information that can be used for other aspects of sending jobs.
New graphing output stuff with matplotlib.
Shuffle code around and create the JobDir class which encapsulates
all of the functionality needed for making, organizing, and cleaning
a job directory.
Better status output
Majory re-working of the jobfile code.
A job file now consists of several objects that describe how
jobs should be run, it includes information about checkpoints,
and graphing.
use the new jobfile code.
deal with the 15 character limit of pbs by truncating the name and
using the raj hack.
fix the __str__ function for nodes
provide __getitem__ for the Database class
use the jobfile stuff to figure out what the proper naming
and organziation of the graphs should be.
move all output code to, get rid of ploticus and use
rename : util/ => util/stats/
extra : convert_revision : 0d793cbf6ad9492290e8ec875ce001c84095e1f7