# Copyright (c) 2012-2013 ARM Limited # All rights reserved. # # The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall # not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual # property including but not limited to intellectual property relating # to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software # licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license # terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated # unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, # modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; # redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; # neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Authors: Andreas Hansson # Ani Udipi from m5.params import * from AbstractMemory import * # Enum for memory scheduling algorithms, currently First-Come # First-Served and a First-Row Hit then First-Come First-Served class MemSched(Enum): vals = ['fcfs', 'frfcfs'] # Enum for the address mapping. With Ra, Co, Ba and Ch denoting rank, # column, bank and channel, respectively, and going from MSB to LSB, # the two schemes available are RaBaChCo and CoRaBaCh, either # optimising for sequential accesses hitting in the open row, or # maximising parallelism. class AddrMap(Enum): vals = ['RaBaChCo', 'CoRaBaCh'] # Enum for the page policy, either open or close. class PageManage(Enum): vals = ['open', 'close'] # SimpleDRAM is a single-channel single-ported DRAM controller model # that aims to model the most important system-level performance # effects of a DRAM without getting into too much detail of the DRAM # itself. class SimpleDRAM(AbstractMemory): type = 'SimpleDRAM' cxx_header = "mem/simple_dram.hh" @classmethod def makeMultiChannel(cls, nbr_mem_ctrls, mem_start_addr, mem_size, intlv_high_bit = 11): """ Make a multi-channel configuration of this class. Create multiple instances of the specific class and set their parameters such that the address range is interleaved between them. Returns a list of controllers. """ import math from m5.util import fatal intlv_bits = int(math.log(nbr_mem_ctrls, 2)) if 2 ** intlv_bits != nbr_mem_ctrls: fatal("Number of memory channels must be a power of 2") mem_ctrls = [] for i in xrange(nbr_mem_ctrls): # The default interleaving granularity is tuned to match a # row buffer size of 32 cache lines of 64 bytes (starting # at bit 11 for 2048 bytes). There is unfortunately no # good way of checking this at instantiation time. mem_ctrls.append(cls(range = AddrRange(mem_start_addr, size = mem_size, intlvHighBit = \ intlv_high_bit, intlvBits = intlv_bits, intlvMatch = i), channels = nbr_mem_ctrls)) return mem_ctrls # single-ported on the system interface side, instantiate with a # bus in front of the controller for multiple ports port = SlavePort("Slave port") # the basic configuration of the controller architecture write_buffer_size = Param.Unsigned(32, "Number of read queue entries") read_buffer_size = Param.Unsigned(32, "Number of write queue entries") # threshold in percent for when to trigger writes and start # emptying the write buffer as it starts to get full write_thresh_perc = Param.Percent(70, "Threshold to trigger writes") # scheduler, address map and page policy mem_sched_policy = Param.MemSched('frfcfs', "Memory scheduling policy") addr_mapping = Param.AddrMap('RaBaChCo', "Address mapping policy") page_policy = Param.PageManage('open', "Page closure management policy") # the physical organisation of the DRAM lines_per_rowbuffer = Param.Unsigned("Row buffer size in cache lines") ranks_per_channel = Param.Unsigned("Number of ranks per channel") banks_per_rank = Param.Unsigned("Number of banks per rank") # only used for the address mapping as the controller by # construction is a single channel and multiple controllers have # to be instantiated for a multi-channel configuration channels = Param.Unsigned(1, "Number of channels") # timing behaviour and constraints - all in nanoseconds # the amount of time in nanoseconds from issuing an activate command # to the data being available in the row buffer for a read/write tRCD = Param.Latency("RAS to CAS delay") # the time from issuing a read/write command to seeing the actual data tCL = Param.Latency("CAS latency") # minimum time between a precharge and subsequent activate tRP = Param.Latency("Row precharge time") # time to complete a burst transfer, typically the burst length # divided by two due to the DDR bus, but by making it a parameter # it is easier to also evaluate SDR memories like WideIO. # This parameter has to account for bus width and burst length. # Adjustment also necessary if cache line size is greater than # data size read/written by one full burst. tBURST = Param.Latency("Burst duration (for DDR burst length / 2 cycles)") # time taken to complete one refresh cycle (N rows in all banks) tRFC = Param.Latency("Refresh cycle time") # refresh command interval, how often a "ref" command needs # to be sent. It is 7.8 us for a 64ms refresh requirement tREFI = Param.Latency("Refresh command interval") # write-to-read turn around penalty, assumed same as read-to-write tWTR = Param.Latency("Write to read switching time") # time window in which a maximum number of activates are allowed # to take place, set to 0 to disable tXAW = Param.Latency("X activation window") activation_limit = Param.Unsigned("Max number of activates in window") # Currently rolled into other params ###################################################################### # the minimum amount of time between a row being activated, and # precharged (de-activated) # tRAS - assumed to be 3 * tRP # tRC - assumed to be 4 * tRP # burst length for an access derived from peerBlockSize # High-level model of a single DDR3 x64 interface (one command and # address bus), with default timings based on a DDR3-1600 4 Gbit part, # which would amount to 4 Gbyte of memory in 8x8 or 8 GByte in 16x4 # configuration. class SimpleDDR3(SimpleDRAM): # Assuming 64 byte cache lines, use a 2kbyte page size, this # depends on the memory density lines_per_rowbuffer = 32 # Use two ranks ranks_per_channel = 2 # DDR3 has 8 banks in all configurations banks_per_rank = 8 # DDR3-1600 11-11-11 tRCD = '13.75ns' tCL = '13.75ns' tRP = '13.75ns' # Assuming 64 byte cache lines, across an x64 (8x8 or 16x4) # interface, translates to BL8, 4 clocks @ 800 MHz tBURST = '5ns' # DDR3, 4 Gb has a tRFC of 240 CK and tCK = 1.25 ns tRFC = '300ns' # DDR3, <=85C, half for >85C tREFI = '7.8us' # Greater of 4 CK or 7.5 ns, 4 CK @ 800 MHz = 5 ns tWTR = '7.5ns' # With a 2kbyte page size, DDR3-1600 lands around 40 ns tXAW = '40ns' activation_limit = 4 # High-level model of a single LPDDR2-S4 x64 interface (one # command/address bus), with default timings based on a LPDDR2-1066 # 4Gbit part, which whould amount to 1 GByte of memory in 2x32 or # 2GByte in 4x16 configuration. class SimpleLPDDR2_S4(SimpleDRAM): # Assuming 64 byte cache lines, use a 2kbyte page size, this # depends on the memory density lines_per_rowbuffer = 32 # Use two ranks ranks_per_channel = 2 # LPDDR2-S4 has 8 banks in all configurations banks_per_rank = 8 # Fixed at 15 ns tRCD = '15ns' # 8 CK read latency, 4 CK write latency @ 533 MHz, 1.876 ns cycle time tCL = '15ns' # Pre-charge one bank 15 ns and all banks 18 ns tRP = '18ns' # Assuming 64 byte cache lines, across a x64 interface (2x32 or # 4x16), translates to BL8, 4 clocks @ 533 MHz tBURST = '7.5ns' # LPDDR2-S4, 4 Gb tRFC = '130ns' tREFI = '3.9us' # Irrespective of speed grade, tWTR is 7.5 ns tWTR = '7.5ns' # Irrespective of size, tFAW is 50 ns tXAW = '50ns' activation_limit = 4 # High-level model of a single WideIO x128 interface (one command and # address bus), with default timings based on an estimated WIO-200 8 # Gbit part. class SimpleWideIO(SimpleDRAM): # Assuming 64 byte cache lines, use a 4kbyte page size, this # depends on the memory density lines_per_rowbuffer = 64 # Use one rank for a one-high die stack ranks_per_channel = 1 # WideIO has 4 banks in all configurations banks_per_rank = 4 # WIO-200 tRCD = '18ns' tCL = '18ns' tRP = '18ns' # Assuming 64 byte cache lines, across an x128 SDR interface, # translates to BL4, 4 clocks @ 200 MHz tBURST = '20ns' # WIO 8 Gb tRFC = '210ns' # WIO 8 Gb, <=85C, half for >85C tREFI = '3.9us' # Greater of 2 CK or 15 ns, 2 CK @ 200 MHz = 10 ns tWTR = '15ns' # Two instead of four activation window tXAW = '50ns' activation_limit = 2