Sanchayan Maity 0f4b39775c Fix splash2 benchmark
During the last commit of splash2 benchmark it seems before committing
when we ran "make clean", it effectively undid what the patch at below
link did

Fix this since without this it is not possible to build the arcane
splash2 benchmark.
2017-04-26 21:33:02 +05:30

497 lines
18 KiB

/* */
/* Copyright (c) 1994 Stanford University */
/* */
/* All rights reserved. */
/* */
/* Permission is given to use, copy, and modify this software for any */
/* non-commercial purpose as long as this copyright notice is not */
/* removed. All other uses, including redistribution in whole or in */
/* part, are forbidden without prior written permission. */
/* */
/* This software is provided with absolutely no warranty and no */
/* support. */
/* */
* *
* adaptive.c: Render dataset via raytracing. *
* *
#include "incl.h"
float invjacobian[NM][NM]; /* Jacobian matrix showing object space */
/* d{x,y,z} per image space d{x,y,z} */
/* [0][0] is dx(object)/dx(image) */
/* [0][2] is dz(object)/dx(image) */
/* [2][0] is dx(object)/dz(image) */
float invinvjacobian[NM][NM]; /* [i][j] = 1.0 / invjacobian[i][j] */
/* For gathering statistics: */
long num_rays_traced; /* number of calls to Trace_Ray */
long num_traced_rays_hit_volume; /* number of traced rays that hit volume */
long num_samples_trilirped; /* number of samples trilirped */
long itest;
#define RAY_TRACED ((MAX_PIXEL+1)/2) /* Ray traced at this pixel */
#define START_RAY 1
#define INTERPOLATED ((MAX_PIXEL+1)/32) /* This pixel interpolated */
#include "anl.h"
void Ray_Trace(long my_node)
long i,j;
long starttime,stoptime,exectime,exectime1;
/* Assumptions made by ray tracer: */
/* o Frustrum clipping is performed. */
/* All viewing frustums will be handled correctly. */
/* o Contributions are obtained only from nearest 8 neighbors. */
/* If downsizing was specified, some input voxels will be */
/* unsampled, but upsizing may be specified and will be */
/* handled correctly. */
/* Compute inverse Jacobian matrix from */
/* coordinates of output map unit voxel in object space, */
/* then make a copy of object space d{x,y,z} per image space dz, */
/* which controls number of ray samples per object space voxel */
/* (i.e. Z-sampling rate), to allow recomputation per region. */
for (i=0; i<NM; i++) {
invjacobian[X][i] = uout_invvertex[0][0][1][i] -
invjacobian[Y][i] = uout_invvertex[0][1][0][i] -
invjacobian[Z][i] = uout_invvertex[1][0][0][i] -
/* Compute multiplicative inverse of inverse Jacobian matrix. */
/* If any Jacobian is zero, compute no inverse for that element. */
/* This test must be repeated before access to any inverse element. */
for (i=0; i<NM; i++) {
for (j=0; j<NM; j++) {
if (ABS(invjacobian[i][j]) > SMALL)
invinvjacobian[i][j] = 1.0 / invjacobian[i][j];
num_rays_traced = 0;
num_traced_rays_hit_volume = 0;
num_samples_trilirped = 0;
/* Invoke adaptive or non-adaptive ray tracer */
if (adaptive) {
while (Global->Counter);
/* If adaptively ray tracing and highest sampling size is greater */
/* than lowest size for volume data if polygon list exists or */
/* display pixel size if it does not, recursively interpolate to */
/* fill in any missing samples down to lowest size for volume data. */
if (highest_sampling_boxlen > 1) {
else {
while (Global->Counter);
exectime1 = 0;
void Ray_Trace_Adaptively(long my_node)
long outx,outy,yindex,xindex;
long num_xqueue,num_yqueue,num_queue,lnum_xblocks,lnum_yblocks,lnum_blocks;
long xstart,xstop,ystart,ystop,local_node,work;
itest = 0;
num_xqueue = ROUNDUP((float)image_len[X]/(float)image_section[X]);
num_yqueue = ROUNDUP((float)image_len[Y]/(float)image_section[Y]);
num_queue = num_xqueue * num_yqueue;
lnum_xblocks = ROUNDUP((float)num_xqueue/(float)block_xlen);
lnum_yblocks = ROUNDUP((float)num_yqueue/(float)block_ylen);
lnum_blocks = lnum_xblocks * lnum_yblocks;
local_node = my_node;
Global->Queue[local_node][0] = 0;
while (Global->Queue[num_nodes][0] > 0) {
xstart = (local_node % image_section[X]) * num_xqueue;
xstart = ROUNDUP((float)xstart/(float)highest_sampling_boxlen);
xstart = xstart * highest_sampling_boxlen;
xstop = MIN(xstart+num_xqueue,image_len[X]);
ystart = (local_node / image_section[X]) * num_yqueue;
ystart = ROUNDUP((float)ystart/(float)highest_sampling_boxlen);
ystart = ystart * highest_sampling_boxlen;
ystop = MIN(ystart+num_yqueue,image_len[Y]);
work = Global->Queue[local_node][0];
Global->Queue[local_node][0] += 1;
while (work < lnum_blocks) {
xindex = xstart + (work%lnum_xblocks)*block_xlen;
yindex = ystart + (work/lnum_xblocks)*block_ylen;
for (outy=yindex; outy<yindex+block_ylen && outy<ystop;
outy+=highest_sampling_boxlen) {
for (outx=xindex; outx<xindex+block_xlen && outx<xstop;
outx+=highest_sampling_boxlen) {
/* Trace rays within square box of highest sampling size */
/* whose lower-left corner is current image space location. */
work = Global->Queue[local_node][0];
Global->Queue[local_node][0] += 1;
if (my_node == local_node) {
local_node = (local_node+1)%num_nodes;
while (Global->Queue[local_node][0] >= lnum_blocks &&
Global->Queue[num_nodes][0] > 0)
local_node = (local_node+1)%num_nodes;
void Ray_Trace_Adaptive_Box(long outx, long outy, long boxlen)
long i,j;
long half_boxlen;
long min_volume_color,max_volume_color;
float foutx,fouty;
volatile long imask;
PIXEL *pixel_address;
/* Trace rays from all four corners of the box into the map, */
/* being careful not to exceed the boundaries of the output image, */
/* and using a flag array to avoid retracing any rays. */
/* For diagnostic display, flag is set to a light gray. */
/* If mipmapping, flag is light gray minus current mipmap level. */
/* If mipmapping and ray has already been traced, */
/* retrace it if current mipmap level is lower than */
/* mipmap level in effect when ray was last traced, */
/* thus replacing crude approximation with better one. */
/* Meanwhile, compute minimum and maximum geometry/volume colors. */
/* If polygon list exists, compute geometry-only colors */
/* and volume-attenuated geometry-only colors as well. */
/* If stochastic sampling and box is smaller than a display pixel, */
/* distribute the rays uniformly across a square centered on the */
/* nominal ray location and of size equal to the image array spacing.*/
/* This scheme interpolates the jitter size / sample spacing ratio */
/* from zero at one sample per display pixel, avoiding jitter noise, */
/* to one at the maximum sampling rate, insuring complete coverage, */
/* all the while building on previously traced rays where possible. */
/* The constant radius also prevents overlap of jitter squares from */
/* successive subdivision levels, preventing sample clumping noise. */
min_volume_color = MAX_PIXEL;
max_volume_color = MIN_PIXEL;
for (i=0; i<=boxlen && outy+i<image_len[Y]; i+=boxlen) {
for (j=0; j<=boxlen && outx+j<image_len[X]; j+=boxlen) {
/*reschedule processes here if rescheduling only at synch points on simulator*/
if (MASK_IMAGE(outy+i,outx+j) == 0) {
/*reschedule processes here if rescheduling only at synch points on simulator*/
MASK_IMAGE(outy+i,outx+j) = START_RAY;
/*reschedule processes here if rescheduling only at synch points on simulator*/
foutx = (float)(outx+j);
fouty = (float)(outy+i);
pixel_address = IMAGE_ADDRESS(outy+i,outx+j);
/*reschedule processes here if rescheduling only at synch points on simulator*/
/*reschedule processes here if rescheduling only at synch points on simulator*/
MASK_IMAGE(outy+i,outx+j) = RAY_TRACED;
for (i=0; i<=boxlen && outy+i<image_len[Y]; i+=boxlen) {
for (j=0; j<=boxlen && outx+j<image_len[X]; j+=boxlen) {
imask = MASK_IMAGE(outy+i,outx+j);
/*reschedule processes here if rescheduling only at synch points on simulator*/
while (imask == START_RAY) {
/*reschedule processes here if rescheduling only at synch points on simulator*/
imask = MASK_IMAGE(outy+i,outx+j);
/*reschedule processes here if rescheduling only at synch points on simulator*/
min_volume_color = MIN(IMAGE(outy+i,outx+j),min_volume_color);
max_volume_color = MAX(IMAGE(outy+i,outx+j),max_volume_color);
/* If size of current box is above lowest size for volume data and */
/* magnitude of geometry/volume color difference is significant, or */
/* size of current box is above lowest size for geometric data and */
/* magnitudes of geometry-only and volume-attenuated geometry-only */
/* are both significant, thus detecting only visible geometry events,*/
/* invoke this function recursively to trace rays within the */
/* four equal-sized square sub-boxes enclosed by the current box, */
/* being careful not to exceed the boundaries of the output image. */
/* Use of geometry-only color difference suppressed in accordance */
/* with hybrid.trf as published in IEEE CG&A, March, 1990. */
if (boxlen > lowest_volume_boxlen &&
max_volume_color - min_volume_color >=
volume_color_difference) {
half_boxlen = boxlen >> 1;
for (i=0; i<boxlen && outy+i<image_len[Y]; i+=half_boxlen) {
for (j=0; j<boxlen && outx+j<image_len[X]; j+=half_boxlen) {
void Ray_Trace_Non_Adaptively(long my_node)
long outx,outy,xindex,yindex;
float foutx,fouty;
PIXEL *pixel_address;
long num_xqueue,num_yqueue,num_queue,lnum_xblocks,lnum_yblocks,lnum_blocks;
long xstart,xstop,ystart,ystop,local_node,work;
num_xqueue = ROUNDUP((float)image_len[X]/(float)image_section[X]);
num_yqueue = ROUNDUP((float)image_len[Y]/(float)image_section[Y]);
num_queue = num_xqueue * num_yqueue;
lnum_xblocks = ROUNDUP((float)num_xqueue/(float)block_xlen);
lnum_yblocks = ROUNDUP((float)num_yqueue/(float)block_ylen);
lnum_blocks = lnum_xblocks * lnum_yblocks;
local_node = my_node;
Global->Queue[local_node][0] = 0;
while (Global->Queue[num_nodes][0] > 0) {
xstart = (local_node % image_section[X]) * num_xqueue;
xstop = MIN(xstart+num_xqueue,image_len[X]);
ystart = (local_node / image_section[X]) * num_yqueue;
ystop = MIN(ystart+num_yqueue,image_len[Y]);
work = Global->Queue[local_node][0]++;
while (work < lnum_blocks) {
xindex = xstart + (work%lnum_xblocks)*block_xlen;
yindex = ystart + (work/lnum_xblocks)*block_ylen;
for (outy=yindex; outy<yindex+block_ylen && outy<ystop; outy++) {
for (outx=xindex; outx<xindex+block_xlen && outx<xstop; outx++) {
/* Trace ray from specified image space location into map. */
/* Stochastic sampling is as described in adaptive code. */
foutx = (float)(outx);
fouty = (float)(outy);
pixel_address = IMAGE_ADDRESS(outy,outx);
work = Global->Queue[local_node][0]++;
if (my_node == local_node) {
local_node = (local_node+1)%num_nodes;
while (Global->Queue[local_node][0] >= lnum_blocks &&
Global->Queue[num_nodes][0] > 0)
local_node = (local_node+1)%num_nodes;
void Ray_Trace_Fast_Non_Adaptively(long my_node)
long i,outx,outy,xindex,yindex;
float foutx,fouty;
PIXEL *pixel_address;
for (i=0; i<num_blocks; i+=num_nodes) {
yindex = ((my_node+i)/num_xblocks)*block_ylen;
xindex = ((my_node+i)%num_xblocks)*block_xlen;
for (outy=yindex; outy<yindex+block_ylen &&
outy<image_len[Y]; outy+=lowest_volume_boxlen) {
for (outx=xindex; outx<xindex+block_xlen &&
outx<image_len[X]; outx+=lowest_volume_boxlen) {
/* Trace ray from specified image space location into map. */
/* Stochastic sampling is as described in adaptive code. */
MASK_IMAGE(outy,outx) += RAY_TRACED;
foutx = (float)(outx);
fouty = (float)(outy);
pixel_address = IMAGE_ADDRESS(outy,outx);
void Interpolate_Recursively(long my_node)
long i,outx,outy,xindex,yindex;
for (i=0; i<num_blocks; i+=num_nodes) {
yindex = ((my_node+i)/num_xblocks)*block_ylen;
xindex = ((my_node+i)%num_xblocks)*block_xlen;
for (outy=yindex; outy<yindex+block_ylen &&
outy<image_len[Y]; outy+=highest_sampling_boxlen) {
for (outx=xindex; outx<xindex+block_xlen &&
outx<image_len[X]; outx+=highest_sampling_boxlen) {
/* Fill in image within square box of highest sampling size */
/* whose lower-left corner is current image space location. */
void Interpolate_Recursive_Box(long outx, long outy, long boxlen)
long i,j;
long half_boxlen;
long corner_color[2][2],color;
long outx_plus_boxlen,outy_plus_boxlen;
float one_over_boxlen;
float xalpha,yalpha;
float one_minus_xalpha,one_minus_yalpha;
/* Fill in the four pixels at the midpoints of the sides and at */
/* the center of the box by bilirping between the four corners, */
/* being careful not to exceed the boundaries of the output image, */
/* and using a flag array to avoid recomputing any pixels. */
/* For diagnostic display, flag is set to a dark gray. */
/* By making interpolation follow ray tracing, no pixels along the */
/* perimeter are filled in using interpolation, just to be replaced */
/* by a more accurate color when adjacent boxes are ray traced. */
/* By making the interpolation recursive, it is able to fill in */
/* large boxes using all pixels available along their perimeters, */
/* rather than just at their four corners. This prevents "creases", */
/* or, stated another way, insures zero-order continuity everywhere. */
half_boxlen = boxlen >> 1;
one_over_boxlen = 1.0 / (float)boxlen;
outx_plus_boxlen = outx+boxlen < image_len[X] ? outx+boxlen : outx;
outy_plus_boxlen = outy+boxlen < image_len[Y] ? outy+boxlen : outy;
corner_color[0][0] = IMAGE(outy,outx);
corner_color[0][1] = IMAGE(outy,outx_plus_boxlen);
corner_color[1][0] = IMAGE(outy_plus_boxlen,outx);
corner_color[1][1] = IMAGE(outy_plus_boxlen,outx_plus_boxlen);
for (i=0; i<=boxlen && outy+i<image_len[Y]; i+=half_boxlen) {
yalpha = (float)i * one_over_boxlen;
one_minus_yalpha = 1.0 - yalpha;
for (j=0; j<=boxlen && outx+j<image_len[X]; j+=half_boxlen) {
xalpha = (float)j * one_over_boxlen;
one_minus_xalpha = 1.0 - xalpha;
if (MASK_IMAGE(outy+i,outx+j) == 0) {
color = corner_color[0][0]*one_minus_xalpha*one_minus_yalpha+
IMAGE(outy+i,outx+j) = color;
MASK_IMAGE(outy+i,outx+j) += INTERPOLATED;
/* If size of sub-boxes is above lowest size for volume data */
/* if polygon list exists or display pixel size if it does not, */
/* invoke this function recursively to fill in image within the */
/* four equal-sized square sub-boxes enclosed by the current box, */
/* being careful not to exceed the boundaries of the output image. */
if (half_boxlen > 1) {
for (i=0; i<boxlen && outy+i<image_len[Y]; i+=half_boxlen) {
for (j=0; j<boxlen && outx+j<image_len[X]; j+=half_boxlen) {