/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of The University of Michigan * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "arch/isa_traits.hh" #include "base/str.hh" #include "cpu/ozone/lw_lsq.hh" template OzoneLWLSQ::StoreCompletionEvent::StoreCompletionEvent(DynInstPtr &_inst, BackEnd *_be, Event *wb_event, OzoneLWLSQ *lsq_ptr) : Event(&mainEventQueue), inst(_inst), be(_be), wbEvent(wb_event), lsqPtr(lsq_ptr) { this->setFlags(Event::AutoDelete); } template void OzoneLWLSQ::StoreCompletionEvent::process() { DPRINTF(OzoneLSQ, "Cache miss complete for store [sn:%lli]\n", inst->seqNum); //lsqPtr->removeMSHR(lsqPtr->storeQueue[storeIdx].inst->seqNum); // lsqPtr->cpu->wakeCPU(); if (wbEvent) { wbEvent->process(); delete wbEvent; } lsqPtr->completeStore(inst->sqIdx); be->removeDcacheMiss(inst); } template const char * OzoneLWLSQ::StoreCompletionEvent::description() { return "LSQ store completion event"; } template OzoneLWLSQ::OzoneLWLSQ() : loads(0), stores(0), storesToWB(0), stalled(false), isLoadBlocked(false), loadBlockedHandled(false) { } template void OzoneLWLSQ::init(Params *params, unsigned maxLQEntries, unsigned maxSQEntries, unsigned id) { DPRINTF(OzoneLSQ, "Creating OzoneLWLSQ%i object.\n",id); lsqID = id; LQEntries = maxLQEntries; SQEntries = maxSQEntries; for (int i = 0; i < LQEntries * 10; i++) { LQIndices.push(i); SQIndices.push(i); } // May want to initialize these entries to NULL // loadHead = loadTail = 0; // storeHead = storeWBIdx = storeTail = 0; usedPorts = 0; cachePorts = params->cachePorts; dcacheInterface = params->dcacheInterface; loadFaultInst = storeFaultInst = memDepViolator = NULL; blockedLoadSeqNum = 0; } template std::string OzoneLWLSQ::name() const { return "lsqunit"; } template void OzoneLWLSQ::clearLQ() { loadQueue.clear(); } template void OzoneLWLSQ::clearSQ() { storeQueue.clear(); } /* template void OzoneLWLSQ::setPageTable(PageTable *pt_ptr) { DPRINTF(OzoneLSQ, "Setting the page table pointer.\n"); pTable = pt_ptr; } */ template void OzoneLWLSQ::resizeLQ(unsigned size) { assert( size >= LQEntries); if (size > LQEntries) { while (size > loadQueue.size()) { DynInstPtr dummy; loadQueue.push_back(dummy); LQEntries++; } } else { LQEntries = size; } } template void OzoneLWLSQ::resizeSQ(unsigned size) { if (size > SQEntries) { while (size > storeQueue.size()) { SQEntry dummy; storeQueue.push_back(dummy); SQEntries++; } } else { SQEntries = size; } } template void OzoneLWLSQ::insert(DynInstPtr &inst) { // Make sure we really have a memory reference. assert(inst->isMemRef()); // Make sure it's one of the two classes of memory references. assert(inst->isLoad() || inst->isStore()); if (inst->isLoad()) { insertLoad(inst); } else { insertStore(inst); } // inst->setInLSQ(); } template void OzoneLWLSQ::insertLoad(DynInstPtr &load_inst) { assert(!LQIndices.empty()); int load_index = LQIndices.front(); LQIndices.pop(); DPRINTF(OzoneLSQ, "Inserting load PC %#x, idx:%i [sn:%lli]\n", load_inst->readPC(), load_index, load_inst->seqNum); load_inst->lqIdx = load_index; loadQueue.push_front(load_inst); LQItHash[load_index] = loadQueue.begin(); ++loads; } template void OzoneLWLSQ::insertStore(DynInstPtr &store_inst) { // Make sure it is not full before inserting an instruction. assert(stores - storesToWB < SQEntries); assert(!SQIndices.empty()); int store_index = SQIndices.front(); SQIndices.pop(); DPRINTF(OzoneLSQ, "Inserting store PC %#x, idx:%i [sn:%lli]\n", store_inst->readPC(), store_index, store_inst->seqNum); store_inst->sqIdx = store_index; SQEntry entry(store_inst); if (loadQueue.empty()) { entry.lqIt = loadQueue.end(); } else { entry.lqIt = loadQueue.begin(); } storeQueue.push_front(entry); SQItHash[store_index] = storeQueue.begin(); ++stores; } template typename Impl::DynInstPtr OzoneLWLSQ::getMemDepViolator() { DynInstPtr temp = memDepViolator; memDepViolator = NULL; return temp; } template unsigned OzoneLWLSQ::numFreeEntries() { unsigned free_lq_entries = LQEntries - loads; unsigned free_sq_entries = SQEntries - stores; // Both the LQ and SQ entries have an extra dummy entry to differentiate // empty/full conditions. Subtract 1 from the free entries. if (free_lq_entries < free_sq_entries) { return free_lq_entries - 1; } else { return free_sq_entries - 1; } } template int OzoneLWLSQ::numLoadsReady() { int retval = 0; LQIt lq_it = loadQueue.begin(); LQIt end_it = loadQueue.end(); while (lq_it != end_it) { if ((*lq_it)->readyToIssue()) { ++retval; } } return retval; } template Fault OzoneLWLSQ::executeLoad(DynInstPtr &inst) { // Execute a specific load. Fault load_fault = NoFault; DPRINTF(OzoneLSQ, "Executing load PC %#x, [sn:%lli]\n", inst->readPC(),inst->seqNum); // Make sure it's really in the list. // Normally it should always be in the list. However, /* due to a syscall it may not be the list. #ifdef DEBUG int i = loadHead; while (1) { if (i == loadTail && !find(inst)) { assert(0 && "Load not in the queue!"); } else if (loadQueue[i] == inst) { break; } i = i + 1; if (i >= LQEntries) { i = 0; } } #endif // DEBUG*/ load_fault = inst->initiateAcc(); // Might want to make sure that I'm not overwriting a previously faulting // instruction that hasn't been checked yet. // Actually probably want the oldest faulting load if (load_fault != NoFault) { DPRINTF(OzoneLSQ, "Load [sn:%lli] has a fault\n", inst->seqNum); // Maybe just set it as can commit here, although that might cause // some other problems with sending traps to the ROB too quickly. be->instToCommit(inst); // iewStage->activityThisCycle(); } return load_fault; } template Fault OzoneLWLSQ::executeStore(DynInstPtr &store_inst) { // Make sure that a store exists. assert(stores != 0); int store_idx = store_inst->sqIdx; SQHashIt sq_hash_it = SQItHash.find(store_idx); assert(sq_hash_it != SQItHash.end()); DPRINTF(OzoneLSQ, "Executing store PC %#x [sn:%lli]\n", store_inst->readPC(), store_inst->seqNum); SQIt sq_it = (*sq_hash_it).second; Fault store_fault = store_inst->initiateAcc(); // Store size should now be available. Use it to get proper offset for // addr comparisons. int size = (*sq_it).size; if (size == 0) { DPRINTF(OzoneLSQ,"Fault on Store PC %#x, [sn:%lli],Size = 0\n", store_inst->readPC(),store_inst->seqNum); return store_fault; } assert(store_fault == NoFault); if (!storeFaultInst) { if (store_fault != NoFault) { panic("Fault in a store instruction!"); storeFaultInst = store_inst; } else if (store_inst->isNonSpeculative()) { // Nonspeculative accesses (namely store conditionals) // need to set themselves as able to writeback if we // haven't had a fault by here. (*sq_it).canWB = true; ++storesToWB; DPRINTF(OzoneLSQ, "Nonspeculative store! storesToWB:%i\n", storesToWB); } } LQIt lq_it = --(loadQueue.end()); if (!memDepViolator) { while (lq_it != loadQueue.end()) { if ((*lq_it)->seqNum < store_inst->seqNum) { lq_it--; continue; } // Actually should only check loads that have actually executed // Might be safe because effAddr is set to InvalAddr when the // dyn inst is created. // Must actually check all addrs in the proper size range // Which is more correct than needs to be. What if for now we just // assume all loads are quad-word loads, and do the addr based // on that. // @todo: Fix this, magic number being used here if (((*lq_it)->effAddr >> 8) == (store_inst->effAddr >> 8)) { // A load incorrectly passed this store. Squash and refetch. // For now return a fault to show that it was unsuccessful. memDepViolator = (*lq_it); return TheISA::genMachineCheckFault(); } lq_it--; } // If we've reached this point, there was no violation. memDepViolator = NULL; } return store_fault; } template void OzoneLWLSQ::commitLoad() { assert(!loadQueue.empty()); DPRINTF(OzoneLSQ, "[sn:%lli] Committing head load instruction, PC %#x\n", loadQueue.back()->seqNum, loadQueue.back()->readPC()); LQIndices.push(loadQueue.back()->lqIdx); LQItHash.erase(loadQueue.back()->lqIdx); loadQueue.pop_back(); --loads; } template void OzoneLWLSQ::commitLoads(InstSeqNum &youngest_inst) { assert(loads == 0 || !loadQueue.empty()); while (loads != 0 && loadQueue.back()->seqNum <= youngest_inst) { commitLoad(); } } template void OzoneLWLSQ::commitStores(InstSeqNum &youngest_inst) { assert(stores == 0 || !storeQueue.empty()); SQIt sq_it = --(storeQueue.end()); while (!storeQueue.empty() && sq_it != storeQueue.end()) { assert((*sq_it).inst); if (!(*sq_it).canWB) { if ((*sq_it).inst->seqNum > youngest_inst) { break; } ++storesToWB; DPRINTF(OzoneLSQ, "Marking store as able to write back, PC " "%#x [sn:%lli], storesToWB:%i\n", (*sq_it).inst->readPC(), (*sq_it).inst->seqNum, storesToWB); (*sq_it).canWB = true; } sq_it--; } } template void OzoneLWLSQ::writebackStores() { SQIt sq_it = --(storeQueue.end()); while (storesToWB > 0 && sq_it != storeQueue.end() && (*sq_it).inst && (*sq_it).canWB && usedPorts < cachePorts) { DynInstPtr inst = (*sq_it).inst; if ((*sq_it).size == 0 && !(*sq_it).completed) { sq_it--; completeStore(inst->sqIdx); continue; } if (inst->isDataPrefetch() || (*sq_it).committed) { sq_it--; continue; } if (dcacheInterface && dcacheInterface->isBlocked()) { DPRINTF(OzoneLSQ, "Unable to write back any more stores, cache" " is blocked!\n"); break; } ++usedPorts; assert((*sq_it).req); assert(!(*sq_it).committed); MemReqPtr req = (*sq_it).req; (*sq_it).committed = true; req->cmd = Write; req->completionEvent = NULL; req->time = curTick; assert(!req->data); req->data = new uint8_t[64]; memcpy(req->data, (uint8_t *)&(*sq_it).data, req->size); DPRINTF(OzoneLSQ, "D-Cache: Writing back store idx:%i PC:%#x " "to Addr:%#x, data:%#x [sn:%lli]\n", inst->sqIdx,inst->readPC(), req->paddr, *(req->data), inst->seqNum); switch((*sq_it).size) { case 1: cpu->write(req, (uint8_t &)(*sq_it).data); break; case 2: cpu->write(req, (uint16_t &)(*sq_it).data); break; case 4: cpu->write(req, (uint32_t &)(*sq_it).data); break; case 8: cpu->write(req, (uint64_t &)(*sq_it).data); break; default: panic("Unexpected store size!\n"); } if (dcacheInterface) { MemAccessResult result = dcacheInterface->access(req); if (isStalled() && inst->seqNum == stallingStoreIsn) { DPRINTF(OzoneLSQ, "Unstalling, stalling store [sn:%lli] " "load [sn:%lli]\n", stallingStoreIsn, (*stallingLoad)->seqNum); stalled = false; stallingStoreIsn = 0; be->replayMemInst((*stallingLoad)); } if (result != MA_HIT && dcacheInterface->doEvents()) { // Event *wb = NULL; typename BackEnd::LdWritebackEvent *wb = NULL; if (req->flags & LOCKED) { // Stx_C does not generate a system port transaction. // req->result=1; wb = new typename BackEnd::LdWritebackEvent(inst, be); } DPRINTF(OzoneLSQ,"D-Cache Write Miss!\n"); // DPRINTF(Activity, "Active st accessing mem miss [sn:%lli]\n", // inst->seqNum); // Will stores need their own kind of writeback events? // Do stores even need writeback events? assert(!req->completionEvent); req->completionEvent = new StoreCompletionEvent(inst, be, wb, this); be->addDcacheMiss(inst); lastDcacheStall = curTick; _status = DcacheMissStall; // Increment stat here or something sq_it--; } else { DPRINTF(OzoneLSQ,"D-Cache: Write Hit on idx:%i !\n", inst->sqIdx); // DPRINTF(Activity, "Active st accessing mem hit [sn:%lli]\n", // inst->seqNum); if (req->flags & LOCKED) { // Stx_C does not generate a system port transaction. /* if (req->flags & UNCACHEABLE) { req->result = 2; } else { req->result = 1; } */ typename BackEnd::LdWritebackEvent *wb = new typename BackEnd::LdWritebackEvent(inst, be); wb->schedule(curTick); } sq_it--; completeStore(inst->sqIdx); } } else { panic("Must HAVE DCACHE!!!!!\n"); } } // Not sure this should set it to 0. usedPorts = 0; assert(stores >= 0 && storesToWB >= 0); } template void OzoneLWLSQ::squash(const InstSeqNum &squashed_num) { DPRINTF(OzoneLSQ, "Squashing until [sn:%lli]!" "(Loads:%i Stores:%i)\n",squashed_num,loads,stores); LQIt lq_it = loadQueue.begin(); while (loads != 0 && (*lq_it)->seqNum > squashed_num) { assert(!loadQueue.empty()); // Clear the smart pointer to make sure it is decremented. DPRINTF(OzoneLSQ,"Load Instruction PC %#x squashed, " "[sn:%lli]\n", (*lq_it)->readPC(), (*lq_it)->seqNum); if (isStalled() && lq_it == stallingLoad) { stalled = false; stallingStoreIsn = 0; stallingLoad = NULL; } --loads; // Inefficient! LQHashIt lq_hash_it = LQItHash.find((*lq_it)->lqIdx); assert(lq_hash_it != LQItHash.end()); LQItHash.erase(lq_hash_it); LQIndices.push((*lq_it)->lqIdx); loadQueue.erase(lq_it++); } if (isLoadBlocked) { if (squashed_num < blockedLoadSeqNum) { isLoadBlocked = false; loadBlockedHandled = false; blockedLoadSeqNum = 0; } } SQIt sq_it = storeQueue.begin(); while (stores != 0 && (*sq_it).inst->seqNum > squashed_num) { assert(!storeQueue.empty()); if ((*sq_it).canWB) { break; } // Clear the smart pointer to make sure it is decremented. DPRINTF(OzoneLSQ,"Store Instruction PC %#x idx:%i squashed [sn:%lli]\n", (*sq_it).inst->readPC(), (*sq_it).inst->sqIdx, (*sq_it).inst->seqNum); // I don't think this can happen. It should have been cleared by the // stalling load. if (isStalled() && (*sq_it).inst->seqNum == stallingStoreIsn) { panic("Is stalled should have been cleared by stalling load!\n"); stalled = false; stallingStoreIsn = 0; } SQHashIt sq_hash_it = SQItHash.find((*sq_it).inst->sqIdx); assert(sq_hash_it != SQItHash.end()); SQItHash.erase(sq_hash_it); SQIndices.push((*sq_it).inst->sqIdx); (*sq_it).inst = NULL; (*sq_it).canWB = 0; if ((*sq_it).req) { assert(!(*sq_it).req->completionEvent); } (*sq_it).req = NULL; --stores; storeQueue.erase(sq_it++); } } template void OzoneLWLSQ::dumpInsts() { cprintf("Load store queue: Dumping instructions.\n"); cprintf("Load queue size: %i\n", loads); cprintf("Load queue: "); LQIt lq_it = --(loadQueue.end()); while (lq_it != loadQueue.end() && (*lq_it)) { cprintf("[sn:%lli] %#x ", (*lq_it)->seqNum, (*lq_it)->readPC()); lq_it--; } cprintf("\nStore queue size: %i\n", stores); cprintf("Store queue: "); SQIt sq_it = --(storeQueue.end()); while (sq_it != storeQueue.end() && (*sq_it).inst) { cprintf("[sn:%lli]\nPC:%#x\nSize:%i\nCommitted:%i\nCompleted:%i\ncanWB:%i\n", (*sq_it).inst->seqNum, (*sq_it).inst->readPC(), (*sq_it).size, (*sq_it).committed, (*sq_it).completed, (*sq_it).canWB); sq_it--; } cprintf("\n"); } template void OzoneLWLSQ::completeStore(int store_idx) { SQHashIt sq_hash_it = SQItHash.find(store_idx); assert(sq_hash_it != SQItHash.end()); SQIt sq_it = (*sq_hash_it).second; assert((*sq_it).inst); (*sq_it).completed = true; DynInstPtr inst = (*sq_it).inst; --storesToWB; if (isStalled() && inst->seqNum == stallingStoreIsn) { DPRINTF(OzoneLSQ, "Unstalling, stalling store [sn:%lli] " "load [sn:%lli]\n", stallingStoreIsn, (*stallingLoad)->seqNum); stalled = false; stallingStoreIsn = 0; be->replayMemInst((*stallingLoad)); } DPRINTF(OzoneLSQ, "Completing store idx:%i [sn:%lli], storesToWB:%i\n", inst->sqIdx, inst->seqNum, storesToWB); // A bit conservative because a store completion may not free up entries, // but hopefully avoids two store completions in one cycle from making // the CPU tick twice. // cpu->activityThisCycle(); assert(!storeQueue.empty()); SQItHash.erase(sq_hash_it); SQIndices.push(inst->sqIdx); storeQueue.erase(sq_it); --stores; /* SQIt oldest_store_it = --(storeQueue.end()); if (sq_it == oldest_store_it) { do { inst = (*oldest_store_it).inst; sq_hash_it = SQItHash.find(inst->sqIdx); assert(sq_hash_it != SQItHash.end()); SQItHash.erase(sq_hash_it); SQIndices.push(inst->sqIdx); storeQueue.erase(oldest_store_it--); --stores; } while ((*oldest_store_it).completed && oldest_store_it != storeQueue.end()); // be->updateLSQNextCycle = true; } */ }