/* $Id$ */ /* @file * User Console Definitions */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/misc.hh" #include "targetarch/ev5.hh" #include "dev/console.hh" #include "base/socket.hh" #include "base/trace.hh" #include "mem/functional_mem/memory_control.hh" using namespace std; // check whether an int is pending inline bool IntPending(int status, int mask) { return (status & mask) != 0; } inline bool IntTransition(int ostaus, int omask, int nstatus, int nmask) { return IntPending(ostaus, omask) != IntPending(nstatus, nmask); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // SimConsole::Event::Event(SimConsole *c, int fd, int e) : PollEvent(fd, e), cons(c) { } void SimConsole::Event::process(int revent) { if (revent & POLLIN) cons->data(); else if (revent & POLLNVAL) cons->detach(); } SimConsole::SimConsole(const string &name, const string &file, int num) : SimObject(name), event(NULL), number(num), in_fd(-1), out_fd(-1), listener(NULL), txbuf(16384), rxbuf(16384), outfile(NULL), intr_status(0), intr_enable(0), intr(NULL) { if (!file.empty()) outfile = new ofstream(file.c_str()); if (outfile) outfile->setf(ios::unitbuf); } SimConsole::~SimConsole() { close(); if (outfile) delete outfile; } void SimConsole::close() { if (in_fd != -1) ::close(in_fd); if (out_fd != in_fd && out_fd != -1) ::close(out_fd); } void SimConsole::attach(int in, int out, ConsoleListener *l) { in_fd = in; out_fd = out; listener = l; event = new Event(this, in, POLLIN); pollQueue.schedule(event); stringstream stream; ccprintf(stream, "==== Simplescalar slave console: Console %d ====", number); // we need an actual carriage return followed by a newline for the // terminal stream << "\r\n"; write((const uint8_t *)stream.str().c_str(), stream.str().size()); DPRINTFN("attach console %d\n", number); txbuf.readall(out); } void SimConsole::detach() { close(); in_fd = -1; out_fd = -1; pollQueue.remove(event); if (listener) { listener->add(this); listener = NULL; } DPRINTFN("detach console %d\n", number); } void SimConsole::data() { uint8_t buf[1024]; int len; len = read(buf, sizeof(buf)); if (len) { rxbuf.write((char *)buf, len); raiseInt(ReceiveInterrupt); } } size_t SimConsole::read(uint8_t *buf, size_t len) { if (in_fd < 0) panic("SimConsole(read): Console not properly attached.\n"); size_t ret; do { ret = ::read(in_fd, buf, len); } while (ret == -1 && errno == EINTR); if (ret < 0) DPRINTFN("SimConsole(read): Read failed.\n"); if (ret <= 0) { detach(); return 0; } return ret; } // Console output. size_t SimConsole::write(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len) { if (out_fd < 0) panic("SimConsole(write): Console not properly attached.\n"); size_t ret; for (;;) { ret = ::write(out_fd, buf, len); if (ret >= 0) break; if (errno != EINTR) detach(); } return ret; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ConfigureTerm turns off all character processing by the host OS so // the launched OS can control it. // // We ignore anything except stdin; the sconsole program runs this // same code on the ttys for the slave consoles before connecting. // void SimConsole::configTerm() { struct termios ios; if (isatty(out_fd)) { if (tcgetattr(out_fd, &ios) < 0) { panic( "tcgetattr\n"); } ios.c_iflag &= ~(ISTRIP|ICRNL|IGNCR|ICRNL|IXOFF|IXON); ios.c_oflag &= ~(OPOST); ios.c_oflag &= (ONLCR); ios.c_lflag &= ~(ISIG|ICANON|ECHO); ios.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; ios.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; if (tcsetattr(out_fd, TCSANOW, &ios) < 0) { panic( "tcsetattr\n"); } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // console i/o // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Console input. // Returns -1 if there is no character pending, otherwise returns the // char. Calling this function clears the input int (if no further // chars are pending). // int SimConsole::in() { if (rxbuf.empty()) { clearInt(ReceiveInterrupt); return -1; } char c; rxbuf.read(&c, 1); DPRINTF(Console, "in: \'%c\' %#02x status: %#x\n", isprint(c) ? c : ' ', c, intr_status); return c; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Console output. // NOTE: this very rudimentary device generates a TX int as soon as // a character is output, since it has unlimited TX buffer capacity. // // Console output. // Uses sim_console_out to perform functionality similar to 'write' void SimConsole::out(char c) { txbuf.write(c); if (out_fd >= 0) write(c); if (outfile) outfile->write(&c, 1); raiseInt(TransmitInterrupt); DPRINTF(Console, "out: \'%c\' %#02x status: %#x\n", isprint(c) ? c : ' ', (int)c, intr_status); } // Simple console output used by Alpha firmware (not by the OS) - // outputs the character to console n, and doesn't raise any // interrupts void SimConsole::simple(char c) { txbuf.write(c); if (out_fd >= 0) write(c); if (outfile) outfile->write(&c, 1); DPRINTF(Console, "simple char: \'%c\' %#02x\n", isprint(c) ? c : ' ', (int)c); } // Read the current interrupt status of this console. int SimConsole::intStatus() { #if 0 DPRINTF(Console, "interrupt %d status: %#x\n", number, intr_status); #endif return intr_status; } int SimConsole::clearInt(int i) { int old_status = intr_status; intr_status &= ~i; if (IntTransition(old_status, intr_enable, intr_status, intr_enable) && intr) intr->clear(TheISA::INTLEVEL_IRQ0); return old_status; } void SimConsole::raiseInt(int i) { int old = intr_status; intr_status |= i; if (IntTransition(old, intr_enable, intr_status, intr_enable) && intr) intr->post(TheISA::INTLEVEL_IRQ0); } void SimConsole::initInt(IntrControl *i) { if (intr) panic("Console has already been initialized."); // note: intr_status and intr_enable will normally be 0, since // cs is statically allocated. When restoring from a checkpoint, // these fields will be set, so don't touch them here. intr = i; // interrupt handler } // Set the interrupt enable bits. void SimConsole::setInt(int bits) { int old_enable; if (bits & ~(TransmitInterrupt | ReceiveInterrupt)) panic("An interrupt was not set!"); old_enable = intr_enable; intr_enable |= bits; if (IntTransition(intr_status, old_enable, intr_status, intr_enable) && intr) { if (IntPending(intr_status, intr_enable)) intr->post(TheISA::INTLEVEL_IRQ0); else intr->clear(TheISA::INTLEVEL_IRQ0); } } void SimConsole::serialize() { panic("Unimplemented"); } void SimConsole::unserialize(IniFile &db, const std::string &category, ConfigNode *node) { panic("Unimplemented"); } BEGIN_DECLARE_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(SimConsole) SimObjectParam listener; SimObjectParam intr_control; Param output; Param number; END_DECLARE_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(SimConsole) BEGIN_INIT_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(SimConsole) INIT_PARAM(listener, "console listener"), INIT_PARAM(intr_control, "interrupt controller"), INIT_PARAM_DFLT(output, "file to dump output to", ""), INIT_PARAM_DFLT(number, "console number", 0) END_INIT_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(SimConsole) CREATE_SIM_OBJECT(SimConsole) { SimConsole *console = new SimConsole(getInstanceName(), output, number); ((ConsoleListener *)listener)->add(console); ((SimConsole *)console)->initInt(intr_control); ((SimConsole *)console)->setInt(SimConsole::TransmitInterrupt | SimConsole::ReceiveInterrupt); return console; } REGISTER_SIM_OBJECT("SimConsole", SimConsole) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // ConsoleListener::ConsoleListener(const string &name) : SimObject(name), event(NULL) {} ConsoleListener::~ConsoleListener() { if (event) delete event; } void ConsoleListener::Event::process(int revent) { listener->accept(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // socket creation and console attach // void ConsoleListener::listen(int port) { while (!listener.listen(port, true)) { DPRINTF(Console, ": can't bind address console port %d inuse PID %d\n", port, getpid()); port++; } cerr << "Listening for console connection on port " << port << endl; event = new Event(this, listener.getfd(), POLLIN); pollQueue.schedule(event); } void ConsoleListener::add(SimConsole *cons) { ConsoleList.push_back(cons);} void ConsoleListener::accept() { if (!listener.islistening()) panic("%s: cannot accept a connection if we're not listening!", name()); int sfd = listener.accept(true); if (sfd != -1) { iter_t i = ConsoleList.begin(); iter_t end = ConsoleList.end(); if (i == end) { close(sfd); } else { (*i)->attach(sfd, this); i = ConsoleList.erase(i); } } } BEGIN_DECLARE_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(ConsoleListener) Param port; END_DECLARE_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(ConsoleListener) BEGIN_INIT_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(ConsoleListener) INIT_PARAM_DFLT(port, "listen port", 3456) END_INIT_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(ConsoleListener) CREATE_SIM_OBJECT(ConsoleListener) { ConsoleListener *listener = new ConsoleListener(getInstanceName()); listener->listen(port); return listener; } REGISTER_SIM_OBJECT("ConsoleListener", ConsoleListener)