Sanchayan Maity 0f4b39775c Fix splash2 benchmark
During the last commit of splash2 benchmark it seems before committing
when we ran "make clean", it effectively undid what the patch at below
link did

Fix this since without this it is not possible to build the arcane
splash2 benchmark.
2017-04-26 21:33:02 +05:30

518 lines
13 KiB

/* */
/* Copyright (c) 1994 Stanford University */
/* */
/* All rights reserved. */
/* */
/* Permission is given to use, copy, and modify this software for any */
/* non-commercial purpose as long as this copyright notice is not */
/* removed. All other uses, including redistribution in whole or in */
/* part, are forbidden without prior written permission. */
/* */
/* This software is provided with absolutely no warranty and no */
/* support. */
/* */
#define global extern
#include "stdinc.h"
* MAKETREE: initialize tree structure for hack force calculation.
void maketree(long ProcessId)
bodyptr p, *pp;
Local[ProcessId].myncell = 0;
Local[ProcessId].mynleaf = 0;
if (ProcessId == 0) {
Local[ProcessId].mycelltab[Local[ProcessId].myncell++] = Global->G_root;
Local[ProcessId].Current_Root = (nodeptr) Global->G_root;
for (pp = Local[ProcessId].mybodytab;
pp < Local[ProcessId].mybodytab+Local[ProcessId].mynbody; pp++) {
p = *pp;
if (Mass(p) != 0.0) {
= (nodeptr) loadtree(p, (cellptr) Local[ProcessId].Current_Root,
else {
fprintf(stderr, "Process %ld found body %ld to have zero mass\n",
ProcessId, (long) p);
hackcofm(ProcessId );
cellptr InitCell(cellptr parent, long ProcessId)
cellptr c;
c = makecell(ProcessId);
c->processor = ProcessId;
c->next = NULL;
c->prev = NULL;
if (parent == NULL)
Level(c) = IMAX >> 1;
Level(c) = Level(parent) >> 1;
Parent(c) = (nodeptr) parent;
ChildNum(c) = 0;
return (c);
leafptr InitLeaf(cellptr parent, long ProcessId)
leafptr l;
l = makeleaf(ProcessId);
l->processor = ProcessId;
l->next = NULL;
l->prev = NULL;
if (parent==NULL)
Level(l) = IMAX >> 1;
Level(l) = Level(parent) >> 1;
Parent(l) = (nodeptr) parent;
ChildNum(l) = 0;
return (l);
void printtree(nodeptr n)
long k;
cellptr c;
leafptr l;
bodyptr p;
nodeptr tmp;
long nseq;
switch (Type(n)) {
case CELL:
c = (cellptr) n;
nseq = c->seqnum;
printf("Cell : Cost = %ld, ", Cost(c));
PRTV("Pos", Pos(n));
for (k = 0; k < NSUB; k++) {
printf("Child #%ld: ", k);
if (Subp(c)[k] == NULL) {
else {
if (Type(Subp(c)[k]) == CELL) {
nseq = ((cellptr) Subp(c)[k])->seqnum;
printf("C: Cost = %ld, ", Cost(Subp(c)[k]));
else {
nseq = ((leafptr) Subp(c)[k])->seqnum;
printf("L: # Bodies = %2ld, Cost = %ld, ",
((leafptr) Subp(c)[k])->num_bodies, Cost(Subp(c)[k]));
tmp = Subp(c)[k];
PRTV("Pos", Pos(tmp));
for (k=0;k<NSUB;k++) {
if (Subp(c)[k] != NULL) {
case LEAF:
l = (leafptr) n;
nseq = l->seqnum;
printf("Leaf : # Bodies = %2ld, Cost = %ld, ", l->num_bodies, Cost(l));
PRTV("Pos", Pos(n));
for (k = 0; k < l->num_bodies; k++) {
p = Bodyp(l)[k];
printf("Body #%2ld: Num = %2ld, Level = %ld, ",
p - bodytab, k, Level(p));
fprintf(stderr, "Bad type\n");
* LOADTREE: descend tree and insert particle.
nodeptr loadtree(bodyptr p, cellptr root, long ProcessId)
long l, xp[NDIM], xor[NDIM], flag;
long i, j, root_level;
bool valid_root;
long kidIndex;
volatile nodeptr *volatile qptr, mynode;
leafptr le;
intcoord(xp, Pos(p));
valid_root = TRUE;
for (i = 0; i < NDIM; i++) {
xor[i] = xp[i] ^ Local[ProcessId].Root_Coords[i];
for (i = IMAX >> 1; i > Level(root); i >>= 1) {
for (j = 0; j < NDIM; j++) {
if (xor[j] & i) {
valid_root = FALSE;
if (!valid_root) {
if (!valid_root) {
if (root != Global->G_root) {
root_level = Level(root);
for (j = i; j > root_level; j >>= 1) {
root = (cellptr) Parent(root);
valid_root = TRUE;
for (i = IMAX >> 1; i > Level(root); i >>= 1) {
for (j = 0; j < NDIM; j++) {
if (xor[j] & i) {
valid_root = FALSE;
if (!valid_root) {
printf("P%ld body %ld\n", ProcessId, p - bodytab);
root = Global->G_root;
root = Global->G_root;
mynode = (nodeptr) root;
kidIndex = subindex(xp, Level(mynode));
qptr = &Subp(mynode)[kidIndex];
l = Level(mynode) >> 1;
flag = TRUE;
while (flag) { /* loop descending tree */
if (l == 0) {
error("not enough levels in tree\n");
if (*qptr == NULL) {
/* lock the parent cell */
ALOCK(CellLock->CL, ((cellptr) mynode)->seqnum % MAXLOCK);
if (*qptr == NULL) {
le = InitLeaf((cellptr) mynode, ProcessId);
Parent(p) = (nodeptr) le;
Level(p) = l;
ChildNum(p) = le->num_bodies;
ChildNum(le) = kidIndex;
Bodyp(le)[le->num_bodies++] = p;
*qptr = (nodeptr) le;
flag = FALSE;
AULOCK(CellLock->CL, ((cellptr) mynode)->seqnum % MAXLOCK);
/* unlock the parent cell */
if (flag && *qptr && (Type(*qptr) == LEAF)) {
/* reached a "leaf"? */
ALOCK(CellLock->CL, ((cellptr) mynode)->seqnum % MAXLOCK);
/* lock the parent cell */
if (Type(*qptr) == LEAF) { /* still a "leaf"? */
le = (leafptr) *qptr;
if (le->num_bodies == MAX_BODIES_PER_LEAF) {
*qptr = (nodeptr) SubdivideLeaf(le, (cellptr) mynode, l,
else {
Parent(p) = (nodeptr) le;
Level(p) = l;
ChildNum(p) = le->num_bodies;
Bodyp(le)[le->num_bodies++] = p;
flag = FALSE;
AULOCK(CellLock->CL, ((cellptr) mynode)->seqnum % MAXLOCK);
/* unlock the node */
if (flag) {
mynode = *qptr;
kidIndex = subindex(xp, l);
qptr = &Subp(*qptr)[kidIndex]; /* move down one level */
l = l >> 1; /* and test next bit */
SETV(Local[ProcessId].Root_Coords, xp);
return Parent((leafptr) *qptr);
/* * INTCOORD: compute integerized coordinates. * Returns: TRUE
unless rp was out of bounds. */
/* integerized coordinate vector [0,IMAX) */
/* real coordinate vector (system coords) */
bool intcoord(long xp[NDIM], vector rp)
long k;
bool inb;
double xsc;
inb = TRUE;
for (k = 0; k < NDIM; k++) {
xsc = (rp[k] - Global->rmin[k]) / Global->rsize;
if (0.0 <= xsc && xsc < 1.0) {
xp[k] = floor(IMAX * xsc);
else {
inb = FALSE;
return (inb);
* SUBINDEX: determine which subcell to select.
/* integerized coordinates of particle */
/* current level of tree */
long subindex(long x[NDIM], long l)
long i, k;
long yes;
i = 0;
yes = FALSE;
if (x[0] & l) {
i += NSUB >> 1;
yes = TRUE;
for (k = 1; k < NDIM; k++) {
if (((x[k] & l) && !yes) || (!(x[k] & l) && yes)) {
i += NSUB >> (k + 1);
yes = TRUE;
else yes = FALSE;
return (i);
* HACKCOFM: descend tree finding center-of-mass coordinates.
void hackcofm(long ProcessId)
long i;
nodeptr r;
leafptr l;
leafptr* ll;
bodyptr p;
cellptr q;
cellptr *cc;
vector tmpv;
/* get a cell using get*sub. Cells are got in reverse of the order in */
/* the cell array; i.e. reverse of the order in which they were created */
/* this way, we look at child cells before parents */
for (ll = Local[ProcessId].myleaftab + Local[ProcessId].mynleaf - 1;
ll >= Local[ProcessId].myleaftab; ll--) {
l = *ll;
Mass(l) = 0.0;
Cost(l) = 0;
for (i = 0; i < l->num_bodies; i++) {
p = Bodyp(l)[i];
Mass(l) += Mass(p);
Cost(l) += Cost(p);
MULVS(tmpv, Pos(p), Mass(p));
ADDV(Pos(l), Pos(l), tmpv);
DIVVS(Pos(l), Pos(l), Mass(l));
for (i = 0; i < l->num_bodies; i++) {
p = Bodyp(l)[i];
SUBV(dr, Pos(p), Pos(l));
OUTVP(drdr, dr, dr);
DOTVP(drsq, dr, dr);
MULMS(Idrsq, Idrsq, drsq);
MULMS(tmpm, drdr, 3.0);
SUBM(tmpm, tmpm, Idrsq);
MULMS(tmpm, tmpm, Mass(p));
ADDM(Quad(l), Quad(l), tmpm);
for (cc = Local[ProcessId].mycelltab+Local[ProcessId].myncell-1;
cc >= Local[ProcessId].mycelltab; cc--) {
q = *cc;
Mass(q) = 0.0;
Cost(q) = 0;
for (i = 0; i < NSUB; i++) {
r = Subp(q)[i];
if (r != NULL) {
while(!Done(r)) {
/* wait */
Mass(q) += Mass(r);
Cost(q) += Cost(r);
MULVS(tmpv, Pos(r), Mass(r));
ADDV(Pos(q), Pos(q), tmpv);
Done(r) = FALSE;
DIVVS(Pos(q), Pos(q), Mass(q));
for (i = 0; i < NSUB; i++) {
r = Subp(q)[i];
if (r != NULL) {
SUBV(dr, Pos(r), Pos(q));
OUTVP(drdr, dr, dr);
DOTVP(drsq, dr, dr);
MULMS(Idrsq, Idrsq, drsq);
MULMS(tmpm, drdr, 3.0);
SUBM(tmpm, tmpm, Idrsq);
MULMS(tmpm, tmpm, Mass(r));
ADDM(tmpm, tmpm, Quad(r));
ADDM(Quad(q), Quad(q), tmpm);
cellptr SubdivideLeaf(leafptr le, cellptr parent, long l, long ProcessId)
cellptr c;
long i, index;
long xp[NDIM];
bodyptr bodies[MAX_BODIES_PER_LEAF];
long num_bodies;
bodyptr p;
/* first copy leaf's bodies to temp array, so we can reuse the leaf */
num_bodies = le->num_bodies;
for (i = 0; i < num_bodies; i++) {
bodies[i] = Bodyp(le)[i];
Bodyp(le)[i] = NULL;
le->num_bodies = 0;
/* create the parent cell for this subtree */
c = InitCell(parent, ProcessId);
ChildNum(c) = ChildNum(le);
/* do first particle separately, so we can reuse le */
p = bodies[0];
intcoord(xp, Pos(p));
index = subindex(xp, l);
Subp(c)[index] = (nodeptr) le;
ChildNum(le) = index;
Parent(le) = (nodeptr) c;
Level(le) = l >> 1;
/* set stuff for body */
Parent(p) = (nodeptr) le;
ChildNum(p) = le->num_bodies;
Level(p) = l >> 1;
/* insert the body */
Bodyp(le)[le->num_bodies++] = p;
/* now handle the rest */
for (i = 1; i < num_bodies; i++) {
p = bodies[i];
intcoord(xp, Pos(p));
index = subindex(xp, l);
if (!Subp(c)[index]) {
le = InitLeaf(c, ProcessId);
ChildNum(le) = index;
Subp(c)[index] = (nodeptr) le;
else {
le = (leafptr) Subp(c)[index];
Parent(p) = (nodeptr) le;
ChildNum(p) = le->num_bodies;
Level(p) = l >> 1;
Bodyp(le)[le->num_bodies++] = p;
return c;
* MAKECELL: allocation routine for cells.
cellptr makecell(long ProcessId)
cellptr c;
long i, Mycell;
if (Local[ProcessId].mynumcell == maxmycell) {
error("makecell: Proc %ld needs more than %ld cells; increase fcells\n",
Mycell = Local[ProcessId].mynumcell++;
c = Local[ProcessId].ctab + Mycell;
c->seqnum = ProcessId*maxmycell+Mycell;
Type(c) = CELL;
Done(c) = FALSE;
Mass(c) = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < NSUB; i++) {
Subp(c)[i] = NULL;
Local[ProcessId].mycelltab[Local[ProcessId].myncell++] = c;
return (c);
* MAKELEAF: allocation routine for leaves.
leafptr makeleaf(long ProcessId)
leafptr le;
long i, Myleaf;
if (Local[ProcessId].mynumleaf == maxmyleaf) {
error("makeleaf: Proc %ld needs more than %ld leaves; increase fleaves\n",
Myleaf = Local[ProcessId].mynumleaf++;
le = Local[ProcessId].ltab + Myleaf;
le->seqnum = ProcessId * maxmyleaf + Myleaf;
Type(le) = LEAF;
Done(le) = FALSE;
Mass(le) = 0.0;
le->num_bodies = 0;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_BODIES_PER_LEAF; i++) {
Bodyp(le)[i] = NULL;
Local[ProcessId].myleaftab[Local[ProcessId].mynleaf++] = le;
return (le);