/* * Copyright (c) 2006 The Regents of The University of Michigan * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef __CPU_OZONE_LW_BACK_END_HH__ #define __CPU_OZONE_LW_BACK_END_HH__ #include #include #include #include #include "arch/faults.hh" #include "base/timebuf.hh" #include "cpu/inst_seq.hh" #include "cpu/ozone/rename_table.hh" #include "cpu/ozone/thread_state.hh" #include "mem/functional/functional.hh" #include "mem/mem_interface.hh" #include "mem/mem_req.hh" #include "sim/eventq.hh" template class Checker; class ExecContext; template class OzoneThreadState; template class LWBackEnd { public: typedef OzoneThreadState Thread; typedef typename Impl::Params Params; typedef typename Impl::DynInst DynInst; typedef typename Impl::DynInstPtr DynInstPtr; typedef typename Impl::FullCPU FullCPU; typedef typename Impl::FrontEnd FrontEnd; typedef typename Impl::FullCPU::CommStruct CommStruct; struct SizeStruct { int size; }; typedef SizeStruct DispatchToIssue; typedef SizeStruct IssueToExec; typedef SizeStruct ExecToCommit; typedef SizeStruct Writeback; TimeBuffer d2i; typename TimeBuffer::wire instsToDispatch; TimeBuffer i2e; typename TimeBuffer::wire instsToExecute; TimeBuffer e2c; TimeBuffer numInstsToWB; TimeBuffer *comm; typename TimeBuffer::wire toIEW; typename TimeBuffer::wire fromCommit; class TrapEvent : public Event { private: LWBackEnd *be; public: TrapEvent(LWBackEnd *_be); void process(); const char *description(); }; /** LdWriteback event for a load completion. */ class LdWritebackEvent : public Event { private: /** Instruction that is writing back data to the register file. */ DynInstPtr inst; /** Pointer to IEW stage. */ LWBackEnd *be; bool dcacheMiss; public: /** Constructs a load writeback event. */ LdWritebackEvent(DynInstPtr &_inst, LWBackEnd *be); /** Processes writeback event. */ virtual void process(); /** Returns the description of the writeback event. */ virtual const char *description(); void setDcacheMiss() { dcacheMiss = true; be->addDcacheMiss(inst); } }; LWBackEnd(Params *params); std::string name() const; void regStats(); void setCPU(FullCPU *cpu_ptr); void setFrontEnd(FrontEnd *front_end_ptr) { frontEnd = front_end_ptr; } void setXC(ExecContext *xc_ptr) { xc = xc_ptr; } void setThreadState(Thread *thread_ptr) { thread = thread_ptr; } void setCommBuffer(TimeBuffer *_comm); void tick(); void squash(); void generateXCEvent() { xcSquash = true; } void squashFromXC(); void squashFromTrap(); void checkInterrupts(); bool trapSquash; bool xcSquash; template Fault read(MemReqPtr &req, T &data, int load_idx); template Fault write(MemReqPtr &req, T &data, int store_idx); Addr readCommitPC() { return commitPC; } Addr commitPC; Tick lastCommitCycle; bool robEmpty() { return instList.empty(); } bool isFull() { return numInsts >= numROBEntries; } bool isBlocked() { return status == Blocked || dispatchStatus == Blocked; } void fetchFault(Fault &fault); int wakeDependents(DynInstPtr &inst, bool memory_deps = false); /** Tells memory dependence unit that a memory instruction needs to be * rescheduled. It will re-execute once replayMemInst() is called. */ void rescheduleMemInst(DynInstPtr &inst); /** Re-executes all rescheduled memory instructions. */ void replayMemInst(DynInstPtr &inst); /** Completes memory instruction. */ void completeMemInst(DynInstPtr &inst) { } void addDcacheMiss(DynInstPtr &inst) { waitingMemOps.insert(inst->seqNum); numWaitingMemOps++; DPRINTF(BE, "Adding a Dcache miss mem op [sn:%lli], total %i\n", inst->seqNum, numWaitingMemOps); } void removeDcacheMiss(DynInstPtr &inst) { assert(waitingMemOps.find(inst->seqNum) != waitingMemOps.end()); waitingMemOps.erase(inst->seqNum); numWaitingMemOps--; DPRINTF(BE, "Removing a Dcache miss mem op [sn:%lli], total %i\n", inst->seqNum, numWaitingMemOps); } void addWaitingMemOp(DynInstPtr &inst) { waitingMemOps.insert(inst->seqNum); numWaitingMemOps++; DPRINTF(BE, "Adding a waiting mem op [sn:%lli], total %i\n", inst->seqNum, numWaitingMemOps); } void removeWaitingMemOp(DynInstPtr &inst) { assert(waitingMemOps.find(inst->seqNum) != waitingMemOps.end()); waitingMemOps.erase(inst->seqNum); numWaitingMemOps--; DPRINTF(BE, "Removing a waiting mem op [sn:%lli], total %i\n", inst->seqNum, numWaitingMemOps); } void instToCommit(DynInstPtr &inst); void switchOut(); void doSwitchOut(); void takeOverFrom(ExecContext *old_xc = NULL); bool isSwitchedOut() { return switchedOut; } private: void generateTrapEvent(Tick latency = 0); void handleFault(Fault &fault, Tick latency = 0); void updateStructures(); void dispatchInsts(); void dispatchStall(); void checkDispatchStatus(); void executeInsts(); void commitInsts(); void addToLSQ(DynInstPtr &inst); void writebackInsts(); bool commitInst(int inst_num); void squash(const InstSeqNum &sn); void squashDueToBranch(DynInstPtr &inst); void squashDueToMemViolation(DynInstPtr &inst); void squashDueToMemBlocked(DynInstPtr &inst); void updateExeInstStats(DynInstPtr &inst); void updateComInstStats(DynInstPtr &inst); public: FullCPU *cpu; FrontEnd *frontEnd; ExecContext *xc; Thread *thread; enum Status { Running, Idle, DcacheMissStall, DcacheMissComplete, Blocked, TrapPending }; Status status; Status dispatchStatus; Status commitStatus; Counter funcExeInst; private: typedef typename Impl::LdstQueue LdstQueue; LdstQueue LSQ; public: RenameTable commitRenameTable; RenameTable renameTable; private: class DCacheCompletionEvent : public Event { private: LWBackEnd *be; public: DCacheCompletionEvent(LWBackEnd *_be); virtual void process(); virtual const char *description(); }; friend class DCacheCompletionEvent; DCacheCompletionEvent cacheCompletionEvent; MemInterface *dcacheInterface; MemReqPtr memReq; // General back end width. Used if the more specific isn't given. int width; // Dispatch width. int dispatchWidth; int numDispatchEntries; int dispatchSize; int waitingInsts; int issueWidth; // Writeback width int wbWidth; // Commit width int commitWidth; /** Index into queue of instructions being written back. */ unsigned wbNumInst; /** Cycle number within the queue of instructions being written * back. Used in case there are too many instructions writing * back at the current cycle and writesbacks need to be scheduled * for the future. See comments in instToCommit(). */ unsigned wbCycle; int numROBEntries; int numInsts; std::set waitingMemOps; typedef std::set::iterator MemIt; int numWaitingMemOps; unsigned maxOutstandingMemOps; bool squashPending; InstSeqNum squashSeqNum; Addr squashNextPC; Fault faultFromFetch; bool fetchHasFault; bool switchedOut; bool switchPending; DynInstPtr memBarrier; private: struct pqCompare { bool operator() (const DynInstPtr &lhs, const DynInstPtr &rhs) const { return lhs->seqNum > rhs->seqNum; } }; typedef typename std::priority_queue, pqCompare> ReadyInstQueue; ReadyInstQueue exeList; typedef typename std::list::iterator InstListIt; std::list instList; std::list waitingList; std::list replayList; std::list writeback; int latency; int squashLatency; bool exactFullStall; // number of cycles stalled for D-cache misses /* Stats::Scalar<> dcacheStallCycles; Counter lastDcacheStall; */ Stats::Vector<> robCapEvents; Stats::Vector<> robCapInstCount; Stats::Vector<> iqCapEvents; Stats::Vector<> iqCapInstCount; // total number of instructions executed Stats::Vector<> exeInst; Stats::Vector<> exeSwp; Stats::Vector<> exeNop; Stats::Vector<> exeRefs; Stats::Vector<> exeLoads; Stats::Vector<> exeBranches; Stats::Vector<> issuedOps; // total number of loads forwaded from LSQ stores Stats::Vector<> lsqForwLoads; // total number of loads ignored due to invalid addresses Stats::Vector<> invAddrLoads; // total number of software prefetches ignored due to invalid addresses Stats::Vector<> invAddrSwpfs; // ready loads blocked due to memory disambiguation Stats::Vector<> lsqBlockedLoads; Stats::Scalar<> lsqInversion; Stats::Vector<> nIssuedDist; Stats::VectorDistribution<> issueDelayDist; Stats::VectorDistribution<> queueResDist; /* Stats::Vector<> stat_fu_busy; Stats::Vector2d<> stat_fuBusy; Stats::Vector<> dist_unissued; Stats::Vector2d<> stat_issued_inst_type; Stats::Formula misspec_cnt; Stats::Formula misspec_ipc; Stats::Formula issue_rate; Stats::Formula issue_stores; Stats::Formula issue_op_rate; Stats::Formula fu_busy_rate; Stats::Formula commit_stores; Stats::Formula commit_ipc; Stats::Formula commit_ipb; Stats::Formula lsq_inv_rate; */ Stats::Vector<> writebackCount; Stats::Vector<> producerInst; Stats::Vector<> consumerInst; Stats::Vector<> wbPenalized; Stats::Formula wbRate; Stats::Formula wbFanout; Stats::Formula wbPenalizedRate; // total number of instructions committed Stats::Vector<> statComInst; Stats::Vector<> statComSwp; Stats::Vector<> statComRefs; Stats::Vector<> statComLoads; Stats::Vector<> statComMembars; Stats::Vector<> statComBranches; Stats::Distribution<> nCommittedDist; Stats::Scalar<> commitEligibleSamples; Stats::Vector<> commitEligible; Stats::Vector<> squashedInsts; Stats::Vector<> ROBSquashedInsts; Stats::Scalar<> ROBFcount; Stats::Formula ROBFullRate; Stats::Vector<> ROBCount; // cumulative ROB occupancy Stats::Formula ROBOccRate; Stats::VectorDistribution<> ROBOccDist; public: void dumpInsts(); Checker *checker; }; template template Fault LWBackEnd::read(MemReqPtr &req, T &data, int load_idx) { return LSQ.read(req, data, load_idx); } template template Fault LWBackEnd::write(MemReqPtr &req, T &data, int store_idx) { return LSQ.write(req, data, store_idx); } #endif // __CPU_OZONE_LW_BACK_END_HH__