/*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Copyright (c) 1994 Stanford University */ /* */ /* All rights reserved. */ /* */ /* Permission is given to use, copy, and modify this software for any */ /* non-commercial purpose as long as this copyright notice is not */ /* removed. All other uses, including redistribution in whole or in */ /* part, are forbidden without prior written permission. */ /* */ /* This software is provided with absolutely no warranty and no */ /* support. */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ EXTERN_ENV #include #include "water.h" #include "wwpot.h" #include "cnst.h" #include "frcnst.h" #include "fileio.h" #include "parameters.h" #include "mddata.h" #include "global.h" /* set up some constants; this routine is executed by * a single processor before others are created * * N : NORDER + 1 = 7 for a sixth-order method * C : DIMENSION C(N,N) */ void CNSTNT(long N, double *C) { long NN,N1,K1; double TN,TK,CM; /* molecular constants for water in angstrom, radian, and a.m.u. */ NATOMS = 3; ROH = 0.9572; ROHI = ONE/ROH; ROHI2 = ROHI*ROHI; ANGLE = 1.824218; OMAS = 15.99945; HMAS = 1.007825; WTMOL = OMAS+TWO*HMAS; /* units used to scale variables (in c.g.s.) */ UNITT = 1.0e-15; UNITL = 1.0e-8; UNITM = 1.6605655e-24; BOLTZ = 1.380662e-16; AVGNO = 6.022045e23; /* force constants scaled (divided) by (UNITM/UNITT**2) */ FC11 = 0.512596; FC33 = 0.048098; FC12 = -0.005823; FC13 = 0.016452; FC111 = -0.57191; FC333 = -0.007636; FC112 = -0.001867; FC113 = -0.002047; FC123 = -0.03083; FC133 = -0.0094245; FC1111 = 0.8431; FC3333 = -0.00193; FC1112 = -0.0030; FC1122 = 0.0036; FC1113 = -0.012; FC1123 = 0.0060; FC1133 = -0.0048; FC1233 = 0.0211; FC1333 = 0.006263; /* water-water interaction parameters */ QQ = 0.07152158; A1 = 455.313100; B1 = 5.15271070; A2 = 0.27879839; B2 = 2.76084370; A3 = 0.60895706; B3 = 2.96189550; A4 = 0.11447336; B4 = 2.23326410; CM = 0.45682590; AB1 = A1*B1; AB2 = A2*B2; AB3 = A3*B3; AB4 = A4*B4; C1 = ONE-CM; C2 = 0.50*CM; QQ2 = 2.00*QQ; QQ4 = 2.00*QQ2; /* calculate the coefficients of taylor series expansion */ /* for F(X), F"(X), F""(X), ...... (with DELTAT**N/N] included) */ /* in C(1,1),..... C(1,2),..... C(1,3),....... */ C[1] = ONE; for (N1=2;N1<=N;N1++) { NN = N1-1; TN = NN; C[N1] = ONE; TK = ONE; for (K1=2;K1<=N1;K1++) { C[(K1-1)*N+NN] = C[(K1-2)*N+NN+1]*TN/TK; NN = NN-1; TN = TN-ONE; TK = TK+ONE; } } /* predictor-corrector constants for 2nd order differential equation */ PCC[2] = ONE; N1 = N-1; switch(N1) { case 1: case 2: fprintf(six,"***** ERROR: THE ORDER HAS TO BE GREATER THAN 2 ****"); break; case 3: PCC[0] = ONE/6.00; PCC[1] = FIVE/6.00; PCC[3] = ONE/3.00; break; case 4: PCC[0] = (double) 19.00/120.00; PCC[1] = (double) 3.00/4.00; PCC[3] = ONE/2.00; PCC[4] = ONE/12.00; break; case 5: PCC[0] = (double) 3.00/20.00; PCC[1] = (double) 251.00/360.00; PCC[3] = (double) 11.00/18.00; PCC[4] = ONE/6.00; PCC[5] = ONE/60.00; break; case 6: PCC[0] = (double) 863.00/6048.00; PCC[1] = (double) 665.00/1008.00; PCC[3] = (double) 25.00/36.00; PCC[4] = (double) 35.00/144.00; PCC[5] = ONE/24.00; PCC[6] = ONE/360.00; break; case 7: PCC[0] = (double) 275.00/2016.00; PCC[1] = (double) 19087.00/30240.00; PCC[3] = (double) 137.00/180.00; PCC[4] = FIVE/16.00; PCC[5] = (double) 17.00/240.00; PCC[6] = ONE/120.00; PCC[7] = ONE/2520.00; break; default: break; } } /* end of subroutine CNSTNT */