module Lets.GetSetLens ( Lens(..) , getsetLaw , setgetLaw , setsetLaw , get , set , modify , (%~) , fmodify , (|=) , fstL , sndL , mapL , setL , compose , (|.) , identity , product , (***) , choice , (|||) , cityL , countryL , streetL , suburbL , localityL , ageL , nameL , addressL , getSuburb , setStreet , getAgeAndCountry , setCityAndLocality , getSuburbOrCity , setStreetOrState , modifyCityUppercase ) where import Control.Applicative(Applicative((<*>))) import Data.Char(toUpper) import Data.Map(Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map(insert, delete, lookup) import Data.Set(Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set(insert, delete, member) import Lets.Data(Person(Person), Locality(Locality), Address(Address), bool) import Prelude hiding (product) -- $setup -- >>> import qualified Data.Map as Map(fromList) -- >>> import qualified Data.Set as Set(fromList) -- >>> import Data.Char(ord) -- >>> import Lets.Data data Lens a b = Lens (a -> b -> a) (a -> b) -- | -- -- >>> get fstL (0 :: Int, "abc") -- 0 -- -- >>> get sndL ("abc", 0 :: Int) -- 0 -- -- prop> let types = (x :: Int, y :: String) in get fstL (x, y) == x -- -- prop> let types = (x :: Int, y :: String) in get sndL (x, y) == y get :: Lens a b -> a -> b get (Lens _ g) = g -- | -- -- >>> set fstL (0 :: Int, "abc") 1 -- (1,"abc") -- -- >>> set sndL ("abc", 0 :: Int) 1 -- ("abc",1) -- -- prop> let types = (x :: Int, y :: String) in set fstL (x, y) z == (z, y) -- -- prop> let types = (x :: Int, y :: String) in set sndL (x, y) z == (x, z) set :: Lens a b -> a -> b -> a set (Lens s _) a = s a -- | The get/set law of lenses. This function should always return @True@. getsetLaw :: Eq a => Lens a b -> a -> Bool getsetLaw l = \a -> set l a (get l a) == a -- | The set/get law of lenses. This function should always return @True@. setgetLaw :: Eq b => Lens a b -> a -> b -> Bool setgetLaw l a b = get l (set l a b) == b -- | The set/set law of lenses. This function should always return @True@. setsetLaw :: Eq a => Lens a b -> a -> b -> b -> Bool setsetLaw l a b1 b2 = set l (set l a b1) b2 == set l a b2 ---- -- | -- -- >>> modify fstL (+1) (0 :: Int, "abc") -- (1,"abc") -- -- >>> modify sndL (+1) ("abc", 0 :: Int) -- ("abc",1) -- -- prop> let types = (x :: Int, y :: String) in modify fstL id (x, y) == (x, y) -- -- prop> let types = (x :: Int, y :: String) in modify sndL id (x, y) == (x, y) modify :: Lens a b -> (b -> b) -> a -> a modify = error "todo: modify" -- | An alias for @modify@. (%~) :: Lens a b -> (b -> b) -> a -> a (%~) = modify infixr 4 %~ -- | -- -- >>> fstL .~ 1 $ (0 :: Int, "abc") -- (1,"abc") -- -- >>> sndL .~ 1 $ ("abc", 0 :: Int) -- ("abc",1) -- -- prop> let types = (x :: Int, y :: String) in set fstL (x, y) z == (fstL .~ z $ (x, y)) -- -- prop> let types = (x :: Int, y :: String) in set sndL (x, y) z == (sndL .~ z $ (x, y)) (.~) :: Lens a b -> b -> a -> a (.~) = error "todo: (.~)" infixl 5 .~ -- | -- -- >>> fmodify fstL (+) (5 :: Int, "abc") 8 -- (13,"abc") -- -- >>> fmodify fstL (\n -> bool Nothing (Just (n * 2)) (even n)) (10, "abc") -- Just (20,"abc") -- -- >>> fmodify fstL (\n -> bool Nothing (Just (n * 2)) (even n)) (11, "abc") -- Nothing fmodify :: Functor f => Lens a b -> (b -> f b) -> a -> f a fmodify = error "todo: fmodify" -- | -- -- >>> fstL |= Just 3 $ (7, "abc") -- Just (3,"abc") -- -- >>> (fstL |= (+1) $ (3, "abc")) 17 -- (18,"abc") (|=) :: Functor f => Lens a b -> f b -> a -> f a (|=) = error "todo: (|=)" infixl 5 |= -- | -- -- >>> modify fstL (*10) (3, "abc") -- (30,"abc") -- -- prop> let types = (x :: Int, y :: String) in getsetLaw fstL (x, y) -- -- prop> let types = (x :: Int, y :: String) in setgetLaw fstL (x, y) z -- -- prop> let types = (x :: Int, y :: String) in setsetLaw fstL (x, y) z fstL :: Lens (x, y) x fstL = error "todo: fstL" -- | -- -- >>> modify sndL (++ "def") (13, "abc") -- (13,"abcdef") -- -- prop> let types = (x :: Int, y :: String) in getsetLaw sndL (x, y) -- -- prop> let types = (x :: Int, y :: String) in setgetLaw sndL (x, y) z -- -- prop> let types = (x :: Int, y :: String) in setsetLaw sndL (x, y) z sndL :: Lens (x, y) y sndL = error "todo: sndL" -- | -- -- >>> get (mapL 3) (Map.fromList (map (\c -> (ord c - 96, c)) ['a'..'d'])) -- Just 'c' -- -- >>> get (mapL 33) (Map.fromList (map (\c -> (ord c - 96, c)) ['a'..'d'])) -- Nothing -- -- >>> set (mapL 3) (Map.fromList (map (\c -> (ord c - 96, c)) ['a'..'d'])) (Just 'X') -- fromList [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'X'),(4,'d')] -- -- >>> set (mapL 33) (Map.fromList (map (\c -> (ord c - 96, c)) ['a'..'d'])) (Just 'X') -- fromList [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c'),(4,'d'),(33,'X')] -- -- >>> set (mapL 3) (Map.fromList (map (\c -> (ord c - 96, c)) ['a'..'d'])) Nothing -- fromList [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(4,'d')] -- -- >>> set (mapL 33) (Map.fromList (map (\c -> (ord c - 96, c)) ['a'..'d'])) Nothing -- fromList [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c'),(4,'d')] mapL :: Ord k => k -> Lens (Map k v) (Maybe v) mapL = error "todo: mapL" -- | -- -- >>> get (setL 3) (Set.fromList [1..5]) -- True -- -- >>> get (setL 33) (Set.fromList [1..5]) -- False -- -- >>> set (setL 3) (Set.fromList [1..5]) True -- fromList [1,2,3,4,5] -- -- >>> set (setL 3) (Set.fromList [1..5]) False -- fromList [1,2,4,5] -- -- >>> set (setL 33) (Set.fromList [1..5]) True -- fromList [1,2,3,4,5,33] -- -- >>> set (setL 33) (Set.fromList [1..5]) False -- fromList [1,2,3,4,5] setL :: Ord k => k -> Lens (Set k) Bool setL = error "todo: setL" -- | -- -- >>> get (compose fstL sndL) ("abc", (7, "def")) -- 7 -- -- >>> set (compose fstL sndL) ("abc", (7, "def")) 8 -- ("abc",(8,"def")) compose :: Lens b c -> Lens a b -> Lens a c compose = error "todo: compose" -- | An alias for @compose@. (|.) :: Lens b c -> Lens a b -> Lens a c (|.) = compose infixr 9 |. -- | -- -- >>> get identity 3 -- 3 -- -- >>> set identity 3 4 -- 4 identity :: Lens a a identity = error "todo: identity" -- | -- -- >>> get (product fstL sndL) (("abc", 3), (4, "def")) -- ("abc","def") -- -- >>> set (product fstL sndL) (("abc", 3), (4, "def")) ("ghi", "jkl") -- (("ghi",3),(4,"jkl")) product :: Lens a b -> Lens c d -> Lens (a, c) (b, d) product = error "todo: product" -- | An alias for @product@. (***) :: Lens a b -> Lens c d -> Lens (a, c) (b, d) (***) = product infixr 3 *** -- | -- -- >>> get (choice fstL sndL) (Left ("abc", 7)) -- "abc" -- -- >>> get (choice fstL sndL) (Right ("abc", 7)) -- 7 -- -- >>> set (choice fstL sndL) (Left ("abc", 7)) "def" -- Left ("def",7) -- -- >>> set (choice fstL sndL) (Right ("abc", 7)) 8 -- Right ("abc",8) choice :: Lens a x -> Lens b x -> Lens (Either a b) x choice = error "todo: choice" -- | An alias for @choice@. (|||) :: Lens a x -> Lens b x -> Lens (Either a b) x (|||) = choice infixr 2 ||| ---- cityL :: Lens Locality String cityL = Lens (\(Locality _ t y) c -> Locality c t y) (\(Locality c _ _) -> c) stateL :: Lens Locality String stateL = Lens (\(Locality c _ y) t -> Locality c t y) (\(Locality _ t _) -> t) countryL :: Lens Locality String countryL = Lens (\(Locality c t _) y -> Locality c t y) (\(Locality _ _ y) -> y) streetL :: Lens Address String streetL = Lens (\(Address _ s l) t -> Address t s l) (\(Address t _ _) -> t) suburbL :: Lens Address String suburbL = Lens (\(Address t _ l) s -> Address t s l) (\(Address _ s _) -> s) localityL :: Lens Address Locality localityL = Lens (\(Address t s _) l -> Address t s l) (\(Address _ _ l) -> l) ageL :: Lens Person Int ageL = Lens (\(Person _ n d) a -> Person a n d) (\(Person a _ _) -> a) nameL :: Lens Person String nameL = Lens (\(Person a _ d) n -> Person a n d) (\(Person _ n _) -> n) addressL :: Lens Person Address addressL = Lens (\(Person a n _) d -> Person a n d) (\(Person _ _ d) -> d) -- | -- -- >>> get (suburbL |. addressL) fred -- "Fredville" -- -- >>> get (suburbL |. addressL) mary -- "Maryland" getSuburb :: Person -> String getSuburb = error "todo: getSuburb" -- | -- -- >>> setStreet fred "Some Other St" -- Person 24 "Fred" (Address "Some Other St" "Fredville" (Locality "Fredmania" "New South Fred" "Fredalia")) -- -- >>> setStreet mary "Some Other St" -- Person 28 "Mary" (Address "Some Other St" "Maryland" (Locality "Mary Mary" "Western Mary" "Maristan")) setStreet :: Person -> String -> Person setStreet = error "todo: setStreet" -- | -- -- >>> getAgeAndCountry (fred, maryLocality) -- (24,"Maristan") -- -- >>> getAgeAndCountry (mary, fredLocality) -- (28,"Fredalia") getAgeAndCountry :: (Person, Locality) -> (Int, String) getAgeAndCountry = error "todo: getAgeAndCountry" -- | -- -- >>> setCityAndLocality (fred, maryAddress) ("Some Other City", fredLocality) -- (Person 24 "Fred" (Address "15 Fred St" "Fredville" (Locality "Some Other City" "New South Fred" "Fredalia")),Address "83 Mary Ln" "Maryland" (Locality "Fredmania" "New South Fred" "Fredalia")) -- -- >>> setCityAndLocality (mary, fredAddress) ("Some Other City", maryLocality) -- (Person 28 "Mary" (Address "83 Mary Ln" "Maryland" (Locality "Some Other City" "Western Mary" "Maristan")),Address "15 Fred St" "Fredville" (Locality "Mary Mary" "Western Mary" "Maristan")) setCityAndLocality :: (Person, Address) -> (String, Locality) -> (Person, Address) setCityAndLocality = error "todo: setCityAndLocality" -- | -- -- >>> getSuburbOrCity (Left maryAddress) -- "Maryland" -- -- >>> getSuburbOrCity (Right fredLocality) -- "Fredmania" getSuburbOrCity :: Either Address Locality -> String getSuburbOrCity = error "todo: getSuburbOrCity" -- | -- -- >>> setStreetOrState (Right maryLocality) "Some Other State" -- Right (Locality "Mary Mary" "Some Other State" "Maristan") -- -- >>> setStreetOrState (Left fred) "Some Other St" -- Left (Person 24 "Fred" (Address "Some Other St" "Fredville" (Locality "Fredmania" "New South Fred" "Fredalia"))) setStreetOrState :: Either Person Locality -> String -> Either Person Locality setStreetOrState = error "todo: setStreetOrState" -- | -- -- >>> modifyCityUppercase fred -- Person 24 "Fred" (Address "15 Fred St" "Fredville" (Locality "FREDMANIA" "New South Fred" "Fredalia")) -- -- >>> modifyCityUppercase mary -- Person 28 "Mary" (Address "83 Mary Ln" "Maryland" (Locality "MARY MARY" "Western Mary" "Maristan")) modifyCityUppercase :: Person -> Person modifyCityUppercase = error "todo: modifyCityUppercase"