Korey Sewell 6547e8882b Minor Sconscript edit ... mips decoder changes ... initialize NNPC and output fault name in simple cpu
    Separate Alpha EIO from syscall building for other architectures
    change MIPS constant to 34k
    Allow sll,ssnop,nop, and ehb to be determined through decoder using
    the different types of default cases
    Delete debug code
    add a Nop format
    use constants instead of enums
    point to the correct header file
    Output the actual fault name
    Inititalize NNPC

extra : convert_revision : adb0026dfad25b14c98fb03c98bfe9c681bba6f8
2006-03-14 18:28:51 -05:00

913 lines
36 KiB

// -*- mode:c++ -*-
// The actual MIPS32 ISA decoder
// -----------------------------
// The following instructions are specified in the MIPS32 ISA
// Specification. Decoding closely follows the style specified
// in the MIPS32 ISAthe specification document starting with Table
// A-2 (document available @
//@todo: Distinguish "unknown/future" use insts from "reserved"
// ones
decode OPCODE_HI default Unknown::unknown() {
// Derived From ... Table A-2 MIPS32 ISA Manual
0x0: decode OPCODE_LO {
0x0: decode FUNCTION_HI {
0x0: decode FUNCTION_LO {
0x1: decode MOVCI {
format BasicOp {
0: movf({{ if (xc->readMiscReg(FPCR) != CC) Rd = Rs}});
1: movt({{ if (xc->readMiscReg(FPCR) == CC) Rd = Rs}});
format BasicOp {
//Table A-3 Note: "1. Specific encodings of the rt, rd, and sa fields
//are used to distinguish among the SLL, NOP, SSNOP and EHB functions."
0x0: decode RS {
0x0: decode RT {
0x0: decode RD default Nop::nop() {
0x0: decode SA {
0x1: ssnop({{ ; }}); //really sll r0,r0,1
0x3: ehb({{ ; }}); //really sll r0,r0,3
default: sll({{ Rd = Rt.uw << SA; }});
0x2: decode SRL {
0: srl({{ Rd = Rt.uw >> SA; }});
//Hardcoded assuming 32-bit ISA, probably need parameter here
1: rotr({{ Rd = (Rt.uw << (32 - SA)) | (Rt.uw >> SA);}});
0x3: sra({{ Rd = Rt.sw >> SA; }});
0x4: sllv({{ Rd = Rt.uw << Rs<4:0>; }});
0x6: decode SRLV {
0: srlv({{ Rd = Rt.uw >> Rs<4:0>; }});
//Hardcoded assuming 32-bit ISA, probably need parameter here
1: rotrv({{ Rd = (Rt.uw << (32 - Rs<4:0>)) | (Rt.uw >> Rs<4:0>);}});
0x7: srav({{ Rd = Rt.sw >> Rs<4:0>; }});
0x1: decode FUNCTION_LO {
//Table A-3 Note: "Specific encodings of the hint field are used
//to distinguish JR from JR.HB and JALR from JALR.HB"
format Jump {
0x0: decode HINT {
0:jr({{ NNPC = Rs & ~1; }},IsReturn);
1:jr_hb({{ NNPC = Rs & ~1; clear_exe_inst_hazards(); }},IsReturn);
0x1: decode HINT {
0: jalr({{ NNPC = Rs; }},IsCall,IsReturn);
1: jalr_hb({{ NNPC = Rs; clear_exe_inst_hazards();}},IsCall,IsReturn);
format BasicOp {
0x2: movz({{ if (Rt == 0) Rd = Rs; }});
0x3: movn({{ if (Rt != 0) Rd = Rs; }});
format WarnUnimpl {
0x4: syscall();//{{ xc->syscall()}},IsNonSpeculative
0x5: break();
0x7: sync();
0x2: decode FUNCTION_LO {
format BasicOp {
0x0: mfhi({{ Rd = xc->readMiscReg(Hi); }});
0x1: mthi({{ xc->setMiscReg(Hi,Rs); }});
0x2: mflo({{ Rd = xc->readMiscReg(Lo); }});
0x3: mtlo({{ xc->setMiscReg(Lo,Rs); }});
0x3: decode FUNCTION_LO {
format IntOp {
0x0: mult({{
int64_t temp1 = Rs.sw * Rt.sw;
0x1: multu({{
int64_t temp1 = Rs.uw * Rt.uw;
0x2: div({{
xc->setMiscReg(Hi,Rs.sw % Rt.sw);
xc->setMiscReg(Lo,Rs.sw / Rt.sw);
0x3: divu({{
xc->setMiscReg(Hi,Rs.uw % Rt.uw);
xc->setMiscReg(Lo,Rs.uw / Rt.uw);
0x4: decode FUNCTION_LO {
format IntOp {
0x0: add({{ Rd.sw = Rs.sw + Rt.sw;/*Trap on Overflow*/}});
0x1: addu({{ Rd.sw = Rs.sw + Rt.sw;}});
0x2: sub({{ Rd.sw = Rs.sw - Rt.sw; /*Trap on Overflow*/}});
0x3: subu({{ Rd.sw = Rs.sw - Rt.uw;}});
0x4: and({{ Rd = Rs & Rt;}});
0x5: or({{ Rd = Rs | Rt;}});
0x6: xor({{ Rd = Rs ^ Rt;}});
0x7: nor({{ Rd = ~(Rs | Rt);}});
0x5: decode FUNCTION_LO {
format IntOp{
0x2: slt({{ Rd.sw = ( Rs.sw < Rt.sw ) ? 1 : 0}});
0x3: sltu({{ Rd.uw = ( Rs.uw < Rt.uw ) ? 1 : 0}});
0x6: decode FUNCTION_LO {
format Trap {
0x0: tge({{ cond = (Rs.sw >= Rt.sw); }});
0x1: tgeu({{ cond = (Rs.uw >= Rt.uw); }});
0x2: tlt({{ cond = (Rs.sw < Rt.sw); }});
0x3: tltu({{ cond = (Rs.uw >= Rt.uw); }});
0x4: teq({{ cond = (Rs.sw == Rt.sw); }});
0x6: tne({{ cond = (Rs.sw != Rt.sw); }});
0x1: decode REGIMM_HI {
0x0: decode REGIMM_LO {
format Branch {
0x0: bltz({{ cond = (Rs.sw < 0); }});
0x1: bgez({{ cond = (Rs.sw >= 0); }});
format BranchLikely {
//MIPS obsolete instructions
0x2: bltzl({{ cond = (Rs.sw < 0); }});
0x3: bgezl({{ cond = (Rs.sw >= 0); }});
0x1: decode REGIMM_LO {
format Trap {
0x0: tgei( {{ cond = (Rs.sw >= INTIMM); }});
0x1: tgeiu({{ cond = (Rs.uw >= INTIMM); }});
0x2: tlti( {{ cond = (Rs.sw < INTIMM); }});
0x3: tltiu({{ cond = (Rs.uw < INTIMM); }});
0x4: teqi( {{ cond = (Rs.sw == INTIMM);}});
0x6: tnei( {{ cond = (Rs.sw != INTIMM);}});
0x2: decode REGIMM_LO {
format Branch {
0x0: bltzal({{ cond = (Rs.sw < 0); }}, IsCall,IsReturn);
0x1: bgezal({{ cond = (Rs.sw >= 0); }}, IsCall,IsReturn);
format BranchLikely {
//Will be removed in future MIPS releases
0x2: bltzall({{ cond = (Rs.sw < 0); }}, IsCall, IsReturn);
0x3: bgezall({{ cond = (Rs.sw >= 0); }}, IsCall, IsReturn);
0x3: decode REGIMM_LO {
format WarnUnimpl {
0x7: synci();
format Jump {
0x2: j({{ NNPC = (NPC & 0xF0000000) | (JMPTARG << 2);}});
0x3: jal({{ NNPC = (NPC & 0xF0000000) | (JMPTARG << 2); }},IsCall,IsReturn);
format Branch {
0x4: beq({{ cond = (Rs.sw == Rt.sw); }});
0x5: bne({{ cond = (Rs.sw != Rt.sw); }});
0x6: blez({{ cond = (Rs.sw <= 0); }});
0x7: bgtz({{ cond = (Rs.sw > 0); }});
0x1: decode OPCODE_LO {
format IntOp {
0x0: addi({{ Rt.sw = Rs.sw + imm; /*Trap If Overflow*/}});
0x1: addiu({{ Rt.sw = Rs.sw + imm;}});
0x2: slti({{ Rt.sw = ( Rs.sw < imm) ? 1 : 0 }});
0x3: sltiu({{ Rt.sw = ( Rs.sw < imm ) ? 1 : 0 }});
0x4: andi({{ Rt.sw = Rs.sw & INTIMM;}});
0x5: ori({{ Rt.sw = Rs.sw | INTIMM;}});
0x6: xori({{ Rt.sw = Rs.sw ^ INTIMM;}});
0x7: lui({{ Rt = INTIMM << 16}});
0x2: decode OPCODE_LO {
//Table A-11 MIPS32 COP0 Encoding of rs Field
0x0: decode RS_MSB {
0x0: decode RS {
format System {
0x0: mfc0({{
//uint64_t reg_num = Rd.uw;
Rt = xc->readMiscReg(RD << 5 | SEL);
0x4: mtc0({{
//uint64_t reg_num = Rd.uw;
xc->setMiscReg(RD << 5 | SEL,Rt);
0x8: mftr({{
//The contents of the coprocessor 0 register specified by the
//combination of rd and sel are loaded into general register
//rt. Note that not all coprocessor 0 registers support the
//sel field. In those instances, the sel field must be zero.
//MT Code Needed Here
0xC: mttr({{
//The contents of the coprocessor 0 register specified by the
//combination of rd and sel are loaded into general register
//rt. Note that not all coprocessor 0 registers support the
//sel field. In those instances, the sel field must be zero.
//MT Code Needed Here
0xA: rdpgpr({{
//Accessing Previous Shadow Set Register Number
//uint64_t prev = xc->readMiscReg(SRSCtl)/*[PSS]*/;
//uint64_t reg_num = Rt.uw;
//Rd = xc->regs.IntRegFile[prev];
//Rd = xc->shadowIntRegFile[prev][reg_num];
0xB: decode RD {
0x0: decode SC {
0x0: dvpe({{
Rt.sw = xc->readMiscReg(MVPControl);
0x1: evpe({{
Rt.sw = xc->readMiscReg(MVPControl);
0x1: decode SC {
0x0: dmt({{
Rt.sw = xc->readMiscReg(VPEControl);
0x1: emt({{
Rt.sw = xc->readMiscReg(VPEControl);
0xC: decode SC {
0x0: di({{
Rt.sw = xc->readMiscReg(Status);
0x1: ei({{
Rt.sw = xc->readMiscReg(Status);
0xE: wrpgpr({{
//Accessing Previous Shadow Set Register Number
//uint64_t prev = xc->readMiscReg(SRSCtl/*[PSS]*/);
//uint64_t reg_num = Rd.uw;
//xc->shadowIntRegFile[prev][reg_num] = Rt;
//Table A-12 MIPS32 COP0 Encoding of Function Field When rs=CO
0x1: decode FUNCTION {
format System {
0x01: tlbr({{ }});
0x02: tlbwi({{ }});
0x06: tlbwr({{ }});
0x08: tlbp({{ }});
format WarnUnimpl {
0x18: eret();
0x1F: deret();
0x20: wait();
//Table A-13 MIPS32 COP1 Encoding of rs Field
0x1: decode RS_MSB {
0x0: decode RS_HI {
0x0: decode RS_LO {
format FloatOp {
0x0: mfc1({{ /*Rt.uw = Fs.ud<31:0>;*/ }});
0x2: cfc1({{ /*Rt.uw = xc->readMiscReg(FPCR[Fs]);*/}});
0x3: mfhc1({{ /*Rt.uw = Fs.ud<63:32>*/;}});
0x4: mtc1({{ /*Fs = Rt.uw*/}});
0x6: ctc1({{ /*xc->setMiscReg(FPCR[Fs],Rt);*/}});
0x7: mthc1({{ /*Fs<63:32> = Rt.uw*/}});
0x1: decode ND {
0x0: decode TF {
format Branch {
0x0: bc1f({{ cond = (xc->readMiscReg(FPCR) == 0); }});
0x1: bc1t({{ cond = (xc->readMiscReg(FPCR) == 1); }});
0x1: decode TF {
format BranchLikely {
0x0: bc1fl({{ cond = (xc->readMiscReg(FPCR) == 0); }});
0x1: bc1tl({{ cond = (xc->readMiscReg(FPCR) == 1); }});
0x1: decode RS_HI {
0x2: decode RS_LO {
//Table A-14 MIPS32 COP1 Encoding of Function Field When rs=S
//(( single-word ))
0x0: decode RS_HI {
0x0: decode RS_LO {
format FloatOp {
0x0: adds({{ Fd.sf = Fs.sf + Ft.sf;}});
0x1: subs({{ Fd.sf = Fs.sf - Ft.sf;}});
0x2: muls({{ Fd.sf = Fs.sf * Ft.sf;}});
0x3: divs({{ Fd.sf = Fs.sf / Ft.sf;}});
0x4: sqrts({{ Fd.sf = sqrt(Fs.sf);}});
0x5: abss({{ Fd.sf = fabs(Fs.sf);}});
0x6: movs({{ Fd.sf = Fs.sf;}});
0x7: negs({{ Fd.sf = -1 * Fs.sf;}});
0x1: decode RS_LO {
//only legal for 64 bit-FP
format Float64Op {
0x0: round_l_s({{ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.sf,RND_NEAREST,FP_LONG,FP_SINGLE);}});
0x1: trunc_l_s({{ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.sf,RND_ZERO,FP_LONG,FP_SINGLE);}});
0x2: ceil_l_s({{ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.sf,RND_UP,FP_LONG,FP_SINGLE);}});
0x3: floor_l_s({{ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.sf,RND_DOWN,FP_LONG,FP_SINGLE);}});
format FloatOp {
0x4: round_w_s({{ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.sf,RND_NEAREST,FP_WORD,FP_SINGLE);}});
0x5: trunc_w_s({{ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.sf,RND_ZERO,FP_WORD,FP_SINGLE);}});
0x6: ceil_w_s({{ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.sf,RND_UP,FP_WORD,FP_SINGLE);}});
0x7: floor_w_s({{ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.sf,RND_DOWN,FP_WORD,FP_SINGLE);}});
0x2: decode RS_LO {
0x1: decode MOVCF {
format FloatOp {
0x0: movfs({{if (xc->readMiscReg(FPCR) != CC) Fd = Fs; }});
0x1: movts({{if (xc->readMiscReg(FPCR) == CC) Fd = Fs;}});
format BasicOp {
0x2: movzs({{ if (Rt == 0) Fd = Fs; }});
0x3: movns({{ if (Rt != 0) Fd = Fs; }});
format Float64Op {
0x5: recips({{ Fd = 1 / Fs; }});
0x6: rsqrts({{ Fd = 1 / sqrt((double)Fs.ud);}});
0x4: decode RS_LO {
format FloatOp {
0x1: cvt_d_s({{ int rnd_mode = xc->readMiscReg(FCSR);
Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.sf,rnd_mode,FP_DOUBLE,FP_SINGLE);
0x4: cvt_w_s({{ int rnd_mode = xc->readMiscReg(FCSR);
Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.sf,rnd_mode,FP_WORD,FP_SINGLE);
//only legal for 64 bit
format Float64Op {
0x5: cvt_l_s({{ int rnd_mode = xc->readMiscReg(FCSR);
Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.sf,rnd_mode,FP_LONG,FP_SINGLE);
0x6: cvt_ps_s({{ /*Fd.df = Fs.df<31:0> | Ft.df<31:0>;*/ }});
//Table A-15 MIPS32 COP1 Encoding of Function Field When rs=D
0x1: decode RS_HI {
0x0: decode RS_LO {
format FloatOp {
0x0: addd({{ Fd.df = Fs.df + Ft.df;}});
0x1: subd({{ Fd.df = Fs.df - Ft.df;}});
0x2: muld({{ Fd.df = Fs.df * Ft.df;}});
0x3: divd({{ Fd.df = Fs.df / Ft.df;}});
0x4: sqrtd({{ Fd.df = sqrt(Fs.df);}});
0x5: absd({{ Fd.df = fabs(Fs.df);}});
0x6: movd({{ Fd.df = Fs.df;}});
0x7: negd({{ Fd.df = -1 * Fs.df;}});
0x1: decode RS_LO {
//only legal for 64 bit
format Float64Op {
0x0: round_l_d({{ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.df,RND_NEAREST,FP_LONG,FP_DOUBLE); }});
0x1: trunc_l_d({{ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.df,RND_ZERO,FP_LONG,FP_DOUBLE);}});
0x2: ceil_l_d({{ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.df,RND_UP,FP_LONG,FP_DOUBLE);}});
0x3: floor_l_d({{ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.df,RND_DOWN,FP_LONG,FP_DOUBLE);}});
format FloatOp {
0x4: round_w_d({{ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.df,RND_NEAREST,FP_LONG,FP_DOUBLE); }});
0x5: trunc_w_d({{ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.df,RND_ZERO,FP_LONG,FP_DOUBLE); }});
0x6: ceil_w_d({{ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.df,RND_UP,FP_LONG,FP_DOUBLE); }});
0x7: floor_w_d({{ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.df,RND_DOWN,FP_LONG,FP_DOUBLE); }});
0x2: decode RS_LO {
0x1: decode MOVCF {
format FloatOp {
0x0: movfd({{if (xc->readMiscReg(FPCR) != CC) Fd.df = Fs.df; }});
0x1: movtd({{if (xc->readMiscReg(FPCR) == CC) Fd.df = Fs.df; }});
format BasicOp {
0x2: movzd({{ if (Rt == 0) Fd.df = Fs.df; }});
0x3: movnd({{ if (Rt != 0) Fd.df = Fs.df; }});
format Float64Op {
0x5: recipd({{ Fd.df = 1 / Fs.df}});
0x6: rsqrtd({{ Fd.df = 1 / sqrt(Fs.df) }});
0x4: decode RS_LO {
format FloatOp {
0x0: cvt_s_d({{
int rnd_mode = xc->readMiscReg(FCSR);
Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.df,rnd_mode,FP_SINGLE,FP_DOUBLE);
0x4: cvt_w_d({{
int rnd_mode = xc->readMiscReg(FCSR);
Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.df,rnd_mode,FP_WORD,FP_DOUBLE);
//only legal for 64 bit
format Float64Op {
0x5: cvt_l_d({{
int rnd_mode = xc->readMiscReg(FCSR);
Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.df,rnd_mode,FP_LONG,FP_DOUBLE);
//Table A-16 MIPS32 COP1 Encoding of Function Field When rs=W
0x4: decode FUNCTION {
format FloatOp {
0x20: cvt_s({{
int rnd_mode = xc->readMiscReg(FCSR);
Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.df,rnd_mode,FP_SINGLE,FP_WORD);
0x21: cvt_d({{
int rnd_mode = xc->readMiscReg(FCSR);
Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.df,rnd_mode,FP_DOUBLE,FP_WORD);
//Table A-16 MIPS32 COP1 Encoding of Function Field When rs=L1
//Note: "1. Format type L is legal only if 64-bit floating point operations
//are enabled."
0x5: decode FUNCTION_HI {
format FloatOp {
0x10: cvt_s_l({{
int rnd_mode = xc->readMiscReg(FCSR);
Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.df,rnd_mode,FP_SINGLE,FP_LONG);
0x11: cvt_d_l({{
int rnd_mode = xc->readMiscReg(FCSR);
Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.df,rnd_mode,FP_DOUBLE,FP_LONG);
//Table A-17 MIPS64 COP1 Encoding of Function Field When rs=PS1
//Note: "1. Format type PS is legal only if 64-bit floating point operations
//are enabled. "
0x6: decode RS_HI {
0x0: decode RS_LO {
format Float64Op {
0x0: addps({{ //Must Check for Exception Here... Supposed to Operate on Upper and
//Lower Halves Independently but we take simulator shortcut
Fd.df = Fs.df + Ft.df;
0x1: subps({{ //Must Check for Exception Here... Supposed to Operate on Upper and
//Lower Halves Independently but we take simulator shortcut
Fd.df = Fs.df - Ft.df;
0x2: mulps({{ //Must Check for Exception Here... Supposed to Operate on Upper and
//Lower Halves Independently but we take simulator shortcut
Fd.df = Fs.df * Ft.df;
0x5: absps({{ //Must Check for Exception Here... Supposed to Operate on Upper and
//Lower Halves Independently but we take simulator shortcut
Fd.df = fabs(Fs.df);
0x6: movps({{ //Must Check for Exception Here... Supposed to Operate on Upper and
//Lower Halves Independently but we take simulator shortcut
//Fd.df = Fs<31:0> | Ft<31:0>;
0x7: negps({{ //Must Check for Exception Here... Supposed to Operate on Upper and
//Lower Halves Independently but we take simulator shortcut
Fd.df = -1 * Fs.df;
0x2: decode RS_LO {
0x1: decode MOVCF {
format Float64Op {
0x0: movfps({{if (xc->readMiscReg(FPCR) != CC) Fd = Fs;}});
0x1: movtps({{if (xc->readMiscReg(FPCR) == CC) Fd = Fs;}});
format BasicOp {
0x2: movzps({{if (xc->readMiscReg(FPCR) != CC) Fd = Fs; }});
0x3: movnps({{if (xc->readMiscReg(FPCR) == CC) Fd = Fs; }});
0x4: decode RS_LO {
0x0: Float64Op::cvt_s_pu({{
int rnd_mode = xc->readMiscReg(FCSR);
Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.df,rnd_mode,FP_DOUBLE,FP_PS_HI);
0x5: decode RS_LO {
format Float64Op {
0x0: cvt_s_pl({{
int rnd_mode = xc->readMiscReg(FCSR);
Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.df,rnd_mode,FP_SINGLE,FP_PS_LO);
0x4: pll({{ /*Fd.df = Fs<31:0> | Ft<31:0>*/}});
0x5: plu({{ /*Fd.df = Fs<31:0> | Ft<63:32>*/}});
0x6: pul({{ /*Fd.df = Fs<63:32> | Ft<31:0>*/}});
0x7: puu({{ /*Fd.df = Fs<63:32 | Ft<63:32>*/}});
//Table A-19 MIPS32 COP2 Encoding of rs Field
0x2: decode RS_MSB {
0x0: decode RS_HI {
0x0: decode RS_LO {
format WarnUnimpl {
0x0: mfc2();
0x2: cfc2();
0x3: mfhc2();
0x4: mtc2();
0x6: ctc2();
0x7: mftc2();
0x1: decode ND {
0x0: decode TF {
format WarnUnimpl {
0x0: bc2f();
0x1: bc2t();
0x1: decode TF {
format WarnUnimpl {
0x0: bc2fl();
0x1: bc2tl();
//Table A-20 MIPS64 COP1X Encoding of Function Field 1
//Note: "COP1X instructions are legal only if 64-bit floating point
//operations are enabled."
0x3: decode FUNCTION_HI {
0x0: decode FUNCTION_LO {
format LoadMemory2 {
0x0: lwxc1({{ EA = Rs + Rt; }},{{ /*F_t<31:0> = Mem.sf; */}});
0x1: ldxc1({{ EA = Rs + Rt; }},{{ /*F_t<63:0> = Mem.df;*/ }});
0x5: luxc1({{ //Need to make EA<2:0> = 0
EA = Rs + Rt;
{{ /*F_t<31:0> = Mem.df; */}});
0x1: decode FUNCTION_LO {
format StoreMemory2 {
0x0: swxc1({{ EA = Rs + Rt; }},{{ /*Mem.sf = Ft<31:0>; */}});
0x1: sdxc1({{ EA = Rs + Rt; }},{{ /*Mem.df = Ft<63:0> */}});
0x5: suxc1({{ //Need to make EA<2:0> = 0
EA = Rs + Rt;
{{ /*Mem.df = F_t<63:0>;*/}});
0x7: WarnUnimpl::prefx();
format FloatOp {
0x3: WarnUnimpl::alnv_ps();
format BasicOp {
0x4: decode FUNCTION_LO {
0x0: madd_s({{ Fd.sf = (Fs.sf * Fs.sf) + Fr.sf; }});
0x1: madd_d({{ Fd.df = (Fs.df * Fs.df) + Fr.df; }});
0x6: madd_ps({{
//Must Check for Exception Here... Supposed to Operate on Upper and
//Lower Halves Independently but we take simulator shortcut
Fd.df = (Fs.df * Fs.df) + Fr.df;
0x5: decode FUNCTION_LO {
0x0: msub_s({{ Fd.sf = (Fs.sf * Fs.sf) - Fr.sf; }});
0x1: msub_d({{ Fd.df = (Fs.df * Fs.df) - Fr.df; }});
0x6: msub_ps({{
//Must Check for Exception Here... Supposed to Operate on Upper and
//Lower Halves Independently but we take simulator shortcut
Fd.df = (Fs.df * Fs.df) - Fr.df;
0x6: decode FUNCTION_LO {
0x0: nmadd_s({{ Fd.sf = (-1 * Fs.sf * Fs.sf) - Fr.sf; }});
0x1: nmadd_d({{ Fd.df = (-1 * Fs.df * Fs.df) + Fr.df; }});
0x6: nmadd_ps({{
//Must Check for Exception Here... Supposed to Operate on Upper and
//Lower Halves Independently but we take simulator shortcut
Fd.df = (-1 * Fs.df * Fs.df) + Fr.df;
0x7: decode FUNCTION_LO {
0x0: nmsub_s({{ Fd.sf = (-1 * Fs.sf * Fs.sf) - Fr.sf; }});
0x1: nmsub_d({{ Fd.df = (-1 * Fs.df * Fs.df) - Fr.df; }});
0x6: nmsub_ps({{
//Must Check for Exception Here... Supposed to Operate on Upper and
//Lower Halves Independently but we take simulator shortcut
Fd.df = (-1 * Fs.df * Fs.df) + Fr.df;
//MIPS obsolete instructions
format BranchLikely {
0x4: beql({{ cond = (Rs.sw == 0); }});
0x5: bnel({{ cond = (Rs.sw != 0); }});
0x6: blezl({{ cond = (Rs.sw <= 0); }});
0x7: bgtzl({{ cond = (Rs.sw > 0); }});
0x3: decode OPCODE_LO default FailUnimpl::reserved() {
//Table A-5 MIPS32 SPECIAL2 Encoding of Function Field
0x4: decode FUNCTION_HI {
0x0: decode FUNCTION_LO {
format IntOp {
0x0: madd({{
int64_t temp1 = xc->readMiscReg(Hi) << 32 | xc->readMiscReg(Lo) >> 32;
temp1 = temp1 + (Rs.sw * Rt.sw);
0x1: maddu({{
int64_t temp1 = xc->readMiscReg(Hi) << 32 | xc->readMiscReg(Lo) >> 32;
temp1 = temp1 + (Rs.uw * Rt.uw);
0x2: mul({{ Rd.sw = Rs.sw * Rt.sw; }});
0x4: msub({{
int64_t temp1 = xc->readMiscReg(Hi) << 32 | xc->readMiscReg(Lo) >> 32;
temp1 = temp1 - (Rs.sw * Rt.sw);
0x5: msubu({{
int64_t temp1 = xc->readMiscReg(Hi) << 32 | xc->readMiscReg(Lo) >> 32;
temp1 = temp1 - (Rs.uw * Rt.uw);
0x4: decode FUNCTION_LO {
format BasicOp {
0x0: clz({{
/*int cnt = 0;
int idx = 0;
while ( Rs.uw<idx> != 1) {
Rd.uw = cnt;*/
0x1: clo({{
/*int cnt = 0;
int idx = 0;
while ( Rs.uw<idx> != 0) {
Rd.uw = cnt;*/
0x7: decode FUNCTION_LO {
0x7: WarnUnimpl::sdbbp();
//Table A-6 MIPS32 SPECIAL3 Encoding of Function Field for Release 2 of the Architecture
0x7: decode FUNCTION_HI {
0x0: decode FUNCTION_LO {
format WarnUnimpl {
0x1: ext();
0x4: ins();
0x1: decode FUNCTION_LO {
format WarnUnimpl {
0x0: fork();
0x1: yield();
//Table A-10 MIPS32 BSHFL Encoding of sa Field
0x4: decode SA {
0x02: WarnUnimpl::wsbh();
format BasicOp {
0x10: seb({{ Rd.sw = /* sext32(Rt<7>,24) | */ Rt<7:0>}});
0x18: seh({{ Rd.sw = /* sext32(Rt<15>,16) | */ Rt<15:0>}});
0x6: decode FUNCTION_LO {
0x7: BasicOp::rdhwr({{ /*Rt = xc->hwRegs[RD];*/ }});
0x4: decode OPCODE_LO default FailUnimpl::reserved() {
format LoadMemory {
0x0: lb({{ Rt.sw =; }});
0x1: lh({{ Rt.sw =; }});
0x2: lwl({{ Rt.sw = Mem.sw; }});//, WordAlign);
0x3: lw({{ Rt.sw =; }});
0x4: lbu({{ Rt.uw = Mem.ub; }});
0x5: lhu({{ Rt.uw = Mem.uh; }});
0x6: lwr({{ Rt.uw = Mem.uw; }});//, WordAlign);
0x7: FailUnimpl::reserved();
0x5: decode OPCODE_LO default FailUnimpl::reserved() {
format StoreMemory {
0x0: sb({{ Mem.ub = Rt<7:0>; }});
0x1: sh({{ Mem.uh = Rt<15:0>; }});
0x2: swl({{ Mem.ub = Rt<31:0>; }});//,WordAlign);
0x3: sw({{ Mem.ub = Rt<31:0>; }});
0x6: swr({{ Mem.ub = Rt<31:0>; }});//,WordAlign);
format WarnUnimpl {
0x7: cache();
0x6: decode OPCODE_LO default FailUnimpl::reserved() {
0x0: WarnUnimpl::ll();
format LoadMemory {
0x1: lwc1({{ /*F_t<31:0> = Mem.sf; */}});
0x5: ldc1({{ /*F_t<63:0> = Mem.df; */}});
0x7: decode OPCODE_LO default FailUnimpl::reserved() {
0x0: WarnUnimpl::sc();
format StoreMemory {
0x1: swc1({{ //Mem.sf = Ft<31:0>; }});
0x5: sdc1({{ //Mem.df = Ft<63:0>; }});