import os # lanuage type for each file extension lang_types = { '.c' : "C", '.h' : "C", '.cc' : "C++", '.hh' : "C++", '.cxx' : "C++", '.hxx' : "C++", '.cpp' : "C++", '.hpp' : "C++", '.C' : "C++", '.H' : "C++", '.i' : "swig", '.py' : "python", '.pl' : "perl", '.pm' : "perl", '.s' : "asm", '.S' : "asm", '.l' : "lex", '.ll' : "lex", '.y' : "yacc", '.yy' : "yacc", '.isa' : "isa", '.sh' : "shell", '.slicc' : "slicc", '.sm' : "slicc", '.awk' : "awk", '.el' : "lisp", '.txt' : "text", '.tex' : "tex", } # languages based on file prefix lang_prefixes = ( ('SCons', 'scons'), ('Make', 'make'), ('make', 'make'), ('Doxyfile', 'doxygen'), ) # languages based on #! line of first file hash_bang = ( ('python', 'python'), ('perl', 'perl'), ('sh', 'shell'), ) # the list of all languages that we detect all_languages = frozenset(lang_types.itervalues()) all_languages |= frozenset(lang for start,lang in lang_prefixes) all_languages |= frozenset(lang for start,lang in hash_bang) def lang_type(filename, firstline=None, openok=True): '''identify the language of a given filename and potentially the firstline of the file. If the firstline of the file is not provided and openok is True, open the file and read the first line if necessary''' basename = os.path.basename(filename) name,extension = os.path.splitext(basename) # first try to detect language based on file extension try: return lang_types[extension] except KeyError: pass # now try to detect language based on file prefix for start,lang in lang_prefixes: if basename.startswith(start): return lang # if a first line was not provided but the file is ok to open, # grab the first line of the file. if firstline is None and openok: handle = file(filename, 'r') firstline = handle.readline() handle.close() # try to detect language based on #! in first line if firstline and firstline.startswith('#!'): for string,lang in hash_bang: if firstline.find(string) > 0: return lang # sorry, we couldn't detect the language return None # directories and files to ignore by default default_dir_ignore = frozenset(('.hg', '.svn', 'build', 'ext')) default_file_ignore = frozenset(('', )) def find_files(base, languages=all_languages, dir_ignore=default_dir_ignore, file_ignore=default_file_ignore): '''find all files in a directory and its subdirectories based on a set of languages, ignore directories specified in dir_ignore and files specified in file_ignore''' if base[-1] != '/': base += '/' def update_dirs(dirs): '''strip the ignored directories out of the provided list''' index = len(dirs) - 1 for i,d in enumerate(reversed(dirs)): if d in dir_ignore: del dirs[index - i] # walk over base for root,dirs,files in os.walk(base): root = root.replace(base, '', 1) # strip ignored directories from the list update_dirs(dirs) for filename in files: if filename in file_ignore: # skip ignored files continue # try to figure out the language of the specified file fullpath = os.path.join(base, root, filename) language = lang_type(fullpath) # if the file is one of the langauges that we want return # its name and the language if language in languages: yield fullpath, language def update_file(dst, src, language, mutator): '''update a file of the specified language with the provided mutator generator. If inplace is provided, update the file in place and return the handle to the updated file. If inplace is false, write the updated file to cStringIO''' # if the source and destination are the same, we're updating in place inplace = dst == src if isinstance(src, str): # if a filename was provided, open the file mode = 'r+' if inplace else 'r' src = file(src, mode) orig_lines = [] # grab all of the lines of the file and strip them of their line ending old_lines = list(line.rstrip('\r\n') for line in src.xreadlines()) new_lines = list(mutator(old_lines,, language)) for line in src.xreadlines(): line = line if inplace: # if we're updating in place and the file hasn't changed, do nothing if old_lines == new_lines: return # otherwise, truncate the file and seek to the beginning. dst = src dst.truncate(0) elif isinstance(dst, str): # if we're not updating in place and a destination file name # was provided, create a file object dst = file(dst, 'w') for line in new_lines: dst.write(line) dst.write('\n')