2003-11-14 10:52:42 -05:00

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* "@(#)rpb.h 9.2 (ULTRIX/OSF) 10/30/91"
* *
* Copyright (c) 1990 by *
* Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This software is furnished under a license and may be used and *
* copied only in accordance with the terms of such license and *
* with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This *
* software or any other copies thereof may not be provided or *
* otherwise made available to any other person. No title to and *
* ownership of the software is hereby transferred. *
* *
* The information in this software is subject to change without *
* notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital *
* Equipment Corporation. *
* *
* Digital assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability *
* of its software on equipment which is not supplied by Digital. *
* *
* Defines for the architected startup addresses.
#define HWRPB_ADDR 0x10000000 /* 256 MB */
#define BOOT_ADDR 0x20000000 /* 512 MB */
#define PGTBL_ADDR 0x40000000 /* 1 GB */
* Values for the "haltcode" field in the per-cpu portion of the HWRPB
* Bit defines for the "sysvar" field in the HWRPB.
* Each platform has different values for SYSBOARD and IOBOARD bits.
#define HALT_PWRUP 0 /* power up */
#define HALT_OPR 1 /* operator issued halt cmd */
#define HALT_KSTK 2 /* kernel stack not valid */
#define HALT_SCBB 3 /* invalid SCBB */
#define HALT_PTBR 4 /* invalid PTBR */
#define HALT_EXE 5 /* kernel executed halt instruction */
#define HALT_DBLE 6 /* double error abort */
* Bit defines for the "state" field in the per-cpu portion of the HWRPB
#define STATE_BIP 0x00000001 /* bootstrap in progress */
#define STATE_RC 0x00000002 /* restart capable */
#define STATE_PA 0x00000004 /* processor available to OS */
#define STATE_PP 0x00000008 /* processor present */
#define STATE_OH 0x00000010 /* operator halted */
#define STATE_CV 0x00000020 /* context valid */
#define STATE_PV 0x00000040 /* PALcode valid */
#define STATE_PMV 0x00000080 /* PALcode memory valid */
#define STATE_PL 0x00000100 /* PALcode loaded */
#define STATE_HALT_MASK 0x00ff0000 /* Mask for Halt Requested field */
#define STATE_DEFAULT 0x00000000 /* Default (no specific action) */
#define STATE_SVRS_TERM 0x00010000 /* SAVE_TERM/RESTORE_TERM Exit */
#define STATE_COLD_BOOT 0x00020000 /* Cold Bootstrap Requested */
#define STATE_WARM_BOOT 0x00030000 /* Warm Bootstrap Requested */
#define STATE_HALT 0x00040000 /* Remain halted (no restart) */
#define SV_PF_RSVD 0x00000000 /* RESERVED */
#define SV_RESERVED 0x00000000 /* All STS bits; zero for backward compat. */
#define SV_MPCAP 0x00000001 /* MP capable */
#define SV_PF_UNITED 0x00000020 /* United */
#define SV_PF_SEPARATE 0x00000040 /* Separate */
#define SV_PF_FULLBB 0x00000060 /* Full battery backup */
#define SV_POWERFAIL 0x000000e0 /* Powerfail implementation */
#define SV_PF_RESTART 0x00000100 /* Powerfail restart */
#define SV_GRAPHICS 0x00000200 /* Embedded graphics processor */
#define SV_STS_MASK 0x0000fc00 /* STS bits - system and I/O board */
#define SV_SANDPIPER 0x00000400 /* others define system platforms. */
#define SV_FLAMINGO 0x00000800 /* STS BIT SETTINGS */
#define SV_HOTPINK 0x00000c00 /* STS BIT SETTINGS */
#define SV_FLAMINGOPLUS 0x00001000 /* STS BIT SETTINGS */
#define SV_ULTRA 0x00001400 /* STS BIT SETTINGS */
#define SV_SANDPLUS 0x00001800 /* STS BIT SETTINGS */
#define SV_SANDPIPER45 0x00001c00 /* STS BIT SETTINGS */
#define SV_FLAMINGO45 0x00002000 /* STS BIT SETTINGS */
#define SV_SABLE 0x00000400 /* STS BIT SETTINGS */
#define SV_KN20AA 0x00000400 /* STS BIT SETTINGS */
* Values for the "console type" field in the CTB portion of the HWRPB
#define CONS_NONE 0 /* no console present */
#define CONS_SRVC 1 /* console is service processor */
#define CONS_DZ 2 /* console is dz/dl VT device */
#define CONS_GRPH 3 /* cons is graphics dev w/ dz/dl keybd*/
#define CONS_REM 4 /* cons is remote, protocal enet/MOP */
* PALcode variants that we're interested in.
* Used as indices into the "palrev_avail" array in the per-cpu portion
* of the HWRPB.
#define PALvar_reserved 0
#define PALvar_OpenVMS 1
#define PALvar_OSF1 2
#include <sys/types.h>
* The Alpha restart parameter block, which is a page or 2 in low memory
struct rpb {
struct rpb *rpb_selfref; /* 000: physical self-reference */
long rpb_string; /* 008: contains string "HWRPB" */
long rpb_vers; /* 010: HWRPB version number */
u_long rpb_size; /* 018: bytes in RPB perCPU CTB CRB MEMDSC */
u_long rpb_cpuid; /* 020: primary cpu id */
u_long rpb_pagesize; /* 028: page size in bytes */
u_long rpb_addrbits; /* 030: number of phys addr bits */
u_long rpb_maxasn; /* 038: max valid ASN */
char rpb_ssn[16]; /* 040: system serial num: 10 ascii chars */
u_long rpb_systype; /* 050: system type */
long rpb_sysvar; /* 058: system variation */
long rpb_sysrev; /* 060: system revision */
u_long rpb_clock; /* 068: scaled interval clock intr freq */
u_long rpb_counter; /* 070: cycle counter frequency */
u_long rpb_vptb; /* 078: virtual page table base */
long rpb_res1; /* 080: reserved */
u_long rpb_trans_off; /* 088: offset to translation buffer hint */
u_long rpb_numprocs; /* 090: number of processor slots */
u_long rpb_slotsize; /* 098: per-cpu slot size */
u_long rpb_percpu_off; /* 0A0: offset to per_cpu slots */
u_long rpb_num_ctb; /* 0A8: number of CTBs */
u_long rpb_ctb_size; /* 0B0: bytes in largest CTB */
u_long rpb_ctb_off; /* 0B8: offset to CTB (cons term block) */
u_long rpb_crb_off; /* 0C0: offset to CRB (cons routine block) */
u_long rpb_mdt_off; /* 0C8: offset to memory descriptor table */
u_long rpb_config_off; /* 0D0: offset to config data block */
u_long rpb_fru_off; /* 0D8: offset to FRU table */
void (*rpb_saveterm)(); /* 0E0: virt addr of save term routine */
long rpb_saveterm_pv; /* 0E8: proc value for save term routine */
void (*rpb_rstrterm)(); /* 0F0: virt addr of restore term routine */
long rpb_rstrterm_pv; /* 0F8: proc value for restore term routine */
void (*rpb_restart)(); /* 100: virt addr of CPU restart routine */
long rpb_restart_pv; /* 108: proc value for CPU restart routine */
long rpb_software; /* 110: used to determine presence of kdebug */
long rpb_hardware; /* 118: reserved for hardware */
long rpb_checksum; /* 120: checksum of prior entries in rpb */
long rpb_rxrdy; /* 128: receive ready bitmask */
long rpb_txrdy; /* 130: transmit ready bitmask */
u_long rpb_dsr_off; /* 138: Dynamic System Recog. offset */
#define rpb_kdebug rpb_software
#define OSF_HWRPB_ADDR ((vm_offset_t)(-1L << 23))
* This is the format for the boot/restart HWPCB. It must match the
* initial fields of the pcb structure as defined in pcb.h, but must
* additionally contain the appropriate amount of padding to line up
* with formats used by other palcode types.
struct bootpcb {
long rpb_ksp; /* 000: kernel stack pointer */
long rpb_usp; /* 008: user stack pointer */
long rpb_ptbr; /* 010: page table base register */
int rpb_cc; /* 018: cycle counter */
int rpb_asn; /* 01C: address space number */
long rpb_proc_uniq; /* 020: proc/thread unique value */
long rpb_fen; /* 028: floating point enable */
long rpb_palscr[2]; /* 030: pal scratch area */
long rpb_pcbpad[8]; /* 040: padding for fixed size */
* Inter-Console Communications Buffer
* Used for the primary processor to communcate with the console
* of secondary processors.
struct iccb {
u_int iccb_rxlen; /* receive length in bytes */
u_int iccb_txlen; /* transmit length in bytes */
char iccb_rxbuf[80]; /* receive buffer */
char iccb_txbuf[80]; /* transmit buffer */
* The per-cpu portion of the Alpha HWRPB.
* Note that the main portion of the HWRPB is of variable size,
* hence this must be a separate structure.
struct rpb_percpu {
struct bootpcb rpb_pcb; /* 000: boot/restart HWPCB */
long rpb_state; /* 080: per-cpu state bits */
long rpb_palmem; /* 088: palcode memory length */
long rpb_palscratch; /* 090: palcode scratch length */
long rpb_palmem_addr; /* 098: phys addr of palcode mem space */
long rpb_palscratch_addr; /* 0A0: phys addr of palcode scratch space */
long rpb_palrev; /* 0A8: PALcode rev required */
long rpb_proctype; /* 0B0: processor type */
long rpb_procvar; /* 0B8: processor variation */
long rpb_procrev; /* 0C0: processor revision */
char rpb_procsn[16]; /* 0C8: proc serial num: 10 ascii chars */
long rpb_logout; /* 0D8: phys addr of logout area */
long rpb_logout_len; /* 0E0: length in bytes of logout area */
long rpb_haltpb; /* 0E8: halt pcb base */
long rpb_haltpc; /* 0F0: halt pc */
long rpb_haltps; /* 0F8: halt ps */
long rpb_haltal; /* 100: halt arg list (R25) */
long rpb_haltra; /* 108: halt return address (R26) */
long rpb_haltpv; /* 110: halt procedure value (R27) */
long rpb_haltcode; /* 118: reason for halt */
long rpb_software; /* 120: for software */
struct iccb rpb_iccb; /* 128: inter-console communications buffer */
long rpb_palrev_avail[16];/* 1D0: PALcode revs available */
long rpb_pcrsvd[6]; /* 250: reserved for arch use */
/* the dump stack grows from the end of the rpb page not to reach here */
/* The firmware revision is in the (unused) first entry of palrevs available */
#define rpb_firmrev rpb_palrev_avail[0]
* The memory cluster descriptor.
struct rpb_cluster {
long rpb_pfn; /* 000: starting PFN of this cluster */
long rpb_pfncount; /* 008: count of PFNs in this cluster */
long rpb_pfntested; /* 010: count of tested PFNs in cluster */
long rpb_va; /* 018: va of bitmap */
long rpb_pa; /* 020: pa of bitmap */
long rpb_checksum; /* 028: checksum of bitmap */
long rpb_usage; /* 030: usage of cluster */
#define CLUSTER_USAGE_OS ((long)0)
#define CLUSTER_USAGE_PAL ((long)1)
#define CLUSTER_USAGE_NVRAM ((long)2)
* The "memory descriptor table" portion of the HWRPB.
* Note that the main portion of the HWRPB is of variable size and there is a
* variable number of per-cpu slots, hence this must be a separate structure.
* Also note that the memory descriptor table contains a fixed portion plus
* a variable number of "memory cluster descriptors" (one for each "cluster"
* of memory).
struct rpb_mdt {
long rpb_checksum; /* 000: checksum of entire mem desc table */
long rpb_impaddr; /* 008: PA of implementation dep info */
long rpb_numcl; /* 010: number of clusters */
struct rpb_cluster rpb_cluster[1]; /* first instance of a cluster */
* The "Console Terminal Block" portion of the HWRPB, for serial line
* UART console device.
struct ctb_tt {
long ctb_type; /* 000: console type */
long ctb_unit; /* 008: console unit */
long ctb_resv; /* 010: reserved */
long ctb_length; /* 018: byte length of device dep */
/* portion */
long ctb_csr; /* 020: CSR Address */
long ctb_tivec; /* 028: <63>=tie; interrupt vector */
long ctb_rivec; /* 030: <63>=rie; interrupt vector */
long ctb_baud; /* 038: baud rate */
long ctb_put_sts; /* 040: PUTS callback extended status */
long ctb_get_sts; /* 048: GETS callback extended status */
long ctb_rsvd[1]; /* 050: reserved for console use */
* The "Console Terminal Block" portion of the HWRPB.
struct rpb_ctb {
long rpb_type; /* 000: console type */
long rpb_unit; /* 008: console unit */
long rpb_resv; /* 010: reserved */
long rpb_length; /* 018: byte length of device dep portion */
long rpb_first; /* 000: first field of device dep portion */
* The physical/virtual map for the console routine block.
struct rpb_map {
long rpb_virt; /* virtual address for map entry */
long rpb_phys; /* phys address for map entry */
long rpb_pgcount; /* page count for map entry */
* The "Console Routine Block" portion of the HWRPB.
* Note: the "offsets" are all relative to the start of the HWRPB (HWRPB_ADDR).
struct rpb_crb {
long rpb_va_disp; /* va of call-back dispatch rtn */
long rpb_pa_disp; /* pa of call-back dispatch rtn */
long rpb_va_fixup; /* va of call-back fixup rtn */
long rpb_pa_fixup; /* pa of call-back fixup rtn */
long rpb_num; /* number of entries in phys/virt map */
long rpb_mapped_pages; /* Number of pages to be mapped */
struct rpb_map rpb_map[1]; /* first instance of a map entry */
* These macros define where within the HWRPB the CTB and CRB are located.
#define CTB_SETUP ((struct rpb_ctb *) ((long)hwrpb_addr + \
#define CRB_SETUP ((struct rpb_crb *) ((long)hwrpb_addr + \
* The "Dynamic System Recognition" portion of the HWRPB.
* It is used to obtain the platform specific data need to allow
* the platform define the platform name, the platform SMM and LURT
* data for software licensing
struct rpb_dsr {
long rpb_smm; /* SMM nubber used by LMF */
u_long rpb_lurt_off; /* offset to LURT table */
u_long rpb_sysname_off; /* offset to sysname char count */
int lurt[10]; /* XXM has one LURT entry */