scons: re-work the *Source functions to take more information.
Start by turning all of the *Source functions into classes so we can do more calculations and more easily collect the data we need. Add parameters to the new classes for indicating what sorts of flags the objects should be compiled with so we can allow certain files to be compiled without Werror for example.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 193 additions and 174 deletions
@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ if main['GCC'] + main['SUNCC'] + main['ICC'] > 1:
if main['GCC']:
main.Append(CCFLAGS=Split('-Wall -Wno-sign-compare -Werror -Wundef'))
main.Append(CCFLAGS=['-Wall', '-Wno-sign-compare', '-Wundef'])
elif main['ICC']:
pass #Fix me... add warning flags once we clean up icc warnings
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
# Authors: Nathan Binkert
import array
import bisect
import imp
import marshal
import os
@ -50,122 +51,144 @@ Export('env')
build_env = dict([(opt, env[opt]) for opt in export_vars])
def sort_list(_list):
"""return a sorted copy of '_list'"""
if isinstance(_list, list):
_list = _list[:]
_list = list(_list)
return _list
# Code for adding source files of various types
class SourceMeta(type):
def __init__(cls, name, bases, dict):
super(SourceMeta, cls).__init__(name, bases, dict)
cls.all = []
class PySourceFile(object):
def get(cls, **kwargs):
for src in cls.all:
for attr,value in kwargs.iteritems():
if getattr(src, attr) != value:
yield src
class SourceFile(object):
__metaclass__ = SourceMeta
def __init__(self, source):
tnode = source
if not isinstance(source, SCons.Node.FS.File):
tnode = File(source)
self.tnode = tnode
self.snode = tnode.srcnode()
self.filename = str(tnode)
self.dirname = dirname(self.filename)
self.basename = basename(self.filename)
index = self.basename.rfind('.')
if index <= 0:
# dot files aren't extensions
self.extname = self.basename, None
self.extname = self.basename[:index], self.basename[index+1:]
for base in type(self).__mro__:
if issubclass(base, SourceFile):
bisect.insort_right(base.all, self)
def __lt__(self, other): return self.filename < other.filename
def __le__(self, other): return self.filename <= other.filename
def __gt__(self, other): return self.filename > other.filename
def __ge__(self, other): return self.filename >= other.filename
def __eq__(self, other): return self.filename == other.filename
def __ne__(self, other): return self.filename != other.filename
class Source(SourceFile):
'''Add a c/c++ source file to the build'''
def __init__(self, source, Werror=True, swig=False, bin_only=False,
super(Source, self).__init__(source)
self.Werror = Werror
self.swig = swig
self.bin_only = bin_only
self.skip_lib = bin_only or skip_lib
class PySource(SourceFile):
'''Add a python source file to the named package'''
invalid_sym_char = re.compile('[^A-z0-9_]')
def __init__(self, package, tnode):
snode = tnode.srcnode()
filename = str(tnode)
pyname = basename(filename)
assert pyname.endswith('.py')
name = pyname[:-3]
modules = {}
tnodes = {}
symnames = {}
def __init__(self, package, source):
super(PySource, self).__init__(source)
modname,ext = self.extname
assert ext == 'py'
if package:
path = package.split('.')
path = []
modpath = path[:]
if name != '__init__':
modpath += [name]
if modname != '__init__':
modpath += [ modname ]
modpath = '.'.join(modpath)
arcpath = path + [ pyname ]
arcname = joinpath(*arcpath)
debugname = snode.abspath
arcpath = path + [ self.basename ]
debugname = self.snode.abspath
if not exists(debugname):
debugname = tnode.abspath
debugname = self.tnode.abspath
self.tnode = tnode
self.snode = snode
self.pyname = pyname
self.package = package
self.modname = modname
self.modpath = modpath
self.arcname = arcname
self.arcname = joinpath(*arcpath)
self.debugname = debugname
self.compiled = File(filename + 'c')
self.assembly = File(filename + '.s')
self.symname = "PyEMB_" + self.invalid_sym_char.sub('_', modpath)
self.compiled = File(self.filename + 'c')
self.assembly = File(self.filename + '.s')
self.symname = "PyEMB_" + PySource.invalid_sym_char.sub('_', modpath)
PySource.modules[modpath] = self
PySource.tnodes[self.tnode] = self
PySource.symnames[self.symname] = self
# Code for adding source files of various types
cc_lib_sources = []
def Source(source):
'''Add a source file to the libm5 build'''
if not isinstance(source, SCons.Node.FS.File):
source = File(source)
cc_bin_sources = []
def BinSource(source):
'''Add a source file to the m5 binary build'''
if not isinstance(source, SCons.Node.FS.File):
source = File(source)
py_sources = []
def PySource(package, source):
'''Add a python source file to the named package'''
if not isinstance(source, SCons.Node.FS.File):
source = File(source)
source = PySourceFile(package, source)
sim_objects_fixed = False
sim_object_modfiles = set()
def SimObject(source):
class SimObject(PySource):
'''Add a SimObject python file as a python source object and add
it to a list of sim object modules'''
if sim_objects_fixed:
fixed = False
modnames = []
def __init__(self, source):
super(SimObject, self).__init__('m5.objects', source)
if self.fixed:
raise AttributeError, "Too late to call SimObject now."
if not isinstance(source, SCons.Node.FS.File):
source = File(source)
bisect.insort_right(SimObject.modnames, self.modname)
PySource('m5.objects', source)
modfile = basename(str(source))
assert modfile.endswith('.py')
modname = modfile[:-3]
swig_sources = []
def SwigSource(package, source):
class SwigSource(SourceFile):
'''Add a swig file to build'''
if not isinstance(source, SCons.Node.FS.File):
source = File(source)
val = source,package
def __init__(self, package, source):
super(SwigSource, self).__init__(source)
modname,ext = self.extname
assert ext == 'i'
self.module = modname
cc_file = joinpath(self.dirname, modname + '')
py_file = joinpath(self.dirname, modname + '.py')
self.cc_source = Source(cc_file, swig=True)
self.py_source = PySource(package, py_file)
unit_tests = []
def UnitTest(target, sources):
if not isinstance(sources, (list, tuple)):
sources = [ sources ]
srcs = []
for source in sources:
if not isinstance(source, SCons.Node.FS.File):
source = File(source)
unit_tests.append((target, srcs))
sources = [ Source(src, skip_lib=True) for src in sources ]
unit_tests.append((target, sources))
# Children should have access
@ -276,7 +299,8 @@ class DictImporter(object):
if fullname.startswith('m5.internal'):
return None
if fullname in self.modules and exists(self.modules[fullname]):
source = self.modules.get(fullname, None)
if source is not None and exists(source.snode.abspath):
return self
return None
@ -295,34 +319,28 @@ class DictImporter(object):
mod.__dict__['buildEnv'] = build_env
return mod
srcfile = self.modules[fullname]
if basename(srcfile) == '':
mod.__path__ = fullname.split('.')
mod.__file__ = srcfile
source = self.modules[fullname]
if source.modname == '__init__':
mod.__path__ = source.modpath
mod.__file__ = source.snode.abspath
exec file(srcfile, 'r') in mod.__dict__
exec file(source.snode.abspath, 'r') in mod.__dict__
return mod
py_modules = {}
for source in py_sources:
py_modules[source.modpath] = source.snode.abspath
# install the python importer so we can grab stuff from the source
# tree itself. We can't have SimObjects added after this point or
# else we won't know about them for the rest of the stuff.
sim_objects_fixed = True
importer = DictImporter(py_modules)
SimObject.fixed = True
importer = DictImporter(PySource.modules)
sys.meta_path[0:0] = [ importer ]
import m5
# import all sim objects so we can populate the all_objects list
# make sure that we're working with a list, then let's sort it
sim_objects = list(sim_object_modfiles)
for simobj in sim_objects:
exec('from m5.objects import %s' % simobj)
for modname in SimObject.modnames:
exec('from m5.objects import %s' % modname)
# we need to unload all of the currently imported modules so that they
# will be re-imported the next time the sconscript is run
@ -333,7 +351,7 @@ sim_objects = m5.SimObject.allClasses
all_enums = m5.params.allEnums
all_params = {}
for name,obj in sim_objects.iteritems():
for name,obj in sorted(sim_objects.iteritems()):
for param in obj._params.local.values():
if not hasattr(param, 'swig_decl'):
@ -346,7 +364,7 @@ for name,obj in sim_objects.iteritems():
# calculate extra dependencies
module_depends = ["m5", "m5.SimObject", "m5.params"]
depends = [ File(py_modules[dep]) for dep in module_depends ]
depends = [ PySource.modules[dep].tnode for dep in module_depends ]
@ -392,7 +410,7 @@ def makeObjectsInitFile(target, source, env):
# Generate an file for the objects package
[ Value(o) for o in sort_list(sim_object_modfiles) ],
map(Value, SimObject.modnames),
PySource('m5.objects', 'python/m5/objects/')
@ -409,6 +427,7 @@ def createSimObjectParam(target, source, env):
obj = sim_objects[name]
print >>hh_file, obj.cxx_decl()
def createSwigParam(target, source, env):
assert len(target) == 1 and len(source) == 1
@ -419,6 +438,7 @@ def createSwigParam(target, source, env):
for line in param.swig_decl():
print >>i_file, line
def createEnumStrings(target, source, env):
assert len(target) == 1 and len(source) == 1
@ -438,11 +458,13 @@ def createEnumParam(target, source, env):
obj = all_enums[name]
print >>hh_file, obj.cxx_decl()
# Generate all of the SimObject param struct header files
params_hh_files = []
for name,simobj in sim_objects.iteritems():
extra_deps = [ File(py_modules[simobj.__module__]) ]
for name,simobj in sorted(sim_objects.iteritems()):
py_source = PySource.modules[simobj.__module__]
extra_deps = [ py_source.tnode ]
hh_file = File('params/%s.hh' % name)
@ -463,8 +485,9 @@ for name,param in all_params.iteritems():
env.Depends(i_file, depends)
# Generate all enum header files
for name,enum in all_enums.iteritems():
extra_deps = [ File(py_modules[enum.__module__]) ]
for name,enum in sorted(all_enums.iteritems()):
py_source = PySource.modules[enum.__module__]
extra_deps = [ py_source.tnode ]
cc_file = File('enums/' % name)
env.Command(cc_file, Value(name), createEnumStrings)
@ -576,32 +599,18 @@ def buildParams(target, source, env):
print >>out, '%%include "params/%s.hh"' % obj
params_file = File('params/params.i')
names = sort_list(sim_objects.keys())
env.Command(params_file, [ Value(v) for v in names ], buildParams)
names = sorted(sim_objects.keys())
env.Command(params_file, map(Value, names), buildParams)
env.Depends(params_file, params_hh_files + params_i_files + depends)
SwigSource('m5.objects', params_file)
# Build all swig modules
swig_modules = []
cc_swig_sources = []
for source,package in swig_sources:
filename = str(source)
assert filename.endswith('.i')
base = '.'.join(filename.split('.')[:-1])
module = basename(base)
cc_file = base + ''
py_file = base + '.py'
env.Command([cc_file, py_file], source,
for swig in SwigSource.all:
env.Command([swig.cc_source.tnode, swig.py_source.tnode], swig.tnode,
'$SWIG $SWIGFLAGS -outdir ${TARGETS[1].dir} '
'-o ${TARGETS[0]} $SOURCES')
env.Depends(py_file, source)
env.Depends(cc_file, source)
PySource(package, py_file)
env.Depends(swig.py_source.tnode, swig.tnode)
env.Depends(swig.cc_source.tnode, swig.tnode)
# Generate the main swig init file
def makeSwigInit(target, source, env):
@ -616,7 +625,9 @@ def makeSwigInit(target, source, env):
print >>f, '}'
env.Command('python/swig/', swig_modules, makeSwigInit)
map(Value, sorted(s.module for s in SwigSource.all)),
# Generate
@ -813,7 +824,7 @@ extern const Flags *compoundFlags[];
flags = [ Value(f) for f in trace_flags.values() ]
flags = map(Value, trace_flags.values())
env.Command('base/', flags, traceFlagsPy)
PySource('m5', 'base/')
@ -827,10 +838,6 @@ Source('base/')
# byte code, compress it, and then generate an assembly file that
# inserts the result into the data section with symbols indicating the
# beginning, and end (and with the size at the end)
py_sources_tnodes = {}
for pysource in py_sources:
py_sources_tnodes[pysource.tnode] = pysource
def objectifyPyFile(target, source, env):
'''Action function to compile a .py into a code object, marshal
it, compress it, and stick it into an asm file so the code appears
@ -839,7 +846,7 @@ def objectifyPyFile(target, source, env):
src = file(str(source[0]), 'r').read()
dst = file(str(target[0]), 'w')
pysource = py_sources_tnodes[source[0]]
pysource = PySource.tnodes[source[0]]
compiled = compile(src, pysource.debugname, 'exec')
marshalled = marshal.dumps(compiled)
compressed = zlib.compress(marshalled)
@ -864,7 +871,7 @@ def objectifyPyFile(target, source, env):
print >>dst, "%s_end:" % sym
print >>dst, ".long %d" % len(marshalled)
for source in py_sources:
for source in PySource.all:
env.Command(source.assembly, source.tnode, objectifyPyFile)
@ -873,14 +880,11 @@ for source in py_sources:
# contains information about the importer that python uses to get at
# the embedded files, and then there's a list of all of the rest that
# the importer uses to load the rest on demand.
py_sources_symbols = {}
for pysource in py_sources:
py_sources_symbols[pysource.symname] = pysource
def pythonInit(target, source, env):
dst = file(str(target[0]), 'w')
def dump_mod(sym, endchar=','):
pysource = py_sources_symbols[sym]
pysource = PySource.symnames[sym]
print >>dst, ' { "%s",' % pysource.arcname
print >>dst, ' "%s",' % pysource.modpath
print >>dst, ' %s_beg, %s_end,' % (sym, sym)
@ -907,8 +911,10 @@ def pythonInit(target, source, env):
print >>dst, " { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }"
print >>dst, "};"
symbols = [Value(s.symname) for s in py_sources]
env.Command('sim/', symbols, pythonInit)
map(Value, (s.symname for s in PySource.all)),
@ -920,26 +926,7 @@ Source('sim/')
# List of constructed environments to pass back to SConstruct
envList = []
# This function adds the specified sources to the given build
# environment, and returns a list of all the corresponding SCons
# Object nodes (including an extra one for We explicitly
# add the Object nodes so we can set up special dependencies for
def make_objs(sources, env, static):
if static:
XObject = env.StaticObject
XObject = env.SharedObject
objs = [ XObject(s) for s in sources ]
# make depend on all other objects so it always gets
# recompiled whenever anything else does
date_obj = XObject('base/')
env.Depends(date_obj, objs)
return objs
date_source = Source('base/', skip_lib=True)
# Function to create a new build environment as clone of current
# environment 'env' with modified object suffix and optional stripped
@ -956,15 +943,45 @@ def makeEnv(label, objsfx, strip = False, **kwargs):
swig_env = new_env.Clone()
if env['GCC']:
static_objs = make_objs(cc_lib_sources, new_env, static=True)
shared_objs = make_objs(cc_lib_sources, new_env, static=False)
static_objs += [ swig_env.StaticObject(s) for s in cc_swig_sources ]
shared_objs += [ swig_env.SharedObject(s) for s in cc_swig_sources ]
werror_env = new_env.Clone()
def make_obj(source, static, extra_deps = None):
'''This function adds the specified source to the correct
build environment, and returns the corresponding SCons Object
if source.swig:
env = swig_env
elif source.Werror:
env = werror_env
env = new_env
if static:
obj = env.StaticObject(source.tnode)
obj = env.SharedObject(source.tnode)
if extra_deps:
env.Depends(obj, extra_deps)
return obj
static_objs = [ make_obj(s, True) for s in Source.get(skip_lib=False)]
shared_objs = [ make_obj(s, False) for s in Source.get(skip_lib=False)]
static_date = make_obj(date_source, static=True, extra_deps=static_objs)
shared_date = make_obj(date_source, static=False, extra_deps=shared_objs)
# First make a library of everything but main() so other programs can
# link against m5.
@ -972,21 +989,23 @@ def makeEnv(label, objsfx, strip = False, **kwargs):
shared_lib = new_env.SharedLibrary(libname, shared_objs)
for target, sources in unit_tests:
objs = [ new_env.StaticObject(s) for s in sources ]
objs = [ make_obj(s, static=True) for s in sources ]
new_env.Program("unittest/%s.%s" % (target, label), objs + static_objs)
# Now link a stub with main() and the static library.
objects = [new_env.Object(s) for s in cc_bin_sources] + static_objs
bin_objs = [make_obj(s, True) for s in Source.get(bin_only=True) ]
progname = exename
if strip:
progname += '.unstripped'
targets = new_env.Program(progname, bin_objs + static_objs)
if strip:
unstripped_exe = exename + '.unstripped'
new_env.Program(unstripped_exe, objects)
if sys.platform == 'sunos5':
cmd = 'cp $SOURCE $TARGET; strip $TARGET'
cmd = 'strip $SOURCE -o $TARGET'
targets = new_env.Command(exename, unstripped_exe, cmd)
targets = new_env.Program(exename, objects)
targets = new_env.Command(exename, progname, cmd)
new_env.M5Binary = targets[0]
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Source('')
Source('', bin_only=True)
Reference in a new issue