/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of The University of Michigan * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** @file * Tsunami I/O including PIC, PIT, RTC, DMA */ #include #include #include #include #include "base/trace.hh" #include "dev/pitreg.h" #include "dev/rtcreg.h" #include "dev/tsunami_cchip.hh" #include "dev/tsunami.hh" #include "dev/tsunami_io.hh" #include "dev/tsunamireg.h" #include "mem/port.hh" #include "sim/builder.hh" #include "sim/system.hh" using namespace std; //Should this be AlphaISA? using namespace TheISA; TsunamiIO::RTC::RTC(const string &name, Tsunami* t, Tick i) : _name(name), event(t, i), addr(0) { memset(clock_data, 0, sizeof(clock_data)); stat_regA = RTCA_32768HZ | RTCA_1024HZ; stat_regB = RTCB_PRDC_IE |RTCB_BIN | RTCB_24HR; } void TsunamiIO::RTC::set_time(time_t t) { struct tm tm; gmtime_r(&t, &tm); sec = tm.tm_sec; min = tm.tm_min; hour = tm.tm_hour; wday = tm.tm_wday + 1; mday = tm.tm_mday; mon = tm.tm_mon + 1; year = tm.tm_year; DPRINTFN("Real-time clock set to %s", asctime(&tm)); } void TsunamiIO::RTC::writeAddr(const uint8_t data) { if (data <= RTC_STAT_REGD) addr = data; else panic("RTC addresses over 0xD are not implemented.\n"); } void TsunamiIO::RTC::writeData(const uint8_t data) { if (addr < RTC_STAT_REGA) clock_data[addr] = data; else { switch (addr) { case RTC_STAT_REGA: if (data != (RTCA_32768HZ | RTCA_1024HZ)) panic("Unimplemented RTC register A value write!\n"); stat_regA = data; break; case RTC_STAT_REGB: if ((data & ~(RTCB_PRDC_IE | RTCB_SQWE)) != (RTCB_BIN | RTCB_24HR)) panic("Write to RTC reg B bits that are not implemented!\n"); if (data & RTCB_PRDC_IE) { if (!event.scheduled()) event.scheduleIntr(); } else { if (event.scheduled()) event.deschedule(); } stat_regB = data; break; case RTC_STAT_REGC: case RTC_STAT_REGD: panic("RTC status registers C and D are not implemented.\n"); break; } } } void TsunamiIO::RTC::readData(uint8_t *data) { if (addr < RTC_STAT_REGA) *data = clock_data[addr]; else { switch (addr) { case RTC_STAT_REGA: // toggle UIP bit for linux stat_regA ^= RTCA_UIP; *data = stat_regA; break; case RTC_STAT_REGB: *data = stat_regB; break; case RTC_STAT_REGC: case RTC_STAT_REGD: *data = 0x00; break; } } } void TsunamiIO::RTC::serialize(const string &base, ostream &os) { paramOut(os, base + ".addr", addr); arrayParamOut(os, base + ".clock_data", clock_data, sizeof(clock_data)); paramOut(os, base + ".stat_regA", stat_regA); paramOut(os, base + ".stat_regB", stat_regB); } void TsunamiIO::RTC::unserialize(const string &base, Checkpoint *cp, const string §ion) { paramIn(cp, section, base + ".addr", addr); arrayParamIn(cp, section, base + ".clock_data", clock_data, sizeof(clock_data)); paramIn(cp, section, base + ".stat_regA", stat_regA); paramIn(cp, section, base + ".stat_regB", stat_regB); // We're not unserializing the event here, but we need to // rescehedule the event since curTick was moved forward by the // checkpoint event.reschedule(curTick + event.interval); } TsunamiIO::RTC::RTCEvent::RTCEvent(Tsunami*t, Tick i) : Event(&mainEventQueue), tsunami(t), interval(i) { DPRINTF(MC146818, "RTC Event Initilizing\n"); schedule(curTick + interval); } void TsunamiIO::RTC::RTCEvent::scheduleIntr() { schedule(curTick + interval); } void TsunamiIO::RTC::RTCEvent::process() { DPRINTF(MC146818, "RTC Timer Interrupt\n"); schedule(curTick + interval); //Actually interrupt the processor here tsunami->cchip->postRTC(); } const char * TsunamiIO::RTC::RTCEvent::description() { return "tsunami RTC interrupt"; } TsunamiIO::PITimer::PITimer(const string &name) : _name(name), counter0(name + ".counter0"), counter1(name + ".counter1"), counter2(name + ".counter2") { counter[0] = &counter0; counter[1] = &counter0; counter[2] = &counter0; } void TsunamiIO::PITimer::writeControl(const uint8_t data) { int rw; int sel; sel = GET_CTRL_SEL(data); if (sel == PIT_READ_BACK) panic("PITimer Read-Back Command is not implemented.\n"); rw = GET_CTRL_RW(data); if (rw == PIT_RW_LATCH_COMMAND) counter[sel]->latchCount(); else { counter[sel]->setRW(rw); counter[sel]->setMode(GET_CTRL_MODE(data)); counter[sel]->setBCD(GET_CTRL_BCD(data)); } } void TsunamiIO::PITimer::serialize(const string &base, ostream &os) { // serialize the counters counter0.serialize(base + ".counter0", os); counter1.serialize(base + ".counter1", os); counter2.serialize(base + ".counter2", os); } void TsunamiIO::PITimer::unserialize(const string &base, Checkpoint *cp, const string §ion) { // unserialze the counters counter0.unserialize(base + ".counter0", cp, section); counter1.unserialize(base + ".counter1", cp, section); counter2.unserialize(base + ".counter2", cp, section); } TsunamiIO::PITimer::Counter::Counter(const string &name) : _name(name), event(this), count(0), latched_count(0), period(0), mode(0), output_high(false), latch_on(false), read_byte(LSB), write_byte(LSB) { } void TsunamiIO::PITimer::Counter::latchCount() { // behave like a real latch if(!latch_on) { latch_on = true; read_byte = LSB; latched_count = count; } } void TsunamiIO::PITimer::Counter::read(uint8_t *data) { if (latch_on) { switch (read_byte) { case LSB: read_byte = MSB; *data = (uint8_t)latched_count; break; case MSB: read_byte = LSB; latch_on = false; *data = latched_count >> 8; break; } } else { switch (read_byte) { case LSB: read_byte = MSB; *data = (uint8_t)count; break; case MSB: read_byte = LSB; *data = count >> 8; break; } } } void TsunamiIO::PITimer::Counter::write(const uint8_t data) { switch (write_byte) { case LSB: count = (count & 0xFF00) | data; if (event.scheduled()) event.deschedule(); output_high = false; write_byte = MSB; break; case MSB: count = (count & 0x00FF) | (data << 8); period = count; if (period > 0) { DPRINTF(Tsunami, "Timer set to curTick + %d\n", count * event.interval); event.schedule(curTick + count * event.interval); } write_byte = LSB; break; } } void TsunamiIO::PITimer::Counter::setRW(int rw_val) { if (rw_val != PIT_RW_16BIT) panic("Only LSB/MSB read/write is implemented.\n"); } void TsunamiIO::PITimer::Counter::setMode(int mode_val) { if(mode_val != PIT_MODE_INTTC && mode_val != PIT_MODE_RATEGEN && mode_val != PIT_MODE_SQWAVE) panic("PIT mode %#x is not implemented: \n", mode_val); mode = mode_val; } void TsunamiIO::PITimer::Counter::setBCD(int bcd_val) { if (bcd_val != PIT_BCD_FALSE) panic("PITimer does not implement BCD counts.\n"); } bool TsunamiIO::PITimer::Counter::outputHigh() { return output_high; } void TsunamiIO::PITimer::Counter::serialize(const string &base, ostream &os) { paramOut(os, base + ".count", count); paramOut(os, base + ".latched_count", latched_count); paramOut(os, base + ".period", period); paramOut(os, base + ".mode", mode); paramOut(os, base + ".output_high", output_high); paramOut(os, base + ".latch_on", latch_on); paramOut(os, base + ".read_byte", read_byte); paramOut(os, base + ".write_byte", write_byte); Tick event_tick = 0; if (event.scheduled()) event_tick = event.when(); paramOut(os, base + ".event_tick", event_tick); } void TsunamiIO::PITimer::Counter::unserialize(const string &base, Checkpoint *cp, const string §ion) { paramIn(cp, section, base + ".count", count); paramIn(cp, section, base + ".latched_count", latched_count); paramIn(cp, section, base + ".period", period); paramIn(cp, section, base + ".mode", mode); paramIn(cp, section, base + ".output_high", output_high); paramIn(cp, section, base + ".latch_on", latch_on); paramIn(cp, section, base + ".read_byte", read_byte); paramIn(cp, section, base + ".write_byte", write_byte); Tick event_tick; paramIn(cp, section, base + ".event_tick", event_tick); if (event_tick) event.schedule(event_tick); } TsunamiIO::PITimer::Counter::CounterEvent::CounterEvent(Counter* c_ptr) : Event(&mainEventQueue) { interval = (Tick)(Clock::Float::s / 1193180.0); counter = c_ptr; } void TsunamiIO::PITimer::Counter::CounterEvent::process() { DPRINTF(Tsunami, "Timer Interrupt\n"); switch (counter->mode) { case PIT_MODE_INTTC: counter->output_high = true; case PIT_MODE_RATEGEN: case PIT_MODE_SQWAVE: break; default: panic("Unimplemented PITimer mode.\n"); } } const char * TsunamiIO::PITimer::Counter::CounterEvent::description() { return "tsunami 8254 Interval timer"; } TsunamiIO::TsunamiIO(Params *p) : BasicPioDevice(p), tsunami(p->tsunami), pitimer(p->name + "pitimer"), rtc(p->name + ".rtc", p->tsunami, p->frequency) { pioSize = 0xff; // set the back pointer from tsunami to myself tsunami->io = this; timerData = 0; rtc.set_time(p->init_time == 0 ? time(NULL) : p->init_time); picr = 0; picInterrupting = false; } Tick TsunamiIO::frequency() const { return Clock::Frequency / params()->frequency; } Tick TsunamiIO::read(Packet &pkt) { assert(pkt.result == Unknown); assert(pkt.addr >= pioAddr && pkt.addr < pioAddr + pioSize); pkt.time = curTick + pioDelay; Addr daddr = pkt.addr - pioAddr; DPRINTF(Tsunami, "io read va=%#x size=%d IOPorrt=%#x\n", pkt.addr, pkt.size, daddr); uint8_t *data8; uint64_t *data64; if (pkt.size == sizeof(uint8_t)) { if (!pkt.data) { data8 = new uint8_t; pkt.data = data8; } else data8 = pkt.data; switch(daddr) { // PIC1 mask read case TSDEV_PIC1_MASK: *data8 = ~mask1; break; case TSDEV_PIC2_MASK: *data8 = ~mask2; break; case TSDEV_PIC1_ISR: // !!! If this is modified 64bit case needs to be too // Pal code has to do a 64 bit physical read because there is // no load physical byte instruction *data8 = picr; break; case TSDEV_PIC2_ISR: // PIC2 not implemnted... just return 0 *data8 = 0x00; break; case TSDEV_TMR0_DATA: pitimer.counter0.read(data8); break; case TSDEV_TMR1_DATA: pitimer.counter1.read(data8); break; case TSDEV_TMR2_DATA: pitimer.counter2.read(data8); break; case TSDEV_RTC_DATA: rtc.readData(data8); break; case TSDEV_CTRL_PORTB: if (pitimer.counter2.outputHigh()) *data8 = PORTB_SPKR_HIGH; else *data8 = 0x00; break; default: panic("I/O Read - va%#x size %d\n", pkt.addr, pkt.size); } } else if (pkt.size == sizeof(uint64_t)) { if (!pkt.data) { data64 = new uint64_t; pkt.data = (uint8_t*)data64; } else data64 = (uint64_t*)pkt.data; if (daddr == TSDEV_PIC1_ISR) *data64 = picr; else panic("I/O Read - invalid addr - va %#x size %d\n", pkt.addr, pkt.size); } else { panic("I/O Read - invalid size - va %#x size %d\n", pkt.addr, pkt.size); } pkt.result = Success; return pioDelay; } Tick TsunamiIO::write(Packet &pkt) { pkt.time = curTick + pioDelay; assert(pkt.result == Unknown); assert(pkt.addr >= pioAddr && pkt.addr < pioAddr + pioSize); Addr daddr = pkt.addr - pioAddr; uint8_t val = *pkt.data; #if TRACING_ON uint64_t dt64 = val; #endif DPRINTF(Tsunami, "io write - va=%#x size=%d IOPort=%#x Data=%#x\n", pkt.addr, pkt.size, pkt.addr & 0xfff, dt64); assert(pkt.size == sizeof(uint8_t)); switch(daddr) { case TSDEV_PIC1_MASK: mask1 = ~(val); if ((picr & mask1) && !picInterrupting) { picInterrupting = true; tsunami->cchip->postDRIR(55); DPRINTF(Tsunami, "posting pic interrupt to cchip\n"); } if ((!(picr & mask1)) && picInterrupting) { picInterrupting = false; tsunami->cchip->clearDRIR(55); DPRINTF(Tsunami, "clearing pic interrupt\n"); } break; case TSDEV_PIC2_MASK: mask2 = val; //PIC2 Not implemented to interrupt break; case TSDEV_PIC1_ACK: // clear the interrupt on the PIC picr &= ~(1 << (val & 0xF)); if (!(picr & mask1)) tsunami->cchip->clearDRIR(55); break; case TSDEV_DMA1_MODE: mode1 = val; break; case TSDEV_DMA2_MODE: mode2 = val; break; case TSDEV_TMR0_DATA: pitimer.counter0.write(val); break; case TSDEV_TMR1_DATA: pitimer.counter1.write(val); break; case TSDEV_TMR2_DATA: pitimer.counter2.write(val); break; case TSDEV_TMR_CTRL: pitimer.writeControl(val); break; case TSDEV_RTC_ADDR: rtc.writeAddr(val); break; case TSDEV_RTC_DATA: rtc.writeData(val); break; case TSDEV_KBD: case TSDEV_DMA1_CMND: case TSDEV_DMA2_CMND: case TSDEV_DMA1_MMASK: case TSDEV_DMA2_MMASK: case TSDEV_PIC2_ACK: case TSDEV_DMA1_RESET: case TSDEV_DMA2_RESET: case TSDEV_DMA1_MASK: case TSDEV_DMA2_MASK: case TSDEV_CTRL_PORTB: break; default: panic("I/O Write - va%#x size %d data %#x\n", pkt.addr, pkt.size, val); } pkt.result = Success; return pioDelay; } void TsunamiIO::postPIC(uint8_t bitvector) { //PIC2 Is not implemented, because nothing of interest there picr |= bitvector; if (picr & mask1) { tsunami->cchip->postDRIR(55); DPRINTF(Tsunami, "posting pic interrupt to cchip\n"); } } void TsunamiIO::clearPIC(uint8_t bitvector) { //PIC2 Is not implemented, because nothing of interest there picr &= ~bitvector; if (!(picr & mask1)) { tsunami->cchip->clearDRIR(55); DPRINTF(Tsunami, "clearing pic interrupt to cchip\n"); } } void TsunamiIO::serialize(ostream &os) { SERIALIZE_SCALAR(timerData); SERIALIZE_SCALAR(mask1); SERIALIZE_SCALAR(mask2); SERIALIZE_SCALAR(mode1); SERIALIZE_SCALAR(mode2); SERIALIZE_SCALAR(picr); SERIALIZE_SCALAR(picInterrupting); // Serialize the timers pitimer.serialize("pitimer", os); rtc.serialize("rtc", os); } void TsunamiIO::unserialize(Checkpoint *cp, const string §ion) { UNSERIALIZE_SCALAR(timerData); UNSERIALIZE_SCALAR(mask1); UNSERIALIZE_SCALAR(mask2); UNSERIALIZE_SCALAR(mode1); UNSERIALIZE_SCALAR(mode2); UNSERIALIZE_SCALAR(picr); UNSERIALIZE_SCALAR(picInterrupting); // Unserialize the timers pitimer.unserialize("pitimer", cp, section); rtc.unserialize("rtc", cp, section); } BEGIN_DECLARE_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(TsunamiIO) Param pio_addr; Param pio_latency; Param frequency; SimObjectParam platform; SimObjectParam system; Param time; SimObjectParam tsunami; END_DECLARE_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(TsunamiIO) BEGIN_INIT_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(TsunamiIO) INIT_PARAM(pio_addr, "Device Address"), INIT_PARAM(pio_latency, "Programmed IO latency"), INIT_PARAM(frequency, "clock interrupt frequency"), INIT_PARAM(platform, "platform"), INIT_PARAM(system, "system object"), INIT_PARAM(time, "System time to use (0 for actual time"), INIT_PARAM(tsunami, "Tsunami") END_INIT_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(TsunamiIO) CREATE_SIM_OBJECT(TsunamiIO) { TsunamiIO::Params *p = new TsunamiIO::Params; p->frequency = frequency; p->name = getInstanceName(); p->pio_addr = pio_addr; p->pio_delay = pio_latency; p->platform = platform; p->system = system; p->init_time = time; p->tsunami = tsunami; return new TsunamiIO(p); } REGISTER_SIM_OBJECT("TsunamiIO", TsunamiIO)