/*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Copyright (c) 1994 Stanford University */ /* */ /* All rights reserved. */ /* */ /* Permission is given to use, copy, and modify this software for any */ /* non-commercial purpose as long as this copyright notice is not */ /* removed. All other uses, including redistribution in whole or in */ /* part, are forbidden without prior written permission. */ /* */ /* This software is provided with absolutely no warranty and no */ /* support. */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ /* * FMM.C * * This file contains the entry to Greengard's adaptive algorithm. * Usage: FMM < inputfile Command line options: -o : Print out final particle positions. -s : Print out individual processor timing statistics. -h : Print out command line options Input file parameter description: There are a total of nine parameters, with parameters three through seven having no default values. 1) Cluster Type : Particles are distributed either in one cluster, or two interacting clusters of size (# of particles)/ 2. These two options are selected by the strings "one cluster" or "two cluster". The default is for two clusters. 2) Distribution Type : Particles are distributed in a cluster either in a spherical uniform distribution, or according to the Plummer model which typically has a large percentage of the particles close to the center of the sphere and fewer particles farther from the center. There two options are selected by the strings "uniform" or "plummer". The default is for a plummer distribution. 3) Number Of Particles : Should be an integer greater than 0. 4) Precision : A measure of how accurate the calculation should be. A precision of 1e-3 means that the results will be accurate to within three decimal places regardless of the relative magnitude of the positions. The precision should be a real number greater than 0. 5) Number of Processors : Should be an integer greater than 0. 6) Number of Time Steps : Should be an integer greater than 0. 7) Duration of a Time Step : How long each time step lasts. Should be a double greater than 0. 8) Softening Parameter : This value sets the minimum distance in each direction that two particles can be separated by. If two particles are closer than this, the distance used for the calculation is changed to the softening parameter. The particle positions themselves are NOT changed. This number should be a real number greater than 0 and defaults to DBL_MIN or FLT_MIN, depending on what type of data is being used. 9) Partitioning Scheme : Sets which type of partitioning scheme is used. There are currently two : "cost zones" and "orb". The default is cost zones. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "box.h" #include "construct_grid.h" #include "cost_zones.h" #include "defs.h" #include "interactions.h" #include "memory.h" #include "particle.h" #include "partition_grid.h" #define BASE ((((double) 4) - sqrt((double) 2)) / sqrt((double) 2)) #define MAX_LINE_SIZE 100 /* OCCUPANCY * maximum particles per box = avg number of particles per box */ #define OCCUPANCY ((MAX_PARTICLES_PER_BOX > 5) ? .375 : .750) /* Some processors will be given more than the average number of particles. * PDF (Particle Distribution Factor) is the ratio of the maximum to the avg */ #define PDF 4.0 /* A nonuniform distribution will require more boxes than a uniform * distribution of the same size. TOLERANCE is used to account for this */ #define TOLERANCE 1.5 /* Save as PDF, but for boxes */ /* define BDF (((Total_Particles/Number_Of_Processors) > 128) ? 2.0 : 3.0)*/ #define BDF (((Total_Particles/Number_Of_Processors) > 128) ? 4.0 : 8.0) static partition_alg Partition_Flag; static real Precision; static long Time_Steps; static cluster_type Cluster; static model_type Model; long do_stats = 0; long do_output = 0; unsigned long starttime; unsigned long endtime; void ParallelExecute(void); void StepSimulation(long my_id, time_info *local_time, long time_all); void PartitionGrid(long my_id, time_info *local_time, long time_all); void GetArguments(void); void PrintTimes(void); void Help(void); int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { long c; extern char *optarg; CLOCK(starttime); while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "osh")) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'o': do_output = 1; break; case 's': do_stats = 1; break; case 'h': Help(); break; } } MAIN_INITENV(,40000000); GetArguments(); InitGlobalMemory(); InitExpTables(); CreateDistribution(Cluster, Model); /* for (i = 1; i < Number_Of_Processors; i++) { CREATE(ParallelExecute); } ParallelExecute(); WAIT_FOR_END(Number_Of_Processors - 1);*/ CREATE(ParallelExecute, Number_Of_Processors); WAIT_FOR_END(Number_Of_Processors); printf("Finished FMM\n"); PrintTimes(); if (do_output) { PrintAllParticles(); } MAIN_END; } void ParallelExecute () { long my_id; long num_boxes; unsigned long start, finish = 0; time_info *local_time; long time_all = 0; time_info *timing; unsigned long local_init_done = 0; BARINCLUDE(G_Memory->synch); local_time = (time_info *) malloc(sizeof(struct _Time_Info) * MAX_TIME_STEPS); BARRIER(G_Memory->synch, Number_Of_Processors); LOCK(G_Memory->count_lock); my_id = G_Memory->id; G_Memory->id++; UNLOCK(G_Memory->count_lock); /* POSSIBLE ENHANCEMENT: Here is where one might pin processes to processors to avoid migration */ if (my_id == 0) { time_all = 1; } else if (do_stats) { time_all = 1; } if (my_id == 0) { /* have to allocate extra space since it will construct the grid by * itself for the first time step */ CreateParticleList(my_id, Total_Particles); InitParticleList(my_id, Total_Particles, 0); } else { CreateParticleList(my_id, ((Total_Particles * PDF) / Number_Of_Processors)); InitParticleList(my_id, 0, 0); } num_boxes = 1.333 * (Total_Particles / (OCCUPANCY * MAX_PARTICLES_PER_BOX)); if (my_id == 0) CreateBoxes(my_id, TOLERANCE * num_boxes); else CreateBoxes(my_id, TOLERANCE * num_boxes * BDF / Number_Of_Processors); if (my_id == 0) { LockedPrint("Starting FMM with %d processor%s\n", Number_Of_Processors, (Number_Of_Processors == 1) ? "" : "s"); } BARRIER(G_Memory->synch, Number_Of_Processors); Local[my_id].Time = 0.0; for (MY_TIME_STEP = 0; MY_TIME_STEP < Time_Steps; MY_TIME_STEP++) { if (MY_TIME_STEP == 2) { /* POSSIBLE ENHANCEMENT: Here is where one might reset the statistics that one is measuring about the parallel execution */ } if (MY_TIME_STEP == 2) { if (do_stats || my_id == 0) { CLOCK(local_init_done); } } if (MY_TIME_STEP == 0) { CLOCK(start); } else start = finish; ConstructGrid(my_id,local_time,time_all); ConstructLists(my_id,local_time,time_all); PartitionGrid(my_id,local_time,time_all); StepSimulation(my_id,local_time,time_all); DestroyGrid(my_id,local_time,time_all); CLOCK(finish); Local[my_id].Time += Timestep_Dur; MY_TIMING[MY_TIME_STEP].total_time = finish - start; } if (my_id == 0) { CLOCK(endtime); } BARRIER(G_Memory->synch, Number_Of_Processors); for (MY_TIME_STEP = 0; MY_TIME_STEP < Time_Steps; MY_TIME_STEP++) { timing = &(MY_TIMING[MY_TIME_STEP]); timing->other_time = local_time[MY_TIME_STEP].other_time; timing->construct_time = local_time[MY_TIME_STEP].construct_time; timing->list_time = local_time[MY_TIME_STEP].list_time; timing->partition_time = local_time[MY_TIME_STEP].partition_time; timing->pass_time = local_time[MY_TIME_STEP].pass_time; timing->inter_time = local_time[MY_TIME_STEP].inter_time; timing->barrier_time = local_time[MY_TIME_STEP].barrier_time; timing->intra_time = local_time[MY_TIME_STEP].intra_time; } Local[my_id].init_done_times = local_init_done; BARRIER(G_Memory->synch, Number_Of_Processors); } void PartitionGrid (long my_id, time_info *local_time, long time_all) { unsigned long start = 0, finish; if (time_all) CLOCK(start); if (Partition_Flag == COST_ZONES) CostZones(my_id); if (time_all) { CLOCK(finish); local_time[MY_TIME_STEP].partition_time = finish - start; } } void StepSimulation (long my_id, time_info *local_time, long time_all) { unsigned long start, finish; unsigned long upward_end, interaction_end, downward_end, barrier_end; if (time_all) CLOCK(start); PartitionIterate(my_id, UpwardPass, BOTTOM); if (time_all) CLOCK(upward_end); PartitionIterate(my_id, ComputeInteractions, BOTTOM); if (time_all) CLOCK(interaction_end); BARRIER(G_Memory->synch, Number_Of_Processors); if (time_all) CLOCK(barrier_end); PartitionIterate(my_id, DownwardPass, TOP); if (time_all) CLOCK(downward_end); PartitionIterate(my_id, ComputeParticlePositions, CHILDREN); if (time_all) CLOCK(finish); if (time_all) { local_time[MY_TIME_STEP].pass_time = upward_end - start; local_time[MY_TIME_STEP].inter_time = interaction_end - upward_end; local_time[MY_TIME_STEP].barrier_time = barrier_end - interaction_end; local_time[MY_TIME_STEP].pass_time += downward_end - barrier_end; local_time[MY_TIME_STEP].intra_time = finish - downward_end; } } void GetArguments () { char *input; input = (char *) malloc(MAX_LINE_SIZE * sizeof(char)); if (input == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR\n"); exit(-1); } gets(input); if (strcmp(input, "one cluster") == 0) Cluster = ONE_CLUSTER; else { if ((*input == '\0') || (strcmp(input, "two cluster") == 0)) Cluster = TWO_CLUSTER; else { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: The only cluster types available are "); fprintf(stderr, "\"one cluster\" or \"two cluster\".\n"); fprintf(stderr, "If you need help, type \"nbody -help\".\n"); exit(-1); } } gets(input); if (strcmp(input, "uniform") == 0) Model = UNIFORM; else { if ((*input == '\0') || (strcmp(input, "plummer") == 0)) Model = PLUMMER; else { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: The only distributions available are "); fprintf(stderr, "\"uniform\" or \"plummer\".\n"); fprintf(stderr, "If you need help, type \"nbody -help\".\n"); exit(-1); } } Total_Particles = atoi(gets(input)); if (Total_Particles <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: The number of particles should be an int "); fprintf(stderr, "greater than 0.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "If you need help, type \"nbody -help\".\n"); exit(-1); } Precision = atof(gets(input)); if (Precision == 0.0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: The precision has no default value.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "If you need help, type \"nbody -help\".\n"); exit(-1); } /* Determine number of multipole expansion terms needed for specified * precision and flag an error if it is too precise */ Expansion_Terms = (long) ceil(-(log(Precision) / log(BASE))); if (Expansion_Terms > MAX_EXPANSION_TERMS) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %g (%ld terms) is too great a precision.\n", Precision, Expansion_Terms); fprintf(stderr, "If you need help, type \"nbody -help\".\n"); exit(-1); } Number_Of_Processors = atoi(gets(input)); if (Number_Of_Processors == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: The Number_Of_Processors has no default.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "If you need help, type \"nbody -help\".\n"); exit(-1); } if (Number_Of_Processors < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Number of processors should be an int greater "); fprintf(stderr, "than 0.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "If you need help, type \"nbody -help\".\n"); exit(-1); } Time_Steps = atoi(gets(input)); if (Time_Steps == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: The number of time steps has no default.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "If you need help, type \"nbody -help\".\n"); exit(-1); } if (Time_Steps < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: The number of time steps should be an int "); fprintf(stderr, "greater than 0.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "If you need help, type \"nbody -help\".\n"); exit(-1); } Timestep_Dur = atof(gets(input)); if (Timestep_Dur == 0.0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: The duration of a time step has no default "); fprintf(stderr, "value.\n If you need help, type \"nbody -help\".\n"); exit(-1); } if (Timestep_Dur < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: The duration of a time step should be a "); fprintf(stderr, "double greater than 0.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "If you need help, type \"nbody -help\".\n"); exit(-1); } Softening_Param = atof(gets(input)); if (Softening_Param == 0.0) Softening_Param = MIN_REAL; if (Softening_Param < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: The softening parameter should be a double "); fprintf(stderr, "greater than 0.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "If you need help, type \"nbody -help\".\n"); exit(-1); } gets(input); if ((*input == '\0') || (strcmp(input, "cost zones") == 0)) Partition_Flag = COST_ZONES; else { if (strcmp(input, "orb") == 0) Partition_Flag = ORB; else { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: The only partitioning schemes available "); fprintf(stderr, "are \"cost zones\" \n\t or \"orb\".\n"); fprintf(stderr, "If you need help, type \"nbody -help\".\n"); exit(-1); } } } void PrintTimes () { long i, j; time_info *timing; FILE *fp; double t_total_time = 0; double t_tree_time = 0; double t_list_time = 0; double t_part_time = 0; double t_pass_time = 0; double t_inter_time = 0; double t_bar_time = 0; double t_intra_time = 0; double t_other_time = 0; double total_time; double tree_time; double list_time; double part_time; double pass_time; double inter_time; double bar_time; double intra_time; double other_time; double overall_total = 0; long P; long init_done; if ((fp = fopen("times", "w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening output file\n"); fflush(stderr); exit(-1); } fprintf(fp, "TIMING:\n"); fprintf(fp, "%ld\t%ld\t%.2e\t%ld\n", Number_Of_Processors, Total_Particles, Precision, Time_Steps); for (i = 0; i < Time_Steps; i++) { fprintf(fp, "Time Step %ld\n", i); for (j = 0; j < Number_Of_Processors; j++) { timing = &(Local[j].Timing[i]); fprintf(fp, "Processor %ld\n", j); fprintf(fp, "\tTotal Time = %lu\n", timing->total_time); if (do_stats) { fprintf(fp, "\tTree Construction Time = %lu\n", timing->construct_time); fprintf(fp, "\tList Construction Time = %lu\n", timing->list_time); fprintf(fp, "\tPartition Time = %lu\n", timing->partition_time); fprintf(fp, "\tTree Pass Time = %lu\n", timing->pass_time); fprintf(fp, "\tInter Particle Time = %lu\n", timing->inter_time); fprintf(fp, "\tBarrier Time = %lu\n", timing->barrier_time); fprintf(fp, "\tIntra Particle Time = %lu\n", timing->intra_time); fprintf(fp, "\tOther Time = %lu\n", timing->other_time); } fflush(fp); } } fprintf(fp, "END\n"); fclose(fp); printf(" PROCESS STATISTICS\n"); printf(" Track Tree List Part Pass Inter Bar Intra Other\n"); printf(" Proc Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time\n"); total_time = tree_time = list_time = part_time = pass_time = inter_time = bar_time = intra_time = other_time = 0; for (i = 2; i < Time_Steps; i++) { timing = &(Local[0].Timing[i]); total_time += timing->total_time; tree_time += timing->construct_time; list_time += timing->list_time; part_time += timing->partition_time; pass_time += timing->pass_time; inter_time += timing->inter_time; bar_time += timing->barrier_time; intra_time += timing->intra_time; other_time += timing->other_time; } printf(" %4d %12.0f%12.0f%12.0f%12.0f%12.0f%12.0f%12.0f%12.0f%12.0f\n", 0,total_time,tree_time,list_time,part_time,pass_time, inter_time,bar_time,intra_time,other_time); t_total_time += total_time; t_tree_time += tree_time; t_list_time += list_time; t_part_time += part_time; t_pass_time += pass_time; t_inter_time += inter_time; t_bar_time += bar_time; t_intra_time += intra_time; t_other_time += other_time; if (total_time > overall_total) { overall_total = total_time; } for (j = 1; j < Number_Of_Processors; j++) { total_time = tree_time = list_time = part_time = pass_time = inter_time = bar_time = intra_time = other_time = 0; for (i = 2; i < Time_Steps; i++) { timing = &(Local[j].Timing[i]); total_time += timing->total_time; tree_time += timing->construct_time; list_time += timing->list_time; part_time += timing->partition_time; pass_time += timing->pass_time; inter_time += timing->inter_time; bar_time += timing->barrier_time; intra_time += timing->intra_time; other_time += timing->other_time; } if (do_stats) { printf(" %4ld %12.0f%12.0f%12.0f%12.0f%12.0f%12.0f%12.0f%12.0f%12.0f\n", j,total_time,tree_time,list_time,part_time,pass_time, inter_time,bar_time,intra_time,other_time); } t_total_time += total_time; t_tree_time += tree_time; t_list_time += list_time; t_part_time += part_time; t_pass_time += pass_time; t_inter_time += inter_time; t_bar_time += bar_time; t_intra_time += intra_time; t_other_time += other_time; if (total_time > overall_total) { overall_total = total_time; } } if (do_stats) { P = Number_Of_Processors; printf(" Avg %12.0f%12.0f%12.0f%12.0f%12.0f%12.0f%12.0f%12.0f%12.0f\n", t_total_time/P,t_tree_time/P,t_list_time/P,t_part_time/P, t_pass_time/P,t_inter_time/P,t_bar_time/P,t_intra_time/P, t_other_time/P); } printf("\n"); if (Time_Steps > 2) { init_done = Local[0].init_done_times; if (do_stats) { for (j = 1; j < Number_Of_Processors; j++) { if (Local[j].init_done_times > init_done) { init_done = Local[j].init_done_times; } } } printf(" TIMING INFORMATION\n"); printf("Start time : %16lu\n", starttime); printf("Initialization finish time : %16lu\n", init_done); printf("Overall finish time : %16lu\n", endtime); printf("Total time with initialization : %16lu\n", endtime - starttime); printf("Total time without initialization : %16lu\n", (long) (overall_total)); printf("\n"); printf("Total time for steps %ld to %ld : %12.0f\n", 3L, Time_Steps, overall_total); printf("\n"); } } void Help () { printf("Usage: FMM < inputfile\n\n"); printf("options:\n"); printf(" -o : Print out final particle positions.\n"); printf(" -s : Print out individual processor timing statistics.\n"); printf(" -h : Print out command line options\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Input parameter descriptions:\n"); printf(" There are nine parameters, and parameters three through\n"); printf(" have no default values.\n"); printf("1) Cluster Type : Distribute particles in one cluster\n"); printf(" (\"one cluster\") or two interacting clusters (\"two cluster\")\n"); printf(" Default is two cluster.\n"); printf("2) Distribution Type : Distribute particles in either a\n"); printf(" uniform spherical distribution (\"uniform\"), or in a\n"); printf(" Plummer model (\"plummer\"). Default is plummer.\n"); printf("3) Number Of Particles : Integer greater than 0.\n"); printf("4) Precision : Precision of results. Should be a double.\n"); printf("5) Number of Processors : Integer greater than 0.\n"); printf("6) Number of Time Steps : Integer greater than 0.\n"); printf("7) Time Step Duration : Double greater than 0.\n"); printf("8) Softening Parameter : Real number greater than 0.\n"); printf(" Defaults is DBL_MIN or FLT_MIN.\n"); printf("9) Partitioning Scheme : \"cost zones\" or \"orb\".\n"); printf(" Default is cost zones.\n"); exit(0); } #undef MAX_LINE_SIZE #undef BASE