Sanchayan Maity 0f4b39775c Fix splash2 benchmark
During the last commit of splash2 benchmark it seems before committing
when we ran "make clean", it effectively undid what the patch at below
link did

Fix this since without this it is not possible to build the arcane
splash2 benchmark.
2017-04-26 21:33:02 +05:30

255 lines
13 KiB

/* */
/* Copyright (c) 1994 Stanford University */
/* */
/* All rights reserved. */
/* */
/* Permission is given to use, copy, and modify this software for any */
/* non-commercial purpose as long as this copyright notice is not */
/* removed. All other uses, including redistribution in whole or in */
/* part, are forbidden without prior written permission. */
/* */
/* This software is provided with absolutely no warranty and no */
/* support. */
/* */
* *
* global.h: global variables common to entire program *
* *
extern long image_section[NI];
extern long voxel_section[NM];
extern PIXEL *image,*image_block,*mask_image_block;
extern long num_nodes,frame;
extern long block_xlen,block_ylen,num_blocks,num_xblocks,num_yblocks;
extern struct GlobalMemory *Global;
extern PIXEL *shd_address;
extern BOOLEAN *sbit_address;
extern long shd_length;
/* Option globals */
extern BOOLEAN adaptive; /* YES for adaptive ray tracing, NO if not */
/* Shading parameters of reflective surface: */
extern float density_opacity[MAX_DENSITY+1];
/* opacity as function of density */
extern float magnitude_opacity[MAX_MAGNITUDE+1];
/* opacity as function of magnitude */
extern long density_epsilon; /* minimum (density*map_divisor) */
/* (>= MIN_DENSITY) */
extern long magnitude_epsilon; /* minimum (magnitude*grd_divisor)**2 */
extern PIXEL background; /* color of background */
extern float light[NM]; /* normalized vector from object to light */
extern float ambient_color; /* color of ambient reflection */
extern float diffuse_color; /* color of diffuse reflection */
extern float specular_color; /* color of specular reflection */
extern float specular_exponent; /* exponent of specular reflection */
extern float depth_hither; /* percentage of full intensity at hither */
extern float depth_yon; /* percentage of full intensity at yon */
extern float depth_exponent; /* exponent of falloff from hither to yon */
extern float opacity_epsilon; /* minimum opacity */
/* (usually >= MIN_OPACITY, */
/* < MIN_OPACITY during shading shades */
/* all voxels for generation of mipmap) */
extern float opacity_cutoff; /* cutoff opacity */
/* (<= MAX_OPACITY) */
extern long highest_sampling_boxlen;
/* highest boxlen for adaptive sampling */
/* (>= 1) */
extern long lowest_volume_boxlen;/* lowest boxlen for volume data */
/* (>= 1) */
extern long volume_color_difference;
/* minimum color diff for volume data */
/* (>= MIN_PIXEL) */
extern float angle[NM]; /* initial viewing angle */
extern long pyr_highest_level; /* highest level of pyramid to look at */
/* (<= MAX_PYRLEVEL) */
extern long pyr_lowest_level; /* lowest level of pyramid to look at */
/* (>= 0) */
/* Pre_View Globals */
extern long frust_len; /* Size of clipping frustum */
/* (mins will be 0 in this program, */
/* {x,y}len will be <= IK{X,Y}SIZE) */
extern float depth_cueing[MAX_OUTLEN];
/* Pre-computed table of depth cueing */
extern long image_zlen; /* number of samples along viewing ray */
extern float in_max[NM]; /* Pre-computed clipping aids */
extern long opc_xlen,opc_xylen;
extern long norm_xlen,norm_xylen;
extern VOXEL *vox_address;
extern long vox_len[NM];
extern long vox_length;
extern long vox_xlen,vox_xylen;
/* View Globals */
extern float transformation_matrix[4][4];
/* current transformation matrix */
extern float out_invvertex[2][2][2][NM];
/* Image and object space centers */
/* of outer voxels in output map */
extern float uout_invvertex[2][2][2][NM];
/* Image and object space vertices */
/* of output map unit voxel */
/* Render Globals */
extern float obslight[NM]; /* observer transformed light vector */
extern float obshighlight[NM]; /* observer transformed highlight vector */
extern float invjacobian[NM][NM];
/* Jacobian matrix showing object space */
/* d{x,y,z} per image space d{x,y,z} */
/* [0][0] is dx(object)/dx(image) */
/* [0][2] is dz(object)/dx(image) */
/* [2][0] is dx(object)/dz(image) */
extern float invinvjacobian[NM][NM];
/* [i][j] = 1.0 / invjacobian[i][j] */
/* Density map globals */
extern short map_len[NM]; /* Size of this density map */
extern int map_length; /* Total number of densities in map */
/* (= product of lens) */
extern DENSITY *map_address; /* Pointer to map */
/* Normal and gradient magnitude map globals */
extern short norm_len[NM]; /* Size of this normal map */
extern int norm_length; /* Total number of normals in map */
/* (= NM * product of lens) */
extern NORMAL *norm_address; /* Pointer to normal map */
extern float nmag_epsilon;
/* Opacity map globals */
extern short opc_len[NM]; /* Size of this opacity map */
extern int opc_length; /* Total number of opacities in map */
/* (= product of lens) */
extern OPACITY *opc_address; /* Pointer to opacity map */
/* Octree globals */
extern short pyr_levels; /* Number of levels in this pyramid */
extern short pyr_len[MAX_PYRLEVEL+1][NM];
/* Number of voxels on each level */
extern short pyr_voxlen[MAX_PYRLEVEL+1][NM];
/* Size of voxels on each level */
extern int pyr_length[MAX_PYRLEVEL+1];
/* Total number of bytes on this level */
/* (= (long)((product of lens+7)/8)) */
extern BYTE *pyr_address[MAX_PYRLEVEL+1];
/* Pointer to binary pyramid */
/* (only pyr_levels sets of lens, lengths, */
/* and 3-D arrays are written to file) */
extern long pyr_offset1; /* Bit offset of desired bit within pyramid */
extern long pyr_offset2; /* Bit offset of bit within byte */
extern BYTE *pyr_address2; /* Pointer to byte containing bit */
/* Image globals */
extern long image_len[NI]; /* Size of image */
extern int image_length; /* Total number of pixels in map */
extern PIXEL *image_address; /* Pointer to image */
extern long mask_image_len[NI]; /* Size of mask image for adaptive ray trace */
extern long mask_image_length; /* Total number of pixels in mask image */
extern MPIXEL *mask_image_address;
/* Pointer to image */
/* adaptive.c */
void Ray_Trace(long my_node);
void Ray_Trace_Adaptively(long my_node);
void Ray_Trace_Adaptive_Box(long outx, long outy, long boxlen);
void Ray_Trace_Non_Adaptively(long my_node);
void Ray_Trace_Fast_Non_Adaptively(long my_node);
void Interpolate_Recursively(long my_node);
void Interpolate_Recursive_Box(long outx, long outy, long boxlen);
/* file.c */
int Create_File(char filename[]);
int Open_File(char filename[]);
void Write_Bytes(int fd, unsigned char array[], long length);
void Write_Shorts(int fd, unsigned char array[], long length);
void Write_Longs(int fd, unsigned char array[], long length);
void Read_Bytes(int fd, unsigned char array[], long length);
void Read_Shorts(int fd, unsigned char array[], long length);
void Read_Longs(int fd, unsigned char array[], long length);
void Close_File(int fd);
/* main.c */
void mclock(long stoptime, long starttime, long *exectime);
void Frame(void);
void Render_Loop(void);
void Error(char string[], .../*char *arg1, char *arg2, char *arg3, char *arg4, char *arg5, char *arg6, char *arg7, char *arg8*/);
void Allocate_Image(PIXEL **address, long length);
void Allocate_MImage(MPIXEL **address, long length);
void Lallocate_Image(PIXEL **address, long length);
void Store_Image(char filename[]);
void Allocate_Shading_Table(PIXEL **address1, long length);
void Init_Decomposition(void);
long WriteGrayscaleTIFF(char *filename, long width, long height, long scanbytes, unsigned char *data);
/* map.c */
void Load_Map(char filename[]);
void Allocate_Map(DENSITY **address, long length);
void Deallocate_Map(DENSITY **address);
/* normal.c */
void Compute_Normal(void);
void Allocate_Normal(NORMAL **address, long length);
void Normal_Compute(void);
void Load_Normal(char filename[]);
void Store_Normal(char filename[]);
void Deallocate_Normal(NORMAL **address);
/* octree.c */
void Compute_Octree(void);
void Compute_Base(void);
void Or_Neighbors_In_Base(void);
void Allocate_Pyramid_Level(BYTE **address, long length);
void Compute_Pyramid_Level(long level);
void Load_Octree(char filename[]);
void Store_Octree(char filename[]);
/* opacity.c */
void Compute_Opacity(void);
void Allocate_Opacity(OPACITY **address, long length);
void Opacity_Compute(void);
void Load_Opacity(char filename[]);
void Store_Opacity(char filename[]);
void Deallocate_Opacity(OPACITY **address);
/* option.c */
void Init_Options(void);
void Init_Opacity(void);
void Init_Lighting(void);
void Init_Parallelization(void);
/* raytrace.c */
void Trace_Ray(double foutx, double fouty, PIXEL *pixel_address);
void Pre_Shade(long my_node);
/* render.c */
void Render(long my_node);
void Observer_Transform_Light_Vector(void);
void Compute_Observer_Transformed_Highlight_Vector(void);
/* view.c */
void Compute_Pre_View(void);
void Select_View(double delta_angle, long axis);
void Compute_Input_Dimensions(void);
void Compute_Input_Unit_Vector(void);
void Load_Transformation_Matrix(float matrix[4][4]);
void Transform_Point(double xold, double yold, double zold, float *xnew, float *ynew, float *znew);
void Inverse_Concatenate_Translation(float matrix[4][4], double xoffset, double yoffset, double zoffset);
void Inverse_Concatenate_Scaling(float matrix[4][4], double xscale, double yscale, double zscale);
void Inverse_Concatenate_Rotation(float matrix[4][4], long axis, double angle);
void Load_Identity_Matrix(float matrix[4][4]);
void Load_Translation_Matrix(float matrix[4][4], double xoffset, double yoffset, double zoffset);
void Load_Scaling_Matrix(float matrix[4][4], double xscale, double yscale, double zscale);
void Load_Rotation_Matrix(float matrix[4][4], long axis, double angle);
void Concatenate_Transform(float composite_matrix[][4], float transformation_matrix[][4]);
void Inverse_Concatenate_Transform(float composite_matrix[][4], float transformation_matrix[][4]);
void Multiply_Matrices(float input_matrix1[][4], float input_matrix2[][4], float output_matrix[][4]);
void Copy_Matrix(float input_matrix[][4], float output_matrix[][4]);