Andreas Hansson 2f5262eb67 config: Make configs/common a Python package
Continue along the same line as the recent patch that made the
Ruby-related config scripts Python packages and make also the
configs/common directory a package.

All affected config scripts are updated (hopefully).

Note that this change makes it apparent that the current organisation
and naming of the config directory and its subdirectories is rather
chaotic. We mix scripts that are directly invoked with scripts that
merely contain convenience functions. While it is not addressed in
this patch we should follow up with a re-organisation of the
config structure, and renaming of some of the packages.
2016-10-14 10:37:38 -04:00

171 lines
5.7 KiB

import optparse
import sys
import subprocess
import m5
from m5.objects import *
from m5.util import addToPath
from common import MemConfig
from common import HMC
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
# Use a HMC_2500_x32 by default
parser.add_option("--mem-type", type = "choice", default = "HMC_2500_x32",
choices = MemConfig.mem_names(),
help = "type of memory to use")
parser.add_option("--ranks", "-r", type = "int", default = 1,
help = "Number of ranks to iterate across")
parser.add_option("--rd_perc", type ="int", default=100,
help = "Percentage of read commands")
parser.add_option("--mode", type ="choice", default ="DRAM",
choices = ["DRAM", "DRAM_ROTATE", "RANDOM"],
help = "DRAM: Random traffic; \
DRAM_ROTATE: Traffic rotating across banks and ranks"
parser.add_option("--addr_map", type ="int", default = 1,
help = "0: RoCoRaBaCh; 1: RoRaBaCoCh/RoRaBaChCo")
parser.add_option("--arch", type = "choice", default = "distributed",
choices = ["same", "distributed", "mixed"],
help = "same: HMC-4 links with same range\
distributed: HMC-4 links with distributed range\
mixed: mixed with same & distributed range")
parser.add_option("--linkaggr", type = "int", default = 0,
help = "1: enable link crossbar, 0: disable link crossbar")
parser.add_option("--num_cross", type = "int", default = 4,
help = "1: number of crossbar in HMC=1;\
4: number of crossbar = 4")
parser.add_option("--tlm-memory", type = "string",
help="use external port for SystemC TLM cosimulation")
parser.add_option("--elastic-trace-en", action ="store_true",
help = """Enable capture of data dependency and instruction
fetch traces using elastic trace probe.""")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if args:
print "Error: script doesn't take any positional arguments"
system = System()
system.clk_domain = SrcClockDomain(clock='100GHz',
VoltageDomain(voltage = '1V'))
# Create additional crossbar for arch1
if options.arch == "distributed" or options.arch == "mixed" :
system.membus = NoncoherentXBar( width=8 )
system.membus.badaddr_responder = BadAddr()
system.membus.default = Self.badaddr_responder.pio
system.membus.width = 8
system.membus.frontend_latency = 3
system.membus.forward_latency = 4
system.membus.response_latency = 2
system.membus.clk_domain = SrcClockDomain(clock='100GHz', voltage_domain=
VoltageDomain(voltage = '1V'))
# we are considering 4GB HMC device with following parameters
# hmc_device_size = '4GB'
# hmc_num_vaults = 16
# hmc_vault_size = '256MB'
# hmc_stack_size = 8
# hmc_bank_in_stack = 2
# hmc_bank_size = '16MB'
# hmc_bank_in_vault = 16
# determine the burst length in bytes
burst_size = 256
num_serial_links = 4
num_vault_ctrl = 16
options.mem_channels = 1
options.external_memory_system = 0
stride_size = burst_size
system.cache_line_size = burst_size
# Enable performance monitoring
options.enable_global_monitor = True
options.enable_link_monitor = False
# Bytes used for calculations
oneGBytes = 1024 * 1024 * 1024
oneMBytes = 1024 * 1024
# Memory ranges of 16 vault controller - Total_HMC_size / 16
mem_range_vault = [ AddrRange(i * 256 * oneMBytes, ((i + 1) * 256 * oneMBytes)
- 1)
for i in range(num_vault_ctrl)]
# Memmory ranges of serial link for arch-0
# Same as the ranges of vault controllers - 4 vault - to - 1 serial link
if options.arch == "same":
ser_range = [ AddrRange(0, (4 * oneGBytes) - 1)
for i in range(num_serial_links)]
options.ser_ranges = ser_range
# Memmory ranges of serial link for arch-1
# Distributed range accross links
if options.arch == "distributed":
ser_range = [ AddrRange(i * oneGBytes, ((i + 1) * oneGBytes) - 1)
for i in range(num_serial_links)]
options.ser_ranges = ser_range
# Memmory ranges of serial link for arch-2
# "Mixed" address distribution over links
if options.arch == "mixed":
ser_range0 = AddrRange(0 , (1 * oneGBytes) - 1)
ser_range1 = AddrRange(1 * oneGBytes , (2 * oneGBytes) - 1)
ser_range2 = AddrRange(0 , (4 * oneGBytes) - 1)
ser_range3 = AddrRange(0 , (4 * oneGBytes) - 1)
options.ser_ranges = [ser_range0, ser_range1, ser_range2, ser_range3]
# Assign ranges of vault controller to system ranges
system.mem_ranges = mem_range_vault
# open traffic generator
cfg_file_name = "./tests/quick/se/70.tgen/traffic.cfg"
cfg_file = open(cfg_file_name, 'r')
# number of traffic generator
np = 4
# create a traffic generator, and point it to the file we just created
system.tgen = [ TrafficGen(config_file = cfg_file_name) for i in xrange(np)]
# Config memory system with given HMC arch
MemConfig.config_mem(options, system)
if options.arch == "distributed":
for i in xrange(np):
system.tgen[i].port = system.membus.slave
# connect the system port even if it is not used in this example
system.system_port = system.membus.slave
if options.arch == "mixed":
for i in xrange(int(np/2)):
system.tgen[i].port = system.membus.slave
# connect the system port even if it is not used in this example
system.system_port = system.membus.slave
# run Forrest, run!
root = Root(full_system = False, system = system)
root.system.mem_mode = 'timing'
print "Done!"