
172 lines
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#include <magic/support/BitFieldAggregation.h>
using namespace llvm;
namespace llvm {
#define DEBUG_BFA 0
#define BitFieldAggregation_assert_or_return(R,RV,T,ET,X) do { \
if(!(X)) { \
if(R) return RV; \
errs() << "Assertion failed, dumping types...\n"; \
errs() << TypeUtil::getDescription(T, ET); \
} \
assert(X); \
} while(0)
// Constructors, destructor, and operators
BitFieldAggregation::BitFieldAggregation(TYPECONST Type* type, std::vector<EDIType> EDITypes, unsigned typeIndex, unsigned EDITypeIndex, std::vector<DIDerivedType> members, unsigned counter) {
init(type, EDITypes, typeIndex, EDITypeIndex, members, counter);
BitFieldAggregation::BitFieldAggregation() {
type = NULL;
typeIndex = 0;
EDITypeIndex = 0;
name = "";
void BitFieldAggregation::init(TYPECONST Type* type, std::vector<EDIType> EDITypes, unsigned typeIndex, unsigned EDITypeIndex, std::vector<DIDerivedType> members, unsigned counter) {
assert(members.size() == EDITypes.size());
assert(typeIndex <= EDITypeIndex);
size = members.size();
assert(size > 0);
this->type = type;
this->EDITypes = EDITypes;
this->typeIndex = typeIndex;
this->EDITypeIndex = EDITypeIndex;
this->members = members;
raw_string_ostream ostream(name);
ostream << bfaNamePrefix << counter;
// Getters
const std::string BitFieldAggregation::getDescription() const {
std::string string;
raw_string_ostream ostream(string);
ostream << "[\nname = " << name << "\nmembers = ";
for(unsigned i=0;i<size;i++) {
ostream << (i==0 ? "" : ", ") << members[i].getName();
ostream << "\ntype = \n" << TypeUtil::getDescription(getType());
std::vector<EDIType> EDITypes = getEDITypes();
for(unsigned i=0;i<EDITypes.size();i++) {
ostream << "\nEDIType" << i << " =\n" << TypeUtil::getDescription(&EDITypes[i]);
ostream << "\n]";
return string;
// Public static methods
bool BitFieldAggregation::getBitFieldAggregations(TYPECONST Type *type, const EDIType *aEDIType, std::vector<BitFieldAggregation> &bfas, bool returnOnError) {
std::vector<BitFieldAggregation> emptyBfas;
if(!hasBitFields(type, aEDIType)) {
return true;
unsigned typeIndex = 0;
unsigned EDITypeIndex = 0;
unsigned typeContainedTypes = type->getNumContainedTypes();
unsigned aEDITypeContainedTypes = aEDIType->getNumContainedTypes();
unsigned counter = 1;
const EDIType privateEDIType(*aEDIType);
aEDIType = &privateEDIType;
while(typeIndex < typeContainedTypes) {
TYPECONST Type *containedType = type->getContainedType(typeIndex);
if(EDITypeIndex >= aEDITypeContainedTypes && typeIndex == typeContainedTypes-1 && TypeUtil::isPaddedType(type)) {
BitFieldAggregation_assert_or_return(returnOnError, false, type, aEDIType, EDITypeIndex < aEDITypeContainedTypes);
const EDIType containedEDIType = aEDIType->getContainedType(EDITypeIndex);
unsigned typeBits = TypeUtil::typeToBits(containedType);
if(typeBits > 0 && containedEDIType.isIntegerTy()) {
unsigned EDITypeBits = aEDIType->getMember(EDITypeIndex).getSizeInBits();
assert(typeBits >= EDITypeBits);
if(typeBits > EDITypeBits) {
unsigned lastTypeIndex = typeIndex;
unsigned lastEDITypeIndex = EDITypeIndex;
while(lastEDITypeIndex+1 < aEDITypeContainedTypes && isBitField(type, aEDIType, lastEDITypeIndex+1)) { // grab all the bitfields following the first one found
EDITypeBits += aEDIType->getMember(lastEDITypeIndex).getSizeInBits();
while(lastTypeIndex+1 < typeContainedTypes && EDITypeBits > typeBits) { // grab all the necessary fields to cover all the bits found in the bitfields
typeBits += TypeUtil::typeToBits(type->getContainedType(lastTypeIndex));
BitFieldAggregation *bfa = BitFieldAggregation::getBitFieldAggregation(type, aEDIType, returnOnError, typeIndex, EDITypeIndex, lastTypeIndex, lastEDITypeIndex, counter++);
BitFieldAggregation_assert_or_return(returnOnError, false, type, aEDIType, bfa != NULL);
if(bfa->getSize() > 1) {
//we don't care about single-element aggregates
EDITypeIndex += bfa->getSize();
return true;
BitFieldAggregation *BitFieldAggregation::getBitFieldAggregation(TYPECONST Type *type, const EDIType *aEDIType, bool returnOnError, unsigned typeIndex, unsigned EDITypeIndex, unsigned lastTypeIndex, unsigned lastEDITypeIndex, unsigned counter) {
static BitFieldAggregation bfa;
TYPECONST Type *containedType = type->getContainedType(typeIndex);
unsigned typeBits = TypeUtil::typeToBits(containedType);
assert(typeBits > 0);
unsigned nextTypeBits = 0;
if (typeIndex < lastTypeIndex) {
nextTypeBits = TypeUtil::typeToBits(type->getContainedType(typeIndex+1));
const int maxNumMembers = (lastEDITypeIndex - EDITypeIndex) - (lastTypeIndex - typeIndex) + 1;
unsigned index = EDITypeIndex;
std::vector<DIDerivedType> members;
std::vector<EDIType> containedEDITypes;
BitFieldAggregation_assert_or_return(returnOnError, NULL, type, aEDIType, maxNumMembers > 0);
BitFieldAggregationErr("getBitFieldAggregation(): typeIndex = " << typeIndex << ", EDITypeIndex = " << EDITypeIndex << ", maxNumMembers = " << maxNumMembers);
BitFieldAggregationErr("getBitFieldAggregation(): lastTypeIndex = " << lastTypeIndex << ", lastEDITypeIndex = " << lastEDITypeIndex);
BitFieldAggregationErr("getBitFieldAggregation(): " << TypeUtil::getDescription(type) << " VS " << TypeUtil::getDescription(aEDIType));
while(index <= lastEDITypeIndex && members.size() < (unsigned)maxNumMembers) {
const EDIType containedEDIType = aEDIType->getContainedType(index);
BitFieldAggregationErr("Examining type " << TypeUtil::getDescription(&containedEDIType));
BitFieldAggregation_assert_or_return(returnOnError, NULL, type, aEDIType, containedEDIType.isIntegerTy());
DIDerivedType member = aEDIType->getMember(index);
unsigned EDITypeBits = member.getSizeInBits();
BitFieldAggregationErr("Type bits = " << typeBits << ", next type bits = " << nextTypeBits << ", index = " << index);
BitFieldAggregationErr("This is member " << member.getName() << " with bits " << EDITypeBits);
if((index > EDITypeIndex && EDITypeBits == nextTypeBits) || EDITypeBits > typeBits) {
typeBits -= EDITypeBits;
bfa.init(containedType, containedEDITypes, typeIndex, EDITypeIndex, members, counter);
return &bfa;
std::string BitFieldAggregation::bfaNamePrefix = BFA_NAME_PREFIX;