Yasuko Eckert 0deef376d9 ext: McPAT interface changes and fixes
This patch includes software engineering changes and some generic bug fixes
Joel Hestness and Yasuko Eckert made to McPAT 0.8. There are still known
issues/concernts we did not have a chance to address in this patch.

High-level changes in this patch include:
 1) Making XML parsing modular and hierarchical:
   - Shift parsing responsibility into the components
   - Read XML in a (mostly) context-free recursive manner so that McPAT input
     files can contain arbitrary component hierarchies
 2) Making power, energy, and area calculations a hierarchical and recursive
   - Components track their subcomponents and recursively call compute
     functions in stages
   - Make C++ object hierarchy reflect inheritance of classes of components
     with similar structures
   - Simplify computeArea() and computeEnergy() functions to eliminate
     successive calls to calculate separate TDP vs. runtime energy
   - Remove Processor component (now unnecessary) and introduce a more abstract
     System component
 3) Standardizing McPAT output across all components
   - Use a single, common data structure for storing and printing McPAT output
   - Recursively call print functions through component hierarchy
 4) For caches, allow splitting data array and tag array reads and writes for
    better accuracy
 5) Improving the usability of CACTI by printing more helpful warning and error
 6) Minor: Impose more rigorous code style for clarity (more work still to be
Overall, these changes greatly reduce the amount of replicated code, and they
improve McPAT runtime and decrease memory footprint.
2014-06-03 13:32:59 -07:00

763 lines
44 KiB

/*! \mainpage XMLParser library
* \section intro_sec Introduction
* This is a basic XML parser written in ANSI C++ for portability.
* It works by using recursion and a node tree for breaking
* down the elements of an XML document.
* @version V2.41
* @author Frank Vanden Berghen
* The following license terms for the "XMLParser library from Business-Insight" apply to projects
* that are in some way related to
* the "mcpat project", including applications
* using "mcpat project" and tools developed
* for enhancing "mcpat project". All other projects
* (not related to "mcpat project") have to use the "XMLParser library from Business-Insight"
* code under the Aladdin Free Public License (AFPL)
* See the file "AFPL-license.txt" for more informations about the AFPL license.
* (see for detailed AFPL terms)
* Redistribution and use of the "XMLParser library from Business-Insight" in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* * Neither the name of Frank Vanden Berghen nor the
* names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
* derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
* Copyright (c) 2002, Business-Insight
* Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
* <a href="">Business-Insight</a>
* All rights reserved.
* \section tutorial First Tutorial
* You can follow a simple <a href="../../xmlParser.html">Tutorial</a> to know the basics...
* \section usage General usage: How to include the XMLParser library inside your project.
* The library is composed of two files: <a href="../../xmlParser.cpp">xmlParser.cpp</a> and
* <a href="../../xmlParser.h">xmlParser.h</a>. These are the ONLY 2 files that you need when
* using the library inside your own projects.
* All the functions of the library are documented inside the comments of the file
* <a href="../../xmlParser.h">xmlParser.h</a>. These comments can be transformed in
* full-fledged HTML documentation using the DOXYGEN software: simply type: "doxygen doxy.cfg"
* By default, the XMLParser library uses (char*) for string representation.To use the (wchar_t*)
* version of the library, you need to define the "_UNICODE" preprocessor definition variable
* (this is usually done inside your project definition file) (This is done automatically for you
* when using Visual Studio).
* \section example Advanced Tutorial and Many Examples of usage.
* Some very small introductory examples are described inside the Tutorial file
* <a href="../../xmlParser.html">xmlParser.html</a>
* Some additional small examples are also inside the file <a href="../../xmlTest.cpp">xmlTest.cpp</a>
* (for the "char*" version of the library) and inside the file
* <a href="../../xmlTestUnicode.cpp">xmlTestUnicode.cpp</a> (for the "wchar_t*"
* version of the library). If you have a question, please review these additionnal examples
* before sending an e-mail to the author.
* To build the examples:
* - linux/unix: type "make"
* - solaris: type "make -f makefile.solaris"
* - windows: Visual Studio: double-click on xmlParser.dsw
* (under Visual Studio .NET, the .dsp and .dsw files will be automatically converted to .vcproj and .sln files)
* In order to build the examples you need some additional files:
* - linux/unix: makefile
* - solaris: makefile.solaris
* - windows: Visual Studio: *.dsp, xmlParser.dsw and also xmlParser.lib and xmlParser.dll
* \section debugging Debugging with the XMLParser library
* \subsection debugwin Debugging under WINDOWS
* Inside Visual C++, the "debug versions" of the memory allocation functions are
* very slow: Do not forget to compile in "release mode" to get maximum speed.
* When I had to debug a software that was using the XMLParser Library, it was usually
* a nightmare because the library was sooOOOoooo slow in debug mode (because of the
* slow memory allocations in Debug mode). To solve this
* problem, during all the debugging session, I am now using a very fast DLL version of the
* XMLParser Library (the DLL is compiled in release mode). Using the DLL version of
* the XMLParser Library allows me to have lightening XML parsing speed even in debug!
* Other than that, the DLL version is useless: In the release version of my tool,
* I always use the normal, ".cpp"-based, XMLParser Library (I simply include the
* <a href="../../xmlParser.cpp">xmlParser.cpp</a> and
* <a href="../../xmlParser.h">xmlParser.h</a> files into the project).
* The file <a href="../../XMLNodeAutoexp.txt">XMLNodeAutoexp.txt</a> contains some
* "tweaks" that improve substancially the display of the content of the XMLNode objects
* inside the Visual Studio Debugger. Believe me, once you have seen inside the debugger
* the "smooth" display of the XMLNode objects, you cannot live without it anymore!
* \subsection debuglinux Debugging under LINUX/UNIX
* The speed of the debug version of the XMLParser library is tolerable so no extra
* work.has been done.
#ifndef __INCLUDE_XML_NODE__
#define __INCLUDE_XML_NODE__
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef _UNICODE
// If you comment the next "define" line then the library will never "switch to" _UNICODE (wchar_t*) mode (16/32 bits per characters).
// This is useful when you get error messages like:
// 'XMLNode::openFileHelper' : cannot convert parameter 2 from 'const char [5]' to 'const wchar_t *'
// The _XMLWIDECHAR preprocessor variable force the XMLParser library into either utf16/32-mode (the proprocessor variable
// must be defined) or utf8-mode(the pre-processor variable must be undefined).
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(UNDER_CE) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN64) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
// comment the next line if you are under windows and the compiler is not Microsoft Visual Studio (6.0 or .NET) or Borland
#ifdef _DLL_EXPORTS_
#define XMLDLLENTRY __declspec(dllexport)
#define XMLDLLENTRY __declspec(dllimport)
// uncomment the next line if you want no support for wchar_t* (no need for the <wchar.h> or <tchar.h> libraries anymore to compile)
//#define XML_NO_WIDE_CHAR
#include <tchar.h>
#include <wchar.h> // to have 'wcsrtombs' for ANSI version
// to have 'mbsrtowcs' for WIDECHAR version
// Some common types for char set portable code
#define _CXML(c) L ## c
#define XMLCSTR const wchar_t *
#define XMLSTR wchar_t *
#define XMLCHAR wchar_t
#define _CXML(c) c
#define XMLCSTR const char *
#define XMLSTR char *
#define XMLCHAR char
#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE 0
#endif /* FALSE */
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1
#endif /* TRUE */
/// Enumeration for XML parse errors.
typedef enum XMLError {
eXMLErrorNone = 0,
} XMLError;
/// Enumeration used to manage type of data. Use in conjunction with structure XMLNodeContents
typedef enum XMLElementType {
eNodeChild = 0,
eNodeAttribute = 1,
eNodeText = 2,
eNodeClear = 3,
eNodeNULL = 4
} XMLElementType;
/// Structure used to obtain error details if the parse fails.
typedef struct XMLResults {
enum XMLError error;
int nLine;
int nColumn;
} XMLResults;
/// Structure for XML clear (unformatted) node (usually comments)
typedef struct XMLClear {
XMLCSTR lpszValue;
XMLCSTR lpszOpenTag;
XMLCSTR lpszCloseTag;
} XMLClear;
/// Structure for XML attribute.
typedef struct XMLAttribute {
XMLCSTR lpszName;
XMLCSTR lpszValue;
} XMLAttribute;
/// XMLElementPosition are not interchangeable with simple indexes
typedef int XMLElementPosition;
struct XMLNodeContents;
/** @defgroup XMLParserGeneral The XML parser */
/// Main Class representing a XML node
* All operations are performed using this class.
* \note The constructors of the XMLNode class are protected, so use instead one of these four methods to get your first instance of XMLNode:
* <ul>
* <li> XMLNode::parseString </li>
* <li> XMLNode::parseFile </li>
* <li> XMLNode::openFileHelper </li>
* <li> XMLNode::createXMLTopNode (or XMLNode::createXMLTopNode_WOSD)</li>
* </ul> */
typedef struct XMLDLLENTRY XMLNode {
struct XMLNodeDataTag;
/// Constructors are protected, so use instead one of: XMLNode::parseString, XMLNode::parseFile, XMLNode::openFileHelper, XMLNode::createXMLTopNode
XMLNode(struct XMLNodeDataTag *pParent, XMLSTR lpszName, char isDeclaration);
/// Constructors are protected, so use instead one of: XMLNode::parseString, XMLNode::parseFile, XMLNode::openFileHelper, XMLNode::createXMLTopNode
XMLNode(struct XMLNodeDataTag *p);
static XMLCSTR getVersion();///< Return the XMLParser library version number
/** @defgroup conversions Parsing XML files/strings to an XMLNode structure and Rendering XMLNode's to files/string.
* @ingroup XMLParserGeneral
* @{ */
/// Parse an XML string and return the root of a XMLNode tree representing the string.
static XMLNode parseString(XMLCSTR lpXMLString, XMLCSTR tag = NULL,
XMLResults *pResults = NULL);
/**< The "parseString" function parse an XML string and return the root of a XMLNode tree. The "opposite" of this function is
* the function "createXMLString" that re-creates an XML string from an XMLNode tree. If the XML document is corrupted, the
* "parseString" method will initialize the "pResults" variable with some information that can be used to trace the error.
* If you still want to parse the file, you can use the APPROXIMATE_PARSING option as explained inside the note at the
* beginning of the "xmlParser.cpp" file.
* @param lpXMLString the XML string to parse
* @param tag the name of the first tag inside the XML file. If the tag parameter is omitted, this function returns a node that represents the head of the xml document including the declaration term (<? ... ?>).
* @param pResults a pointer to a XMLResults variable that will contain some information that can be used to trace the XML parsing error. You can have a user-friendly explanation of the parsing error with the "getError" function.
/// Parse an XML file and return the root of a XMLNode tree representing the file.
static XMLNode parseFile(XMLCSTR filename, XMLCSTR tag = NULL,
XMLResults *pResults = NULL);
/**< The "parseFile" function parse an XML file and return the root of a XMLNode tree. The "opposite" of this function is
* the function "writeToFile" that re-creates an XML file from an XMLNode tree. If the XML document is corrupted, the
* "parseFile" method will initialize the "pResults" variable with some information that can be used to trace the error.
* If you still want to parse the file, you can use the APPROXIMATE_PARSING option as explained inside the note at the
* beginning of the "xmlParser.cpp" file.
* @param filename the path to the XML file to parse
* @param tag the name of the first tag inside the XML file. If the tag parameter is omitted, this function returns a node that represents the head of the xml document including the declaration term (<? ... ?>).
* @param pResults a pointer to a XMLResults variable that will contain some information that can be used to trace the XML parsing error. You can have a user-friendly explanation of the parsing error with the "getError" function.
/// Parse an XML file and return the root of a XMLNode tree representing the file. A very crude error checking is made. An attempt to guess the Char Encoding used in the file is made.
static XMLNode openFileHelper(XMLCSTR filename, XMLCSTR tag = NULL);
/**< The "openFileHelper" function reports to the screen all the warnings and errors that occurred during parsing of the XML file.
* This function also tries to guess char Encoding (UTF-8, ASCII or SHIT-JIS) based on the first 200 bytes of the file. Since each
* application has its own way to report and deal with errors, you should rather use the "parseFile" function to parse XML files
* and program yourself thereafter an "error reporting" tailored for your needs (instead of using the very crude "error reporting"
* mechanism included inside the "openFileHelper" function).
* If the XML document is corrupted, the "openFileHelper" method will:
* - display an error message on the console (or inside a messageBox for windows).
* - stop execution (exit).
* I strongly suggest that you write your own "openFileHelper" method tailored to your needs. If you still want to parse
* the file, you can use the APPROXIMATE_PARSING option as explained inside the note at the beginning of the "xmlParser.cpp" file.
* @param filename the path of the XML file to parse.
* @param tag the name of the first tag inside the XML file. If the tag parameter is omitted, this function returns a node that represents the head of the xml document including the declaration term (<? ... ?>).
static XMLCSTR getError(XMLError error); ///< this gives you a user-friendly explanation of the parsing error
/// Create an XML string starting from the current XMLNode.
XMLSTR createXMLString(int nFormat = 1, int *pnSize = NULL) const;
/**< The returned string should be free'd using the "freeXMLString" function.
* If nFormat==0, no formatting is required otherwise this returns an user friendly XML string from a given element
* with appropriate white spaces and carriage returns. if pnSize is given it returns the size in character of the string. */
/// Save the content of an xmlNode inside a file
XMLError writeToFile(XMLCSTR filename,
const char *encoding = NULL,
char nFormat = 1) const;
/**< If nFormat==0, no formatting is required otherwise this returns an user friendly XML string from a given element with appropriate white spaces and carriage returns.
* If the global parameter "characterEncoding==encoding_UTF8", then the "encoding" parameter is ignored and always set to "utf-8".
* If the global parameter "characterEncoding==encoding_ShiftJIS", then the "encoding" parameter is ignored and always set to "SHIFT-JIS".
* If "_XMLWIDECHAR=1", then the "encoding" parameter is ignored and always set to "utf-16".
* If no "encoding" parameter is given the "ISO-8859-1" encoding is used. */
/** @} */
/** @defgroup navigate Navigate the XMLNode structure
* @ingroup XMLParserGeneral
* @{ */
XMLCSTR getName() const; ///< name of the node
XMLCSTR getText(int i=0) const; ///< return ith text field
int nText() const; ///< nbr of text field
XMLNode getParentNode() const; ///< return the parent node
XMLNode getChildNode(int i=0) const; ///< return ith child node
XMLNode getChildNode(XMLCSTR name, int i) const; ///< return ith child node with specific name (return an empty node if failing). If i==-1, this returns the last XMLNode with the given name.
XMLNode getChildNode(XMLCSTR name, int *i=NULL) const; ///< return next child node with specific name (return an empty node if failing)
XMLNode* getChildNodePtr(XMLCSTR name, int *j) const;
XMLNode getChildNodeWithAttribute(XMLCSTR tagName,
XMLCSTR attributeName,
XMLCSTR attributeValue=NULL,
int *i=NULL) const; ///< return child node with specific name/attribute (return an empty node if failing)
XMLNode getChildNodeByPath(XMLCSTR path, char createNodeIfMissing=0, XMLCHAR sep='/');
///< return the first child node with specific path
XMLNode getChildNodeByPathNonConst(XMLSTR path, char createNodeIfMissing=0, XMLCHAR sep='/');
///< return the first child node with specific path.
int nChildNode(XMLCSTR name) const; ///< return the number of child node with specific name
int nChildNode() const; ///< nbr of child node
XMLAttribute getAttribute(int i=0) const; ///< return ith attribute
XMLCSTR getAttributeName(int i=0) const; ///< return ith attribute name
XMLCSTR getAttributeValue(int i=0) const; ///< return ith attribute value
char isAttributeSet(XMLCSTR name) const; ///< test if an attribute with a specific name is given
XMLCSTR getAttribute(XMLCSTR name, int i) const; ///< return ith attribute content with specific name (return a NULL if failing)
XMLCSTR getAttribute(XMLCSTR name, int *i=NULL) const; ///< return next attribute content with specific name (return a NULL if failing)
int nAttribute() const; ///< nbr of attribute
XMLClear getClear(int i=0) const; ///< return ith clear field (comments)
int nClear() const; ///< nbr of clear field
XMLNodeContents enumContents(XMLElementPosition i) const; ///< enumerate all the different contents (attribute,child,text, clear) of the current XMLNode. The order is reflecting the order of the original file/string. NOTE: 0 <= i < nElement();
int nElement() const; ///< nbr of different contents for current node
char isEmpty() const; ///< is this node Empty?
char isDeclaration() const; ///< is this node a declaration <? .... ?>
XMLNode deepCopy() const; ///< deep copy (duplicate/clone) a XMLNode
static XMLNode emptyNode(); ///< return XMLNode::emptyXMLNode;
/** @} */
XMLNode(const XMLNode &A); ///< to allow shallow/fast copy:
XMLNode& operator=( const XMLNode& A ); ///< to allow shallow/fast copy:
XMLNode(): d(NULL){};
static XMLNode emptyXMLNode;
static XMLClear emptyXMLClear;
static XMLAttribute emptyXMLAttribute;
/** @defgroup xmlModify Create or Update the XMLNode structure
* @ingroup XMLParserGeneral
* The functions in this group allows you to create from scratch (or update) a XMLNode structure. Start by creating your top
* node with the "createXMLTopNode" function and then add new nodes with the "addChild" function. The parameter 'pos' gives
* the position where the childNode, the text or the XMLClearTag will be inserted. The default value (pos=-1) inserts at the
* end. The value (pos=0) insert at the beginning (Insertion at the beginning is slower than at the end). <br>
* REMARK: 0 <= pos < nChild()+nText()+nClear() <br>
/** @defgroup creation Creating from scratch a XMLNode structure
* @ingroup xmlModify
* @{ */
static XMLNode createXMLTopNode(XMLCSTR lpszName, char isDeclaration=FALSE); ///< Create the top node of an XMLNode structure
XMLNode addChild(XMLCSTR lpszName, char isDeclaration=FALSE, XMLElementPosition pos=-1); ///< Add a new child node
XMLNode addChild(XMLNode nodeToAdd, XMLElementPosition pos=-1); ///< If the "nodeToAdd" has some parents, it will be detached from it's parents before being attached to the current XMLNode
XMLAttribute *addAttribute(XMLCSTR lpszName, XMLCSTR lpszValuev); ///< Add a new attribute
XMLCSTR addText(XMLCSTR lpszValue, XMLElementPosition pos=-1); ///< Add a new text content
XMLClear *addClear(XMLCSTR lpszValue, XMLCSTR lpszOpen=NULL, XMLCSTR lpszClose=NULL, XMLElementPosition pos=-1);
/**< Add a new clear tag
* @param lpszOpen default value "<![CDATA["
* @param lpszClose default value "]]>"
/** @} */
/** @defgroup xmlUpdate Updating Nodes
* @ingroup xmlModify
* Some update functions:
* @{
XMLCSTR updateName(XMLCSTR lpszName); ///< change node's name
XMLAttribute *updateAttribute(XMLAttribute *newAttribute, XMLAttribute *oldAttribute); ///< if the attribute to update is missing, a new one will be added
XMLAttribute *updateAttribute(XMLCSTR lpszNewValue, XMLCSTR lpszNewName=NULL, int i=0); ///< if the attribute to update is missing, a new one will be added
XMLAttribute *updateAttribute(XMLCSTR lpszNewValue, XMLCSTR lpszNewName, XMLCSTR lpszOldName);///< set lpszNewName=NULL if you don't want to change the name of the attribute if the attribute to update is missing, a new one will be added
XMLCSTR updateText(XMLCSTR lpszNewValue, int i=0); ///< if the text to update is missing, a new one will be added
XMLCSTR updateText(XMLCSTR lpszNewValue, XMLCSTR lpszOldValue); ///< if the text to update is missing, a new one will be added
XMLClear *updateClear(XMLCSTR lpszNewContent, int i=0); ///< if the clearTag to update is missing, a new one will be added
XMLClear *updateClear(XMLClear *newP, XMLClear *oldP); ///< if the clearTag to update is missing, a new one will be added
XMLClear *updateClear(XMLCSTR lpszNewValue, XMLCSTR lpszOldValue); ///< if the clearTag to update is missing, a new one will be added
/** @} */
/** @defgroup xmlDelete Deleting Nodes or Attributes
* @ingroup xmlModify
* Some deletion functions:
* @{
/// The "deleteNodeContent" function forces the deletion of the content of this XMLNode and the subtree.
void deleteNodeContent();
/**< \note The XMLNode instances that are referring to the part of the subtree that has been deleted CANNOT be used anymore!!. Unexpected results will occur if you continue using them. */
void deleteAttribute(int i=0); ///< Delete the ith attribute of the current XMLNode
void deleteAttribute(XMLCSTR lpszName); ///< Delete the attribute with the given name (the "strcmp" function is used to find the right attribute)
void deleteAttribute(XMLAttribute *anAttribute); ///< Delete the attribute with the name "anAttribute->lpszName" (the "strcmp" function is used to find the right attribute)
void deleteText(int i=0); ///< Delete the Ith text content of the current XMLNode
void deleteText(XMLCSTR lpszValue); ///< Delete the text content "lpszValue" inside the current XMLNode (direct "pointer-to-pointer" comparison is used to find the right text)
void deleteClear(int i=0); ///< Delete the Ith clear tag inside the current XMLNode
void deleteClear(XMLCSTR lpszValue); ///< Delete the clear tag "lpszValue" inside the current XMLNode (direct "pointer-to-pointer" comparison is used to find the clear tag)
void deleteClear(XMLClear *p); ///< Delete the clear tag "p" inside the current XMLNode (direct "pointer-to-pointer" comparison on the lpszName of the clear tag is used to find the clear tag)
/** @} */
/** @defgroup xmlWOSD ???_WOSD functions.
* @ingroup xmlModify
* The strings given as parameters for the "add" and "update" methods that have a name with
* the postfix "_WOSD" (that means "WithOut String Duplication")(for example "addText_WOSD")
* will be free'd by the XMLNode class. For example, it means that this is incorrect:
* \code
* xNode.addText_WOSD("foo");
* xNode.updateAttribute_WOSD("#newcolor" ,NULL,"color");
* \endcode
* In opposition, this is correct:
* \code
* xNode.addText("foo");
* xNode.addText_WOSD(stringDup("foo"));
* xNode.updateAttribute("#newcolor" ,NULL,"color");
* xNode.updateAttribute_WOSD(stringDup("#newcolor"),NULL,"color");
* \endcode
* Typically, you will never do:
* \code
* char *b=(char*)malloc(...);
* xNode.addText(b);
* free(b);
* \endcode
* ... but rather:
* \code
* char *b=(char*)malloc(...);
* xNode.addText_WOSD(b);
* \endcode
* ('free(b)' is performed by the XMLNode class)
* @{ */
static XMLNode createXMLTopNode_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszName, char isDeclaration=FALSE); ///< Create the top node of an XMLNode structure
XMLNode addChild_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszName, char isDeclaration=FALSE, XMLElementPosition pos=-1); ///< Add a new child node
XMLAttribute *addAttribute_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszName, XMLSTR lpszValue); ///< Add a new attribute
XMLCSTR addText_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszValue, XMLElementPosition pos=-1); ///< Add a new text content
XMLClear *addClear_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszValue, XMLCSTR lpszOpen=NULL, XMLCSTR lpszClose=NULL, XMLElementPosition pos=-1); ///< Add a new clear Tag
XMLCSTR updateName_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszName); ///< change node's name
XMLAttribute *updateAttribute_WOSD(XMLAttribute *newAttribute, XMLAttribute *oldAttribute); ///< if the attribute to update is missing, a new one will be added
XMLAttribute *updateAttribute_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszNewValue, XMLSTR lpszNewName=NULL, int i=0); ///< if the attribute to update is missing, a new one will be added
XMLAttribute *updateAttribute_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszNewValue, XMLSTR lpszNewName, XMLCSTR lpszOldName); ///< set lpszNewName=NULL if you don't want to change the name of the attribute if the attribute to update is missing, a new one will be added
XMLCSTR updateText_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszNewValue, int i=0); ///< if the text to update is missing, a new one will be added
XMLCSTR updateText_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszNewValue, XMLCSTR lpszOldValue); ///< if the text to update is missing, a new one will be added
XMLClear *updateClear_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszNewContent, int i=0); ///< if the clearTag to update is missing, a new one will be added
XMLClear *updateClear_WOSD(XMLClear *newP, XMLClear *oldP); ///< if the clearTag to update is missing, a new one will be added
XMLClear *updateClear_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszNewValue, XMLCSTR lpszOldValue); ///< if the clearTag to update is missing, a new one will be added
/** @} */
/** @defgroup xmlPosition Position helper functions (use in conjunction with the update&add functions
* @ingroup xmlModify
* These are some useful functions when you want to insert a childNode, a text or a XMLClearTag in the
* middle (at a specified position) of a XMLNode tree already constructed. The value returned by these
* methods is to be used as last parameter (parameter 'pos') of addChild, addText or addClear.
* @{ */
XMLElementPosition positionOfText(int i=0) const;
XMLElementPosition positionOfText(XMLCSTR lpszValue) const;
XMLElementPosition positionOfClear(int i=0) const;
XMLElementPosition positionOfClear(XMLCSTR lpszValue) const;
XMLElementPosition positionOfClear(XMLClear *a) const;
XMLElementPosition positionOfChildNode(int i=0) const;
XMLElementPosition positionOfChildNode(XMLNode x) const;
XMLElementPosition positionOfChildNode(XMLCSTR name, int i=0) const; ///< return the position of the ith childNode with the specified name if (name==NULL) return the position of the ith childNode
/** @} */
/// Enumeration for XML character encoding.
typedef enum XMLCharEncoding {
char_encoding_error = 0,
char_encoding_UTF8 = 1,
char_encoding_legacy = 2,
char_encoding_ShiftJIS = 3,
char_encoding_GB2312 = 4,
char_encoding_Big5 = 5,
char_encoding_GBK = 6 // this is actually the same as Big5
} XMLCharEncoding;
/** \addtogroup conversions
* @{ */
/// Sets the global options for the conversions
static char setGlobalOptions(XMLCharEncoding characterEncoding=XMLNode::char_encoding_UTF8, char guessWideCharChars=1,
char dropWhiteSpace=1, char removeCommentsInMiddleOfText=1);
/**< The "setGlobalOptions" function allows you to change four global parameters that affect string & file
* parsing. First of all, you most-probably will never have to change these 3 global parameters.
* @param guessWideCharChars If "guessWideCharChars"=1 and if this library is compiled in WideChar mode, then the
* XMLNode::parseFile and XMLNode::openFileHelper functions will test if the file contains ASCII
* characters. If this is the case, then the file will be loaded and converted in memory to
* WideChar before being parsed. If 0, no conversion will be performed.
* @param guessWideCharChars If "guessWideCharChars"=1 and if this library is compiled in ASCII/UTF8/char* mode, then the
* XMLNode::parseFile and XMLNode::openFileHelper functions will test if the file contains WideChar
* characters. If this is the case, then the file will be loaded and converted in memory to
* ASCII/UTF8/char* before being parsed. If 0, no conversion will be performed.
* @param characterEncoding This parameter is only meaningful when compiling in char* mode (multibyte character mode).
* In wchar_t* (wide char mode), this parameter is ignored. This parameter should be one of the
* three currently recognized encodings: XMLNode::encoding_UTF8, XMLNode::encoding_ascii,
* XMLNode::encoding_ShiftJIS.
* @param dropWhiteSpace In most situations, text fields containing only white spaces (and carriage returns)
* are useless. Even more, these "empty" text fields are annoying because they increase the
* complexity of the user's code for parsing. So, 99% of the time, it's better to drop
* the "empty" text fields. However The XML specification indicates that no white spaces
* should be lost when parsing the file. So to be perfectly XML-compliant, you should set
* dropWhiteSpace=0. A note of caution: if you set "dropWhiteSpace=0", the parser will be
* slower and your code will be more complex.
* @param removeCommentsInMiddleOfText To explain this parameter, let's consider this code:
* \code
* XMLNode x=XMLNode::parseString("<a>foo<!-- hello -->bar<!DOCTYPE world >chu</a>","a");
* \endcode
* If removeCommentsInMiddleOfText=0, then we will have:
* \code
* x.getText(0) -> "foo"
* x.getText(1) -> "bar"
* x.getText(2) -> "chu"
* x.getClear(0) --> "<!-- hello -->"
* x.getClear(1) --> "<!DOCTYPE world >"
* \endcode
* If removeCommentsInMiddleOfText=1, then we will have:
* \code
* x.getText(0) -> "foobar"
* x.getText(1) -> "chu"
* x.getClear(0) --> "<!DOCTYPE world >"
* \endcode
* \return "0" when there are no errors. If you try to set an unrecognized encoding then the return value will be "1" to signal an error.
* \note Sometime, it's useful to set "guessWideCharChars=0" to disable any conversion
* because the test to detect the file-type (ASCII/UTF8/char* or WideChar) may fail (rarely). */
/// Guess the character encoding of the string (ascii, utf8 or shift-JIS)
static XMLCharEncoding guessCharEncoding(void *buffer, int bufLen, char useXMLEncodingAttribute=1);
/**< The "guessCharEncoding" function try to guess the character encoding. You most-probably will never
* have to use this function. It then returns the appropriate value of the global parameter
* "characterEncoding" described in the XMLNode::setGlobalOptions. The guess is based on the content of a buffer of length
* "bufLen" bytes that contains the first bytes (minimum 25 bytes; 200 bytes is a good value) of the
* file to be parsed. The XMLNode::openFileHelper function is using this function to automatically compute
* the value of the "characterEncoding" global parameter. There are several heuristics used to do the
* guess. One of the heuristic is based on the "encoding" attribute. The original XML specifications
* forbids to use this attribute to do the guess but you can still use it if you set
* "useXMLEncodingAttribute" to 1 (this is the default behavior and the behavior of most parsers).
* If an inconsistency in the encoding is detected, then the return value is "0". */
/** @} */
// these are functions and structures used internally by the XMLNode class (don't bother about them):
typedef struct XMLNodeDataTag { // to allow shallow copy and "intelligent/smart" pointers (automatic delete):
XMLCSTR lpszName; // Element name (=NULL if root)
int nChild, // Number of child nodes
nText, // Number of text fields
nClear, // Number of Clear fields (comments)
nAttribute; // Number of attributes
char isDeclaration; // Whether node is an XML declaration - '<?xml ?>'
struct XMLNodeDataTag *pParent; // Pointer to parent element (=NULL if root)
XMLNode *pChild; // Array of child nodes
XMLCSTR *pText; // Array of text fields
XMLClear *pClear; // Array of clear fields
XMLAttribute *pAttribute; // Array of attributes
int *pOrder; // order of the child_nodes,text_fields,clear_fields
int ref_count; // for garbage collection (smart pointers)
} XMLNodeData;
XMLNodeData *d;
char parseClearTag(void *px, void *pa);
char maybeAddTxT(void *pa, XMLCSTR tokenPStr);
int ParseXMLElement(void *pXML);
void *addToOrder(int memInc, int *_pos, int nc, void *p, int size, XMLElementType xtype);
int indexText(XMLCSTR lpszValue) const;
int indexClear(XMLCSTR lpszValue) const;
XMLNode addChild_priv(int, XMLSTR, char, int);
XMLAttribute *addAttribute_priv(int, XMLSTR, XMLSTR);
XMLCSTR addText_priv(int, XMLSTR, int);
XMLClear *addClear_priv(int, XMLSTR, XMLCSTR, XMLCSTR, int);
void emptyTheNode(char force);
static inline XMLElementPosition findPosition(XMLNodeData *d, int index, XMLElementType xtype);
static int CreateXMLStringR(XMLNodeData *pEntry, XMLSTR lpszMarker, int nFormat);
static int removeOrderElement(XMLNodeData *d, XMLElementType t, int index);
static void exactMemory(XMLNodeData *d);
static int detachFromParent(XMLNodeData *d);
} XMLNode;
/// This structure is given by the function XMLNode::enumContents.
typedef struct XMLNodeContents {
/// This dictates what's the content of the XMLNodeContent
enum XMLElementType etype;
/**< should be an union to access the appropriate data. Compiler does not allow union of object with constructor... too bad. */
XMLNode child;
XMLAttribute attrib;
XMLClear clear;
} XMLNodeContents;
/** @defgroup StringAlloc String Allocation/Free functions
* @ingroup xmlModify
* @{ */
/// Duplicate (copy in a new allocated buffer) the source string.
XMLDLLENTRY XMLSTR stringDup(XMLCSTR source, int cbData=-1);
/**< This is
* a very handy function when used with all the "XMLNode::*_WOSD" functions (\link xmlWOSD \endlink).
* @param cbData If !=0 then cbData is the number of chars to duplicate. New strings allocated with
* this function should be free'd using the "freeXMLString" function. */
/// to free the string allocated inside the "stringDup" function or the "createXMLString" function.
XMLDLLENTRY void freeXMLString(XMLSTR t); // {free(t);}
/** @} */
/** @defgroup atoX ato? like functions
* @ingroup XMLParserGeneral
* The "xmlto?" functions are equivalents to the atoi, atol, atof functions.
* The only difference is: If the variable "xmlString" is NULL, than the return value
* is "defautValue". These 6 functions are only here as "convenience" functions for the
* user (they are not used inside the XMLparser). If you don't need them, you can
* delete them without any trouble.
* @{ */
XMLDLLENTRY char xmltob(XMLCSTR xmlString, char defautValue=0);
XMLDLLENTRY int xmltoi(XMLCSTR xmlString, int defautValue=0);
XMLDLLENTRY long xmltol(XMLCSTR xmlString, long defautValue=0);
XMLDLLENTRY double xmltof(XMLCSTR xmlString, double defautValue=.0);
XMLDLLENTRY XMLCSTR xmltoa(XMLCSTR xmlString, XMLCSTR defautValue=_CXML(""));
XMLDLLENTRY XMLCHAR xmltoc(XMLCSTR xmlString, XMLCHAR defautValue=_CXML('\0'));
/** @} */
/** @defgroup ToXMLStringTool Helper class to create XML files using "printf", "fprintf", "cout",... functions.
* @ingroup XMLParserGeneral
* @{ */
/// Helper class to create XML files using "printf", "fprintf", "cout",... functions.
/** The ToXMLStringTool class helps you creating XML files using "printf", "fprintf", "cout",... functions.
* The "ToXMLStringTool" class is processing strings so that all the characters
* &,",',<,> are replaced by their XML equivalent:
* \verbatim &amp;, &quot;, &apos;, &lt;, &gt; \endverbatim
* Using the "ToXMLStringTool class" and the "fprintf function" is THE most efficient
* way to produce VERY large XML documents VERY fast.
* \note If you are creating from scratch an XML file using the provided XMLNode class
* you must not use the "ToXMLStringTool" class (because the "XMLNode" class does the
* processing job for you during rendering).*/
typedef struct XMLDLLENTRY ToXMLStringTool {
ToXMLStringTool(): buf(NULL), buflen(0){}
void freeBuffer();///<call this function when you have finished using this object to release memory used by the internal buffer.
XMLSTR toXML(XMLCSTR source);///< returns a pointer to an internal buffer that contains a XML-encoded string based on the "source" parameter.
/** The "toXMLUnSafe" function is deprecated because there is a possibility of
* "destination-buffer-overflow". It converts the string
* "source" to the string "dest". */
static XMLSTR toXMLUnSafe(XMLSTR dest,XMLCSTR source); ///< deprecated: use "toXML" instead
static int lengthXMLString(XMLCSTR source); ///< deprecated: use "toXML" instead
int buflen;
} ToXMLStringTool;
/** @} */
/** @defgroup XMLParserBase64Tool Helper class to include binary data inside XML strings using "Base64 encoding".
* @ingroup XMLParserGeneral
* @{ */
/// Helper class to include binary data inside XML strings using "Base64 encoding".
/** The "XMLParserBase64Tool" class allows you to include any binary data (images, sounds,...)
* into an XML document using "Base64 encoding". This class is completely
* separated from the rest of the xmlParser library and can be removed without any problem.
* To include some binary data into an XML file, you must convert the binary data into
* standard text (using "encode"). To retrieve the original binary data from the
* b64-encoded text included inside the XML file, use "decode". Alternatively, these
* functions can also be used to "encrypt/decrypt" some critical data contained inside
* the XML (it's not a strong encryption at all, but sometimes it can be useful). */
typedef struct XMLDLLENTRY XMLParserBase64Tool {
XMLParserBase64Tool(): buf(NULL), buflen(0){}
void freeBuffer();///< Call this function when you have finished using this object to release memory used by the internal buffer.
* @param formatted If "formatted"=true, some space will be reserved for a carriage-return every 72 chars. */
static int encodeLength(int inBufLen, char formatted=0); ///< return the length of the base64 string that encodes a data buffer of size inBufLen bytes.
* The "base64Encode" function returns a string containing the base64 encoding of "inByteLen" bytes
* from "inByteBuf". If "formatted" parameter is true, then there will be a carriage-return every 72 chars.
* The string will be free'd when the XMLParserBase64Tool object is deleted.
* All returned strings are sharing the same memory space. */
XMLSTR encode(unsigned char *inByteBuf, unsigned int inByteLen, char formatted=0); ///< returns a pointer to an internal buffer containing the base64 string containing the binary data encoded from "inByteBuf"
/// returns the number of bytes which will be decoded from "inString".
static unsigned int decodeSize(XMLCSTR inString, XMLError *xe=NULL);
* The "decode" function returns a pointer to a buffer containing the binary data decoded from "inString"
* The output buffer will be free'd when the XMLParserBase64Tool object is deleted.
* All output buffer are sharing the same memory space.
* @param inString If "instring" is malformed, NULL will be returned */
unsigned char* decode(XMLCSTR inString, int *outByteLen=NULL, XMLError *xe=NULL); ///< returns a pointer to an internal buffer containing the binary data decoded from "inString"
* decodes data from "inString" to "outByteBuf". You need to provide the size (in byte) of "outByteBuf"
* in "inMaxByteOutBuflen". If "outByteBuf" is not large enough or if data is malformed, then "FALSE"
* will be returned; otherwise "TRUE". */
static unsigned char decode(XMLCSTR inString, unsigned char *outByteBuf, int inMaxByteOutBuflen, XMLError *xe=NULL); ///< deprecated.
void *buf;
int buflen;
void alloc(int newsize);
/** @} */