Sanchayan Maity 2fcc51c2c1 Commit splash2 benchmark
While at it also add the libpthread static library amd m5op_x86
for matrix multiplication test code as well.

Note that the splash2 benchmark code does not comply with gem5
coding guidelines. Academic guys never seem to follow 80 columns
and no whitespace guideline :(.
2017-04-26 20:50:15 +05:30

568 lines
18 KiB

/* */
/* Copyright (c) 1994 Stanford University */
/* */
/* All rights reserved. */
/* */
/* Permission is given to use, copy, and modify this software for any */
/* non-commercial purpose as long as this copyright notice is not */
/* removed. All other uses, including redistribution in whole or in */
/* part, are forbidden without prior written permission. */
/* */
/* This software is provided with absolutely no warranty and no */
/* support. */
/* */
/* */
/* SPLASH Ocean Code */
/* */
/* This application studies the role of eddy and boundary currents in */
/* influencing large-scale ocean movements. This implementation uses */
/* dynamically allocated four-dimensional arrays for grid data storage. */
/* */
/* Command line options: */
/* */
/* -nN : Simulate NxN ocean. N must be (power of 2)+2. */
/* -pP : P = number of processors. P must be power of 2. */
/* -eE : E = error tolerance for iterative relaxation. */
/* -rR : R = distance between grid points in meters. */
/* -tT : T = timestep in seconds. */
/* -s : Print timing statistics. */
/* -o : Print out relaxation residual values. */
/* -h : Print out command line options. */
/* */
/* Default: OCEAN -n130 -p1 -e1e-7 -r20000.0 -t28800.0 */
/* */
/* NOTE: This code works under both the FORK and SPROC models. */
/* */
#define DEFAULT_N 258
#define DEFAULT_P 1
#define DEFAULT_E 1e-7
#define DEFAULT_T 28800.0
#define DEFAULT_R 20000.0
#define UP 0
#define DOWN 1
#define LEFT 2
#define RIGHT 3
#define UPLEFT 4
#define UPRIGHT 5
#define DOWNLEFT 6
#define DOWNRIGHT 7
#define PAGE_SIZE 4096
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include "decs.h"
struct multi_struct *multi;
struct global_struct *global;
struct locks_struct *locks;
struct bars_struct *bars;
double ****psi;
double ****psim;
double ***psium;
double ***psilm;
double ***psib;
double ***ga;
double ***gb;
double ****work1;
double ***work2;
double ***work3;
double ****work4;
double ****work5;
double ***work6;
double ****work7;
double ****temparray;
double ***tauz;
double ***oldga;
double ***oldgb;
double *f;
double ****q_multi;
double ****rhs_multi;
long nprocs = DEFAULT_P;
double h1 = 1000.0;
double h3 = 4000.0;
double h = 5000.0;
double lf = -5.12e11;
double res = DEFAULT_R;
double dtau = DEFAULT_T;
double f0 = 8.3e-5;
double beta = 2.0e-11;
double gpr = 0.02;
long im = DEFAULT_N;
long jm;
double tolerance = DEFAULT_E;
double eig2;
double ysca;
long jmm1;
double pi;
double t0 = 0.5e-4 ;
double outday0 = 1.0;
double outday1 = 2.0;
double outday2 = 2.0;
double outday3 = 2.0;
double factjacob;
double factlap;
long numlev;
long *imx;
long *jmx;
double *lev_res;
double *lev_tol;
double maxwork = 10000.0;
struct Global_Private *gp;
double *i_int_coeff;
double *j_int_coeff;
long xprocs;
long yprocs;
long *xpts_per_proc;
long *ypts_per_proc;
long minlevel;
long do_stats = 0;
long do_output = 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
long i;
long j;
long k;
long x_part;
long y_part;
long d_size;
long itemp;
long jtemp;
double procsqrt;
long temp = 0;
double min_total;
double max_total;
double avg_total;
double min_multi;
double max_multi;
double avg_multi;
double min_frac;
double max_frac;
double avg_frac;
long ch;
extern char *optarg;
unsigned long computeend;
unsigned long start;
while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "n:p:e:r:t:soh")) != -1) {
switch(ch) {
case 'n': im = atoi(optarg);
if (log_2(im-2) == -1) {
printerr("Grid must be ((power of 2)+2) in each dimension\n");
case 'p': nprocs = atoi(optarg);
if (nprocs < 1) {
printerr("P must be >= 1\n");
if (log_2(nprocs) == -1) {
printerr("P must be a power of 2\n");
case 'e': tolerance = atof(optarg); break;
case 'r': res = atof(optarg); break;
case 't': dtau = atof(optarg); break;
case 's': do_stats = !do_stats; break;
case 'o': do_output = !do_output; break;
case 'h': printf("Usage: OCEAN <options>\n\n");
printf(" -nN : Simulate NxN ocean. N must be (power of 2)+2.\n");
printf(" -pP : P = number of processors. P must be power of 2.\n");
printf(" -eE : E = error tolerance for iterative relaxation.\n");
printf(" -rR : R = distance between grid points in meters.\n");
printf(" -tT : T = timestep in seconds.\n");
printf(" -s : Print timing statistics.\n");
printf(" -o : Print out relaxation residual values.\n");
printf(" -h : Print out command line options.\n\n");
printf("Default: OCEAN -n%1d -p%1d -e%1g -r%1g -t%1g\n",
jm = im;
printf("Ocean simulation with W-cycle multigrid solver\n");
printf(" Processors : %1ld\n",nprocs);
printf(" Grid size : %1ld x %1ld\n",im,jm);
printf(" Grid resolution (meters) : %0.2f\n",res);
printf(" Time between relaxations (seconds) : %0.0f\n",dtau);
printf(" Error tolerance : %0.7g\n",tolerance);
xprocs = 0;
yprocs = 0;
procsqrt = sqrt((double) nprocs);
j = (long) procsqrt;
while ((xprocs == 0) && (j > 0)) {
k = nprocs / j;
if (k * j == nprocs) {
if (k > j) {
xprocs = j;
yprocs = k;
} else {
xprocs = k;
yprocs = j;
if (xprocs == 0) {
printerr("Could not find factors for subblocking\n");
minlevel = 0;
itemp = 1;
jtemp = 1;
numlev = 0;
minlevel = 0;
while (itemp < (im-2)) {
itemp = itemp*2;
jtemp = jtemp*2;
if ((itemp/yprocs > 1) && (jtemp/xprocs > 1)) {
if (numlev == 0) {
printerr("Must have at least 2 grid points per processor in each dimension\n");
imx = (long *) G_MALLOC(numlev*sizeof(long));
jmx = (long *) G_MALLOC(numlev*sizeof(long));
lev_res = (double *) G_MALLOC(numlev*sizeof(double));
lev_tol = (double *) G_MALLOC(numlev*sizeof(double));
i_int_coeff = (double *) G_MALLOC(numlev*sizeof(double));
j_int_coeff = (double *) G_MALLOC(numlev*sizeof(double));
xpts_per_proc = (long *) G_MALLOC(numlev*sizeof(long));
ypts_per_proc = (long *) G_MALLOC(numlev*sizeof(long));
imx[numlev-1] = im;
jmx[numlev-1] = jm;
lev_res[numlev-1] = res;
lev_tol[numlev-1] = tolerance;
for (i=numlev-2;i>=0;i--) {
imx[i] = ((imx[i+1] - 2) / 2) + 2;
jmx[i] = ((jmx[i+1] - 2) / 2) + 2;
lev_res[i] = lev_res[i+1] * 2;
for (i=0;i<numlev;i++) {
xpts_per_proc[i] = (jmx[i]-2) / xprocs;
ypts_per_proc[i] = (imx[i]-2) / yprocs;
for (i=numlev-1;i>=0;i--) {
if ((xpts_per_proc[i] < 2) || (ypts_per_proc[i] < 2)) {
minlevel = i+1;
for (i=0;i<numlev;i++) {
temp += imx[i];
temp = 0;
j = 0;
for (k=0;k<numlev;k++) {
for (i=0;i<imx[k];i++) {
temp += jmx[k];
d_size = nprocs*sizeof(double ***);
psi = (double ****) G_MALLOC(d_size);
psim = (double ****) G_MALLOC(d_size);
work1 = (double ****) G_MALLOC(d_size);
work4 = (double ****) G_MALLOC(d_size);
work5 = (double ****) G_MALLOC(d_size);
work7 = (double ****) G_MALLOC(d_size);
temparray = (double ****) G_MALLOC(d_size);
d_size = 2*sizeof(double **);
for (i=0;i<nprocs;i++) {
psi[i] = (double ***) G_MALLOC(d_size);
psim[i] = (double ***) G_MALLOC(d_size);
work1[i] = (double ***) G_MALLOC(d_size);
work4[i] = (double ***) G_MALLOC(d_size);
work5[i] = (double ***) G_MALLOC(d_size);
work7[i] = (double ***) G_MALLOC(d_size);
temparray[i] = (double ***) G_MALLOC(d_size);
d_size = nprocs*sizeof(double **);
psium = (double ***) G_MALLOC(d_size);
psilm = (double ***) G_MALLOC(d_size);
psib = (double ***) G_MALLOC(d_size);
ga = (double ***) G_MALLOC(d_size);
gb = (double ***) G_MALLOC(d_size);
work2 = (double ***) G_MALLOC(d_size);
work3 = (double ***) G_MALLOC(d_size);
work6 = (double ***) G_MALLOC(d_size);
tauz = (double ***) G_MALLOC(d_size);
oldga = (double ***) G_MALLOC(d_size);
oldgb = (double ***) G_MALLOC(d_size);
gp = (struct Global_Private *) G_MALLOC((nprocs+1)*sizeof(struct Global_Private));
for (i=0;i<nprocs;i++) {
gp[i].rel_num_x = (long *) G_MALLOC(numlev*sizeof(long));
gp[i].rel_num_y = (long *) G_MALLOC(numlev*sizeof(long));
gp[i].eist = (long *) G_MALLOC(numlev*sizeof(long));
gp[i].ejst = (long *) G_MALLOC(numlev*sizeof(long));
gp[i].oist = (long *) G_MALLOC(numlev*sizeof(long));
gp[i].ojst = (long *) G_MALLOC(numlev*sizeof(long));
gp[i].rlist = (long *) G_MALLOC(numlev*sizeof(long));
gp[i].rljst = (long *) G_MALLOC(numlev*sizeof(long));
gp[i].rlien = (long *) G_MALLOC(numlev*sizeof(long));
gp[i].rljen = (long *) G_MALLOC(numlev*sizeof(long));
gp[i].multi_time = 0;
gp[i].total_time = 0;
x_part = (jm - 2)/xprocs + 2;
y_part = (im - 2)/yprocs + 2;
d_size = x_part*y_part*sizeof(double) + y_part*sizeof(double *);
global = (struct global_struct *) G_MALLOC(sizeof(struct global_struct));
for (i=0;i<nprocs;i++) {
psi[i][0] = (double **) G_MALLOC(d_size);
psi[i][1] = (double **) G_MALLOC(d_size);
psim[i][0] = (double **) G_MALLOC(d_size);
psim[i][1] = (double **) G_MALLOC(d_size);
psium[i] = (double **) G_MALLOC(d_size);
psilm[i] = (double **) G_MALLOC(d_size);
psib[i] = (double **) G_MALLOC(d_size);
ga[i] = (double **) G_MALLOC(d_size);
gb[i] = (double **) G_MALLOC(d_size);
work1[i][0] = (double **) G_MALLOC(d_size);
work1[i][1] = (double **) G_MALLOC(d_size);
work2[i] = (double **) G_MALLOC(d_size);
work3[i] = (double **) G_MALLOC(d_size);
work4[i][0] = (double **) G_MALLOC(d_size);
work4[i][1] = (double **) G_MALLOC(d_size);
work5[i][0] = (double **) G_MALLOC(d_size);
work5[i][1] = (double **) G_MALLOC(d_size);
work6[i] = (double **) G_MALLOC(d_size);
work7[i][0] = (double **) G_MALLOC(d_size);
work7[i][1] = (double **) G_MALLOC(d_size);
temparray[i][0] = (double **) G_MALLOC(d_size);
temparray[i][1] = (double **) G_MALLOC(d_size);
tauz[i] = (double **) G_MALLOC(d_size);
oldga[i] = (double **) G_MALLOC(d_size);
oldgb[i] = (double **) G_MALLOC(d_size);
f = (double *) G_MALLOC(im*sizeof(double));
multi = (struct multi_struct *) G_MALLOC(sizeof(struct multi_struct));
d_size = numlev*sizeof(double **);
if (numlev%2 == 1) { /* To make sure that the actual data
starts double word aligned, add an extra
pointer */
d_size += sizeof(double **);
for (i=0;i<numlev;i++) {
d_size += ((imx[i]-2)/yprocs+2)*((jmx[i]-2)/xprocs+2)*sizeof(double)+
((imx[i]-2)/yprocs+2)*sizeof(double *);
d_size *= nprocs;
if (nprocs%2 == 1) { /* To make sure that the actual data
starts double word aligned, add an extra
pointer */
d_size += sizeof(double ***);
d_size += nprocs*sizeof(double ***);
q_multi = (double ****) G_MALLOC(d_size);
rhs_multi = (double ****) G_MALLOC(d_size);
locks = (struct locks_struct *) G_MALLOC(sizeof(struct locks_struct));
bars = (struct bars_struct *) G_MALLOC(sizeof(struct bars_struct));
BARINIT(bars->iteration, nprocs)
BARINIT(bars->gsudn, nprocs)
BARINIT(bars->p_setup, nprocs)
BARINIT(bars->p_redph, nprocs)
BARINIT(bars->p_soln, nprocs)
BARINIT(bars->p_subph, nprocs)
BARINIT(bars->sl_prini, nprocs)
BARINIT(bars->sl_psini, nprocs)
BARINIT(bars->sl_onetime, nprocs)
BARINIT(bars->sl_phase_1, nprocs)
BARINIT(bars->sl_phase_2, nprocs)
BARINIT(bars->sl_phase_3, nprocs)
BARINIT(bars->sl_phase_4, nprocs)
BARINIT(bars->sl_phase_5, nprocs)
BARINIT(bars->sl_phase_6, nprocs)
BARINIT(bars->sl_phase_7, nprocs)
BARINIT(bars->sl_phase_8, nprocs)
BARINIT(bars->sl_phase_9, nprocs)
BARINIT(bars->sl_phase_10, nprocs)
BARINIT(bars->error_barrier, nprocs)
BARINIT(bars->barrier, nprocs)
multi->err_multi = 0.0;
i_int_coeff[0] = 0.0;
j_int_coeff[0] = 0.0;
for (i=0;i<numlev;i++) {
i_int_coeff[i] = 1.0/(imx[i]-1);
j_int_coeff[i] = 1.0/(jmx[i]-1);
/* initialize constants and variables
id is a global shared variable that has fetch-and-add operations
performed on it by processes to obtain their pids. */
global->id = 0;
global->psibi = 0.0;
pi = atan(1.0);
pi = 4.*pi;
factjacob = -1./(12.*res*res);
factlap = 1./(res*res);
eig2 = -h*f0*f0/(h1*h3*gpr);
jmm1 = jm-1 ;
ysca = ((double) jmm1)*res ;
im = (imx[numlev-1]-2)/yprocs + 2;
jm = (jmx[numlev-1]-2)/xprocs + 2;
if (do_output) {
CREATE(slave, nprocs);
printf(" Total Multigrid Multigrid\n");
printf(" Proc Time Time Fraction\n");
printf(" 0 %15.0f %15.0f %10.3f\n", gp[0].total_time,gp[0].multi_time, gp[0].multi_time/gp[0].total_time);
if (do_stats) {
min_total = max_total = avg_total = gp[0].total_time;
min_multi = max_multi = avg_multi = gp[0].multi_time;
min_frac = max_frac = avg_frac = gp[0].multi_time/gp[0].total_time;
for (i=1;i<nprocs;i++) {
if (gp[i].total_time > max_total) {
max_total = gp[i].total_time;
if (gp[i].total_time < min_total) {
min_total = gp[i].total_time;
if (gp[i].multi_time > max_multi) {
max_multi = gp[i].multi_time;
if (gp[i].multi_time < min_multi) {
min_multi = gp[i].multi_time;
if (gp[i].multi_time/gp[i].total_time > max_frac) {
max_frac = gp[i].multi_time/gp[i].total_time;
if (gp[i].multi_time/gp[i].total_time < min_frac) {
min_frac = gp[i].multi_time/gp[i].total_time;
avg_total += gp[i].total_time;
avg_multi += gp[i].multi_time;
avg_frac += gp[i].multi_time/gp[i].total_time;
avg_total = avg_total / nprocs;
avg_multi = avg_multi / nprocs;
avg_frac = avg_frac / nprocs;
for (i=1;i<nprocs;i++) {
printf(" %3ld %15.0f %15.0f %10.3f\n", i,gp[i].total_time,gp[i].multi_time, gp[i].multi_time/gp[i].total_time);
printf(" Avg %15.0f %15.0f %10.3f\n", avg_total,avg_multi,avg_frac);
printf(" Min %15.0f %15.0f %10.3f\n", min_total,min_multi,min_frac);
printf(" Max %15.0f %15.0f %10.3f\n", max_total,max_multi,max_frac);
global->starttime = start;
printf("Start time : %16lu\n", global->starttime);
printf("Initialization finish time : %16lu\n", global->trackstart);
printf("Overall finish time : %16lu\n", computeend);
printf("Total time with initialization : %16lu\n", computeend-global->starttime);
printf("Total time without initialization : %16lu\n", computeend-global->trackstart);
printf(" (excludes first timestep)\n");
long log_2(long number)
long cumulative = 1;
long out = 0;
long done = 0;
while ((cumulative < number) && (!done) && (out < 50)) {
if (cumulative == number) {
done = 1;
} else {
cumulative = cumulative * 2;
out ++;
if (cumulative == number) {
} else {
void printerr(char *s)
fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: %s\n",s);