/*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Copyright (c) 1994 Stanford University */ /* */ /* All rights reserved. */ /* */ /* Permission is given to use, copy, and modify this software for any */ /* non-commercial purpose as long as this copyright notice is not */ /* removed. All other uses, including redistribution in whole or in */ /* part, are forbidden without prior written permission. */ /* */ /* This software is provided with absolutely no warranty and no */ /* support. */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ #include #include #include "box.h" #include "defs.h" #include "memory.h" #include "particle.h" /* How many boxes can fit on one line */ #define BOXES_PER_LINE 4 #define TERMS_PER_LINE 2 box *Grid = NULL; void ZeroBox(long my_id, box *b); void CreateBoxes (long my_id, long num_boxes) { long i; LOCK(G_Memory->mal_lock); Local[my_id].B_Heap = (box *) G_MALLOC(num_boxes * sizeof(box)); /* POSSIBLE ENHANCEMENT: Here is where one might distribute the B_Heap data across physically distributed memories as desired. One way to do this is as follows: char *starting_address; char *ending_address; starting_address = (char *) Local[my_id].B_Heap; ending_address = (((char *) Local[my_id].B_Heap) + (num_boxes * sizeof(particle *)) - 1); Place all addresses x such that (starting_address <= x < ending_address) on node my_id */ UNLOCK(G_Memory->mal_lock); Local[my_id].Max_B_Heap = num_boxes; Local[my_id].Index_B_Heap = 0; for (i = 0; i < num_boxes; i++) { Local[my_id].B_Heap[i].exp_lock_index = i % (MAX_LOCKS - 1); Local[my_id].B_Heap[i].particle_lock_index = i % (MAX_LOCKS - 1); Local[my_id].B_Heap[i].id = i + ((double) my_id / ID_LIMIT); ZeroBox(my_id, &Local[my_id].B_Heap[i]); } } void FreeBoxes (long my_id) { long i; box *b_array; b_array = Local[my_id].B_Heap; for (i = 0; i < Local[my_id].Index_B_Heap; i++) ZeroBox(my_id, &b_array[i]); Local[my_id].Index_B_Heap = 0; } void ZeroBox (long my_id, box *b) { long i; b->type = CHILDLESS; b->num_particles = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_PARTICLES_PER_BOX; i++) b->particles[i] = NULL; b->parent = NULL; for (i = 0; i < NUM_OFFSPRING; i++) { b->children[i] = NULL; b->shadow[i] = NULL; } b->num_children = 0; b->construct_synch = 0; b->interaction_synch = 0; b->cost = 0; b->proc = my_id; b->subtree_cost = 0; b->next = NULL; b->prev = NULL; } /* * InitBox (long my_id, real x_center, real y_center, real length, long level, box *parent) * * Args : the x_center and y_center of the center of the box; * the length of the box; * the level of the box; * the address of b's parent. * * Returns : the address of the newly created box. * * Side Effects : Initializes num_particles to 0, all other pointers to NULL, * and sets the box ID to a unique number. It also creates the space for * the two expansion arrays. * */ box * InitBox (long my_id, real x_center, real y_center, real length, box *parent) { box *b; if (Local[my_id].Index_B_Heap == Local[my_id].Max_B_Heap) { LockedPrint("ERROR (P%d) : Ran out of boxes\n", my_id); exit(-1); } b = &Local[my_id].B_Heap[Local[my_id].Index_B_Heap++]; b->x_center = x_center; b->y_center = y_center; b->length = length; b->parent = parent; if (parent == NULL) b->level = 0; else b->level = parent->level + 1; return b; } /* * PrintBox (box *b) * * Args : the address of a box, b. * * Returns : nothing. * * Side Effects : Prints to stdout the information stored for b. * */ void PrintBox (box *b) { LOCK(G_Memory->io_lock); fflush(stdout); if (b != NULL) { printf("Info for B%f :\n", b->id); printf(" X center = %.40g\n", b->x_center); printf(" Y center = %.40g\n", b->y_center); printf(" Length = %.40g\n", b->length); printf(" Level = %ld\n", b->level); printf(" Type = %d\n", b->type); printf(" Child Num = %ld\n", b->child_num); if (b->parent == NULL) printf(" Parent = NONE\n"); else printf(" Parent = B%f\n", b->parent->id); printf(" Children's IDs : "); if (b->num_children != 0) PrintBoxArrayIds(b->children, b->num_children); else printf("NONE\n"); printf(" Sibling's IDs : "); if (b->num_siblings != 0) PrintBoxArrayIds(b->siblings, b->num_siblings); else printf("NONE\n"); printf(" Colleagues' IDs : "); PrintBoxArrayIds(b->colleagues, b->num_colleagues); printf(" U List IDs : "); PrintBoxArrayIds(b->u_list, b->num_u_list); printf(" V List IDs : "); PrintBoxArrayIds(b->v_list, b->num_v_list); printf(" W List IDs : "); PrintBoxArrayIds(b->w_list, b->num_w_list); printf(" # of Particles = %ld\n", b->num_particles); printf(" Particles' IDs : "); PrintParticleArrayIds(b->particles, b->num_particles); printf(" Assigned Process ID : %ld\n", b->proc); printf(" Cost : %ld\n", b->cost); printf("\n"); } else printf("Box has not been initialized yet.\n\n"); UNLOCK(G_Memory->io_lock); } /* * PrintBoxArrayIds (box_node *b_array[], long array_length) * * Args : the address of the box array, b_array; * the length of the array, array_length. * * Returns : nothing. * * Side Effects : Prints to stdout just the id numbers for every box in * b_array. * */ void PrintBoxArrayIds (box *b_array[], long array_length) { long i; long tab_count; tab_count = 0; for (i = 0; i < array_length; i++) { if (tab_count == 0) { printf("\n"); tab_count = BOXES_PER_LINE; } if (b_array[i] != NULL) printf("\tB%f", b_array[i]->id); tab_count -= 1; } printf("\n"); } /* * PrintExpansionTerms (real expansion[]) * * Args : the array of expansion terms, expansion. * * Returns : nothing. * * Side Effects : Prints to stdout the contents of expansion. * */ void PrintExpansionTerms (complex expansion[]) { long i; long tab_count = 0; for (i = 0; i < Expansion_Terms; i++) { if (tab_count == 0) { printf("\n"); tab_count = TERMS_PER_LINE; } if (expansion[i].i >= (real) 0.0) printf("\ta%ld = %.3e + %.3ei", i, expansion[i].r, expansion[i].i); else printf("\ta%ld = %.3e - %.3ei", i, expansion[i].r, -expansion[i].i); tab_count -= 1; } printf("\n"); } void ListIterate (long my_id, box *b, box **list, long length, list_function function) { long i; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (list[i] == NULL) { LockedPrint("ERROR (P%d) : NULL list entry\n", my_id); exit(-1); } (*function)(my_id, list[i], b); } } /* * AdjacentBoxes (box *b1, box *b2) * * Args : two potentially adjacent boxes, b1 and b2. * * Returns : TRUE, if boxes are adjacent, FALSE if not. * * Side Effects : none. * * Comments : Two boxes are adjacent if their centers are separated in either * the x or y directions by (1/2 the length of b1) + (1/2 length of b2), * and separated in the other direction by a distance less than or equal * to (1/2 the length of b1) + (1/2 the length of b2). * * NOTE : By this definition, parents are NOT adjacent to their children. */ long AdjacentBoxes (box *b1, box *b2) { real exact_separation; real x_separation; real y_separation; long ret_val; exact_separation = (b1->length / (real) 2.0) + (b2->length / (real) 2.0); x_separation = (real) fabs((double)(b1->x_center - b2->x_center)); y_separation = (real) fabs((double)(b1->y_center - b2->y_center)); if ((x_separation == exact_separation) && (y_separation <= exact_separation)) ret_val = TRUE; else if ((y_separation == exact_separation) && (x_separation <= exact_separation)) ret_val = TRUE; else ret_val = FALSE; return ret_val; } /* * WellSeparatedBoxes (box *b1, box *b2) * * Args : Two potentially well separated boxes, b1 and b2. * * Returns : TRUE, if the two boxes are well separated, and FALSE if not. * * Side Effects : none. * * Comments : Well separated means that the two boxes are separated by the * length of the boxes. If one of the boxes is bigger than the other, * the smaller box is given the length of the larger box. This means * that the centers of the two boxes, regardless of their relative size, * must be separated in the x or y direction (or both) by at least * twice the length of the biggest box. * */ long WellSeparatedBoxes (box *b1, box *b2) { real min_ws_distance; real x_separation; real y_separation; long ret_val; if (b1->length > b2->length) min_ws_distance = b1->length * (real) 2.0; else min_ws_distance = b2->length * (real) 2.0; x_separation = (real) fabs((double)(b1->x_center - b2->x_center)); y_separation = (real) fabs((double)(b1->y_center - b2->y_center)); if ((x_separation >= min_ws_distance) || (y_separation >= min_ws_distance)) ret_val = TRUE; else ret_val = FALSE; return ret_val; } #undef BOXES_PER_LINE #undef TERMS_PER_LINE