Al's change

This commit is contained in:
Ben Gras 2005-09-16 13:27:38 +00:00
parent 15b5f4afe9
commit 38e6ba9eec

View file

@ -201,22 +201,22 @@ step3=""
while [ "$step3" != ok ]
echo ""
echo " --- Step 3: Select binary or source distribution ----------------------"
echo " --- Step 3: Select minimal or full distribution -----------------------"
echo ""
echo "You can install MINIX as (B)inary or (S)ource. (B)inary"
echo "You can install MINIX as (M)inimal or (F)ull. (M)inimal"
echo "includes only the binary system and basic system sources."
echo "(S)ource also includes commands sources."
echo "(F)ull also includes commands sources."
echo ""
echo "Please select:"
echo " (B)inary install (only basic sources) ($NOSRCMB MB required)"
echo " (S)ource install (full install) ($TOTALMB MB required)"
echo " (M)inimal install (only basic sources) ($NOSRCMB MB required)"
echo " (F)ull install (full install) ($TOTALMB MB required)"
echo " "
echo -n "Basic (B)inary or full (S)ource install? [S] "
echo -n "Basic (M)inimal or (F)ull install? [F] "
read conf
case "$conf" in
"") step3="ok"; nobigsource="" ;;
[Ss]*) step3="ok"; nobigsource="" ;;
[Bb]*) step3="ok"; nobigsource="1"; TOTALMB=$NOSRCMB; USRFILES=$NOSRCUSRFILES ;;
[Ff]*) step3="ok"; nobigsource="" ;;
[Mm]*) step3="ok"; nobigsource="1"; TOTALMB=$NOSRCMB; USRFILES=$NOSRCUSRFILES ;;
# end Step 3