Andreas Sandberg 43f1e41c02 util: Fix state leakage in the SortIncludes style verifier
There are cases where the state of a SortIncludes object gets messed
up and leaks between invocations/files. This typically happens when a
file ends with an include block (dump_block() gets called at the end
of __call__). In this case, the state of the class is not reset
between files. This bug manifests itself as ghost includes that leak
between files when applying the style hooks.

This changeset adds a reset at the beginning of the __call__ method
which ensures that the class is always in a clean state when
processing a new file.
2014-08-13 06:57:25 -04:00

221 lines
7.3 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import re
import sys
from file_types import *
cpp_c_headers = {
'assert.h' : 'cassert',
'ctype.h' : 'cctype',
'errno.h' : 'cerrno',
'float.h' : 'cfloat',
'limits.h' : 'climits',
'locale.h' : 'clocale',
'math.h' : 'cmath',
'setjmp.h' : 'csetjmp',
'signal.h' : 'csignal',
'stdarg.h' : 'cstdarg',
'stddef.h' : 'cstddef',
'stdio.h' : 'cstdio',
'stdlib.h' : 'cstdlib',
'string.h' : 'cstring',
'time.h' : 'ctime',
'wchar.h' : 'cwchar',
'wctype.h' : 'cwctype',
include_re = re.compile(r'([#%])(include|import).*[<"](.*)[">]')
def include_key(line):
'''Mark directories with a leading space so directories
are sorted before files'''
match = include_re.match(line)
assert match, line
keyword =
include =
# Everything but the file part needs to have a space prepended
parts = include.split('/')
if len(parts) == 2 and parts[0] == 'dnet':
# Don't sort the dnet includes with respect to each other, but
# make them sorted with respect to non dnet includes. Python
# guarantees that sorting is stable, so just clear the
# basename part of the filename.
parts[1] = ' '
parts[0:-1] = [ ' ' + s for s in parts[0:-1] ]
key = '/'.join(parts)
return key
class SortIncludes(object):
# different types of includes for different sorting of headers
# <Python.h> - Python header needs to be first if it exists
# <*.h> - system headers (directories before files)
# <*> - STL headers
# <*.(hh|hxx|hpp|H)> - C++ Headers (directories before files)
# "*" - M5 headers (directories before files)
includes_re = (
('python', '<>', r'^(#include)[ \t]+<(Python.*\.h)>(.*)'),
('c', '<>', r'^(#include)[ \t]<(.+\.h)>(.*)'),
('stl', '<>', r'^(#include)[ \t]+<([0-9A-z_]+)>(.*)'),
('cc', '<>', r'^(#include)[ \t]+<([0-9A-z_]+\.(hh|hxx|hpp|H))>(.*)'),
('m5cc', '""', r'^(#include)[ \t]"(.+\.h{1,2})"(.*)'),
('swig0', '<>', r'^(%import)[ \t]<(.+)>(.*)'),
('swig1', '<>', r'^(%include)[ \t]<(.+)>(.*)'),
('swig2', '""', r'^(%import)[ \t]"(.+)"(.*)'),
('swig3', '""', r'^(%include)[ \t]"(.+)"(.*)'),
# compile the regexes
includes_re = tuple((a, b, re.compile(c)) for a,b,c in includes_re)
def __init__(self):
def reset(self):
# clear all stored headers
self.includes = {}
for include_type,_,_ in self.includes_re:
self.includes[include_type] = []
def dump_block(self):
'''dump the includes'''
first = True
for include,_,_ in self.includes_re:
if not self.includes[include]:
if not first:
# print a newline between groups of
# include types
yield ''
first = False
# print out the includes in the current group
# and sort them according to include_key()
prev = None
for l in sorted(self.includes[include],
if l != prev:
yield l
prev = l
def __call__(self, lines, filename, language):
leading_blank = False
blanks = 0
block = False
for line in lines:
if not line:
blanks += 1
if not block:
# if we're not in an include block, spit out the
# newline otherwise, skip it since we're going to
# control newlines withinin include block
yield ''
# Try to match each of the include types
for include_type,(ldelim,rdelim),include_re in self.includes_re:
match = include_re.match(line)
if not match:
# if we've got a match, clean up the #include line,
# fix up stl headers and store it in the proper category
groups = match.groups()
keyword = groups[0]
include = groups[1]
extra = groups[-1]
if include_type == 'c' and language == 'C++':
stl_inc = cpp_c_headers.get(include, None)
if stl_inc:
include = stl_inc
include_type = 'stl'
line = keyword + ' ' + ldelim + include + rdelim + extra
# We've entered a block, don't keep track of blank
# lines while in a block
block = True
blanks = 0
# this line did not match a #include
assert not include_re.match(line)
# if we're not in a block and we didn't match an include
# to enter a block, just emit the line and continue
if not block:
yield line
# We've exited an include block.
for block_line in self.dump_block():
yield block_line
# if there are any newlines after the include block,
# emit a single newline (removing extras)
if blanks and block:
yield ''
blanks = 0
block = False
# emit the line that ended the block
yield line
if block:
# We've exited an include block.
for block_line in self.dump_block():
yield block_line
# default language types to try to apply our sorting rules to
default_languages = frozenset(('C', 'C++', 'isa', 'python', 'scons', 'swig'))
def options():
import optparse
options = optparse.OptionParser()
add_option = options.add_option
add_option('-d', '--dir_ignore', metavar="DIR[,DIR]", type='string',
help="ignore directories")
add_option('-f', '--file_ignore', metavar="FILE[,FILE]", type='string',
help="ignore files")
add_option('-l', '--languages', metavar="LANG[,LANG]", type='string',
add_option('-n', '--dry-run', action='store_true',
help="don't overwrite files")
return options
def parse_args(parser):
opts,args = parser.parse_args()
opts.dir_ignore = frozenset(opts.dir_ignore.split(','))
opts.file_ignore = frozenset(opts.file_ignore.split(','))
opts.languages = frozenset(opts.languages.split(','))
return opts,args
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = options()
opts, args = parse_args(parser)
for base in args:
for filename,language in find_files(base, languages=opts.languages,
file_ignore=opts.file_ignore, dir_ignore=opts.dir_ignore):
if opts.dry_run:
print "%s: %s" % (filename, language)
update_file(filename, filename, language, SortIncludes())