Sanchayan Maity 2fcc51c2c1 Commit splash2 benchmark
While at it also add the libpthread static library amd m5op_x86
for matrix multiplication test code as well.

Note that the splash2 benchmark code does not comply with gem5
coding guidelines. Academic guys never seem to follow 80 columns
and no whitespace guideline :(.
2017-04-26 20:50:15 +05:30

155 lines
7.2 KiB

/* */
/* Copyright (c) 1994 Stanford University */
/* */
/* All rights reserved. */
/* */
/* Permission is given to use, copy, and modify this software for any */
/* non-commercial purpose as long as this copyright notice is not */
/* removed. All other uses, including redistribution in whole or in */
/* part, are forbidden without prior written permission. */
/* */
/* This software is provided with absolutely no warranty and no */
/* support. */
/* */
* CODE.H: define various global things for CODE.C.
#ifndef _CODE_H_
#define _CODE_H_
#define PAD_SIZE (PAGE_SIZE / (sizeof(long)))
/* Defined by the input file */
global string headline; /* message describing calculation */
global string infile; /* file name for snapshot input */
global string outfile; /* file name for snapshot output */
global real dtime; /* timestep for leapfrog integrator */
global real dtout; /* time between data outputs */
global real tstop; /* time to stop calculation */
global long nbody; /* number of bodies in system */
global real fcells; /* ratio of cells/leaves allocated */
global real fleaves; /* ratio of leaves/bodies allocated */
global real tol; /* accuracy parameter: 0.0 => exact */
global real tolsq; /* square of previous */
global real eps; /* potential softening parameter */
global real epssq; /* square of previous */
global real dthf; /* half time step */
global long NPROC; /* Number of Processors */
global long maxcell; /* max number of cells allocated */
global long maxleaf; /* max number of leaves allocated */
global long maxmybody; /* max no. of bodies allocated per processor */
global long maxmycell; /* max num. of cells to be allocated */
global long maxmyleaf; /* max num. of leaves to be allocated */
global bodyptr bodytab; /* array size is exactly nbody bodies */
global struct CellLockType {
ALOCKDEC(CL,MAXLOCK) /* locks on the cells*/
} *CellLock;
struct GlobalMemory { /* all this info is for the whole system */
long n2bcalc; /* total number of body/cell interactions */
long nbccalc; /* total number of body/body interactions */
long selfint; /* number of self interactions */
real mtot; /* total mass of N-body system */
real etot[3]; /* binding, kinetic, potential energy */
matrix keten; /* kinetic energy tensor */
matrix peten; /* potential energy tensor */
vector cmphase[2]; /* center of mass coordinates and velocity */
vector amvec; /* angular momentum vector */
cellptr G_root; /* root of the whole tree */
vector rmin; /* lower-left corner of coordinate box */
vector min; /* temporary lower-left corner of the box */
vector max; /* temporary upper right corner of the box */
real rsize; /* side-length of integer coordinate box */
BARDEC(Barrier) /* barrier at the beginning of stepsystem */
LOCKDEC(CountLock) /* Lock on the shared variables */
LOCKDEC(NcellLock) /* Lock on the counter of array of cells for loadtree */
LOCKDEC(NleafLock)/* Lock on the counter of array of leaves for loadtree */
unsigned long createstart,createend,computestart,computeend;
unsigned long trackstart, trackend, tracktime;
unsigned long partitionstart, partitionend, partitiontime;
unsigned long treebuildstart, treebuildend, treebuildtime;
unsigned long forcecalcstart, forcecalcend, forcecalctime;
long current_id;
volatile long k; /*for memory allocation in code.C */
global struct GlobalMemory *Global;
/* This structure is needed because under the sproc model there is no
* per processor private address space.
struct local_memory {
/* Use padding so that each processor's variables are on their own page */
long pad_begin[PAD_SIZE];
real tnow; /* current value of simulation time */
real tout; /* time next output is due */
long nstep; /* number of integration steps so far */
long workMin, workMax;/* interval of cost to be treated by a proc */
vector min, max; /* min and max of coordinates for each Proc. */
long mynumcell; /* num. of cells used for this proc in ctab */
long mynumleaf; /* num. of leaves used for this proc in ctab */
long mynbody; /* num bodies allocated to the processor */
bodyptr* mybodytab; /* array of bodies allocated / processor */
long myncell; /* num cells allocated to the processor */
cellptr* mycelltab; /* array of cellptrs allocated to the processor */
long mynleaf; /* number of leaves allocated to the processor */
leafptr* myleaftab; /* array of leafptrs allocated to the processor */
cellptr ctab; /* array of cells used for the tree. */
leafptr ltab; /* array of cells used for the tree. */
long myn2bcalc; /* body-body force calculations for each processor */
long mynbccalc; /* body-cell force calculations for each processor */
long myselfint; /* count self-interactions for each processor */
long myn2bterm; /* count body-body terms for a body */
long mynbcterm; /* count body-cell terms for a body */
bool skipself; /* true if self-interaction skipped OK */
bodyptr pskip; /* body to skip in force evaluation */
vector pos0; /* point at which to evaluate field */
real phi0; /* computed potential at pos0 */
vector acc0; /* computed acceleration at pos0 */
vector dr; /* data to be shared */
real drsq; /* between gravsub and subdivp */
nodeptr pmem; /* remember particle data */
nodeptr Current_Root;
long Root_Coords[NDIM];
real mymtot; /* total mass of N-body system */
real myetot[3]; /* binding, kinetic, potential energy */
matrix myketen; /* kinetic energy tensor */
matrix mypeten; /* potential energy tensor */
vector mycmphase[2]; /* center of mass coordinates */
vector myamvec; /* angular momentum vector */
long pad_end[PAD_SIZE];
global struct local_memory Local[MAX_PROC];
void SlaveStart(void);
void stepsystem(long ProcessId);
void ComputeForces(long ProcessId);
void Help(void);
void ANLinit(void);
void init_root(void);
void tab_init(void);
void startrun(void);
void testdata(void);
void pickshell(real vec[], real rad);
void find_my_initial_bodies(bodyptr btab, long nbody, long ProcessId);
void find_my_bodies(nodeptr mycell, long work, long direction, long ProcessId);
void Housekeep(long ProcessId);
void setbound(void);
long Log_base_2(long number);
long intpow(long i, long j);