMJ temporomandibular joint
TMK to my knowledge
TMTOWTDI there's more than one way to do it
TNF The NetBSD Foundation
TOC table of contents
TOCTOU time of check to time of use
TOEFL test of english as a foreign language
TOH to other half
TPTB the powers that be
TRT the right thing
TTBOMK to the best of my knowledge
TTFN ta ta for now
TTM to the moderator
TTT thought that too
TTYL talk to you later
TTYS talk to you soon
TWAIN thing without an interesting name
TWDT the whole damn thing
TWIAVBP the world is a very big place
TY thank you
TYVM thank you very much
U/L upload
UTSL use the source, Luke
VCR video cassette recorder
VEG very evil grin
VIP very important person
W/ with
W/O without
W8 wait
WAFWOT what a foolish waste of time
WAG wild-ass guess
WB welcome back
WCPGW what could possibly go wrong
WDYMBT what do you mean by that
WELC working effectively with legacy code
WFH working from home
WFM works for me
WIBNI wouldn't it be nice if
WIP work in progress
WMNC watch me not care
WOFTAM waste of fucking time and money
WOMBAT waste of money, brain, and time
WRT with respect to
WTB {want,willing,waiting} to buy
WTF {what,when,where,who,why} the fuck
WTFRUD what the fuck are you doing
WTG way to go
WTH {what,when,where,who,why} the hell
WTS {want,willing,waiting} to sell
WTT {want,willing,waiting} to trade
WYSIWYG what you see is what you get
WWJD what would Jesus do?
YAOTM yet another off-topic message
YAGNI you ain't gonna need it
YALIMO you are lame, in my opinion
YGM you got mail
YHBT you have been trolled
YHL you have lost
YKWIM you know what I mean
YMA yo momma's ass
YMMV your mileage may vary
YW you're welcome
YWSYLS you win some, you lose some

share/misc/acronyms.comp Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

share/misc/airport Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

share/misc/ascii Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
|000 nul|001 soh|002 stx|003 etx|004 eot|005 enq|006 ack|007 bel|
|010 bs |011 ht |012 nl |013 vt |014 np |015 cr |016 so |017 si |
|020 dle|021 dc1|022 dc2|023 dc3|024 dc4|025 nak|026 syn|027 etb|
|030 can|031 em |032 sub|033 esc|034 fs |035 gs |036 rs |037 us |
|040 sp |041 ! |042 " |043 # |044 $ |045 % |046 & |047 ' |
|050 ( |051 ) |052 * |053 + |054 , |055 - |056 . |057 / |
|060 0 |061 1 |062 2 |063 3 |064 4 |065 5 |066 6 |067 7 |
|070 8 |071 9 |072 : |073 ; |074 < |075 = |076 > |077 ? |
|100 @ |101 A |102 B |103 C |104 D |105 E |106 F |107 G |
|110 H |111 I |112 J |113 K |114 L |115 M |116 N |117 O |
|120 P |121 Q |122 R |123 S |124 T |125 U |126 V |127 W |
|130 X |131 Y |132 Z |133 [ |134 \ |135 ] |136 ^ |137 _ |
|140 ` |141 a |142 b |143 c |144 d |145 e |146 f |147 g |
|150 h |151 i |152 j |153 k |154 l |155 m |156 n |157 o |
|160 p |161 q |162 r |163 s |164 t |165 u |166 v |167 w |
|170 x |171 y |172 z |173 { |174 | |175 } |176 ~ |177 del|
| 00 nul| 01 soh| 02 stx| 03 etx| 04 eot| 05 enq| 06 ack| 07 bel|
| 08 bs | 09 ht | 0a nl | 0b vt | 0c np | 0d cr | 0e so | 0f si |
| 10 dle| 11 dc1| 12 dc2| 13 dc3| 14 dc4| 15 nak| 16 syn| 17 etb|
| 18 can| 19 em | 1a sub| 1b esc| 1c fs | 1d gs | 1e rs | 1f us |
| 20 sp | 21 ! | 22 " | 23 # | 24 $ | 25 % | 26 & | 27 ' |
| 28 ( | 29 ) | 2a * | 2b + | 2c , | 2d - | 2e . | 2f / |
| 30 0 | 31 1 | 32 2 | 33 3 | 34 4 | 35 5 | 36 6 | 37 7 |
| 38 8 | 39 9 | 3a : | 3b ; | 3c < | 3d = | 3e > | 3f ? |
| 40 @ | 41 A | 42 B | 43 C | 44 D | 45 E | 46 F | 47 G |
| 48 H | 49 I | 4a J | 4b K | 4c L | 4d M | 4e N | 4f O |
| 50 P | 51 Q | 52 R | 53 S | 54 T | 55 U | 56 V | 57 W |
| 58 X | 59 Y | 5a Z | 5b [ | 5c \ | 5d ] | 5e ^ | 5f _ |
| 60 ` | 61 a | 62 b | 63 c | 64 d | 65 e | 66 f | 67 g |
| 68 h | 69 i | 6a j | 6b k | 6c l | 6d m | 6e n | 6f o |
| 70 p | 71 q | 72 r | 73 s | 74 t | 75 u | 76 v | 77 w |
| 78 x | 79 y | 7a z | 7b { | 7c | | 7d } | 7e ~ | 7f del|
| 0 nul| 1 soh| 2 stx| 3 etx| 4 eot| 5 enq| 6 ack| 7 bel|
| 8 bs | 9 ht | 10 nl | 11 vt | 12 np | 13 cr | 14 so | 15 si |
| 16 dle| 17 dc1| 18 dc2| 19 dc3| 20 dc4| 21 nak| 22 syn| 23 etb|
| 24 can| 25 em | 26 sub| 27 esc| 28 fs | 29 gs | 30 rs | 31 us |
| 32 sp | 33 ! | 34 " | 35 # | 36 $ | 37 % | 38 & | 39 ' |
| 40 ( | 41 ) | 42 * | 43 + | 44 , | 45 - | 46 . | 47 / |
| 48 0 | 49 1 | 50 2 | 51 3 | 52 4 | 53 5 | 54 6 | 55 7 |
| 56 8 | 57 9 | 58 : | 59 ; | 60 < | 61 = | 62 > | 63 ? |
| 64 @ | 65 A | 66 B | 67 C | 68 D | 69 E | 70 F | 71 G |
| 72 H | 73 I | 74 J | 75 K | 76 L | 77 M | 78 N | 79 O |
| 80 P | 81 Q | 82 R | 83 S | 84 T | 85 U | 86 V | 87 W |
| 88 X | 89 Y | 90 Z | 91 [ | 92 \ | 93 ] | 94 ^ | 95 _ |
| 96 ` | 97 a | 98 b | 99 c |100 d |101 e |102 f |103 g |
|104 h |105 i |106 j |107 k |108 l |109 m |110 n |111 o |
|112 p |113 q |114 r |115 s |116 t |117 u |118 v |119 w |
|120 x |121 y |122 z |123 { |124 | |125 } |126 ~ |127 del|

share/misc/birthtoken Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# Birthday : Birth Stone : Birth Flower
# @(#)birthtoken 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/8/93
May:Emerald:Lily Of The Valley

share/misc/bsd-family-tree Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,606 @@
The UNIX system family tree: Research and BSD
First Edition (V1)
Second Edition (V2)
Third Edition (V3)
Fourth Edition (V4)
Fifth Edition (V5)
Sixth Edition (V6) -----*
\ |
\ |
\ |
Seventh Edition (V7) |
\ |
\ 1BSD
32V |
\ 2BSD---------------*
\ / |
\ / |
\/ |
3BSD |
| |
4.0BSD 2.79BSD
| |
4.1BSD --------------> 2.8BSD
| |
4.1aBSD -----------\ |
| \ |
4.1bBSD \ |
| \ |
*------ 4.1cBSD --------------> 2.9BSD
/ | |
Eighth Edition | 2.9BSD-Seismo
| | |
+----<--- 4.2BSD 2.9.1BSD
| | |
+----<--- 4.3BSD -------------> 2.10BSD
| | / |
Ninth Edition | / 2.10.1BSD
| 4.3BSD Tahoe-----+ |
| | \ |
| | \ |
v | 2.11BSD
Tenth Edition | |
| 2.11BSD rev #430
4.3BSD NET/1 |
| v
4.3BSD Reno
*---------- 4.3BSD NET/2 -------------------+-------------*
| | | |
386BSD 0.0 | | BSD/386 ALPHA
| | | |
386BSD 0.1 ------------>+ | BSD/386 0.3.[13]
| \ | 4.4BSD Alpha |
| 386BSD 1.0 | | BSD/386 0.9.[34]
| | 4.4BSD |
| | / | |
| | 4.4BSD-Encumbered | |
| NetBSD 0.8 | BSD/386 1.0
| | | |
FreeBSD 1.0 NetBSD 0.9 | BSD/386 1.1
| | .----- 4.4BSD Lite |
FreeBSD 1.1 | / / | \ |
| | / / | \ |
FreeBSD 1.1.5 .---|--------' / | \ |
| / | / | \ |
FreeBSD / | / | \ |
| / NetBSD 1.0 <-' | \ |
| / | | \ |
FreeBSD 2.0 <--' | | BSD/OS 2.0
| \ | |
FreeBSD 2.0.5 \ | BSD/OS 2.0.1
| .-----\------------- 4.4BSD Lite2 |
| | \ | | | | |
| | .-----|------Rhapsody | | | |
| | | | NetBSD 1.3 | | |
| | | | OpenBSD 2.3 | |
| | | | BSD/OS 3.0 |
FreeBSD 2.1 | | | |
| | | | NetBSD 1.1 ------. BSD/OS 2.1
| FreeBSD 2.1.5 | | | \ |
| | | | NetBSD 1.2 \ BSD/OS 3.0
| FreeBSD 2.1.6 | | | \ OpenBSD 2.0 |
| | | | | \ | |
| FreeBSD | | | \ | |
| | | | | \ | |
| FreeBSD 2.1.7 | | | | | |
| | | | | NetBSD 1.2.1 | |
| FreeBSD | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
*-FreeBSD 2.2 | | | | |
| \ | | | | |
| FreeBSD 2.2.1 | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| FreeBSD 2.2.2 | | | OpenBSD 2.1 |
| | | | | | |
| FreeBSD 2.2.5 | | | | |
| | | | | OpenBSD 2.2 |
| | | | NetBSD 1.3 | |
| FreeBSD 2.2.6 | | | | | |
| | | | | NetBSD 1.3.1 | BSD/OS 3.1
| | | | | | OpenBSD 2.3 |
| | | | | NetBSD 1.3.2 | |
| FreeBSD 2.2.7 | | | | | |
| | | | | | | BSD/OS 4.0
| v | | | | | |
| FreeBSD 2.2.8 | | | | | |
| | | | | OpenBSD 2.4 |
FreeBSD 3.0 <--------* | | v | |
| | | NetBSD 1.3.3 | |
*---FreeBSD 3.1 | | | |
| | | | | BSD/OS 4.0.1
| FreeBSD 3.2----* | NetBSD 1.4 OpenBSD 2.5 |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| FreeBSD 3.3 | | | | NetBSD 1.4.1 | |
| | | | | | | OpenBSD 2.6 |
| FreeBSD 3.4 | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | BSD/OS 4.1
FreeBSD 4.0 | | | | | NetBSD 1.4.2 | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| FreeBSD 3.5 | | | | | OpenBSD 2.7 |
| | | | | | | | |
| FreeBSD 3.5.1 | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
*---FreeBSD 4.1 | | | | | | |
| | | | (?) | | | |
| FreeBSD 4.1.1 | | / | | | |
| | | | / | | | |
| FreeBSD 4.2 Darwin/ | NetBSD 1.4.3 | |
| | Mac OS X | OpenBSD 2.8 BSD/OS 4.2
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | 10.0 NetBSD 1.5 | |
| FreeBSD 4.3 | | | | |
| | | | | OpenBSD 2.9 |
| | | | NetBSD 1.5.1 | |
| | | | | | |
| FreeBSD 4.4-. | | NetBSD 1.5.2 | |
| | | Mac OS X | | | |
| | | 10.1 | | OpenBSD 3.0 |
| FreeBSD 4.5 | | | | | |
| | \ | | | | BSD/OS 4.3
| FreeBSD 4.6 \ | | | OpenBSD 3.1 |
| | \ | | NetBSD 1.5.3 | |
| FreeBSD 4.6.2 Mac OS X | | |
| | 10.2 | | |
| FreeBSD 4.7 | | | |
| | | NetBSD 1.6 OpenBSD 3.2 |
| FreeBSD 4.8 | | | | |
| | | | NetBSD 1.6.1 | |
| |--------. | | | OpenBSD 3.3 BSD/OS 5.0
| | \ | | | | |
| FreeBSD 4.9 | | | | OpenBSD 3.4 BSD/OS 5.1 ISE
| | | | | | |
| | | | | NetBSD 1.6.2 |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | OpenBSD 3.5
| | | | | v |
| FreeBSD 4.10 | | | |
| | | | | |
| FreeBSD 4.11 | | | |
| | | | |
| `-|------|-----------------|---------------------.
| | | | \
FreeBSD 5.0 | | | |
| | | | |
FreeBSD 5.1 | | | DragonFly 1.0
| \ | | | |
| ----- Mac OS X | | |
| 10.3 | | |
FreeBSD 5.2 | | | |
| | | | | |
| FreeBSD 5.2.1 | | | |
| | | | |
*-------FreeBSD 5.3 | | | |
| | | | OpenBSD 3.6 |
| | | NetBSD 2.0 | |
| | | | | | | DragonFly 1.2.0
| | Mac OS X | | NetBSD 2.0.2 | |
| | 10.4 | | | | |
| FreeBSD 5.4 | | | | | |
| | | | | | OpenBSD 3.7 |
| | | | | NetBSD 2.0.3 | |
| | | | | | | |
*--FreeBSD | | | | v OpenBSD 3.8 |
| 6.0 | | | | | |
| | | | | \ | |
| | | | | NetBSD 2.1 | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | NetBSD 3.0 | |
| | | | | | | | DragonFly 1.4.0
| | | | | | | OpenBSD 3.9 |
| FreeBSD | | | | | | |
| 6.1 | | | | | | |
| | FreeBSD 5.5 | | | | | |
| | | | | NetBSD 3.0.1 | DragonFly 1.6.0
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | OpenBSD 4.0 |
| | | | | NetBSD 3.0.2 | |
| | | | NetBSD 3.1 | |
| FreeBSD 6.2 | | | |
| | | | | DragonFly 1.8.0
| | | | OpenBSD 4.1 |
| | | | | DragonFly 1.10.0
| | Mac OS X | | |
| | 10.5 | | |
| | | | OpenBSD 4.2 |
| | | NetBSD 4.0 | |
| FreeBSD 6.3 | | | |
| \ | | | |
*--FreeBSD | | | | DragonFly 1.12.0
| 7.0 | | | | |
| | | | | OpenBSD 4.3 |
| | | | | | DragonFly 2.0.0
| | FreeBSD | | OpenBSD 4.4 |
| | 6.4 | | | |
| | | | | |
| FreeBSD 7.1 | | | |
| | | | | DragonFly 2.2.0
| FreeBSD 7.2 | NetBSD 5.0 OpenBSD 4.5 |
| \ | | | | |
| | Mac OS X | | | |
| | 10.6 | | | |
| | | | | | DragonFly 2.4.0
| | | | | OpenBSD 4.6 |
| | | | | | |
*--FreeBSD | | | | | |
| 8.0 | | | | | |
| | FreeBSD | | | | |
| | 7.3 | | | | DragonFly 2.6.0
| | | | | | OpenBSD 4.7 |
| FreeBSD | | | | | |
| 8.1 | | | | | |
| | | | | | | DragonFly 2.8.2
| | | | | | OpenBSD 4.8 |
| | | | | NetBSD 5.1 | |
| FreeBSD FreeBSD | | | |
| 8.2 7.4 | | | DragonFly 2.10.1
| v | | OpenBSD 4.9 |
| Mac OS X | | |
| 10.7 | | |
| | | OpenBSD 5.0 |
+--FreeBSD | | | |
| 9.0 | | | |
| v | | | |
| | | | |
FreeBSD 10 -current | NetBSD -current OpenBSD -current |
| | | | |
v v v v v
Time tolerance +/- 6 months, depending on which book/article you read; if it
was the announcement in Usenet or if it was available as tape.
[44B] McKusick, Marshall Kirk, Keith Bostic, Michael J Karels,
and John Quarterman. The Design and Implementation of
the 4.4BSD Operating System.
[APL] Apple website []
[BSDI] Berkeley Software Design, Inc.
[DFB] DragonFlyBSD Project, The.
[FBD] FreeBSD Project, The.
[KB] Keith Bostic. BSD2.10 available from Usenix. comp.unix.sources,
Volume 11, Info 4, April, 1987.
[KKK] Mike Karels, Kirk McKusick, and Keith Bostic. tahoe announcement.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes, June 15, 1988.
[KSJ] Michael J. Karels, Carl F. Smith, and William F. Jolitz.
Changes in the Kernel in 2.9BSD. Second Berkeley Software
Distribution UNIX Version 2.9, July, 1983.
[NBD] NetBSD Project, The.
[OBD] OpenBSD Project, The.
[QCU] Salus, Peter H. A quarter century of UNIX.
[SMS] Steven M. Schultz. 2.11BSD, UNIX for the PDP-11.
[TUHS] The Unix Historical Society.
[USE] Usenet announcement.
[WRS] Wind River Systems, Inc.
[dmr] Dennis Ritchie, via E-Mail
Multics 1965
UNIX Summer 1969
First Edition 1971-11-03 [QCU]
DEC PDP-11/20, Assembler
Second Edition 1972-06-12 [QCU]
10 UNIX installations
Third Edition 1973-02-xx [QCU]
Pipes, 16 installations
Fourth Edition 1973-11-xx [QCU]
rewriting in C effected,
above 30 installations
Fifth Edition 1974-06-xx [QCU]
above 50 installations
Sixth Edition 1975-05-xx [QCU]
port to DEC Vax
Seventh Edition 1979-01-xx [QCU]
first portable UNIX
Eighth Edition 1985-02-xx [QCU]
VAX 11/750, VAX 11/780 [dmr]
descended from 4.1c BSD [dmr]
descended from 4.1 BSD [44B]
scooping-out and replacement of the character-device
and networking part by the streams mechanism
Ninth Edition 1986-09-xx [QCU]
Tenth Edition 1989-10-xx [QCU]
1BSD late 1977
1978-03-09 [QCU]
PDP-11, Pascal, ex(1)
30 free copies of 1BSD sent out
35 tapes sold for 50 USD [QCU]
2BSD mid 1978 [QCU] 1979-05-10 [TUHS]
75 2BSD tapes shipped
2.79BSD 1980-04-xx [TUHS]
2.8BSD 1981-07-xx [KSJ]
2.8.1BSD 1982-01-xx [QCU]
set of performance improvements
2.9BSD 1983-07-xx [KSJ]
2.9.1BSD 1983-11-xx [TUHS]
2.9BSD-Seismo 1985-08-xx [SMS]
2.10BSD 1987-04-xx [KKK]
2.10.1BSD 1989-01-xx [SMS]
2.11BSD 1992-02-xx [SMS]
2.11BSD rev #430 1999-12-13 [SMS]
32V 1978-1[01]-xx [QCU]
3BSD late 1979 [QCU] March 1980 [TUHS]
virtual memory, page replacement,
demand paging
4.0BSD 1980-10-xx
4.1BSD 1981-07-08 [DOC]
4.1aBSD 1982-04-xx
alpha release, 100 sites, networking [44B]
4.1bBSD internal release, fast filesystem [44B]
4.1cBSD late 1982
beta release, IPC [44B]
4.2BSD 1983-09-xx [QCU]
1983-08-03 [DOC]
4.3BSD 1986-06-xx [QCU]
1986-04-05 [KB], [DOC]
4.3BSD Tahoe 1988-06-15 [QCU], [DOC]
4.3BSD NET/1 1988-11-xx [QCU]
1989-01-01 [DOC]
4.3BSD Reno 1990-06-29 [QCU], [DOC]
4.3BSD NET/2 1991-06-28 [QCU], [DOC]
BSD/386 ALPHA 1991-12-xx [BSDI]
first code released to people outside BSDI
386BSD 0.0 1992-02-xx [DOC]
BSD/386 0.3.1 1992-04-xx [BSDI] first ext. beta; B customers
BSD/386 0.3.3 1992-06-xx [BSDI] first CDROM version
386BSD 0.1 1992-07-28 [DOC]
4.4BSD Alpha 1992-07-07
BSD/386 0.9.3 1992-10-xx [BSDI]
first external gamma; G customers
BSD/386 0.9.4 1992-12-xx [BSDI]
would have been 1.0 except for request
for preliminary injunction
BSD/386 1.0 1993-03-xx [BSDI]
injunction denied; first official release
NetBSD 0.8 1993-04-20 [NBD]
4.4BSD 1993-06-01 [USE]
NetBSD 0.9 1993-08-23 [NBD]
FreeBSD 1.0 1993-11-01 [FBD]
FreeBSD 1.0.2 1993-11-14 [FBD]
supersedes 1.0 13 days after release.
BSD/386 1.1 1994-02-xx [BSDI]
4.4BSD Lite 1994-03-01 [USE]
FreeBSD 1.1 1994-05-07 [FBD]
FreeBSD 1.1.5 1994-06-30 [FBD]
FreeBSD 1994-07-05 [FBD]
supersedes 1.1.5 5 days after release.
NetBSD 1.0 1994-10-26 [NBD]
386BSD 1.0 1994-11-12 [USE]
FreeBSD 2.0 1994-11-23 [FBD]
BSD/OS 2.0 1995-01-xx [BSDI] 4.4 lite based
FreeBSD 2.0.5 1995-06-10 [FBD]
BSD/OS 2.0.1 1995-06-xx [BSDI]
4.4BSD Lite Release 2 1995-06-xx [44B]
the true final distribution from the CSRG
FreeBSD 2.1.0 1995-11-19 [FBD]
NetBSD 1.1 1995-11-26 [NBD]
BSD/OS 2.1 1996-01-xx [BSDI]
FreeBSD 2.1.5 1996-07-14 [FBD]
NetBSD 1.2 1996-10-04 [NBD]
OpenBSD 2.0 1996-10-18 [OBD]
FreeBSD 2.1.6 1996-11-16 [FBD]
FreeBSD 1996-11-25 [FBD] (sendmail security release)
Rhapsody 1997-xx-xx
FreeBSD 2.1.7 1997-02-20 [FBD]
BSD/OS 3.0 1997-02-xx [BSDI] 4.4 lite2 based
FreeBSD 2.2.0 1997-03-16 [FBD]
FreeBSD 2.2.1 1997-03-25 [FBD]
FreeBSD 2.2.2 1997-05-16 [FBD]
NetBSD 1.2.1 1997-05-20 [NBD] (patch release)
OpenBSD 2.1 1997-06-01 [OBD]
FreeBSD 2.2.5 1997-10-22 [FBD]
OpenBSD 2.2 1997-12-01 [OBD]
NetBSD 1.3 1998-01-04 [NBD]
FreeBSD 2.2.6 1998-03-25 [FBD]
NetBSD 1.3.1 1998-03-09 [NBD] (patch release)
BSD/OS 3.1 1998-03-xx [BSDI]
OpenBSD 2.3 1998-05-19 [OBD]
NetBSD 1.3.2 1998-05-29 [NBD] (patch release)
FreeBSD 2.2.7 1998-07-22 [FBD]
BSD/OS 4.0 1998-08-xx [BSDI]
2-lock MP support, ELF executables
FreeBSD 3.0 1998-10-16 [FBD]
FreeBSD-3.0 is a snapshot from -current,
while 3.1 and 3.2 are from 3.x-stable which
was branched quite some time after 3.0-release
FreeBSD 2.2.8 1998-11-29 [FBD]
OpenBSD 2.4 1998-12-01 [OBD]
NetBSD 1.3.3 1998-12-23 [NBD] (patch release)
FreeBSD 3.1 1999-02-15 [FBD]
BSD/OS 4.0.1 1999-03-xx [BSDI]
NetBSD 1.4 1999-05-12 [NBD]
FreeBSD 3.2 1999-05-17 [FBD]
OpenBSD 2.5 1999-05-19 [OBD]
NetBSD 1.4.1 1999-08-26 [NBD] (patch release)
FreeBSD 3.3 1999-09-17 [FBD]
OpenBSD 2.6 1999-12-01 [OBD]
FreeBSD 3.4 1999-12-20 [FBD]
BSD/OS 4.1 1999-12-xx [BSDI]
FreeBSD 4.0 2000-03-13 [FBD]
NetBSD 1.4.2 2000-03-19 [NBD] (patch release)
OpenBSD 2.7 2000-06-15 [OBD]
FreeBSD 3.5 2000-06-24 [FBD]
FreeBSD 4.1 2000-07-27 [FBD]
FreeBSD 3.5.1 2000-07-28 [FBD]
FreeBSD 4.1.1 2000-09-25 [FBD] (a network-only patch release)
FreeBSD 4.2 2000-11-21 [FBD]
NetBSD 1.4.3 2000-11-25 [NBD] (patch release)
BSD/OS 4.2 2000-11-29 [BSDI]
OpenBSD 2.8 2000-12-01 [OBD]
NetBSD 1.5 2000-12-06 [NBD]
Mac OS X 10.0 2001-03-24 [APL]
FreeBSD 4.3 2001-04-20 [FBD]
OpenBSD 2.9 2001-06-01 [OBD]
NetBSD 1.5.1 2001-07-11 [NBD] (patch release)
NetBSD 1.5.2 2001-09-13 [NBD] (patch release)
FreeBSD 4.4 2001-09-18 [FBD]
Mac OS X 10.1 2001-09-29 [APL]
OpenBSD 3.0 2001-12-01 [OBD]
FreeBSD 4.5 2002-01-29 [FBD]
BSD/OS 4.3 2002-03-14 [WRS]
OpenBSD 3.1 2002-05-19 [OBD]
FreeBSD 4.6 2002-06-15 [FBD]
NetBSD 1.5.3 2002-07-22 [NBD] (patch release)
FreeBSD 4.6.2 2002-08-15 [FBD] (patch release)
Mac OS X 10.2 2002-08-23 [APL]
NetBSD 1.6 2002-09-14 [NBD]
FreeBSD 4.7 2002-10-08 [FBD]
OpenBSD 3.2 2002-11-01 [OBD]
FreeBSD 5.0 2003-01-17 [FBD]
FreeBSD 5.0 is a separate branch off of
-current, similar to 3.0.
FreeBSD 4.8 2003-04-03 [FBD]
NetBSD 1.6.1 2003-04-21 [NBD] (patch release)
OpenBSD 3.3 2003-05-01 [OBD]
BSD/OS 5.0 2003-05-?? [WRS]
FreeBSD 5.1 2003-06-09 [FBD]
Mac OS X 10.3 2003-10-24 [APL]
FreeBSD 4.9 2003-10-28 [FBD]
BSD/OS 5.1 ISE 2003-10-?? [WRS] (final version)
OpenBSD 3.4 2003-11-01 [OBD]
FreeBSD 5.2 2004-01-12 [FBD]
FreeBSD 5.2.1 2004-02-22 [FBD] (patch release)
NetBSD 1.6.2 2004-03-01 [NBD] (patch release)
OpenBSD 3.5 2004-04-01 [OBD]
FreeBSD 4.10 2004-05-27 [FBD]
DragonFly 1.0 2004-07-12 [DFB]
OpenBSD 3.6 2004-10-29 [OBD]
FreeBSD 5.3 2004-11-06 [FBD]
NetBSD 2.0 2004-12-09 [NBD]
FreeBSD 4.11 2005-01-25 [FBD]
DragonFly 1.2.0 2005-04-08 [DFB]
NetBSD 2.0.2 2005-04-14 [NBD] (security/critical release)
Mac OS X 10.4 2005-04-29 [APL]
FreeBSD 5.4 2005-05-09 [FBD]
OpenBSD 3.7 2005-05-19 [OBD]
NetBSD 2.0.3 2005-10-31 [NBD] (security/critical release)
OpenBSD 3.8 2005-11-01 [OBD]
FreeBSD 6.0 2005-11-01 [FBD]
NetBSD 2.1 2005-11-02 [NBD]
NetBSD 3.0 2005-12-23 [NBD]
DragonFly 1.4.0 2006-01-08 [DFB]
OpenBSD 3.9 2006-05-01 [OBD]
FreeBSD 6.1 2006-05-08 [FBD]
FreeBSD 5.5 2006-05-25 [FBD]
NetBSD 3.0.1 2006-07-24 [NBD] (security/critical release)
DragonFly 1.6.0 2006-07-24 [DFB]
OpenBSD 4.0 2006-11-01 [OBD]
NetBSD 3.0.2 2006-11-04 [NBD] (security/critical release)
NetBSD 3.1 2006-11-04 [NBD]
FreeBSD 6.2 2007-01-15 [FBD]
DragonFly 1.8.0 2007-01-30 [DFB]
OpenBSD 4.1 2007-05-01 [OBD]
DragonFly 1.10.0 2007-08-06 [DFB]
Mac OS X 10.5 2007-10-26 [APL]
OpenBSD 4.2 2007-11-01 [OBD]
NetBSD 4.0 2007-12-19 [NBD]
FreeBSD 6.3 2008-01-18 [FBD]
DragonFly 1.12.0 2008-02-26 [DFB]
FreeBSD 7.0 2008-02-27 [FBD]
OpenBSD 4.3 2008-05-01 [OBD]
DragonFly 2.0.0 2008-07-21 [DFB]
OpenBSD 4.4 2008-11-01 [OBD]
FreeBSD 6.4 2008-11-28 [FBD]
FreeBSD 7.1 2009-01-04 [FBD]
DragonFly 2.2.0 2009-02-17 [DFB]
NetBSD 5.0 2009-04-29 [NBD]
OpenBSD 4.5 2009-05-01 [OBD]
FreeBSD 7.2 2009-05-04 [FBD]
Mac OS X 10.6 2009-06-08 [APL]
DragonFly 2.4.0 2009-09-16 [DFB]
OpenBSD 4.6 2009-10-18 [OBD]
FreeBSD 8.0 2009-11-26 [FBD]
FreeBSD 7.3 2010-03-23 [FBD]
DragonFly 2.6.0 2010-03-28 [DFB]
OpenBSD 4.7 2010-05-19 [OBD]
FreeBSD 8.1 2010-07-24 [FBD]
DragonFly 2.8.2 2010-10-30 [DFB]
OpenBSD 4.8 2010-11-01 [OBD]
NetBSD 5.1 2010-11-19 [NBD]
FreeBSD 7.4 2011-02-24 [FBD]
FreeBSD 8.2 2011-02-24 [FBD]
DragonFly 2.10.1 2011-04-26 [DFB]
OpenBSD 4.9 2011-05-01 [OBD]
Mac OS X 10.7 2011-07-20 [APL]
OpenBSD 5.0 2011-11-01 [OBD]
FreeBSD 9.0 2012-01-12 [FBD]
Leffler, Samuel J., Marshall Kirk McKusick, Michael J Karels and John
Quarterman. The Design and Implementation of the 4.3BSD UNIX Operating
System. Reading, Mass. Addison-Wesley, 1989. ISBN 0-201-06196-1
Salus, Peter H. A quarter century of UNIX. Addison-Wesley Publishing
Company, Inc., 1994. ISBN 0-201-54777-5
McKusick, Marshall Kirk, Keith Bostic, Michael J Karels, and John
Quarterman. The Design and Implementation of the 4.4BSD Operating
System. Reading, Mass. Addison-Wesley, 1996. ISBN 0-201-54979-4
McKusick, Marshall Kirk, George Neville-Neil. The Design and
Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System.
Addison-Wesley Professional, Published: Aug 2, 2004. ISBN 0-201-70245-2
Doug McIlroy. Research Unix Reader.
Michael G. Brown. The Role of BSD in the Development of Unix.
Presented to the Tasmanian Unix Special Interest Group of the
Australian Computer Society, Hobart, August 1993.
Peter H. Salus. Unix at 25. Byte Magazine, October 1994.
Andreas Klemm, Lars Köller. If you're going to San Francisco ...
Die freien BSD-Varianten von Unix. c't April 1997, page 368ff.
BSD Release Announcements collection.
BSD Hypertext Man Pages
UNIX history graphing project
UNIX history
James Howard: The BSD Family Tree
("what are the differences between FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD?")
Josh Gilliam for suggestions, bug fixes, and finding very old
original BSD announcements from Usenet or tapes.
Steven M. Schultz for providing 2.8BSD, 2.10BSD, 2.11BSD manual pages.
Copyright (c) 1997-2012 Wolfram Schneider <wosch@FreeBSD.ORG>
$FreeBSD: src/share/misc/bsd-family-tree,v 1.150 2012/01/13 06:18:23 maxim Exp $

share/misc/country Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
# $NetBSD: country,v 1.15 2009/12/15 03:39:19 christos Exp $
# ISO 3166-1 Country Codes
# The format of an entry is:
# <Name><TAB><Alpha-2-code><TAB><Alpha-3-code><TAB><Numeric-3-code><TAB><FIPS>
# Further information can be found at the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency
# (ISO 3166/MA) web site,
# <>.
# FIPS 10-4 codes compiled from several sources, including
# ISO 3166-1 entities without exactly one corresponding FIPS code have a
# blank entry in the column. FIPS 10-4 codes without a corresponding
# ISO 3166-1 entity are excluded.
# This list is up-to-date as of 2009-12-14
Aaland AX ALA 248
Afghanistan AF AFG 004 AF
Albania AL ALB 008 AL
Algeria DZ DZA 012 AG
American Samoa AS ASM 016 AQ
Andorra AD AND 020 AN
Angola AO AGO 024 AO
Anguilla AI AIA 660 AV
Antarctica AQ ATA 010 AY
Antigua and Barbuda AG ATG 028 AC
Argentina AR ARG 032 AR
Armenia AM ARM 051 AM
Aruba AW ABW 533 AA
Australia AU AUS 036 AS
Austria AT AUT 040 AU
Azerbaijan AZ AZE 031 AJ
Bahamas BS BHS 044 BF
Bahrain BH BHR 048 BA
Bangladesh BD BGD 050 BG
Barbados BB BRB 052 BB
Belarus BY BLR 112 BO
Belgium BE BEL 056 BE
Belize BZ BLZ 084 BH
Benin BJ BEN 204 BN
Bermuda BM BMU 060 BD
Bhutan BT BTN 064 BT
Bolivia BO BOL 068 BL
Bosnia and Herzegovina BA BIH 070 BK
Botswana BW BWA 072 BC
Bouvet Island BV BVT 074 BV
Brazil BR BRA 076 BR
British Indian Ocean Territory IO IOT 086 IO
Brunei Darussalam BN BRN 096 BX
Bulgaria BG BGR 100 BU
Burkina Faso BF BFA 854 UV
Burundi BI BDI 108 BY
Cambodia KH KHM 116 CB
Cameroon CM CMR 120 CM
Canada CA CAN 124 CA
Cape Verde CV CPV 132 CV
Cayman Islands KY CYM 136 CJ
Central African Republic CF CAF 140 CT
Chad TD TCD 148 CD
Chile CL CHL 152 CI
China CN CHN 156 CH
Christmas Island CX CXR 162 KT
Cocos (Keeling) Islands CC CCK 166 CK
Colombia CO COL 170 CO
Comoros KM COM 174 CN
Congo (Brazzaville) CG COG 178 CF
Congo (Kinshasa) CD COD 180 CG
Cook Islands CK COK 184 CW
Costa Rica CR CRI 188 CS
Cote d'Ivoire CI CIV 384 IV
Croatia HR HRV 191 HR
Cuba CU CUB 192 CU
Cyprus CY CYP 196 CY
Czech Republic CZ CZE 203 EZ
Denmark DK DNK 208 DA
Djibouti DJ DJI 262 DJ
Dominica DM DMA 212 DO
Dominican Republic DO DOM 214 DR
Ecuador EC ECU 218 EC
Egypt EG EGY 818 EG
El Salvador SV SLV 222 ES
Equatorial Guinea GQ GNQ 226 EK
Eritrea ER ERI 232 ER
Estonia EE EST 233 EN
Ethiopia ET ETH 231 ET
Falkland Islands FK FLK 238 FK
Faroe Islands FO FRO 234 FO
Fiji FJ FJI 242 FJ
Finland FI FIN 246 FI
France FR FRA 250 FR
French Guiana GF GUF 254 FG
French Polynesia PF PYF 258 FP
French Southern Lands TF ATF 260 FS
Gabon GA GAB 266 GB
Gambia GM GMB 270 GA
Georgia GE GEO 268 GG
Germany DE DEU 276 GM
Ghana GH GHA 288 GH
Gibraltar GI GIB 292 GI
Greece GR GRC 300 GR
Greenland GL GRL 304 GL
Grenada GD GRD 308 GJ
Guadeloupe GP GLP 312 GP
Guam GU GUM 316 GQ
Guatemala GT GTM 320 GT
Guernsey GG GGY 831 GK
Guinea GN GIN 324 GV
Guinea-Bissau GW GNB 624 PU
Guyana GY GUY 328 GY
Haiti HT HTI 332 HA
Heard and McDonald Islands HM HMD 334 HM
Honduras HN HND 340 HO
Hong Kong HK HKG 344 HK
Hungary HU HUN 348 HU
Iceland IS ISL 352 IC
India IN IND 356 IN
Indonesia ID IDN 360 ID
Iran IR IRN 364 IR
Iraq IQ IRQ 368 IZ
Ireland IE IRL 372 EI
Isle of Man IM IMN 833 IM
Israel IL ISR 376 IS
Italy IT ITA 380 IT
Jamaica JM JAM 388 JM
Japan JP JPN 392 JA
Jersey JE JEY 832 JE
Jordan JO JOR 400 JO
Kazakhstan KZ KAZ 398 KZ
Kenya KE KEN 404 KE
Kiribati KI KIR 296 KR
Korea, North KP PRK 408 KN
Korea, South KR KOR 410 KS
Kuwait KW KWT 414 KU
Kyrgyzstan KG KGZ 417 KG
Laos LA LAO 418 LA
Latvia LV LVA 428 LG
Lebanon LB LBN 422 LE
Lesotho LS LSO 426 LT
Liberia LR LBR 430 LI
Libya LY LBY 434 LY
Liechtenstein LI LIE 438 LS
Lithuania LT LTU 440 LH
Luxembourg LU LUX 442 LU
Macau MO MAC 446 MC
Macedonia MK MKD 807 MK
Madagascar MG MDG 450 MA
Malawi MW MWI 454 MI
Malaysia MY MYS 458 MY
Maldives MV MDV 462 MV
Mali ML MLI 466 ML
Malta MT MLT 470 MT
Marshall Islands MH MHL 584 RM
Martinique MQ MTQ 474 MB
Mauritania MR MRT 478 MR
Mauritius MU MUS 480 MP
Mayotte YT MYT 175 MF
Mexico MX MEX 484 MX
Micronesia FM FSM 583 FM
Moldova MD MDA 498 MD
Monaco MC MCO 492 MN
Mongolia MN MNG 496 MG
Montenegro ME MNE 499 MJ
Montserrat MS MSR 500 MH
Morocco MA MAR 504 MO
Mozambique MZ MOZ 508 MZ
Myanmar MM MMR 104 BM
Namibia NA NAM 516 WA
Nauru NR NRU 520 NR
Nepal NP NPL 524 NP
Netherlands NL NLD 528 NL
Netherlands Antilles AN ANT 530 NT
New Caledonia NC NCL 540 NC
New Zealand NZ NZL 554 NZ
Nicaragua NI NIC 558 NU
Niger NE NER 562 NG
Nigeria NG NGA 566 NI
Niue NU NIU 570 NE
Norfolk Island NF NFK 574 NF
Northern Mariana Islands MP MNP 580 CQ
Norway NO NOR 578 NO
Oman OM OMN 512 MU
Pakistan PK PAK 586 PK
Palau PW PLW 585 PS
Palestine PS PSE 275 GZ WE
Panama PA PAN 591 PM
Papua New Guinea PG PNG 598 PP
Paraguay PY PRY 600 PA
Peru PE PER 604 PE
Philippines PH PHL 608 RP
Pitcairn PN PCN 612 PC
Poland PL POL 616 PL
Portugal PT PRT 620 PO
Puerto Rico PR PRI 630 RQ
Qatar QA QAT 634 QA
Reunion RE REU 638 RE
Romania RO ROU 642 RO
Russian Federation RU RUS 643 RS
Rwanda RW RWA 646 RW
Saint Barthélemy BL BLM 652 TB
Saint Helena SH SHN 654 SH
Saint Kitts and Nevis KN KNA 659 SC
Saint Lucia LC LCA 662 ST
Saint Martin (French part) MF MAF 663 RN
Saint Pierre and Miquelon PM SPM 666 SB
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VC VCT 670 VC
Samoa WS WSM 882 WS
San Marino SM SMR 674 SM
Sao Tome and Principe ST STP 678 TP
Saudi Arabia SA SAU 682 SA
Senegal SN SEN 686 SG
Serbia RS SRB 688 RI KV
Seychelles SC SYC 690 SE
Sierra Leone SL SLE 694 SL
Singapore SG SGP 702 SN
Slovakia SK SVK 703 LO
Slovenia SI SVN 705 SI
Solomon Islands SB SLB 090 BP
Somalia SO SOM 706 SO
South Africa ZA ZAF 710 SF
South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands GS SGS 239 SX
Spain ES ESP 724 SP
Sri Lanka LK LKA 144 CE
Sudan SD SDN 736 SU
Suriname SR SUR 740 NS
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands SJ SJM 744 SV JN
Swaziland SZ SWZ 748 WZ
Sweden SE SWE 752 SW
Switzerland CH CHE 756 SZ
Syria SY SYR 760 SY
Taiwan TW TWN 158 TW
Tajikistan TJ TJK 762 TI
Tanzania TZ TZA 834 TZ
Thailand TH THA 764 TH
Timor-Leste TL TLS 626 TT
Togo TG TGO 768 TO
Tokelau TK TKL 772 TL
Tonga TO TON 776 TN
Trinidad and Tobago TT TTO 780 TD
Tunisia TN TUN 788 TS
Turkey TR TUR 792 TU
Turkmenistan TM TKM 795 TX
Turks and Caicos Islands TC TCA 796 TK
Tuvalu TV TUV 798 TV
Uganda UG UGA 800 UG
Ukraine UA UKR 804 UP
United Arab Emirates AE ARE 784 AE
United Kingdom GB GBR 826 UK
United States of America US USA 840 US
Uruguay UY URY 858 UY
Uzbekistan UZ UZB 860 UZ
Vanuatu VU VUT 548 NH
Vatican City VA VAT 336 VT
Venezuela VE VEN 862 VE
Vietnam VN VNM 704 VM
Virgin Islands, British VG VGB 092 VI
Virgin Islands, U.S. VI VIR 850 VQ
Wallis and Futuna Islands WF WLF 876 WF
Western Sahara EH ESH 732 WI
Yemen YE YEM 887 YM
Zambia ZM ZMB 894 ZA
Zimbabwe ZW ZWE 716 ZI

share/misc/domains Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
# $NetBSD: domains,v 1.7 2007/09/29 15:40:58 hubertf Exp $
# ISO 3166 country codes, from
# Last update: Sat Sep 29 17:40:22 CEST 2007
ac Ascension Island
ad Andorra
ae United Arab Emirates
af Afghanistan
ag Antigua and Barbuda
ai Anguilla
al Albania
am Armenia
an Netherlands Antilles
ao Angola
aq Antarctica
ar Argentina
as American Samoa
at Austria
au Australia
aw Aruba
ax Aland Islands
az Azerbaijan
ba Bosnia and Herzegovina
bb Barbados
bd Bangladesh
be Belgium
bf Burkina Faso
bg Bulgaria
bh Bahrain
bi Burundi
bj Benin
bm Bermuda
bn Brunei Darussalam
bo Bolivia
br Brazil
bs Bahamas
bt Bhutan
bv Bouvet Island
bw Botswana
by Belarus
bz Belize
ca Canada
cc Cocos (Keeling) Islands
cd Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
cf Central African Republic
cg Congo, Republic of
ch Switzerland
ci Cote d'Ivoire
ck Cook Islands
cl Chile
cm Cameroon
cn China
co Colombia
cr Costa Rica
cu Cuba
cv Cape Verde
cx Christmas Island
cy Cyprus
cz Czech Republic
de Germany
dj Djibouti
dk Denmark
dm Dominica
do Dominican Republic
dz Algeria
ec Ecuador
ee Estonia
eg Egypt
eh Western Sahara
er Eritrea
es Spain
et Ethiopia
eu European Union
fi Finland
fj Fiji
fk Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
fm Micronesia, Federated States of
fo Faroe Islands
fr France
ga Gabon
gb United Kingdom
gd Grenada
ge Georgia
gf French Guiana
gg Guernsey
gh Ghana
gi Gibraltar
gl Greenland
gm Gambia
gn Guinea
gp Guadeloupe
gq Equatorial Guinea
gr Greece
gs South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
gt Guatemala
gu Guam
gw Guinea-Bissau
gy Guyana
hk Hong Kong
hm Heard and McDonald Islands
hn Honduras
hr Croatia/Hrvatska
ht Haiti
hu Hungary
id Indonesia
ie Ireland
il Israel
im Isle of Man
in India
io British Indian Ocean Territory
iq Iraq
ir Iran, Islamic Republic of
is Iceland
it Italy
je Jersey
jm Jamaica
jo Jordan
jp Japan
ke Kenya
kg Kyrgyzstan
kh Cambodia
ki Kiribati
km Comoros
kn Saint Kitts and Nevis
kp Korea, Democratic People's Republic
kr Korea, Republic of
kw Kuwait
ky Cayman Islands
kz Kazakhstan
la Lao People's Democratic Republic
lb Lebanon
lc Saint Lucia
li Liechtenstein
lk Sri Lanka
lr Liberia
ls Lesotho
lt Lithuania
lu Luxembourg
lv Latvia
ly Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
ma Morocco
mc Monaco
md Moldova, Republic of
me Montenegro
mg Madagascar
mh Marshall Islands
mk Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of
ml Mali
mm Myanmar
mn Mongolia
mo Macao
mp Northern Mariana Islands
mq Martinique
mr Mauritania
ms Montserrat
mt Malta
mu Mauritius
mv Maldives
mw Malawi
mx Mexico
my Malaysia
mz Mozambique
na Namibia
nc New Caledonia
ne Niger
nf Norfolk Island
ng Nigeria
ni Nicaragua
nl Netherlands
no Norway
np Nepal
nr Nauru
nu Niue
nz New Zealand
om Oman
pa Panama
pe Peru
pf French Polynesia
pg Papua New Guinea
ph Philippines
pk Pakistan
pl Poland
pm Saint Pierre and Miquelon
pn Pitcairn Island
pr Puerto Rico
ps Palestinian Territory, Occupied
pt Portugal
pw Palau
py Paraguay
qa Qatar
re Reunion Island
ro Romania
rs Serbia
ru Russian Federation
rw Rwanda
sa Saudi Arabia
sb Solomon Islands
sc Seychelles
sd Sudan
se Sweden
sg Singapore
sh Saint Helena
si Slovenia
sj Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands
sk Slovak Republic
sl Sierra Leone
sm San Marino
sn Senegal
so Somalia
sr Suriname
st Sao Tome and Principe
su Soviet Union (being phased out)
sv El Salvador
sy Syrian Arab Republic
sz Swaziland
tc Turks and Caicos Islands
td Chad
tf French Southern Territories
tg Togo
th Thailand
tj Tajikistan
tk Tokelau
tl Timor-Leste
tm Turkmenistan
tn Tunisia
to Tonga
tp East Timor
tr Turkey
tt Trinidad and Tobago
tv Tuvalu
tw Taiwan
tz Tanzania
ua Ukraine
ug Uganda
uk United Kingdom
um United States Minor Outlying Islands
us United States
uy Uruguay
uz Uzbekistan
va Holy See (Vatican City State)
vc Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
ve Venezuela
vg Virgin Islands, British
vi Virgin Islands, U.S.
vn Vietnam
vu Vanuatu
wf Wallis and Futuna Islands
ws Samoa
ye Yemen
yt Mayotte
yu Yugoslavia (being phased out)
za South Africa
zm Zambia
zw Zimbabwe

share/misc/domains.sed Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# $NetBSD: domains.sed,v 1.3 2007/09/29 15:40:31 hubertf Exp $
/&nbsp;&nbsp/ {
s/&nbsp;/ /g
s/&#[0-9]*;/ /g
s/ */ /g
s/^ *\.//
s/ $//

share/misc/eqnchar Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
.\" $NetBSD: eqnchar,v 1.2 1998/01/09 08:05:15 perry Exp $
tdefine ciplus % "\o'\(pl\(ci'" %
ndefine ciplus % O+ %
tdefine citimes % "\o'\(mu\(ci'" %
ndefine citimes % Ox %
tdefine =wig % "\(eq\h'-\w'\(eq'u-\w'\s-2\(ap'u/2u'\v'-.4m'\s-2\z\(ap\(ap\s+2\v'.4m'\h'\w'\(eq'u-\w'\s-2\(ap'u/2u'" %
ndefine =wig % ="~" %
tdefine bigstar % "\o'\(pl\(mu'" %
ndefine bigstar % X|- %
tdefine =dot % "\z\(eq\v'-.6m'\h'.2m'\s+2.\s-2\v'.6m'\h'.1m'" %
ndefine =dot % = dot %
tdefine orsign % "\s-2\v'-.15m'\z\e\e\h'-.05m'\z\(sl\(sl\v'.15m'\s+2" %
ndefine orsign % \e/ %
tdefine andsign % "\s-2\v'-.15m'\z\(sl\(sl\h'-.05m'\z\e\e\v'.15m'\s+2" %
ndefine andsign % /\e %
tdefine =del % "\v'.3m'\z=\v'-.6m'\h'.3m'\s-1\(*D\s+1\v'.3m'" %
ndefine =del % = to DELTA %
tdefine oppA % "\s-2\v'-.15m'\z\e\e\h'-.05m'\z\(sl\(sl\v'-.15m'\h'-.75m'\z-\z-\h'.2m'\z-\z-\v'.3m'\h'.4m'\s+2" %
ndefine oppA % V- %
tdefine oppE %"\s-3\v'.2m'\z\(em\v'-.5m'\z\(em\v'-.5m'\z\(em\v'.55m'\h'.9m'\z\(br\z\(br\v'.25m'\s+3" %
ndefine oppE % E/ %
tdefine incl % "\s-1\z\(or\h'-.1m'\v'-.45m'\z\(em\v'.7m'\z\(em\v'.2m'\(em\v'-.45m'\s+1" %
ndefine incl % C_ %
tdefine nomem % "\o'\(mo\(sl'" %
ndefine nomem % C-/ %
tdefine angstrom % "\fR\zA\v'-.3m'\h'.2m'\(de\v'.3m'\fP\h'.2m'" %
ndefine angstrom % A to o %
tdefine star %{ roman "\v'.5m'\s+3*\s-3\v'-.5m'"}%
ndefine star % * %
tdefine || % \(or\(or %
tdefine <wig % "\z<\v'.4m'\(ap\v'-.4m'" %
ndefine <wig %{ < from "~" }%
tdefine >wig % "\z>\v'.4m'\(ap\v'-.4m'" %
ndefine >wig %{ > from "~" }%
tdefine langle % "\s-3\b'\(sl\e'\s0" %
ndefine langle %<%
tdefine rangle % "\s-3\b'\e\(sl'\s0" %
ndefine rangle %>%
tdefine hbar % "\zh\v'-.6m'\h'.05m'\(ru\v'.6m'" %
ndefine hbar % h\u-\d %
ndefine ppd % _| %
tdefine ppd % "\o'\(ru\s-2\(or\s+2'" %
tdefine <-> % "\o'\(<-\(->'" %
ndefine <-> % "<-->" %
tdefine <=> % "\s-2\z<\v'.05m'\h'.2m'\z=\h'.55m'=\h'-.6m'\v'-.05m'>\s+2" %
ndefine <=> % "<=>" %
tdefine |< % "\o'<\(or'" %
ndefine |< % <| %
tdefine |> % "\o'>\(or'" %
ndefine |> % |> %
tdefine ang % "\v'-.15m'\z\s-2\(sl\s+2\v'.15m'\(ru" %
ndefine ang % /_ %
tdefine rang % "\z\(or\h'.15m'\(ru" %
ndefine rang % L %
tdefine 3dot % "\v'-.8m'\z.\v'.5m'\z.\v'.5m'.\v'-.2m'" %
ndefine 3dot % .\u.\u.\d\d %
tdefine thf % ".\v'-.5m'.\v'.5m'." %
ndefine thf % ..\u.\d %
tdefine quarter % roman \(14 %
ndefine quarter % 1/4 %
tdefine 3quarter % roman \(34 %
ndefine 3quarter % 3/4 %
tdefine degree % \(de %
ndefine degree % nothing sup o %
tdefine square % \(sq %
ndefine square % [] %
tdefine circle % \(ci %
ndefine circle % O %
tdefine blot % "\fB\(sq\fP" %
ndefine blot % HIX %
tdefine bullet % \(bu %
ndefine bullet % oxe %
tdefine -wig % "\(~=" %
ndefine -wig % - to "~" %
tdefine wig % \(ap %
ndefine wig % "~" %
tdefine prop % \(pt %
ndefine prop % oc %
tdefine empty % \(es %
ndefine empty % O/ %
tdefine member % \(mo %
ndefine member % C- %
tdefine cup % \(cu %
ndefine cup % U %
define cap % \(ca %
define subset % \(sb %
define supset % \(sp %
define !subset % \(ib %
define !supset % \(ip %

share/misc/flowers Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
# Flower : Meaning
# $NetBSD: flowers,v 1.2 1997/03/26 06:30:56 mikel Exp $
# @(#)flowers 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/8/93
# Upside down reverses the meaning.
African violet:Such worth is rare.
Apple blossom:Preference.
Bachelor's button:Celibacy.
Bay leaf:I change but in death.
Camelia:Reflected loveliness.
Chrysanthemum, other color:Slighted love.
Chrysanthemum, red:I love.
Chrysanthemum, white:Truth.
Clover:Be mine.
Crocus:Abuse not.
Forget-me-not:True love.
Gardenia:Secret, untold love.
Honeysuckle:Bonds of love.
Ivy:Friendship, fidelity, marriage.
Jasmine:Amiablity, transports of joy, sensuality.
Leaves (dead):Melancholy.
Lilac:Youthful innocence.
Lilly of the valley:Return of happiness.
Lilly:Purity, sweetness.
Magnolia:Dignity, perseverance.
Orange blossom:Your purity equals your loveliness.
Orchid:Beauty, magnificence.
Peach blossom:I am your captive.
Petunia:Your presence soothes me.
Rose, any color:Love.
Rose, deep red:Bashful shame.
Rose, single, pink:Simplicity.
Rose, thornless, any color:Early attachment.
Rose, white:I am worthy of you.
Rose, yellow:Decrease of love, rise of jealousy.
Rosebud, white:Girlhood, and a heart ignorant of love.
Tulip, red:Declaration of love.
Tulip, yellow:Hopeless love.
Violet, blue:Faithfulness.
Violet, white:Modesty.
Zinnia:Thoughts of absent friends.

share/misc/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@

share/misc/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
# Country Code : City Code : City : Country
# $NetBSD:,v 1.26 2011/05/27 17:12:47 drochner Exp $
# @(#) 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/9/93
20:2:Cairo:Egypt, Arab Rep. of
20:3:Alexandria:Egypt, Arab Rep. of
20:66:Port Said:Egypt, Arab Rep. of
20:95:Luxor:Egypt, Arab Rep. of
20:97:Aswan:Egypt, Arab Rep. of
27:11:Johannesburg:South Africa
27:12:Pretoria:South Africa
27:21:Cape Town:South Africa
27:31:Durban:South Africa
27:51:Bloemfontein:South Africa
30:81:Iraklion (Crete):Greece
31:70:The Hague:Netherlands
32:15:Malines (Mechelen):Belgium
32:41:Liege (Luik):Belgium
32:91:Ghent (Gand):Belgium
33:35:Le Havre:France
33:77:St. Etienne:France
34:28:Las Palmas (Canary Is.):Spain
34:71:Palma de Mallorca:Spain
39:541::San Marino
39:6::Vatican City
41:44:Zurich (before March 2005):Switzerland
44:113:Leeds, Eng.:United Kingdom
44:114:Sheffield, Eng.:United Kingdom
44:115:Nottingham, Eng.:United Kingdom
44:116:Leicester, Eng.:United Kingdom
44:117:Bristol, Eng.:United Kingdom
44:118:Reading, Eng.:United Kingdom
44:1203:Coventry, Eng.:United Kingdom
44:121:Birmingham, Eng.:United Kingdom
44:1222:Cardiff, Wales:United Kingdom
44:1232:Belfast, N. Ire.:United Kingdom
44:1274:Bradford, Eng.:United Kingdom
44:131:Edinburgh, Scot.:United Kingdom
44:1344:Bracknell, Eng.:United Kingdom
44:141:Glasgow, Scot.:United Kingdom
44:1484:Huddersfield, Eng.:United Kingdom
44:1485:Hillington, Eng.:United Kingdom
44:1494:High Wycombe, Eng.:United Kingdom
44:151:Liverpool, Eng.:United Kingdom
44:161:Manchester, Eng.:United Kingdom
44:1628:Maidenhead, Eng.:United Kingdom
44:1752:Plymouth, Eng.:United Kingdom
44:1753:Slough, Eng.:United Kingdom
44:1782:Stoke-on-Trent, Eng.:United Kingdom
44:1723:Scarborough, Eng.:United Kingdom
44:1902:Wolverhampton, Eng.:United Kingdom
44:191:Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Eng.:United Kingdom
44:207:Inner-London, Eng.:United Kingdom
44:208:Outer-London, Eng.:United Kingdom
48:18:Nowy Sacz:Poland
48:33:Bielsko Biala:Poland
48:68:Zielona Gora:Poland
48:75:Jelenia Gora:Poland
48:83:Biala Podlaska:Poland
49:201:Essen:Germany, Fed. Rep. of
49:202:Wuppertal:Germany, Fed. Rep. of
49:203:Duisburg:Germany, Fed. Rep. of
49:209:Gelsenkirchen:Germany, Fed. Rep. of
49:211:Dusseldorf:Germany, Fed. Rep. of
49:221:Cologne (Koeln):Germany, Fed. Rep. of
49:228:Bonn:Germany, Fed. Rep. of
49:231:Dortmund:Germany, Fed. Rep. of
49:30:Berlin:Germany, Fed. Rep. of
49:335:Frankfurt/Oder:Germany, Fed. Rep. of
49:341:Leipzig:Germany, Fed. Rep. of
49:351:Dresden:Germany, Fed. Rep. of
49:371:Chemnitz:Germany, Fed. Rep. of
49:40:Hamburg:Germany, Fed. Rep. of
49:421:Bremen:Germany, Fed. Rep. of
49:511:Hannover:Germany, Fed. Rep. of
49:651:Trier:Germany, Fed. Rep. of
49:69:Frankfurt/Main:Germany, Fed. Rep. of
49:711:Stuttgart:Germany, Fed. Rep. of
49:721:Karlsruhe:Germany, Fed. Rep. of
49:89:Munich (Muenchen):Germany, Fed. Rep. of
49:911:Nuremberg (Nuernberg):Germany, Fed. Rep. of
49:9131:Erlangen:Germany, Fed. Rep. of
49:941:Regensburg:Germany, Fed. Rep. of
52:5:Mexico City:Mexico
52:641:Ciudad Obregon:Mexico
52:681:Los Mochis:Mexico
52:682:La Paz:Mexico
52:684:Cabo San Lucas:Mexico
54:1:Buenos Aires:Argentina
54:21:La Plata:Argentina
55:11:San Paulo:Brazil
55:21:Rio de Janeiro:Brazil
55:31:Belo Horizonte:Brazil
55:512:Porto Alegre:Brazil
58:76:San Cristobal:Venezuela
58:85:Ciudad Bolivar:Venezuela
60:3:Kuala Lumpur:Malaysia
63:32:Cebu City:Phillippines
63:33:Iloilo City:Phillippines
63:452:Tarlac City:Phillippines
64:3:Christchurch:New Zealand
64:4:Wellington:New Zealand
64:9:Auckland:New Zealand
65:::Singapore, Rep. of
81:44:Kawasaki (Kanagawa):Japan
81:722:Sakai (Osaka):Japan
82:2:Seoul:Korea, Rep. of
82:32:Inchon:Korea, Rep. of
82:51:Pusan:Korea, Rep. of
82:53:Taegu:Korea, Rep. of
82:62:Kwangju:Korea, Rep. of
86:1:Beijing:China, People's Rep. of
86:20:Ghuangzhou:China, People's Rep. of
86:21:Shanghai:China, People's Rep. of
86:591:Fuzhou:China, People's Rep. of
91:11:New Delhi:India
94:1:Colombo Central:Sri Lanka, Dem. Soc. Rep. of
94:8:Kandy:Sri Lanka, Dem. Soc. Rep. of
212:7:Rabat:Morocco, Kingdom of
218:21:Tripoli:Libyan Arab People's Socialist Jamahiriya (Libyan A.P.S.J.)
218:51:Misuratha:Libyan Arab People's Socialist Jamahiriya (Libyan A.P.S.J.)
218:61:Benghazi:Libyan Arab People's Socialist Jamahiriya (Libyan A.P.S.J.)
221:::Senegal Republic
224:4:Conakry:Guinea, People's Rev. Rep.
225:::Ivory Coast Rep. of
226:::Upper Volta (Burkina Faso)
227:::Niger Republic
228:::Togo, Rep. of
229:::Benin, People's Rep. of
234:1:Lagos:Nigeria, Fed. Rep. of
234:22:Ibadan:Nigeria, Fed. Rep. of
234:64:Kano:Nigeria, Fed. Rep. of
237:::Cameroon, United Rep. of
238:::Cape Verde Islands
241:::Gabon Republic
243:12:Kinshasa:Zaire, Rep. of
243:222:Lubumbashi:Zaire, Rep. of
247:::Ascension Island
251:1:Addis Ababa:Ethiopia
254:2:Nairobi:Kenya, Rep. of
255:51:Dar Es Salaam:Tanzania
298:::Faeroe Islands
299:11:Soendre Stroemfjord:Greenland (Kalaallit Nunaat)
299:2:Godthaab:Greenland (Kalaallit Nunaat)
299:50:Thule:Greenland (Kalaallit Nunaat)
353:1:Dublin:Ireland, Rep. of
353:21:Cork:Ireland, Rep. of
353:51:Waterford:Ireland, Rep. of
353:61:Limerick:Ireland, Rep. of
353:91:Galway:Ireland, Rep. of
358:2:Turku & Pori:Finland
420:2:Prague:Czech Republic
421:2:Bratislava:Slovak Republic
421:31:Dunajska Streda:Slovak Republic
421:32:Trencin:Slovak Republic
421:33:Trnava:Slovak Republic
421:34:Senica:Slovak Republic
421:35:Nove Zamky:Slovak Republic
421:36:Levice:Slovak Republic
421:37:Nitra:Slovak Republic
421:38:Topolcany:Slovak Republic
421:41:Zilina:Slovak Republic
421:42:Povazska Bystrica:Slovak Republic
421:43:Martin:Slovak Republic
421:44:Liptovsky Mikulas:Slovak Republic
421:45:Zvolen:Slovak Republic
421:46:Prievidza:Slovak Republic
421:47:Lucenec:Slovak Republic
421:48:Banska Bystrica:Slovak Republic
421:51:Presov:Slovak Republic
421:52:Poprad:Slovak Republic
421:53:Spisska Nova Ves:Slovak Republic
421:54:Bardejov:Slovak Republic
421:55:Kosice:Slovak Republic
421:56:Michalovce:Slovak Republic
421:57:Humenne:Slovak Republic
421:58:Roznava:Slovak Republic
501:2:Belize City:Belize
502:2:Guatemala City:Guatemala
502:9:Villa Nueva:Guatemala
503:::El Salvador
506:::Costa Rica
507:::Panama, Rep. of
508:::St. Pierre and Miquelon
509:1:Port Au Prince:Haiti
591:2:La Paz:Bolivia
594:::French Guiana
596:::French Antilles
599:3:St. Eustatius:Netherlands Antilles
599:4:Saba:Netherlands Antilles
599:5:St. Maarten:Netherlands Antilles
599:7:Bonaire:Netherlands Antilles
599:9:Curacao:Netherlands Antilles
673:2:Bandar Seri Begawan:Brunei
675:::Papua New Guinea
676:::Tonga Islands
679:::Fiji Islands
684:::American Samoa
687:::New Caledonia
689:::French Polynesia (Moorea & Tahiti)
691:320:Ponape:Micronesia, Fed. States of
691:330:Truk:Micronesia, Fed. States of
691:350:Yap:Micronesia, Fed. States of
691:370:Kosrae:Micronesia, Fed. States of
692:871:Ebeye:Marshall Islands
692:9:Majuro:Marshall Islands
852:0:Castle Peak:Hong Kong
852:0:Kwai Chung:Hong Kong
852:0:Sha Tin:Hong Kong
852:0:Tai Po:Hong Kong
852:0:Tsun Wan:Hong Kong
852:3:Kowloon:Hong Kong
852:5:Hong Kong:Hong Kong
852:5:Lantau:Hong Kong
852:5:Ma Wan:Hong Kong
852:5:Peng Chau:Hong Kong
880:2:Dhaka:Bangladesh, People's Rep. of
886:2:Taipei:Taiwan, Rep. of China
886:6:Tainan:Taiwan, Rep. of China
886:7:Kaohsiung:Taiwan, Rep. of China
960:::Maldives, Rep. of
966:1:Riyadh:Saudi Arabia
966:2:Jeddah:Saudi Arabia
966:2:Makkah:Saudi Arabia
966:3:Damman:Saudi Arabia
967:2:Sanaa:Yemen Arab Republic
971:2:Abu Dahabi:United Arab Emirates
971:3:Al Ain:United Arab Emirates
971:4:Dubai:United Arab Emirates
971:52:Jebel Dhana:United Arab Emirates
971:6:Ajman:United Arab Emirates
971:6:Sharjah:United Arab Emirates
971:6:Umm-Al-Quwain:United Arab Emirates
971:70:Fujairah:United Arab Emirates
972:3:Ramat Gan:Israel
972:3:Tel Aviv:Israel
5399:::Guantanamo Bay (U.S. Naval Base)

share/misc/language Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
# $NetBSD: language,v 1.3 2003/09/13 21:53:19 kleink Exp $
# ISO 639-1 and 639-2 Language Codes
# The format of an entry is:
# <Language name><TAB><ISO-639-2-code><TAB><ISO-639-1-code-optional>
# Further information can be found at the ISO 639/Joint Advisory Committee
# (ISO 639/JAC) web site,
# <>.
# This list is up-to-date as of 2003-08-04.
Abkhazian abk ab
Achinese ace
Acoli ach
Adangme ada
Adygei; Adyghe ady
Afar aar aa
Afrihili afh
Afrikaans afr af
Afro-Asiatic (Other) afa
Akan aka ak
Akkadian akk
Albanian alb/sqi sq
Aleut ale
Algonquian languages alg
Altaic (Other) tut
Amharic amh am
Apache languages apa
Arabic ara ar
Aragonese arg an
Aramaic arc
Arapaho arp
Araucanian arn
Arawak arw
Armenian arm/hye hy
Artificial (Other) art
Assamese asm as
Asturian; Bable ast
Athapascan languages ath
Australian languages aus
Austronesian (Other) map
Avaric ava av
Avestan ave ae
Awadhi awa
Aymara aym ay
Azerbaijani aze az
Balinese ban
Baltic (Other) bat
Baluchi bal
Bambara bam bm
Bamileke languages bai
Banda bad
Bantu (Other) bnt
Basa bas
Bashkir bak ba
Basque baq/eus eu
Batak (Indonesia) btk
Beja bej
Belarusian bel be
Bemba bem
Bengali ben bn
Berber (Other) ber
Bhojpuri bho
Bihari bih bh
Bikol bik
Bini bin
Bislama bis bi
Bokmaal, Norwegian; Norwegian Bokmaal nob nb
Bosnian bos bs
Braj bra
Breton bre br
Buginese bug
Bulgarian bul bg
Buriat bua
Burmese bur/mya my
Caddo cad
Carib car
Castilian; Spanish spa es
Catalan cat ca
Caucasian (Other) cau
Cebuano ceb
Celtic (Other) cel
Central American Indian (Other) cai
Chagatai chg
Chamic languages cmc
Chamorro cha ch
Chechen che ce
Cherokee chr
Chewa; Chichewa; Nyanja nya ny
Cheyenne chy
Chibcha chb
Chinese chi/zho zh
Chinook jargon chn
Chipewyan chp
Choctaw cho
Church Slavic; Slavonic; Church Slavonic; Old Bulgarian; Old Church Slavonic chu cu
Chuukese chk
Chuvash chv cv
Coptic cop
Cornish cor kw
Corsican cos co
Cree cre cr
Creek mus
Creoles and pidgins (Other) crp
Creoles and pidgins, English-based (Other) cpe
Creoles and pidgins, French-based (Other) cpf
Creoles and pidgins, Portuguese-based (Other) cpp
Crimean Tatar; Crimean Turkish crh
Croatian scr/hrv hr
Cushitic (Other) cus
Czech cze/ces cs
Dakota dak
Danish dan da
Dargwa dar
Dayak day
Delaware del
Dinka din
Divehi div dv
Dogri doi
Dogrib dgr
Dravidian (Other) dra
Duala dua
Dutch, Middle (ca. 1050-1350) dum
Dutch; Flemish dut/nld nl
Dyula dyu
Dzongkha dzo dz
Efik efi
Egyptian (Ancient) egy
Ekajuk eka
Elamite elx
English eng en
English, Middle (1100-1500) enm
English, Old (ca.450-1100) ang
Erzya myv
Esperanto epo eo
Estonian est et
Ewe ewe ee
Ewondo ewo
Fang fan
Fanti fat
Faroese fao fo
Fijian fij fj
Finnish fin fi
Finno-Ugrian (Other) fiu
Fon fon
French fre/fra fr
French, Middle (ca.1400-1600) frm
French, Old (842-ca.1400) fro
Frisian fry fy
Friulian fur
Fulah ful ff
Ga gaa
Gaelic; Scottish Gaelic gla gd
Gallegan glg gl
Ganda lug lg
Gayo gay
Gbaya gba
Geez gez
Georgian geo/kat ka
German ger/deu de
German, Low; Saxon, Low; Low German; Low Saxon nds
German, Middle High (ca.1050-1500) gmh
German, Old High (ca.750-1050) goh
Germanic (Other) gem
Gikuyu; Kikuyu kik ki
Gilbertese gil
Gondi gon
Gorontalo gor
Gothic got
Grebo grb
Greek, Ancient (to 1453) grc
Greek, Modern (1453-) gre/ell el
Greenlandic; Kalaallisut kal kl
Guarani grn gn
Gujarati guj gu
Gwich'in gwi
Haida hai
Haitian Creole; Haitian hat ht
Hausa hau ha
Hawaiian haw
Hebrew heb he
Herero her hz
Hiligaynon hil
Himachali him
Hindi hin hi
Hiri Motu hmo ho
Hittite hit
Hmong hmn
Hungarian hun hu
Hupa hup
Iban iba
Icelandic ice/isl is
Ido ido io
Igbo ibo ig
Ijo ijo
Iloko ilo
Inari Sami smn
Indic (Other) inc
Indo-European (Other) ine
Indonesian ind id
Ingush inh
Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association) ina ia
Interlingue ile ie
Inuktitut iku iu
Inupiaq ipk ik
Iranian (Other) ira
Irish gle ga
Irish, Middle (900-1200) mga
Irish, Old (to 900) sga
Iroquoian languages iro
Italian ita it
Japanese jpn ja
Javanese jav jv
Judeo-Arabic jrb
Judeo-Persian jpr
Kabardian kbd
Kabyle kab
Kachin kac
Kalmyk xal
Kamba kam
Kannada kan kn
Kanuri kau kr
Kara-Kalpak kaa
Karachay-Balkar krc
Karen kar
Kashmiri kas ks
Kashubian csb
Kawi kaw
Kazakh kaz kk
Khasi kha
Khmer khm km
Khoisan (Other) khi
Khotanese kho
Kimbundu kmb
Kinyarwanda kin rw
Kirghiz kir ky
Komi kom kv
Kongo kon kg
Konkani kok
Korean kor ko
Kosraean kos
Kpelle kpe
Kru kro
Kuanyama; Kwanyama kua kj
Kumyk kum
Kurdish kur ku
Kurukh kru
Kutenai kut
Ladino lad
Lahnda lah
Lamba lam
Lao lao lo
Latin lat la
Latvian lav lv
Letzeburgesch; Luxembourgish ltz lb
Lezghian lez
Limburgan; Limburger; Limburgish lim li
Lingala lin ln
Lithuanian lit lt
Lozi loz
Luba-Katanga lub lu
Luba-Lulua lua
Luiseno lui
Lule Sami smj
Lunda lun
Luo (Kenya and Tanzania) luo
Lushai lus
Macedonian mac/mkd mk
Madurese mad
Magahi mag
Maithili mai
Makasar mak
Malagasy mlg mg
Malay may/msa ms
Malayalam mal ml
Maltese mlt mt
Manchu mnc
Mandar mdr
Mandingo man
Manipuri mni
Manobo languages mno
Manx glv gv
Maori mao/mri mi
Marathi mar mr
Mari chm
Marshallese mah mh
Marwari mwr
Masai mas
Mayan languages myn
Mende men
Micmac mic
Minangkabau min
Miscellaneous languages mis
Mohawk moh
Moksha mdf
Moldavian mol mo
Mon-Khmer (Other) mkh
Mongo lol
Mongolian mon mn
Mossi mos
Multiple languages mul
Munda languages mun
Nahuatl nah
Nauru nau na
Navaho, Navajo nav nv
Ndebele, North nde nd
Ndebele, South nbl nr
Ndonga ndo ng
Neapolitan nap
Nepali nep ne
Newari new
Nias nia
Niger-Kordofanian (Other) nic
Nilo-Saharan (Other) ssa
Niuean niu
Nogai nog
Norse, Old non
North American Indian (Other) nai
Northern Sami sme se
Norwegian nor no
Norwegian Nynorsk; Nynorsk, Norwegian nno nn
Nubian languages nub
Nyamwezi nym
Nyankole nyn
Nyoro nyo
Nzima nzi
Occitan (post 1500); Provenc,al oci oc
Ojibwa oji oj
Oriya ori or
Oromo orm om
Osage osa
Ossetian; Ossetic oss os
Otomian languages oto
Pahlavi pal
Palauan pau
Pali pli pi
Pampanga pam
Pangasinan pag
Panjabi pan pa
Papiamento pap
Papuan (Other) paa
Persian per/fas fa
Persian, Old (ca.600-400 B.C.) peo
Philippine (Other) phi
Phoenician phn
Pohnpeian pon
Polish pol pl
Portuguese por pt
Prakrit languages pra
Provenc,al, Old (to 1500) pro
Pushto pus ps
Quechua que qu
Raeto-Romance roh rm
Rajasthani raj
Rapanui rap
Rarotongan rar
Reserved for local use qaa-qtz
Romance (Other) roa
Romanian rum/ron ro
Romany rom
Rundi run rn
Russian rus ru
Salishan languages sal
Samaritan Aramaic sam
Sami languages (Other) smi
Samoan smo sm
Sandawe sad
Sango sag sg
Sanskrit san sa
Santali sat
Sardinian srd sc
Sasak sas
Scots sco
Selkup sel
Semitic (Other) sem
Serbian scc/srp sr
Serer srr
Shan shn
Shona sna sn
Sichuan Yi iii ii
Sidamo sid
Sign languages sgn
Siksika bla
Sindhi snd sd
Sinhalese sin si
Sino-Tibetan (Other) sit
Siouan languages sio
Skolt Sami sms
Slave (Athapascan) den
Slavic (Other) sla
Slovak slo/slk sk
Slovenian slv sl
Sogdian sog
Somali som so
Songhai son
Soninke snk
Sorbian languages wen
Sotho, Northern nso
Sotho, Southern sot st
South American Indian (Other) sai
Southern Sami sma
Sukuma suk
Sumerian sux
Sundanese sun su
Susu sus
Swahili swa sw
Swati ssw ss
Swedish swe sv
Syriac syr
Tagalog tgl tl
Tahitian tah ty
Tai (Other) tai
Tajik tgk tg
Tamashek tmh
Tamil tam ta
Tatar tat tt
Telugu tel te
Tereno ter
Tetum tet
Thai tha th
Tibetan tib/bod bo
Tigre tig
Tigrinya tir ti
Timne tem
Tiv tiv
Tlingit tli
Tok Pisin tpi
Tokelau tkl
Tonga (Nyasa) tog
Tonga (Tonga Islands) ton to
Tsimshian tsi
Tsonga tso ts
Tswana tsn tn
Tumbuka tum
Tupi languages tup
Turkish tur tr
Turkish, Ottoman (1500-1928) ota
Turkmen tuk tk
Tuvalu tvl
Tuvinian tyv
Twi twi tw
Udmurt udm
Ugaritic uga
Uighur uig ug
Ukrainian ukr uk
Umbundu umb
Undetermined und
Urdu urd ur
Uzbek uzb uz
Vai vai
Venda ven ve
Vietnamese vie vi
Volapuek vol vo
Votic vot
Wakashan languages wak
Walamo wal
Walloon wln wa
Waray war
Washo was
Welsh wel/cym cy
Wolof wol wo
Xhosa xho xh
Yakut sah
Yao yao
Yapese yap
Yiddish yid yi
Yoruba yor yo
Yupik languages ypk
Zande znd
Zapotec zap
Zenaga zen
Zhuang; Chuang zha za
Zulu zul zu
Zuni zun

share/misc/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
hdr() {
echo '#' '$'NetBSD'$'
cat << _EOF
# ISO 3166-1 Country Codes
# The format of an entry is:
# <Name><TAB><Alpha-2-code><TAB><Alpha-3-code><TAB><Numeric-3-code><TAB><FIPS>
# Further information can be found at the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency
# (ISO 3166/MA) web site,
# <>.
# FIPS 10-4 codes compiled from several sources, including
# ISO 3166-1 entities without exactly one corresponding FIPS code have a
# blank entry in the column. FIPS 10-4 codes without a corresponding
# ISO 3166-1 entity are excluded.
# This list is up-to-date as of $(date +%Y-%m-%d)
trap "rm -f wab.html list-en1-semic-3.txt $O1 $O2" 0 1 2 3 15
ftp $I1
ftp $I2
grep '<tr class="[oe]">' wab.html |
sed -e 's,<tr class="."><td>,,g' \
-e 's,\&nbsp;,,g' \
-e 's,<code>,,g' \
-e 's,</code>,,g' \
-e 's,<br>, ,g' \
-e 's,</td><td>, ,g' \
-e 's,Å,Aa,g' \
-e 's,ô,o,g' \
-e 's,</td></tr>,,g' |
awk -F'\t' '{ printf("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", $2, $3, $4, $6, $1); }' |
grep -v href= |
sort > $O1
grep ';[A-Z][A-Z]' list-en1-semic-3.txt |
tr -d '\015' |
awk -F ';' '{ print $2 }' |
sort > $O2
join -t ' ' -o 1.5,1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4 -1 1 -2 1 $O1 $O2 | sort

share/misc/man.template Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
.\" $NetBSD: man.template,v 1.3 1998/06/09 06:54:05 lukem Exp $
.\" Copyright notice
.\" New manpages should use mdoc(7) instead of man(7).
.\" See mdoc.template, mdoc(7), and mdoc.samples(7).

share/misc/mdoc.template Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
.\" $NetBSD: mdoc.template,v 1.7 2002/07/10 11:57:12 yamt Exp $
.\" Copyright notice
.\" The uncommented requests are required for all man pages.
.\" The commented requests should be uncommented and used where appropriate.
.Dd Month day, year
.\" The next request should be used for sections 2 and 3 only.
.\" This next request is for sections 1 and 8 exit statuses only.
.\" This next request is for sections 2 and 3 function return values only.
.\" This next request is for sections 1, 6, 7 & 8 only.
.\" .Sh FILES
.\" This next request is for sections 1, 6, 7 & 8 only
.\" (command return values (to shell) and fprintf/stderr type diagnostics).
.\" The next request is for sections 2 and 3 error and signal handling only.
.\" .Sh ERRORS
.\" .Sh SEE ALSO
.\" Cross-references should be ordered by section (low to high), then in
.\" alphabetical order.
.\" .Sh BUGS

share/misc/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
# $NetBSD:,v 1.19 2010/02/16 00:16:28 mrg Exp $
# Generated from
# (with local exceptions)
# format:
# Area Code : Description : Detail : State/Province Abbrev.
# (3rd and 4th fields optional)
# A * in the Area Code field indicates a future area code.
201:New Jersey (USA):Hackensack, Morristown, Newark and Jersey City:NJ
202:Washington, D.C. (USA):all locations:DC
203:Connecticut (USA):Fairfield and New Haven counties in the southern part of the state:CT
204:Manitoba (Canada):all locations:MB
205:Alabama (USA):Birmingham, Tuscaloosa:AL
206:Washington (USA):Seattle, Bainbridge Island:WA
207:Maine (USA):all locations:ME
208:Idaho (USA):all locations:ID
209:California (USA):Modesto, Stockton:CA
210:Texas (USA):San Antonio:TX
212:New York (USA):New York City:NY
213:California (USA):downtown Los Angeles:CA
214:Texas (USA):Dallas:TX
215:Pennsylvania (USA):Philadelphia:PA
216:Ohio (USA):Cleveland:OH
217:Illinois (USA):Champaign, Springfield:IL
218:Minnesota (USA):Duluth:MN
219:Indiana (USA):Gary, Hammond, South Bend, Warsaw:IN
224:Illinois (USA):suburban Chicago:IL
225:Louisiana (USA):Baton Rouge, Plaquemine:LA
226:Ontario:Overlay of 519 effective 02/19/2005
227*:Maryland:Overlay of 240 and 301 (Pending)
228:Mississippi (USA):Biloxi, Gulfport, Pascagoula:MS
229:Georgia (USA):Albany:GA
231:Michigan (USA):Muskegon, Traverse City:MI
234:Ohio (USA):Akron, Youngstown:OH
236*:British Columbia (Canada):Relief for 250 and 778 (Pending)
240:Maryland (USA):Rockville, Silver Spring, Bethesda:MD
242:Bahamas (Caribbean):all locations:
246:Barbados (Caribbean):all locations:
248:Michigan (USA):Oakland county:MI
249*:British Columbia (Canada):Overlay of 704, effective March 2001
250:British Columbia (Canada):Kamloops, Kelowna, Victoria:BC
251:Alabama (USA):Greenville, Kitty Hawk, Rocky Mount:AL
252:North Carolina (USA):Greenville, Morehead City, Rocky Mount:NC
253:Washington (USA):Auburn, Gig Harbor, Tacoma:WA
254:Texas (USA):Waco:TX
256:Alabama (USA):Decatur, Gadsden, Huntsville:AL
260:Indiana (USA):Fort Wayne, New Haven, Decatur, Angola, Huntington, Wabash:IN
262:Wisconsin (USA):Kenosha, Racine, Waukesha:WI
264:Anguilla (Caribbean):all locations:
267:Pennsylvania (USA):Philadelphia:PA
268:Antigua and Barbuda (Caribbean):all locations:
269:Michigan (USA):Battle Creek, Benton Harbor, Allegan, Hastings, Kalamazoo, St Joseph:MI
270:Kentucky (USA):Bowling Green, Paducah:KY
276:Virginia (USA):Abingdon, Wytheville, Martinsville, Bluefield:VA
281:Texas (USA):Houston:TX
283*:Ohio:Overlay of 513 (Suspended)
284:British Virgin Islands (Caribbean):all locations:VI
301:Maryland (USA):Rockville, Silver Spring, Bethesda:MD
302:Delaware (USA):all locations:DE
303:Colorado (USA):Denver:CO
304:West Virginia (USA):all locations:WV
305:Florida (USA):Miami, Key West:FL
306:Saskatchewan (Canada):all locations:SK
307:Wyoming (USA):all locations:WY
308:Nebraska (USA):North Platte:NE
309:Illinois (USA):Bloomington, Peoria:IL
310:California (USA):Beverly Hills, Gardena:CA
312:Illinois (USA):Chicago:IL
313:Michigan (USA):Ann Arbor, Detroit:MI
314:Missouri (USA):St. Louis:MO
315:New York (USA):Syracuse:NY
316:Kansas (USA):Dodge City, Wichita:KS
317:Indiana (USA):Indianapolis:IN
318:Louisiana (USA):Alexandria, Monroe:LA
319:Iowa (USA):Dubuque:IA
320:Minnesota (USA):St. Cloud, Willmar:MN
321:Florida (USA):Cape Canaveral:FL
323:California (USA):Los Angeles:CA
325:Texas (USA):Abilene, Sweetwater, Snyder, San Angelo:TX
327*:Arkansas:Proposed Overlay of 870
330:Ohio (USA):Akron, Youngstown:OH
331*:Illinois:Overlay of 630 (Pending)
334:Alabama (USA):Auburn, Mobile, Montgomery, Selma:AL
336:North Carolina (USA):Asheboro, Burlington, Greensboro:NC
337:Louisiana (USA):Lafayette, Lake Charles:LA
339:Massachusetts (USA):Burlington, Reading, Waltham:MA
340:U.S. Virgin Islands (Caribbean):all locations:
341*:California:Split of 510 (Suspended)
343*:Ontario (Canada):Numbering relief for 613 (beginning 5/17/2010)
345:Cayman Islands (Caribbean):all locations:
347:New York (USA):Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island:NY
351:Massachusetts (USA):Acton, Lowell, North Reading:MA
352:Florida (USA):Gainesville, Ocala:FL
360:Washington (USA):Bellingham, Olympia, Vancouver:WA
361:Texas (USA):Corpus Christi:TX
364:Kentucky (USA):Fort Campbell, Henderson, Hopkinsville, Madisonville, Murray, Paducah:KT
369*:California:Split of 707 (Suspended)
380*:Ohio:Overlay of 614 (Suspended)
385*:Utah:Split of 801 effective 03/30/2005
386:Florida (USA):Daytona Beach, Lake City, Live Oak, Crescent City:FL
401:Rhode Island (USA):all locations:RI
402:Nebraska (USA):Lincoln, Omaha:NE
403:Alberta (Canada):Calgary:AB
404:Georgia (USA):Atlanta:GA
405:Oklahoma (USA):Norman, Oklahoma City, Stillwater:OK
406:Montana (USA):all locations:MT
407:Florida (USA):Orlando, Kissimmee:FL
408:California (USA):San Jose:CA
409:Texas (USA):Galveston:TX
410:Maryland (USA):Baltimore, Towson:MD
412:Pennsylvania (USA):Pittsburgh:PA
413:Massachusetts (USA):Springfield:MA
414:Wisconsin (USA):Milwaukee:WI
415:California (USA):San Francisco:CA
416:Ontario (Canada):Toronto:ON
417:Missouri (USA):Joplin, Springfield:MO
418:Quebec (Canada):Quebec:QC
419:Ohio (USA):Toledo:OH
423:Tennessee (USA):Chattanooga:TN
424*:California:Split of 310 (Pending)
425:Washington (USA):Everett, Kent:WA
432*:Texas (USA):Big Spring, Midland, Odessa:TX
434:Virginia (USA):Lynchburg, Danville, Farmville, South Hill, Charlottesville:VA
435:Utah (USA):Cedar City, St. George:UT
438*:Quebec:Overlay of 514 effective 09/24/2005
440:Ohio (USA):Ashtabula, Lorain, Westlake:OH
441:Bermuda (Caribbean):all locations:
442:California:Overlaid on 760
443:Maryland (USA):Baltimore, Towson:MD
450:Quebec (Canada):area outside Montreal:QC
456:Inbound International
464*:Illinois:Overlay of 708 (Pending)
469:Texas (USA):Dallas:TX
470*:Georgia:Overlay of 404/678 and 770/678 (Pending)
473:Grenada (Caribbean):all locations:
475:Connecticut:Overlay of 203
478:Georgia (USA):Macon:GA
480:Arizona (USA):suburban areas east of Phoenix:AZ
484:Pennsylvania (USA):Allentown, Bethlehem, Reading:PA
500:Personal Communication Service
501:Arkansas (USA):all locations:AR
502:Kentucky (USA):Louisville:KY
503:Oregon (USA):Portland and Salem:OR
504:Louisiana (USA):New Orleans:LA
505:New Mexico (USA):all locations:NM
506:New Brunswick (Canada):all locations:NB
507:Minnesota (USA):Rochester:MN
508:Massachusetts (USA):Framingham, New Bedford, Plymouth:MA
509:Washington (USA):Spokane:WA
510:California (USA):Oakland:CA
512:Texas (USA):Austin:TX
513:Ohio (USA):Cincinnati, Dayton:OH
514:Quebec (Canada):Montreal:QC
515:Iowa (USA):Des Moines:IA
516:New York (USA):Nassau County:NY
517:Michigan (USA):Lansing:MI
518:New York (USA):Albany, Schenectady:NY
519:Ontario (Canada):London, Windsor:ON
520:Arizona (USA):Tucson, Flagstaff, Prescott, Yuma:AZ
530:California (USA):Chico, Redding, Yreka:CA
540:Virginia (USA):Covington, Roanoke, Winchester:VA
541:Oregon (USA):Eugene, Medford:OR
551:New Jersey
557*:Missouri:Overlay of 314 (Suspended)
559:California (USA):Fresno, Visalia:CA
561:Florida (USA):Boca Raton, Stuart, West Palm Beach:FL
562:California (USA):Santa Monica, Long Beach, Whittier:CA
564*:Washington:Overlay of 360 (Suspended)
570:Pennsylvania (USA):Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, Williamsport:PA
571:Virginia (USA):Arlington, Fairfax, Vienna:VA
573:Missouri (USA):Jefferson City, Columbia and other towns outside St. Louis:MO
580:Oklahoma (USA):Ardmore, Enid, Lawton:OK
585:New York
586:Michigan (USA):Birmingham, Flint, Pontiac:MI
590:French West Indies Caribbean Islands
600:Canadian Services
601:Mississippi (USA):Hattiesburg, Jackson:MS
602:Arizona (USA):Phoenix:AZ
603:New Hampshire (USA):all locations:NH
604:British Columbia (Canada):Vancouver:BC
605:South Dakota (USA):all locations:SD
606:Kentucky (USA):Ashland:KY
607:New York (USA):Binghamton, Elmira:NY
608:Wisconsin (USA):Madison:WI
609:New Jersey (USA):Atlantic City, Princeton, Trenton:NJ
610:Pennsylvania (USA):Allentown, Bethlehem, Reading, West Chester:PA
612:Minnesota (USA):Minneapolis:MN
613:Ontario (Canada):Ottawa:ON
614:Ohio (USA):Columbus:OH
615:Tennessee (USA):Nashville:TN
616:Michigan (USA):Battle Creek, Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo:MI
617:Massachusetts (USA):Boston:MA
618:Illinois (USA):Collinsville, Granite City:IL
619:California (USA):San Diego:CA
623:Arizona (USA):suburban areas west of Phoenix:AZ
626:California (USA):Alhambra, La Puente, Pasadena:CA
627:California (USA):Napa, Sonoma counties:CA
630:Illinois (USA):suburban Chicago:IL
631:New York (USA):Suffolk County:NY
636:Missouri (USA):Chesterfield, O'Fallon, Gray Summit:MO
641:Iowa (USA):Creston, Mason City, Osceola:IA
646:New York (USA):Manhattan:NY
647:Ontario (Canada):Toronto:ON
649:Turks and Caicos (Caribbean):all locations:
650:California (USA):Mountain View, San Mateo:CA
651:Minnesota (USA):St. Paul:MN
657:California (USA):Overlay of 714
660:Missouri (USA):Kirksville, Maryville, Trenton:MO
661:California (USA):Bakersfield, Lancaster, Palmdale:CA
662:Mississippi (USA):Greenville, Oxford, Tupelo:MS
664:Montserrat (Caribbean):all locations:
669:California (USA):Overlay of 408
670:Mariana Islands (Pacific):all locations:
671:Guam (Pacific):all locations:
678:Georgia (USA):Atlanta and suburban areas:GA
682:Texas (USA):Arlington, Fort Worth, Grapevine:TX
684:American Samoa:
689:Florida:Overlay of 407
700:Interexchange Carrier Services
701:North Dakota (USA):all locations:ND
702:Nevada (USA):Las Vegas:NV
703:Virginia (USA):Arlington, Alexandria, Fairfax, Falls Church:VA
704:North Carolina (USA):Charlotte:NC
705:Ontario (Canada):Sault Ste. Marie:ON
706:Georgia (USA):Augusta, Columbus:GA
707:California (USA):Crescent City, Eureka:CA
708:Illinois (USA):Des Plaines, Palatine, Waukegan:IL
709:Newfoundland (Canada):all locations:NF
710:US Government
712:Iowa (USA):Council Bluffs, Sioux City:IA
713:Texas (USA):Houston:TX
714:California (USA):Anaheim:CA
715:Wisconsin (USA):Eau Claire, Wausau:WI
716:New York (USA):Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Rochester:NY
717:Pennsylvania (USA):Harrisburg, Hershey, York:PA
718:New York (USA):Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island:NY
719:Colorado (USA):Colorado Springs, Pueblo:CO
720:Colorado (USA):Denver:CO
724:Pennsylvania (USA):Latrobe, New Castle:PA
727:Florida (USA):Clearwater, St. Petersburg:FL
732:New Jersey (USA):Middlesex, Monmouth, Ocean Counties:NJ
734:Michigan (USA):Ann Arbor, Livonia, Ypsilanti:MI
737*:Texas:Overlay of 512 (Suspended)
740:Ohio (USA):Athens, Lancaster, Marietta:OH
747*:California:Split of 818 (Suspended)
752*:California:Split of 909 (Suspended)
757:Virginia (USA):Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia Beach:VA
758:St. Lucia (Caribbean):all locations:
760:California (USA):Bishop, Needles, Palm Springs:CA
763:Minnesota (USA):northern and northwestern suburbs of Minneapolis:MN
764*:California:Split of 650 (Suspended)
765:Indiana (USA):Kokomo, Lafayette, Richmond:IN
767:Dominica (Caribbean):all locations:
770:Georgia (USA):suburban Atlanta (the area outside the Interstate 285 beltway):GA
773:Illinois (USA):Chicago:IL
774:Massachusetts (USA):Framingham, New Bedford, Plymouth:MA
775:Nevada (USA):Carson City, Reno:NV
778:British Columbia
780:Alberta (Canada):Edmonton, Grande Prairie:AB
781:Massachusetts (USA):Burlington, Reading, Waltham:MA
784:St. Vincent/Grenadines (Caribbean):all locations:
785:Kansas (USA):Junction City, Lawrence, Topeka:KS
786:Florida (USA):Miami, North Dade:FL
787:Puerto Rico (Caribbean):all locations:PR
801:Utah (USA):Salt Lake City:UT
802:Vermont (USA):all locations:VT
803:South Carolina (USA):Columbia, Winnsboro:SC
804:Virginia (USA):Norfolk, Richmond:VA
805:California (USA):Bakersfield, Santa Barbara:CA
806:Texas (USA):Amarillo, Lubbock:TX
807:Ontario (Canada):Thunder Bay:ON
808:Hawaii (USA):all locations:HI
809::Islands in the Caribbean, including the Dominican Republic:
810:Michigan (USA):Birmingham, Flint, Pontiac:MI
812:Indiana (USA):Bloomington, Evansville, Terra Haute:IN
813:Florida (USA):Clearwater, St. Petersburg, Tampa:FL
814:Pennsylvania (USA):Altoona, Erie:PA
815:Illinois (USA):Joliet, Rockford:IL
816:Missouri (USA):Kansas City:MO
817:Texas (USA):Arlington, Fort Worth:TX
818:California (USA):Burbank, Glendale, San Fernando:CA
819:Quebec (Canada):Sherbrooke, Trois Rivieres:QC
828:North Carolina (USA):Asheville, Hendersonville:NC
830:Texas (USA):Fredericksburg, New Braunfels, Uvalde:TX
831:California (USA):Monterey, Salinas:CA
832:Texas (USA):Houston:TX
843:South Carolina (USA):Charleston, Florence:SC
845:New York (USA):Middletown, Putnam Valley, Woodstock:NY
847:Illinois (USA):suburban Chicago:IL
848:New Jersey
850:Florida (USA):Panama City, Pensacola, Tallahassee:FL
855:Toll Free:
856:New Jersey (USA):Camden, Vineland:NJ
857:Massachusetts (USA):Boston:MA
858:California (USA):La Jolla, Poway, Rancho Santa Fe:CA
859:Kentucky (USA):Covington, Lexington:KY
860:Connecticut (USA):Bloomfield, Canaan, Hartford, Norwich:CT
862:New Jersey
862:New Jersey (USA):Newark Paterson Morristown:NJ
863:Florida (USA):Arcadia, Lakeland, Sebring:FL
864:South Carolina (USA):Greenville, Spartanburg:SC
865:Tennessee (USA):Knoxville:TN
867:Yukon/Northwest Territories (Canada):all locations:NT
868:Trinidad and Tobago (Caribbean):all locations:
869:St. Kitts/Nevis (Caribbean):all locations:
870:Arkansas (USA):Jonesboro, Pine Bluff, Texarkana:AR
872:Illinois:Overlay of 312 and 773
876:Jamaica (Caribbean):all locations:
878:Pennsylvania (USA):overlay of both 412 and 724 area codes:PA
880:Paid Toll-Free Service
881:Paid Toll-Free Service
882:Paid Toll-Free Service
900:Premium Services
901:Tennessee (USA):Memphis:TN
902:Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island (Canada):all locations:NS
903:Texas (USA):Longview, Texarkana, Tyler:TX
904:Florida (USA):Daytona Beach, Jacksonville:FL
905:Ontario (Canada):Hamilton, Unionville, Woodbridge:ON
906:Michigan (USA):Marquette, Sault Ste. Marie:MI
907:Alaska (USA):all locations:AK
908:New Jersey (USA):Asbury Park, Elizabeth, New Brunswick, Westfield:NJ
909:California (USA):Ontario, Pomona, Upland:CA
910:North Carolina (USA):Fayetteville, Winston-Salem:NC
912:Georgia (USA):Savannah:GA
913:Kansas (USA):Kansas City, Topeka:KS
914:New York (USA):Newburgh, Ossining, Poughkeepsie:NY
915:Texas (USA):Abilene, El Paso, San Angelo:TX
916:California (USA):Sacramento:CA
917:New York (USA):New York City, Queens, Staten Island:NY
918:Oklahoma (USA):Broken Arrow, Muskogee, Tulsa:OK
919:North Carolina (USA):Durham, Raleigh:NC
920:Wisconsin (USA):Appleton, Green Bay, Sheboygan:WI
925:California (USA):Pleasanton, Walnut Creek:CA
928:Arizona (USA):Prescott, Flagstaff, Yuma:AZ
931:Tennessee (USA):Clarksville:TN
935*:California:Split of 619 (Suspended)
936:Texas (USA):Conroe, Nacogdoches:TX
937:Ohio (USA):Dayton, Hamilton:OH
939:Puerto Rico
940:Texas (USA):Denton, Wichita Falls:TX
941:Florida (USA):Bradenton, Ft. Myers, Naples, Sarasota:FL
947:Michigan (USA):Oakland county:MI
949:California (USA):Costa Mesa, Irvine, Newport Beach:CA
951:California:Split of 909
952:Minnesota (USA):southern and southwestern suburbs of Minneapolis:MN
954:Florida (USA):Ft. Lauderdale, Broward County:FL
956:Texas (USA):Brownsville, Laredo, McAllen:TX
957*:New Mexico (Pending)
959*:Connecticut:Overlay of 860 (Pending)
970:Colorado (USA):Aspen, Vail:CO
971:Oregon (USA):Portland, Salem:OR
972:Texas (USA):Dallas:TX
973:New Jersey (USA):Morris, Passaic, Essex Counties:NJ
975:Missouri:Overlay of 816 (Suspended)
978:Massachusetts (USA):Acton, Lowell, North Reading:MA
979:Texas (USA):Bryan-College Station, Freeport:TX
980:North Carolina (USA):Charlotte:NC
984*:North Carolina:Overlay of 919 (Suspended)
989:Michigan (USA):Alpena, Midland, Saginaw:MI

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@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
# $NetBSD:,v 1.1 2003/03/03 01:13:00 jhawk Exp $
# from: @(#) 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/8/93
# Exceptions and additional information to supplement,
# which has full canonical information but does not report city
# information.
# format:
# Area Code : State/Province : City : State/Province Abbrev.
201:New Jersey (USA):Hackensack, Morristown, Newark and Jersey City:NJ
202:Washington, D.C. (USA):all locations:DC
203:Connecticut (USA):Fairfield and New Haven counties in the southern part of the state:CT
204:Manitoba (Canada):all locations:MB
205:Alabama (USA):Birmingham, Tuscaloosa:AL
206:Washington (USA):Seattle, Bainbridge Island:WA
207:Maine (USA):all locations:ME
208:Idaho (USA):all locations:ID
209:California (USA):Modesto, Stockton:CA
210:Texas (USA):San Antonio:TX
212:New York (USA):New York City:NY
213:California (USA):downtown Los Angeles:CA
214:Texas (USA):Dallas:TX
215:Pennsylvania (USA):Philadelphia:PA
216:Ohio (USA):Cleveland:OH
217:Illinois (USA):Champaign, Springfield:IL
218:Minnesota (USA):Duluth:MN
219:Indiana (USA):Gary, Hammond, South Bend, Warsaw:IN
224:Illinois (USA):suburban Chicago:IL
225:Louisiana (USA):Baton Rouge, Plaquemine:LA
228:Mississippi (USA):Biloxi, Gulfport, Pascagoula:MS
229:Georgia (USA):Albany:GA
231:Michigan (USA):Muskegon, Traverse City:MI
234:Ohio (USA):Akron, Youngstown:OH
240:Maryland (USA):Rockville, Silver Spring, Bethesda:MD
242:Bahamas (Caribbean):all locations:
246:Barbados (Caribbean):all locations:
248:Michigan (USA):Oakland county:MI
250:British Columbia (Canada):Kamloops, Kelowna, Victoria:BC
252:North Carolina (USA):Greenville, Morehead City, Rocky Mount:NC
253:Washington (USA):Auburn, Gig Harbor, Tacoma:WA
254:Texas (USA):Waco:TX
256:Alabama (USA):Decatur, Gadsden, Huntsville:AL
262:Wisconsin (USA):Kenosha, Racine, Waukesha:WI
264:Anguilla (Caribbean):all locations:
267:Pennsylvania (USA):Philadelphia:PA
268:Antigua and Barbuda (Caribbean):all locations:
270:Kentucky (USA):Bowling Green, Paducah:KY
281:Texas (USA):Houston:TX
284:British Virgin Islands (Caribbean):all locations:VI
301:Maryland (USA):Rockville, Silver Spring, Bethesda:MD
302:Delaware (USA):all locations:DE
303:Colorado (USA):Denver:CO
304:West Virginia (USA):all locations:WV
305:Florida (USA):Miami, Key West:FL
306:Saskatchewan (Canada):all locations:SK
307:Wyoming (USA):all locations:WY
308:Nebraska (USA):North Platte:NE
309:Illinois (USA):Bloomington, Peoria:IL
310:California (USA):Beverly Hills, Gardena:CA
312:Illinois (USA):Chicago:IL
313:Michigan (USA):Ann Arbor, Detroit:MI
314:Missouri (USA):St. Louis:MO
315:New York (USA):Syracuse:NY
316:Kansas (USA):Dodge City, Wichita:KS
317:Indiana (USA):Indianapolis:IN
318:Louisiana (USA):Alexandria, Monroe:LA
319:Iowa (USA):Dubuque:IA
320:Minnesota (USA):St. Cloud, Willmar:MN
321:Florida (USA):Cape Canaveral:FL
323:California (USA):Los Angeles:CA
330:Ohio (USA):Akron, Youngstown:OH
334:Alabama (USA):Auburn, Mobile, Montgomery, Selma:AL
336:North Carolina (USA):Asheboro, Burlington, Greensboro:NC
337:Louisiana (USA):Lafayette, Lake Charles:LA
339:Massachusetts (USA):Burlington, Reading, Waltham:MA
340:U.S. Virgin Islands (Caribbean):all locations:
345:Cayman Islands (Caribbean):all locations:
347:New York (USA):Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island:NY
351:Massachusetts (USA):Acton, Lowell, North Reading:MA
352:Florida (USA):Gainesville, Ocala:FL
360:Washington (USA):Bellingham, Olympia, Vancouver:WA
361:Texas (USA):Corpus Christi:TX
401:Rhode Island (USA):all locations:RI
402:Nebraska (USA):Lincoln, Omaha:NE
403:Alberta (Canada):Calgary:AB
404:Georgia (USA):Atlanta:GA
405:Oklahoma (USA):Norman, Oklahoma City, Stillwater:OK
406:Montana (USA):all locations:MT
407:Florida (USA):Orlando, Kissimmee:FL
408:California (USA):San Jose:CA
409:Texas (USA):Galveston:TX
410:Maryland (USA):Baltimore, Towson:MD
412:Pennsylvania (USA):Pittsburgh:PA
413:Massachusetts (USA):Springfield:MA
414:Wisconsin (USA):Milwaukee:WI
415:California (USA):San Francisco:CA
416:Ontario (Canada):Toronto:ON
417:Missouri (USA):Joplin, Springfield:MO
418:Quebec (Canada):Quebec:QC
419:Ohio (USA):Toledo:OH
423:Tennessee (USA):Chattanooga:TN
425:Washington (USA):Everett, Kent:WA
435:Utah (USA):Cedar City, St. George:UT
440:Ohio (USA):Ashtabula, Lorain, Westlake:OH
441:Bermuda (Caribbean):all locations:
443:Maryland (USA):Baltimore, Towson:MD
450:Quebec (Canada):area outside Montreal:QC
469:Texas (USA):Dallas:TX
473:Grenada (Caribbean):all locations:
478:Georgia (USA):Macon:GA
480:Arizona (USA):suburban areas east of Phoenix:AZ
484:Pennsylvania (USA):Allentown, Bethlehem, Reading:PA
501:Arkansas (USA):all locations:AR
502:Kentucky (USA):Louisville:KY
503:Oregon (USA):Portland and Salem:OR
504:Louisiana (USA):New Orleans:LA
505:New Mexico (USA):all locations:NM
506:New Brunswick (Canada):all locations:NB
507:Minnesota (USA):Rochester:MN
508:Massachusetts (USA):Framingham, New Bedford, Plymouth:MA
509:Washington (USA):Spokane:WA
510:California (USA):Oakland:CA
512:Texas (USA):Austin:TX
513:Ohio (USA):Cincinnati, Dayton:OH
514:Quebec (Canada):Montreal:QC
515:Iowa (USA):Des Moines:IA
516:New York (USA):Nassau County:NY
517:Michigan (USA):Lansing:MI
518:New York (USA):Albany, Schenectady:NY
519:Ontario (Canada):London, Windsor:ON
520:Arizona (USA):Tucson, Flagstaff, Prescott, Yuma:AZ
530:California (USA):Chico, Redding, Yreka:CA
540:Virginia (USA):Covington, Roanoke, Winchester:VA
541:Oregon (USA):Eugene, Medford:OR
559:California (USA):Fresno, Visalia:CA
561:Florida (USA):Boca Raton, Stuart, West Palm Beach:FL
562:California (USA):Santa Monica, Long Beach, Whittier:CA
570:Pennsylvania (USA):Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, Williamsport:PA
571:Virginia (USA):Arlington, Fairfax, Vienna:VA
573:Missouri (USA):Jefferson City, Columbia and other towns outside St. Louis:MO
580:Oklahoma (USA):Ardmore, Enid, Lawton:OK
586:Michigan (USA):Birmingham, Flint, Pontiac:MI
601:Mississippi (USA):Hattiesburg, Jackson:MS
602:Arizona (USA):Phoenix:AZ
603:New Hampshire (USA):all locations:NH
604:British Columbia (Canada):Vancouver:BC
605:South Dakota (USA):all locations:SD
606:Kentucky (USA):Ashland:KY
607:New York (USA):Binghamton, Elmira:NY
608:Wisconsin (USA):Madison:WI
609:New Jersey (USA):Atlantic City, Princeton, Trenton:NJ
610:Pennsylvania (USA):Allentown, Bethlehem, Reading, West Chester:PA
612:Minnesota (USA):Minneapolis:MN
613:Ontario (Canada):Ottawa:ON
614:Ohio (USA):Columbus:OH
615:Tennessee (USA):Nashville:TN
616:Michigan (USA):Battle Creek, Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo:MI
617:Massachusetts (USA):Boston:MA
618:Illinois (USA):Collinsville, Granite City:IL
619:California (USA):San Diego:CA
623:Arizona (USA):suburban areas west of Phoenix:AZ
626:California (USA):Alhambra, La Puente, Pasadena:CA
630:Illinois (USA):suburban Chicago:IL
631:New York (USA):Suffolk County:NY
636:Missouri (USA):Chesterfield, O'Fallon, Gray Summit:MO
641:Iowa (USA):Creston, Mason City, Osceola:IA
646:New York (USA):Manhattan:NY
647:Ontario (Canada):Toronto:ON
649:Turks and Caicos (Caribbean):all locations:
650:California (USA):Mountain View, San Mateo:CA
651:Minnesota (USA):St. Paul:MN
660:Missouri (USA):Kirksville, Maryville, Trenton:MO
661:California (USA):Bakersfield, Lancaster, Palmdale:CA
662:Mississippi (USA):Greenville, Oxford, Tupelo:MS
664:Montserrat (Caribbean):all locations:
670:Mariana Islands (Pacific):all locations:
671:Guam (Pacific):all locations:
678:Georgia (USA):Atlanta and suburban areas:GA
682:Texas (USA):Arlington, Fort Worth, Grapevine:TX
701:North Dakota (USA):all locations:ND
702:Nevada (USA):Las Vegas:NV
703:Virginia (USA):Arlington, Alexandria, Fairfax, Falls Church:VA
704:North Carolina (USA):Charlotte:NC
705:Ontario (Canada):Sault Ste. Marie:ON
706:Georgia (USA):Augusta, Columbus:GA
707:California (USA):Crescent City, Eureka:CA
708:Illinois (USA):Des Plaines, Palatine, Waukegan:IL
709:Newfoundland (Canada):all locations:NF
712:Iowa (USA):Council Bluffs, Sioux City:IA
713:Texas (USA):Houston:TX
714:California (USA):Anaheim:CA
715:Wisconsin (USA):Eau Claire, Wausau:WI
716:New York (USA):Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Rochester:NY
717:Pennsylvania (USA):Harrisburg, Hershey, York:PA
718:New York (USA):Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island:NY
719:Colorado (USA):Colorado Springs, Pueblo:CO
720:Colorado (USA):Denver:CO
724:Pennsylvania (USA):Latrobe, New Castle:PA
727:Florida (USA):Clearwater, St. Petersburg:FL
732:New Jersey (USA):Middlesex, Monmouth, Ocean Counties:NJ
734:Michigan (USA):Ann Arbor, Livonia, Ypsilanti:MI
740:Ohio (USA):Athens, Lancaster, Marietta:OH
757:Virginia (USA):Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia Beach:VA
758:St. Lucia (Caribbean):all locations:
760:California (USA):Bishop, Needles, Palm Springs:CA
763:Minnesota (USA):northern and northwestern suburbs of Minneapolis:MN
765:Indiana (USA):Kokomo, Lafayette, Richmond:IN
767:Dominica (Caribbean):all locations:
770:Georgia (USA):suburban Atlanta (the area outside the Interstate 285 beltway):GA
773:Illinois (USA):Chicago:IL
774:Massachusetts (USA):Framingham, New Bedford, Plymouth:MA
775:Nevada (USA):Carson City, Reno:NV
780:Alberta (Canada):Edmonton, Grande Prairie:AB
781:Massachusetts (USA):Burlington, Reading, Waltham:MA
784:St. Vincent/Grenadines (Caribbean):all locations:
785:Kansas (USA):Junction City, Lawrence, Topeka:KS
786:Florida (USA):Miami, North Dade:FL
787:Puerto Rico (Caribbean):all locations:PR
801:Utah (USA):Salt Lake City:UT
802:Vermont (USA):all locations:VT
803:South Carolina (USA):Columbia, Winnsboro:SC
804:Virginia (USA):Norfolk, Richmond:VA
805:California (USA):Bakersfield, Santa Barbara:CA
806:Texas (USA):Amarillo, Lubbock:TX
807:Ontario (Canada):Thunder Bay:ON
808:Hawaii (USA):all locations:HI
809::Islands in the Caribbean, including the Dominican Republic:
810:Michigan (USA):Birmingham, Flint, Pontiac:MI
812:Indiana (USA):Bloomington, Evansville, Terra Haute:IN
813:Florida (USA):Clearwater, St. Petersburg, Tampa:FL
814:Pennsylvania (USA):Altoona, Erie:PA
815:Illinois (USA):Joliet, Rockford:IL
816:Missouri (USA):Kansas City:MO
817:Texas (USA):Arlington, Fort Worth:TX
818:California (USA):Burbank, Glendale, San Fernando:CA
819:Quebec (Canada):Sherbrooke, Trois Rivieres:QC
828:North Carolina (USA):Asheville, Hendersonville:NC
830:Texas (USA):Fredericksburg, New Braunfels, Uvalde:TX
831:California (USA):Monterey, Salinas:CA
832:Texas (USA):Houston:TX
843:South Carolina (USA):Charleston, Florence:SC
845:New York (USA):Middletown, Putnam Valley, Woodstock:NY
847:Illinois (USA):suburban Chicago:IL
850:Florida (USA):Panama City, Pensacola, Tallahassee:FL
855::Toll Free:
856:New Jersey (USA):Camden, Vineland:NJ
857:Massachusetts (USA):Boston:MA
858:California (USA):La Jolla, Poway, Rancho Santa Fe:CA
859:Kentucky (USA):Covington, Lexington:KY
860:Connecticut (USA):Bloomfield, Canaan, Hartford, Norwich:CT
863:Florida (USA):Arcadia, Lakeland, Sebring:FL
864:South Carolina (USA):Greenville, Spartanburg:SC
865:Tennessee (USA):Knoxville:TN
867:Yukon/Northwest Territories (Canada):all locations:NT
868:Trinidad and Tobago (Caribbean):all locations:
869:St. Kitts/Nevis (Caribbean):all locations:
870:Arkansas (USA):Jonesboro, Pine Bluff, Texarkana:AR
876:Jamaica (Caribbean):all locations:
878:Pennsylvania (USA):overlay of both 412 and 724 area codes:PA
901:Tennessee (USA):Memphis:TN
902:Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island (Canada):all locations:NS
903:Texas (USA):Longview, Texarkana, Tyler:TX
904:Florida (USA):Daytona Beach, Jacksonville:FL
905:Ontario (Canada):Hamilton, Unionville, Woodbridge:ON
906:Michigan (USA):Marquette, Sault Ste. Marie:MI
907:Alaska (USA):all locations:AK
908:New Jersey (USA):Asbury Park, Elizabeth, New Brunswick, Westfield:NJ
909:California (USA):Ontario, Pomona, Upland:CA
910:North Carolina (USA):Fayetteville, Winston-Salem:NC
912:Georgia (USA):Savannah:GA
913:Kansas (USA):Kansas City, Topeka:KS
914:New York (USA):Newburgh, Ossining, Poughkeepsie:NY
915:Texas (USA):Abilene, El Paso, San Angelo:TX
916:California (USA):Sacramento:CA
917:New York (USA):New York City, Queens, Staten Island:NY
918:Oklahoma (USA):Broken Arrow, Muskogee, Tulsa:OK
919:North Carolina (USA):Durham, Raleigh:NC
920:Wisconsin (USA):Appleton, Green Bay, Sheboygan:WI
925:California (USA):Pleasanton, Walnut Creek:CA
931:Tennessee (USA):Clarksville:TN
936:Texas (USA):Conroe, Nacogdoches:TX
937:Ohio (USA):Dayton, Hamilton:OH
940:Texas (USA):Denton, Wichita Falls:TX
941:Florida (USA):Bradenton, Ft. Myers, Naples, Sarasota:FL
947:Michigan (USA):Oakland county:MI
949:California (USA):Costa Mesa, Irvine, Newport Beach:CA
952:Minnesota (USA):southern and southwestern suburbs of Minneapolis:MN
954:Florida (USA):Ft. Lauderdale, Broward County:FL
956:Texas (USA):Brownsville, Laredo, McAllen:TX
970:Colorado (USA):Aspen, Vail:CO
971:Oregon (USA):Portland, Salem:OR
972:Texas (USA):Dallas:TX
973:New Jersey (USA):Morris, Passaic, Essex Counties:NJ
978:Massachusetts (USA):Acton, Lowell, North Reading:MA
979:Texas (USA):Bryan-College Station, Freeport:TX
980:North Carolina (USA):Charlotte:NC
989:Michigan (USA):Alpena, Midland, Saginaw:MI

share/misc/na.postal Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
# $NetBSD: na.postal,v 1.1 2003/03/26 15:57:54 tsarna Exp $
# North American postal region (State/Province/Territory/etc) codes.
# Two-Letter Region Code:State/Prov./Terr.:Abbrev.:2-Letter Country code
# From:
AA:Armed Forces Americas:AA:US
AE:Armed Forces Europe:AE:US
AP:Armed Forces Pacific:AP:US
AS:American Samoa:American Samoa:US
BC:British Columbia:B.C.:CA
DC:District of Columbia:D.C.:US
MH:Marshall Islands:Marshall Isl.:MH
MP:Northern Mariana Islands:N. Mariana Isl.:MP
NB:New Brunswick:N.B.:CA
NC:North Carolina:N.C.:US
ND:North Dakota:N.D.:US
NH:New Hampshire:N.H.:US
NJ:New Jersey:N.J.:US
NM:New Mexico:N.M.:US
NS:Nova Scotia:N.S.:CA
NT:Northwest Territories:N.W.T.:CA
NY:New York:N.Y.:US
PE:Prince Edward Island:P.E.I.:CA
PR:Puerto Rico:P.R.:US
RI:Rhode Island:R.I.:US
SC:South Carolina:S.C.:US
SD:South Dakota:S.D.:US
UM:Minor Outlying Islands:Minor Outlying Islands:US
VI:Virgin Islands:V.I.:US
WV:West Virginia:W.Va.:US
YT:Yukon Territory:Y.T.:CA

share/misc/nanpa.awk Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
# $NetBSD: nanpa.awk,v 1.2 2003/03/13 02:55:01 jhawk Exp $
# todo:
# parse "
# function=list_npa_introduced" to produce parenthetical
# notes about what area codes are overlayed by others
# (or split from).
function parse(file, ispipe, isplanning, i, planinit, t)
planinit = 0;
while((ispipe?(file | getline):(getline < file)) > 0) {
sub(/#.*/, "");
if (length($0)==0) continue;
if (isplanning) {
split($0, f);
if (!planinit && f[2]=="NEW NPA") {
for (i=1; i<=NF; i++)
} else if (planinit && length(f[fnames["NEW NPA"]])>1) {
t = f[fnames["LOCATION"]] FS;
if (f[fnames["OVERLAY?"]]=="Yes")
t = t "Overlay of " f[fnames["OLD NPA"]];
else if (f[fnames["OLD NPA"]])
t = t "Split of " f[fnames["OLD NPA"]];
if (f[fnames["STATUS"]])
t = t " (" f[fnames["STATUS"]] ")";
if (length(f[fnames["IN SERVICE DATE"]]) > 1)
t = t " effective " \
f[fnames["IN SERVICE DATE"]];
data[f[fnames["NEW NPA"]] "*"] = t;
} else {
# digits only
match($0, /^[0-9]/);
if (RSTART==0) continue;
i=index($0, FS);
data[substr($0, 1, i-1)]=substr($0,i+1);
print "# $""NetBSD: $";
print "# Generated from";
print "# (with local exceptions)";
print "# ";
print "# format:";
print "# Area Code : Description : Detail : State/Province Abbrev.";
print "# (3rd and 4th fields optional)";
print "# A * in the Area Code field indicates a future area code."
print "# ";
parse("ftp -o - " \
"\\?" \
"function=list_npa_geo_number | sed -f nanpa.sed", 1, 0);
parse("ftp -o - " \
"\\?" \
"function=list_npa_non_geo | sed -f nanpa.sed", 1, 0);
parse("ftp -o - " \
"\\?" \
"function=list_npa_not_in_service | sed -f nanpa.sed", 1, 1);
parse("", 0, 0);
sort="sort -n";
for (i in data)
print i FS data[i] | sort

share/misc/nanpa.sed Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
# $NetBSD: nanpa.sed,v 1.2 2006/12/25 18:39:48 wiz Exp $
# Parse HTML tables output by
# Specifically, for each html table row (TR),
# print the <TD> elements separated by colons.
# This could break on HTML comments.
# Strip ^Ms
s/ //g
# Join all lines with unterminated HTML tags
b top
# Replace all </TR> with EOL tag
# Join lines with only <TR>.
b top
# Also, join all lines starting with <TR>.
b top
# Remove EOL markers
# Remove lines not starting with <TR>
# Replace all <TD> with colon
s/[ ]*<TD[^>]*> */:/g
# Strip all HTML tags
# Handle HTML characters
s/&nbsp;/ /g
# Compress spaces/tabs
s/[ ][ ]*/ /g
# Strip leading colons
# Strip leading/trailing whitespace
s/^ //
s/ $//

share/misc/operator Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
Operator Associativity
() [] -> . left to right
! ~ ++ -- - (type) * & sizeof new delete right to left
->* .* left to right
* / % left to right
+ - left to right
<< >> left to right
< <= > >= left to right
== != left to right
& left to right
^ left to right
| left to right
&& left to right
|| left to right
?: right to left
= += -= *= /= %= <<= >>= &= ^= |= throw right to left
?: (C++, third operand) right to left
, left to right

share/misc/style Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
/* $NetBSD: style,v 1.49 2011/09/01 09:33:01 christos Exp $ */
* The revision control tag appears first, with a blank line after it.
* Copyright text appears after the revision control tag.
* The NetBSD source code style guide.
* (Previously known as KNF - Kernel Normal Form).
* from: @(#)style 1.12 (Berkeley) 3/18/94
* An indent(1) profile approximating the style outlined in
* this document lives in /usr/share/misc/ It is a
* useful tool to assist in converting code to KNF, but indent(1)
* output generated using this profile must not be considered to
* be an authoritative reference.
* Source code revision control identifiers appear after any copyright
* text. Use the appropriate macros from <sys/cdefs.h>. Usually only one
* source file per program contains a __COPYRIGHT() section.
* Historic Berkeley code may also have an __SCCSID() section.
* Only one instance of each of these macros can occur in each file.
* Don't use newlines in the identifiers.
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
__COPYRIGHT("@(#) Copyright (c) 2008\
The NetBSD Foundation, inc. All rights reserved.");
__RCSID("$NetBSD: style,v 1.49 2011/09/01 09:33:01 christos Exp $");
* VERY important single-line comments look like this.
/* Most single-line comments look like this. */
* Multi-line comments look like this. Make them real sentences. Fill
* them so they look like real paragraphs.
* Attempt to wrap lines longer than 80 characters appropriately.
* Refer to the examples below for more information.
* A header file should protect itself against multiple inclusion.
* E.g, <sys/socket.h> would contain something like:
#ifndef _SYS_SOCKET_H_
#define _SYS_SOCKET_H_
* Contents of #include file go between the #ifndef and the #endif at the end.
#endif /* !_SYS_SOCKET_H_ */
* If a header file requires structures, defines, typedefs, etc. from
* another header file it should include that header file and not depend
* on the including file for that header including both. If there are
* exceptions to this for specific headers it should be clearly documented
* in the headers and, if appropriate, the documentation. Nothing in this
* rule should suggest relaxation of the multiple inclusion rule and the
* application programmer should be free to include both regardless.
* Kernel include files come first.
#include <sys/types.h> /* Non-local includes in brackets. */
* If it's a network program, put the network include files next.
* Group the includes files by subdirectory.
#include <net/if.h>
#include <net/if_dl.h>
#include <net/route.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <protocols/rwhod.h>
* Then there's a blank line, followed by the /usr include files.
* The /usr include files should be sorted!
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
* Global pathnames are defined in /usr/include/paths.h. Pathnames local
* to the program go in pathnames.h in the local directory.
#include <paths.h>
/* Then, there's a blank line, and the user include files. */
#include "pathnames.h" /* Local includes in double quotes. */
* ANSI function declarations for private functions (i.e. functions not used
* elsewhere) and the main() function go at the top of the source module.
* Don't associate a name with the types. I.e. use:
* void function(int);
* Use your discretion on indenting between the return type and the name, and
* how to wrap a prototype too long for a single line. In the latter case,
* lining up under the initial left parenthesis may be more readable.
* In any case, consistency is important!
static char *function(int, int, float, int);
static int dirinfo(const char *, struct stat *, struct dirent *,
struct statfs *, int *, char **[]);
static void usage(void) __dead; /* declare functions that don't return dead */
* Macros are capitalized, parenthesized, and should avoid side-effects.
* Spacing before and after the macro name may be any whitespace, though
* use of TABs should be consistent through a file.
* If they are an inline expansion of a function, the function is defined
* all in lowercase, the macro has the same name all in uppercase.
* If the macro is an expression, wrap the expression in parenthesis.
* If the macro is more than a single statement, use ``do { ... } while (0)'',
* so that a trailing semicolon works. Right-justify the backslashes; it
* makes it easier to read. The CONSTCOND comment is to satisfy lint(1).
#define MACRO(v, w, x, y) \
do { \
v = (x) + (y); \
w = (y) + 2; \
} while (/* CONSTCOND */ 0)
#define DOUBLE(x) ((x) * 2)
/* Enum types are capitalized. No comma on the last element. */
enum enumtype {
} et;
* When declaring variables in structures, declare them organized by use in
* a manner to attempt to minimize memory wastage because of compiler alignment
* issues, then by size, and then by alphabetical order. E.g, don't use
* ``int a; char *b; int c; char *d''; use ``int a; int b; char *c; char *d''.
* Each variable gets its own type and line, although an exception can be made
* when declaring bitfields (to clarify that it's part of the one bitfield).
* Note that the use of bitfields in general is discouraged.
* Major structures should be declared at the top of the file in which they
* are used, or in separate header files, if they are used in multiple
* source files. Use of the structures should be by separate declarations
* and should be "extern" if they are declared in a header file.
* It may be useful to use a meaningful prefix for each member name.
* E.g, for ``struct softc'' the prefix could be ``sc_''.
struct foo {
struct foo *next; /* List of active foo */
struct mumble amumble; /* Comment for mumble */
int bar;
unsigned int baz:1, /* Bitfield; line up entries if desired */
uint8_t flag;
struct foo *foohead; /* Head of global foo list */
/* Make the structure name match the typedef. */
typedef struct BAR {
int level;
} BAR;
/* C99 uintN_t is preferred over u_intN_t. */
uint32_t zero;
* All major routines should have a comment briefly describing what
* they do. The comment before the "main" routine should describe
* what the program does.
main(int argc, char *argv[])
long num;
int ch;
char *ep;
* At the start of main(), call setprogname() to set the program
* name. This does nothing on NetBSD, but increases portability
* to other systems.
* For consistency, getopt should be used to parse options.
* Options should be sorted in the getopt call and the switch
* statement, unless parts of the switch cascade. For the
* sorting order, see the usage() example below. Don't forget
* to add option descriptions to the usage and the manpage.
* Elements in a switch statement that cascade should have a
* FALLTHROUGH comment. Numerical arguments should be checked
* for accuracy. Code that cannot be reached should have a
* NOTREACHED comment.
while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "abn:")) != -1) {
switch (ch) { /* Indent the switch. */
case 'a': /* Don't indent the case. */
aflag = 1;
case 'b':
bflag = 1;
case 'n':
errno = 0;
num = strtol(optarg, &ep, 10);
if (num <= 0 || *ep != '\0' || (errno == ERANGE &&
(num == LONG_MAX || num == LONG_MIN)) )
errx(1, "illegal number -- %s", optarg);
case '?':
argc -= optind;
argv += optind;
* Space after keywords (while, for, return, switch). No braces are
* required for control statements with only a single statement,
* unless it's a long statement.
* Forever loops are done with for's, not while's.
for (p = buf; *p != '\0'; ++p)
continue; /* Explicit no-op */
for (;;)
* Braces are required for control statements with a single statement
* that may expand to nothing.
#ifdef DEBUG_FOO
#define DPRINTF(a) printf a
#define DPRINTF(a)
if (broken) {
DPRINTF(("broken is %d\n", broken));
* Parts of a for loop may be left empty. Don't put declarations
* inside blocks unless the routine is unusually complicated.
for (; cnt < 15; cnt++) {
/* Second level indents are four spaces. */
while (cnt < 20)
z = a + really + long + statement + that + needs + two + lines +
gets + indented + four + spaces + on + the + second +
and + subsequent + lines;
* Closing and opening braces go on the same line as the else.
* Don't add braces that aren't necessary except in cases where
* there are ambiguity or readability issues.
if (test) {
* I have a long comment here.
#ifdef zorro
z = 1;
b = 3;
} else if (bar) {
} else
/* No spaces after function names. */
if ((result = function(a1, a2, a3, a4)) == NULL)
* Unary operators don't require spaces, binary operators do.
* Don't excessively use parenthesis, but they should be used if
* statement is really confusing without them, such as:
* a = b->c[0] + ~d == (e || f) || g && h ? i : j >> 1;
a = ((b->c[0] + ~d == (e || f)) || (g && h)) ? i : (j >> 1);
k = !(l & FLAGS);
* Exits should be EXIT_SUCCESS on success, and EXIT_FAILURE on
* failure. Don't denote all the possible exit points, using the
* integers 1 through 127. Avoid obvious comments such as "Exit
* 0 on success.". Since main is a function that returns an int,
* prefer returning from it, than calling exit.
* The function type must be declared on a line by itself
* preceding the function.
static char *
function(int a1, int a2, float fl, int a4)
* When declaring variables in functions declare them sorted by size,
* then in alphabetical order; multiple ones per line are okay.
* Function prototypes should go in the include file "extern.h".
* If a line overflows reuse the type keyword.
* DO NOT initialize variables in the declarations.
extern u_char one;
extern char two;
struct foo three, *four;
double five;
int *six, seven;
char *eight, *nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen;
char fourteen, fifteen, sixteen;
* Casts and sizeof's are not followed by a space. NULL is any
* pointer type, and doesn't need to be cast, so use NULL instead
* of (struct foo *)0 or (struct foo *)NULL. Also, test pointers
* against NULL. I.e. use:
* (p = f()) == NULL
* not:
* !(p = f())
* The notable exception here is varyadic functions. Since our
* code is designed to compile and work on different environments
* where we don't have control over the NULL definition (on NetBSD
* it is defined as ((void *)0), but on other systems it can be
* defined as (0) and both definitions are valid under ANSI C), it
* it advised to cast NULL to a pointer on varyadic functions,
* because on machines where sizeof(pointer) != sizeof(int) and in
* the absence of a prototype in scope, passing an un-casted NULL,
* will result in passing an int on the stack instead of a pointer.
* Don't use `!' for tests unless it's a boolean.
* E.g. use "if (*p == '\0')", not "if (!*p)".
* Routines returning ``void *'' should not have their return
* values cast to more specific pointer types.
* Prefer sizeof(*var) over sizeof(type) because if type changes,
* the change needs to be done in one place.
* Use err/warn(3), don't roll your own!
if ((four = malloc(sizeof(*four))) == NULL)
err(1, NULL);
if ((six = (int *)overflow()) == NULL)
errx(1, "Number overflowed.");
/* No parentheses are needed around the return value. */
return eight;
* Use ANSI function declarations. ANSI function braces look like
* old-style (K&R) function braces.
* As per the wrapped prototypes, use your discretion on how to format
* the subsequent lines.
static int
dirinfo(const char *p, struct stat *sb, struct dirent *de, struct statfs *sf,
int *rargc, char **rargv[])
{ /* Insert an empty line if the function has no local variables. */
* In system libraries, catch obviously invalid function arguments
* using _DIAGASSERT(3).
_DIAGASSERT(filedesc != -1);
if (stat(p, sb) < 0)
err(1, "Unable to stat %s", p);
* To printf quantities that might be larger that "long", include
* <inttypes.h>, cast quantities to intmax_t or uintmax_t and use
* PRI?MAX constants.
(void)printf("The size of %s is %" PRIdMAX " (%#" PRIxMAX ")\n", p,
(intmax_t)sb->st_size, (uintmax_t)sb->st_size);
* To printf quantities of known bit-width, use the corresponding
* defines (generally only done within NetBSD for quantities that
* exceed 32-bits).
(void)printf("%s uses %" PRId64 " blocks and has flags %#" PRIx32 "\n",
p, sb->st_blocks, sb->st_flags);
* There are similar constants that should be used with the *scanf(3)
* family of functions: SCN?MAX, SCN?64, etc.
* Functions that support variable numbers of arguments should look like this.
* (With the #include <stdarg.h> appearing at the top of the file with the
* other include files.)
#include <stdarg.h>
vaf(const char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
/* No return needed for void functions. */
static void
* Use printf(3), not fputs/puts/putchar/whatever, it's faster and
* usually cleaner, not to mention avoiding stupid bugs.
* Use snprintf(3) or strlcpy(3)/strlcat(3) instead of sprintf(3);
* again to avoid stupid bugs.
* Usage statements should look like the manual pages.
* Options w/o operands come first, in alphabetical order
* inside a single set of braces, upper case before lower case
* (AaBbCc...). Next are options with operands, in the same
* order, each in braces. Then required arguments in the
* order they are specified, followed by optional arguments in
* the order they are specified. A bar (`|') separates
* either/or options/arguments, and multiple options/arguments
* which are specified together are placed in a single set of
* braces.
* Use getprogname() instead of hardcoding the program name.
* "usage: f [-aDde] [-b b_arg] [-m m_arg] req1 req2 [opt1 [opt2]]\n"
* "usage: f [-a | -b] [-c [-de] [-n number]]\n"
(void)fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-ab]\n", getprogname());

share/misc/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
# Country Name:Country code:IDD International prefix:NDD national prefix
American Samoa:684:00:
Ascension Island:247:01:
Bosnia & Herzogovina:387:00:0:
British Virgin Islands:1-284*:011:1
Burkina Faso:226:00:
Cape Verde Islands:238:0
Cayman Islands:1-345*:011:1
Central African Republic:236:19:
Chatham Island (New Zealand):64:00
China (PRC):86:00:0
Christmas Island:61:00:0
Cocos-Keeling Islands:61:0011:0
Congo, Dem. Rep. of (former Zaire):243:00
Cook Islands:682:00:00
Costa Rica:506:00
Cuba (Guantanamo Bay):5399:00:0
Czech Republic:420:00,052(discount carrier):0
Diego Garcia:246:00
Dominican Republic:1-809*:011:1
East Timor:670::
Easter Island:56:00:
El Salvador:503:0,144+0 Telefonica:
Equatorial Guinea:240:00:
Faeroe Islands:298:009:
Falkland Islands:500:0,(00 after 20010601):
Fiji Islands:679:05:
France:33:00(France Telecom),40(TELE 2),50(OMNICOM),70(LE 7 CEGETEL),90(9 TELECOM):0
French Antilles:596:00:
French Guiana:594:00:
French Polynesia:689:00:
Global Mobile Satellite System (GMSS):881::
Guantanamo Bay:5399:00:0
Guatemala:502:00,130+00 Telefonica:0
Guinea (PRP):224:00:0
Hong Kong:852:001(HKCWT),0080(Hutchison),009(New World):
Inmarsat (Atlantic Ocean - East):871:00:
Inmarsat (Atlantic Ocean - West):874:00:
Inmarsat (Indian Ocean):873:00:
Inmarsat (Pacific Ocean):872:00:
Inmarsat SNAC:870:
Israel:972:00(default),012(Golden Lines),013(Barak LTD),014(Bezeq LTD):0
Ivory Coast(Cote d'Ivoire):225:00:0
Japan:81:001(KDD),0061(Cableo & Wireless IDC),0041(Japan Telecom):0
Korea (North):850:00:0
Korea (South):82:001,002:0,082
Kyrgyz Republic:996:8~10:8
Macedonia (FYROM):389:00:0
Mali Republic:223:00:0
Marshall Islands:692:011:1
Mayotte Island:269:10
Micronesia, (Federal States of):691:011:1
Midway Island:808:00:0
Netherlands Antilles:599:00:0
New Caledonia:687:00:0
New Zealand:64:00:0
Norfolk Island:672:00:0
Northern Marianas Islands (Saipan,Rota&Tinian):1-670*:011:1
Papua New Guinea:675:05:
Portugal:351:00,882(Rubicon/BT "GeoVerse"):
Puerto Rico:1-787*:011:1
Reunion Island:262:00:0
St. Helena:290:01:
St. Kitts/Nevis:1-869*:011:1
St. Lucia:1-758*:011:1
St. Pierre & Miquelon:508:00:0
St. Vincent & Grenadines:1-784*:011:1
San Marino:378:00:0
Sao Tome and Principe:239:00:0
Saudi Arabia:966:00:0
Seychelles Islands:248:00:0
Sierra Leone:232:00:0
Singapore:65:001(Singtel),002(MobileOne),008(Starhub),012(Singtel FaxPlus Fax over IP),013(Singtel BudgetCall Voice recommended only/Fax possible),018(Starhub I-Call (Voice over IP),019(Singtel V019 Voice over IP):
Slovak Republic:421:00:0:
Solomon Islands:677:00:
South Africa:27:09:0:
Spain:34:07,(00 might work):9
Sri Lanka:94:00:0
Thailand:66:001(to call Malaysia from Thailand, dial 007-60 +Area Code):0:
Tonga Islands:676:00:
Trinidad & Tobago:1-868*:011:1
Turks and Caicos Islands:1-649*:011:1
United Arab Emirates:971:00:
United Kingdom:44:00(no ADSL&ISDN),000(ADSL&ISDN to be withdrawn 20000930):0
United States of America:1:011:1
US Virgin Islands:1-340*:011:1
Universal Personal Telecommunications (UPT):878::
Vatican City:39:00:
Wake Island:808:00:
Wallis and Futuna Islands:681:19~:
Western Samoa:685:0
# * These countries are part of the North America Numbering Plan
# (NANP), though they may be far removed from North America (and
# Mexico is not included). The country code for all NANP countries
# is 1; the numbers that follow function similar to area codes in
# the U.S. and Canada.
# ~ Await a second tone at this stage
# From:

share/misc/zipcodes Normal file

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
# netbsdpath: path in BSD source tree (starting from src/) # netbsdpath: path in BSD source tree (starting from src/)
2011/12/25 06:09:09,sys/arch/i386/stand 2011/12/25 06:09:09,sys/arch/i386/stand
2012/02/10 16:16:12,share/zoneinfo 2012/02/10 16:16:12,share/zoneinfo
2012/02/10 16:16:12,share/misc
2011/05/26 00:00:00,external/public-domain/xz 2011/05/26 00:00:00,external/public-domain/xz
2011/09/30 01:32:21,usr.bin/gzip 2011/09/30 01:32:21,usr.bin/gzip
2011/08/27 12:55:09,bin/date 2011/08/27 12:55:09,bin/date