/* * Copyright (c) 2003-2004 The Regents of The University of Michigan * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include "base/misc.hh" #include "base/statistics.hh" #include "base/stats/statdb.hh" #include "base/stats/text.hh" #include "base/stats/visit.hh" using namespace std; #ifndef NAN float __nan(); /** Define Not a number. */ #define NAN (__nan()) /** Need to define __nan() */ #define __M5_NAN #endif #ifdef __M5_NAN float __nan() { union { uint32_t ui; float f; } nan; nan.ui = 0x7fc00000; return nan.f; } #endif namespace Statistics { Text::Text() : mystream(false), stream(NULL), compat(false), descriptions(false) { } Text::Text(std::ostream &stream) : mystream(false), stream(NULL), compat(false), descriptions(false) { open(stream); } Text::Text(const std::string &file) : mystream(false), stream(NULL), compat(false), descriptions(false) { open(file); } Text::~Text() { if (mystream) { assert(stream); delete stream; } } void Text::open(std::ostream &_stream) { if (stream) panic("stream already set!"); mystream = false; stream = &_stream; assert(valid()); } void Text::open(const std::string &file) { if (stream) panic("stream already set!"); mystream = true; stream = new ofstream(file.c_str(), ios::trunc); assert(valid()); } bool Text::valid() const { return stream != NULL; } void Text::output() { using namespace Database; ccprintf(*stream, "\n---------- Begin Simulation Statistics ----------\n"); if (bins().empty()) { stat_list_t::const_iterator i, end = stats().end(); for (i = stats().begin(); i != end; ++i) (*i)->visit(*this); } else { ccprintf(*stream, "PRINTING BINNED STATS\n"); bin_list_t::iterator i, end = bins().end(); for (i = bins().begin(); i != end; ++i) { MainBin *bin = *i; bin->activate(); ccprintf(*stream,"---%s Bin------------\n", bin); stat_list_t::const_iterator i, end = stats().end(); for (i = stats().begin(); i != end; ++i) (*i)->visit(*this); ccprintf(*stream, "---------------------------------\n"); } } ccprintf(*stream, "\n---------- End Simulation Statistics ----------\n"); stream->flush(); } bool Text::noOutput(const StatData &data) { if (!(data.flags & print)) return true; if (data.prereq && data.prereq->zero()) return true; return false; } string ValueToString(Result value, int precision, bool compat) { stringstream val; if (!isnan(value)) { if (precision != -1) val.precision(precision); else if (value == rint(value)) val.precision(0); val.unsetf(ios::showpoint); val.setf(ios::fixed); val << value; } else { val << (compat ? "" : "no value"); } return val.str(); } struct ScalarPrint { Result value; string name; string desc; StatFlags flags; bool compat; bool descriptions; int precision; Result pdf; Result cdf; void operator()(ostream &stream) const; }; void ScalarPrint::operator()(ostream &stream) const { if (flags & nozero && value == 0.0 || flags & nonan && isnan(value)) return; stringstream pdfstr, cdfstr; if (!isnan(pdf)) ccprintf(pdfstr, "%.2f%%", pdf * 100.0); if (!isnan(cdf)) ccprintf(cdfstr, "%.2f%%", cdf * 100.0); if (compat && flags & __substat) { ccprintf(stream, "%32s %12s %10s %10s", name, ValueToString(value, precision, compat), pdfstr, cdfstr); } else { ccprintf(stream, "%-40s %12s %10s %10s", name, ValueToString(value, precision, compat), pdfstr, cdfstr); } if (descriptions) { if (!desc.empty()) ccprintf(stream, " # %s", desc); } stream << endl; } struct VectorPrint { string name; string desc; vector subnames; vector subdescs; StatFlags flags; bool compat; bool descriptions; int precision; VResult vec; Result total; void operator()(ostream &stream) const; }; void VectorPrint::operator()(std::ostream &stream) const { int _size = vec.size(); Result _total = 0.0; if (flags & (pdf | cdf)) { for (int i = 0; i < _size; ++i) { _total += vec[i]; } } string base = name + (compat ? "_" : "::"); ScalarPrint print; print.name = name; print.desc = desc; print.precision = precision; print.descriptions = descriptions; print.flags = flags; print.pdf = NAN; print.cdf = NAN; bool havesub = !subnames.empty(); if (_size == 1) { print.value = vec[0]; print(stream); } else if (!compat) { for (int i = 0; i < _size; ++i) { if (havesub && (i >= subnames.size() || subnames[i].empty())) continue; print.name = base + (havesub ? subnames[i] : to_string(i)); print.desc = subdescs.empty() ? desc : subdescs[i]; print.value = vec[i]; if (_total && (flags & pdf)) { print.pdf = vec[i] / _total; print.cdf += print.pdf; } print(stream); } if (flags & ::Statistics::total) { print.name = base + "total"; print.desc = desc; print.value = total; print(stream); } } else { if (flags & ::Statistics::total) { print.value = total; print(stream); } Result _pdf = 0.0; Result _cdf = 0.0; if (flags & dist) { ccprintf(stream, "%s.start_dist\n", name); for (int i = 0; i < _size; ++i) { print.name = havesub ? subnames[i] : to_string(i); print.desc = subdescs.empty() ? desc : subdescs[i]; print.flags |= __substat; print.value = vec[i]; if (_total) { _pdf = vec[i] / _total; _cdf += _pdf; } if (flags & pdf) print.pdf = _pdf; if (flags & cdf) print.cdf = _cdf; print(stream); } ccprintf(stream, "%s.end_dist\n", name); } else { for (int i = 0; i < _size; ++i) { if (havesub && subnames[i].empty()) continue; print.name = base; print.name += havesub ? subnames[i] : to_string(i); print.desc = subdescs.empty() ? desc : subdescs[i]; print.value = vec[i]; if (_total) { _pdf = vec[i] / _total; _cdf += _pdf; } else { _pdf = _cdf = NAN; } if (flags & pdf) { print.pdf = _pdf; print.cdf = _cdf; } print(stream); } } } } struct DistPrint { string name; string desc; StatFlags flags; bool compat; bool descriptions; int precision; Result min_val; Result max_val; Result underflow; Result overflow; VResult vec; Result sum; Result squares; Result samples; Counter min; Counter max; Counter bucket_size; int size; bool fancy; void operator()(ostream &stream) const; }; void DistPrint::operator()(ostream &stream) const { if (fancy) { ScalarPrint print; string base = name + (compat ? "_" : "::"); print.precision = precision; print.flags = flags; print.compat = compat; print.descriptions = descriptions; print.desc = desc; print.pdf = NAN; print.cdf = NAN; print.name = base + "mean"; print.value = samples ? sum / samples : NAN; print(stream); print.name = base + "stdev"; print.value = samples ? sqrt((samples * squares - sum * sum) / (samples * (samples - 1.0))) : NAN; print(stream); print.name = "**Ignore: " + base + "TOT"; print.value = samples; print(stream); return; } assert(size == vec.size()); Result total = 0.0; total += underflow; for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) total += vec[i]; total += overflow; string base = name + (compat ? "." : "::"); ScalarPrint print; print.desc = compat ? "" : desc; print.flags = flags; print.compat = compat; print.descriptions = descriptions; print.precision = precision; print.pdf = NAN; print.cdf = NAN; if (compat) { ccprintf(stream, "%-42s", base + "start_dist"); if (descriptions && !desc.empty()) ccprintf(stream, " # %s", desc); stream << endl; } print.name = base + "samples"; print.value = samples; print(stream); print.name = base + "min_value"; print.value = min_val; print(stream); if (!compat || underflow > 0.0) { print.name = base + "underflows"; print.value = underflow; if (!compat && total) { print.pdf = underflow / total; print.cdf += print.pdf; } print(stream); } if (!compat) { for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { stringstream namestr; namestr << name; Counter low = i * bucket_size + min; Counter high = ::min(low + bucket_size, max); namestr << low; if (low < high) namestr << "-" << high; print.name = namestr.str(); print.value = vec[i]; if (total) { print.pdf = vec[i] / total; print.cdf += print.pdf; } print(stream); } } else { Counter _min; Result _pdf; Result _cdf = 0.0; print.flags = flags | __substat; for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (flags & nozero && vec[i] == 0.0 || flags & nonan && isnan(vec[i])) continue; _min = i * bucket_size + min; _pdf = vec[i] / total * 100.0; _cdf += _pdf; print.name = ValueToString(_min, 0, compat); print.value = vec[i]; print.pdf = (flags & pdf) ? _pdf : NAN; print.cdf = (flags & cdf) ? _cdf : NAN; print(stream); } print.flags = flags; } if (!compat || overflow > 0.0) { print.name = base + "overflows"; print.value = overflow; if (!compat && total) { print.pdf = overflow / total; print.cdf += print.pdf; } else { print.pdf = NAN; print.cdf = NAN; } print(stream); } print.pdf = NAN; print.cdf = NAN; if (!compat) { print.name = base + "total"; print.value = total; print(stream); } print.name = base + "max_value"; print.value = max_val; print(stream); if (!compat && samples != 0) { print.name = base + "mean"; print.value = sum / samples; print(stream); print.name = base + "stdev"; print.value = sqrt((samples * squares - sum * sum) / (samples * (samples - 1.0))); print(stream); } if (compat) ccprintf(stream, "%send_dist\n\n", base); } void Text::visit(const ScalarData &data) { if (noOutput(data)) return; ScalarPrint print; print.value = data.result(); print.name = data.name; print.desc = data.desc; print.flags = data.flags; print.compat = compat; print.descriptions = descriptions; print.precision = data.precision; print.pdf = NAN; print.cdf = NAN; print(*stream); } void Text::visit(const VectorData &data) { if (noOutput(data)) return; int size = data.size(); VectorPrint print; print.name = data.name; print.desc = data.desc; print.flags = data.flags; print.compat = compat; print.descriptions = descriptions; print.precision = data.precision; print.vec = data.result(); print.total = data.total(); if (!data.subnames.empty()) { for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (!data.subnames[i].empty()) { print.subnames = data.subnames; print.subnames.resize(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (!data.subnames[i].empty() && !data.subdescs[i].empty()) { print.subdescs = data.subdescs; print.subdescs.resize(size); break; } } break; } } } print(*stream); } void Text::visit(const Vector2dData &data) { if (noOutput(data)) return; bool havesub = false; VectorPrint print; print.subnames = data.y_subnames; print.flags = data.flags; print.compat = compat; print.descriptions = descriptions; print.precision = data.precision; if (!data.subnames.empty()) { for (int i = 0; i < data.x; ++i) if (!data.subnames[i].empty()) havesub = true; } VResult tot_vec(data.y); Result super_total = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < data.x; ++i) { if (havesub && (i >= data.subnames.size() || data.subnames[i].empty())) continue; int iy = i * data.y; VResult yvec(data.y); Result total = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < data.y; ++j) { yvec[j] = data.cvec[iy + j]; tot_vec[j] += yvec[j]; total += yvec[j]; super_total += yvec[j]; } print.name = data.name + "_" + (havesub ? data.subnames[i] : to_string(i)); print.desc = data.desc; print.vec = yvec; print.total = total; print(*stream); } if ((data.flags & ::Statistics::total) && (data.x > 1)) { print.name = data.name; print.desc = data.desc; print.vec = tot_vec; print.total = super_total; print(*stream); } } void Text::visit(const DistData &data) { if (noOutput(data)) return; DistPrint print; print.name = data.name; print.desc = data.desc; print.flags = data.flags; print.compat = compat; print.descriptions = descriptions; print.precision = data.precision; print.min_val = data.data.min_val; print.max_val = data.data.max_val; print.underflow = data.data.underflow; print.overflow = data.data.overflow; print.vec.resize(data.data.cvec.size()); for (int i = 0; i < print.vec.size(); ++i) print.vec[i] = (Result)data.data.cvec[i]; print.sum = data.data.sum; print.squares = data.data.squares; print.samples = data.data.samples; print.min = data.data.min; print.max = data.data.max; print.bucket_size = data.data.bucket_size; print.size = data.data.size; print.fancy = data.data.fancy; print(*stream); } void Text::visit(const VectorDistData &data) { if (noOutput(data)) return; for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) { DistPrint print; print.name = data.name + (data.subnames[i].empty() ? ("_" + to_string(i)) : data.subnames[i]); print.desc = data.subdescs[i].empty() ? data.desc : data.subdescs[i]; print.flags = data.flags; print.compat = compat; print.descriptions = descriptions; print.precision = data.precision; print.min_val = data.data[i].min_val; print.max_val = data.data[i].max_val; print.underflow = data.data[i].underflow; print.overflow = data.data[i].overflow; print.vec.resize(data.data[i].cvec.size()); for (int j = 0; j < print.vec.size(); ++j) print.vec[j] = (Result)data.data[i].cvec[j]; print.sum = data.data[i].sum; print.squares = data.data[i].squares; print.samples = data.data[i].samples; print.min = data.data[i].min; print.max = data.data[i].max; print.bucket_size = data.data[i].bucket_size; print.size = data.data[i].size; print.fancy = data.data[i].fancy; print(*stream); } } void Text::visit(const FormulaData &data) { visit((const VectorData &)data); } /* namespace Statistics */ }