mem: Merge DRAM latency calculation and bank state update

This patch merges the two control paths used to estimate the latency
and update the bank state. As a result of this merging the computation
is now in one place only, and should be easier to follow as it is all
done in absolute (rather than relative) time.

As part of this change, the scheduling is also refined to ensure that
we look at a sensible estimate of the bank ready time in choosing the
next request. The bank latency stat is removed as it ends up being
misleading when the DRAM access code gets evaluated ahead of time (due
to the eagerness of waking the model up for scheduling the next
This commit is contained in:
Andreas Hansson 2014-05-09 18:58:48 -04:00
parent b8631d9ae8
commit 60799dc552
2 changed files with 105 additions and 200 deletions

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@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ DRAMCtrl::DRAMCtrl(const DRAMCtrlParams* p) :
port(name() + ".port", *this),
retryRdReq(false), retryWrReq(false),
rowHitFlag(false), busState(READ),
nextReqEvent(this), respondEvent(this), activateEvent(this),
prechargeEvent(this), refreshEvent(this), powerEvent(this),
@ -740,19 +740,27 @@ DRAMCtrl::reorderQueue(std::deque<DRAMPacket*>& queue)
const Bank& bank = dram_pkt->bankRef;
// Check if it is a row hit
if (bank.openRow == dram_pkt->row) {
// FCFS within the hits
DPRINTF(DRAM, "Row buffer hit\n");
selected_pkt_it = i;
} else if (!found_earliest_pkt) {
// No row hit, go for first ready
if (earliest_banks == 0)
earliest_banks = minBankFreeAt(queue);
earliest_banks = minBankActAt(queue);
// simplistic approximation of when the bank can issue an
// activate, this is calculated in minBankActAt and could
// be cached
Tick act_at = bank.openRow == Bank::NO_ROW ?
bank.actAllowedAt :
std::max(bank.preAllowedAt, curTick()) + tRP;
// Bank is ready or is the first available bank
if (bank.freeAt <= curTick() ||
if (act_at <= curTick() ||
bits(earliest_banks, dram_pkt->bankId, dram_pkt->bankId)) {
// Remember the packet to be scheduled to one of the earliest
// banks available
// banks available, FCFS amongst the earliest banks
selected_pkt_it = i;
found_earliest_pkt = true;
@ -796,74 +804,6 @@ DRAMCtrl::accessAndRespond(PacketPtr pkt, Tick static_latency)
pair<Tick, Tick>
DRAMCtrl::estimateLatency(DRAMPacket* dram_pkt, Tick inTime)
// If a request reaches a bank at tick 'inTime', how much time
// *after* that does it take to finish the request, depending
// on bank status and page open policy. Note that this method
// considers only the time taken for the actual read or write
// to complete, NOT any additional time thereafter for tRAS or
// tRP.
Tick accLat = 0;
Tick bankLat = 0;
rowHitFlag = false;
const Bank& bank = dram_pkt->bankRef;
if (bank.openRow == dram_pkt->row) {
// When we have a row-buffer hit,
// we don't care about tRAS having expired or not,
// but do care about bank being free for access
rowHitFlag = true;
// When a series of requests arrive to the same row,
// DDR systems are capable of streaming data continuously
// at maximum bandwidth (subject to tCCD). Here, we approximate
// this condition, and assume that if whenever a bank is already
// busy and a new request comes in, it can be completed with no
// penalty beyond waiting for the existing read to complete.
if (bank.freeAt > inTime) {
accLat += bank.freeAt - inTime;
bankLat += 0;
} else {
// CAS latency only
accLat += tCL;
bankLat += tCL;
} else {
// Row-buffer miss, need to potentially close an existing row,
// then open the new one, then add CAS latency
Tick free_at = bank.freeAt;
Tick precharge_delay = 0;
// Check if we first need to precharge
if (bank.openRow != Bank::NO_ROW) {
free_at = std::max(bank.preAllowedAt, free_at);
precharge_delay = tRP;
// If the earliest time to issue the command is in the future,
// add it to the access latency
if (free_at > inTime)
accLat += free_at - inTime;
// We also need to account for the earliest activation time,
// and potentially add that as well to the access latency
Tick act_at = inTime + accLat + precharge_delay;
if (act_at < bank.actAllowedAt)
accLat += bank.actAllowedAt - act_at;
accLat += precharge_delay + tRCD + tCL;
bankLat += precharge_delay + tRCD + tCL;
DPRINTF(DRAM, "Returning < %lld, %lld > from estimateLatency()\n",
bankLat, accLat);
return make_pair(bankLat, accLat);
DRAMCtrl::activateBank(Tick act_tick, uint8_t rank, uint8_t bank,
uint16_t row, Bank& bank_ref)
@ -889,6 +829,12 @@ DRAMCtrl::activateBank(Tick act_tick, uint8_t rank, uint8_t bank,
DPRINTF(DRAM, "Activate bank at tick %lld, now got %d active\n",
act_tick, numBanksActive);
// The next access has to respect tRAS for this bank
bank_ref.preAllowedAt = act_tick + tRAS;
// Respect the row-to-column command delay
bank_ref.colAllowedAt = act_tick + tRCD;
// start by enforcing tRRD
for(int i = 0; i < banksPerRank; i++) {
// next activate to any bank in this rank must not happen
@ -949,7 +895,7 @@ DRAMCtrl::processActivateEvent()
DRAMCtrl::prechargeBank(Bank& bank, Tick free_at)
DRAMCtrl::prechargeBank(Bank& bank, Tick pre_at)
// make sure the bank has an open row
assert(bank.openRow != Bank::NO_ROW);
@ -960,13 +906,15 @@ DRAMCtrl::prechargeBank(Bank& bank, Tick free_at)
bank.openRow = Bank::NO_ROW;
bank.freeAt = free_at;
Tick pre_done_at = pre_at + tRP;
bank.actAllowedAt = std::max(bank.actAllowedAt, pre_done_at);
assert(numBanksActive != 0);
DPRINTF(DRAM, "Precharged bank, done at tick %lld, now got %d active\n",
bank.freeAt, numBanksActive);
DPRINTF(DRAM, "Precharging bank at tick %lld, now got %d active\n",
pre_at, numBanksActive);
// if we look at the current number of active banks we might be
// tempted to think the DRAM is now idle, however this can be
@ -975,9 +923,9 @@ DRAMCtrl::prechargeBank(Bank& bank, Tick free_at)
// rather check once we actually make it to the point in time when
// the (last) precharge takes place
if (!prechargeEvent.scheduled())
schedule(prechargeEvent, free_at);
else if (prechargeEvent.when() < free_at)
reschedule(prechargeEvent, free_at);
schedule(prechargeEvent, pre_done_at);
else if (prechargeEvent.when() < pre_done_at)
reschedule(prechargeEvent, pre_done_at);
@ -995,64 +943,56 @@ DRAMCtrl::processPrechargeEvent()
DRAMCtrl::doDRAMAccess(DRAMPacket* dram_pkt)
DPRINTF(DRAM, "Timing access to addr %lld, rank/bank/row %d %d %d\n",
dram_pkt->addr, dram_pkt->rank, dram_pkt->bank, dram_pkt->row);
// estimate the bank and access latency
pair<Tick, Tick> lat = estimateLatency(dram_pkt, curTick());
Tick bankLat = lat.first;
Tick accessLat = lat.second;
Tick actTick;
// This request was woken up at this time based on a prior call
// to estimateLatency(). However, between then and now, both the
// accessLatency and/or busBusyUntil may have changed. We need
// to correct for that.
Tick addDelay = (curTick() + accessLat < busBusyUntil) ?
busBusyUntil - (curTick() + accessLat) : 0;
// Update request parameters
dram_pkt->readyTime = curTick() + addDelay + accessLat + tBURST;
DPRINTF(DRAM, "Req %lld: curtick is %lld accessLat is %d " \
"readytime is %lld busbusyuntil is %lld. " \
"Scheduling at readyTime\n", dram_pkt->addr,
curTick(), accessLat, dram_pkt->readyTime, busBusyUntil);
// Make sure requests are not overlapping on the databus
assert(dram_pkt->readyTime - busBusyUntil >= tBURST);
// get the bank
Bank& bank = dram_pkt->bankRef;
// Update bank state
if (rowHitFlag) {
bank.freeAt = curTick() + addDelay + accessLat;
// for the state we need to track if it is a row hit or not
bool row_hit = true;
// respect any constraints on the command (e.g. tRCD or tCCD)
Tick cmd_at = std::max(bank.colAllowedAt, curTick());
// Determine the access latency and update the bank state
if (bank.openRow == dram_pkt->row) {
// nothing to do
} else {
row_hit = false;
// If there is a page open, precharge it.
if (bank.openRow != Bank::NO_ROW) {
prechargeBank(bank, std::max(std::max(bank.freeAt,
curTick()) + tRP);
prechargeBank(bank, std::max(bank.preAllowedAt, curTick()));
// Any precharge is already part of the latency
// estimation, so update the bank free time
bank.freeAt = curTick() + addDelay + accessLat;
// any waiting for banks account for in freeAt
actTick = bank.freeAt - tCL - tRCD;
// The next access has to respect tRAS for this bank
bank.preAllowedAt = actTick + tRAS;
// next we need to account for the delay in activating the
// page
Tick act_tick = std::max(bank.actAllowedAt, curTick());
// Record the activation and deal with all the global timing
// constraints caused be a new activation (tRRD and tXAW)
activateBank(actTick, dram_pkt->rank, dram_pkt->bank,
activateBank(act_tick, dram_pkt->rank, dram_pkt->bank,
dram_pkt->row, bank);
// issue the command as early as possible
cmd_at = bank.colAllowedAt;
// we need to wait until the bus is available before we can issue
// the command
cmd_at = std::max(cmd_at, busBusyUntil - tCL);
// update the packet ready time
dram_pkt->readyTime = cmd_at + tCL + tBURST;
// only one burst can use the bus at any one point in time
assert(dram_pkt->readyTime - busBusyUntil >= tBURST);
// not strictly necessary, but update the time for the next
// read/write (add a max with tCCD here)
bank.colAllowedAt = cmd_at + tBURST;
// If this is a write, we also need to respect the write
// recovery time before a precharge
if (!dram_pkt->isRead) {
@ -1060,13 +1000,6 @@ DRAMCtrl::doDRAMAccess(DRAMPacket* dram_pkt)
dram_pkt->readyTime + tWR);
// We also have to respect tRP, and any constraints on when we may
// precharge the bank, in the case of reads this is really only
// going to cause any change if we did not have a row hit and are
// now forced to respect tRAS
bank.actAllowedAt = std::max(bank.actAllowedAt,
bank.preAllowedAt + tRP);
// increment the bytes accessed and the accesses per row
bank.bytesAccessed += burstSize;
@ -1123,18 +1056,16 @@ DRAMCtrl::doDRAMAccess(DRAMPacket* dram_pkt)
// if this access should use auto-precharge, then we are
// closing the row
if (auto_precharge) {
prechargeBank(bank, std::max(bank.freeAt, bank.preAllowedAt) + tRP);
prechargeBank(bank, std::max(curTick(), bank.preAllowedAt));
DPRINTF(DRAM, "Auto-precharged bank: %d\n", dram_pkt->bankId);
DPRINTF(DRAM, "doDRAMAccess::bank.freeAt is %lld\n", bank.freeAt);
// Update bus state
busBusyUntil = dram_pkt->readyTime;
DPRINTF(DRAM,"Access time is %lld\n",
dram_pkt->readyTime - dram_pkt->entryTime);
DPRINTF(DRAM, "Access to %lld, ready at %lld bus busy until %lld.\n",
dram_pkt->addr, dram_pkt->readyTime, busBusyUntil);
// Update the minimum timing between the requests, this is a
// conservative estimate of when we have to schedule the next
@ -1145,20 +1076,18 @@ DRAMCtrl::doDRAMAccess(DRAMPacket* dram_pkt)
// Update the stats and schedule the next request
if (dram_pkt->isRead) {
if (rowHitFlag)
if (row_hit)
bytesReadDRAM += burstSize;
// Update latency stats
totMemAccLat += dram_pkt->readyTime - dram_pkt->entryTime;
totBankLat += bankLat;
totBusLat += tBURST;
totQLat += dram_pkt->readyTime - dram_pkt->entryTime - bankLat -
totQLat += cmd_at - dram_pkt->entryTime;
} else {
if (rowHitFlag)
if (row_hit)
bytesWritten += burstSize;
@ -1358,12 +1287,12 @@ DRAMCtrl::processNextReqEvent()
DRAMCtrl::minBankFreeAt(const deque<DRAMPacket*>& queue) const
DRAMCtrl::minBankActAt(const deque<DRAMPacket*>& queue) const
uint64_t bank_mask = 0;
Tick freeAt = MaxTick;
Tick min_act_at = MaxTick;
// detemrine if we have queued transactions targetting the
// deterimne if we have queued transactions targetting a
// bank in question
vector<bool> got_waiting(ranksPerChannel * banksPerRank, false);
for (auto p = queue.begin(); p != queue.end(); ++p) {
@ -1372,20 +1301,30 @@ DRAMCtrl::minBankFreeAt(const deque<DRAMPacket*>& queue) const
for (int i = 0; i < ranksPerChannel; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < banksPerRank; j++) {
uint8_t bank_id = i * banksPerRank + j;
// if we have waiting requests for the bank, and it is
// amongst the first available, update the mask
if (got_waiting[i * banksPerRank + j] &&
banks[i][j].freeAt <= freeAt) {
// reset bank mask if new minimum is found
if (banks[i][j].freeAt < freeAt)
bank_mask = 0;
// set the bit corresponding to the available bank
uint8_t bit_index = i * ranksPerChannel + j;
replaceBits(bank_mask, bit_index, bit_index, 1);
freeAt = banks[i][j].freeAt;
if (got_waiting[bank_id]) {
// simplistic approximation of when the bank can issue
// an activate, ignoring any rank-to-rank switching
// cost
Tick act_at = banks[i][j].openRow == Bank::NO_ROW ?
banks[i][j].actAllowedAt :
std::max(banks[i][j].preAllowedAt, curTick()) + tRP;
if (act_at <= min_act_at) {
// reset bank mask if new minimum is found
if (act_at < min_act_at)
bank_mask = 0;
// set the bit corresponding to the available bank
replaceBits(bank_mask, bank_id, bank_id, 1);
min_act_at = act_at;
return bank_mask;
@ -1428,12 +1367,10 @@ DRAMCtrl::processRefreshEvent()
if (banks[i][j].openRow != Bank::NO_ROW) {
// respect both causality and any existing bank
// constraints
Tick free_at =
curTick()) + tRP;
Tick pre_at = std::max(banks[i][j].preAllowedAt,
prechargeBank(banks[i][j], free_at);
prechargeBank(banks[i][j], pre_at);
@ -1461,17 +1398,17 @@ DRAMCtrl::processRefreshEvent()
assert(numBanksActive == 0);
assert(pwrState == PWR_REF);
Tick banksFree = curTick() + tRFC;
Tick ref_done_at = curTick() + tRFC;
for (int i = 0; i < ranksPerChannel; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < banksPerRank; j++) {
banks[i][j].freeAt = banksFree;
banks[i][j].actAllowedAt = ref_done_at;
// make sure we did not wait so long that we cannot make up
// for it
if (refreshDueAt + tREFI < banksFree) {
if (refreshDueAt + tREFI < ref_done_at) {
fatal("Refresh was delayed so long we cannot catch up\n");
@ -1484,10 +1421,10 @@ DRAMCtrl::processRefreshEvent()
// move to the idle power state once the refresh is done, this
// will also move the refresh state machine to the refresh
// idle state
schedulePowerEvent(PWR_IDLE, banksFree);
schedulePowerEvent(PWR_IDLE, ref_done_at);
DPRINTF(DRAMState, "Refresh done at %llu and next refresh at %llu\n",
banksFree, refreshDueAt + tREFI);
ref_done_at, refreshDueAt + tREFI);
@ -1627,10 +1564,6 @@ DRAMCtrl::regStats()
.name(name() + ".totQLat")
.desc("Total ticks spent queuing");
.name(name() + ".totBankLat")
.desc("Total ticks spent accessing banks");
.name(name() + ".totBusLat")
.desc("Total ticks spent in databus transfers");
@ -1647,13 +1580,6 @@ DRAMCtrl::regStats()
avgQLat = totQLat / (readBursts - servicedByWrQ);
.name(name() + ".avgBankLat")
.desc("Average bank access latency per DRAM burst")
avgBankLat = totBankLat / (readBursts - servicedByWrQ);
.name(name() + ".avgBusLat")
.desc("Average bus latency per DRAM burst")

View file

@ -121,11 +121,6 @@ class DRAMCtrl : public AbstractMemory
bool retryRdReq;
bool retryWrReq;
* Remember that a row buffer hit occured
bool rowHitFlag;
* Bus state used to control the read/write switching and drive
* the scheduling of the next request.
@ -145,8 +140,8 @@ class DRAMCtrl : public AbstractMemory
* A basic class to track the bank state, i.e. what row is
* currently open (if any), when is the bank free to accept a new
* command, when can it be precharged, and when can it be
* activated.
* column (read/write) command, when can it be precharged, and
* when can it be activated.
* The bank also keeps track of how many bytes have been accessed
* in the open row since it was opened.
@ -160,7 +155,7 @@ class DRAMCtrl : public AbstractMemory
uint32_t openRow;
Tick freeAt;
Tick colAllowedAt;
Tick preAllowedAt;
Tick actAllowedAt;
@ -168,7 +163,7 @@ class DRAMCtrl : public AbstractMemory
uint32_t bytesAccessed;
Bank() :
openRow(NO_ROW), freeAt(0), preAllowedAt(0), actAllowedAt(0),
openRow(NO_ROW), colAllowedAt(0), preAllowedAt(0), actAllowedAt(0),
rowAccesses(0), bytesAccessed(0)
{ }
@ -371,20 +366,6 @@ class DRAMCtrl : public AbstractMemory
void chooseNext(std::deque<DRAMPacket*>& queue);
*Looks at the state of the banks, channels, row buffer hits etc
* to estimate how long a request will take to complete.
* @param dram_pkt The request for which we want to estimate latency
* @param inTime The tick at which you want to probe the memory
* @return A pair of ticks, one indicating how many ticks *after*
* inTime the request require, and the other indicating how
* much of that was just the bank access time, ignoring the
* ticks spent simply waiting for resources to become free
std::pair<Tick, Tick> estimateLatency(DRAMPacket* dram_pkt, Tick inTime);
* Move the request at the head of the read queue to the response
* queue, sorting by readyTime.\ If it is the only packet in the
@ -400,13 +381,13 @@ class DRAMCtrl : public AbstractMemory
void reorderQueue(std::deque<DRAMPacket*>& queue);
* Find which are the earliest available banks for the enqueued
* requests. Assumes maximum of 64 banks per DIMM
* Find which are the earliest banks ready to issue an activate
* for the enqueued requests. Assumes maximum of 64 banks per DIMM
* @param Queued requests to consider
* @return One-hot encoded mask of bank indices
uint64_t minBankFreeAt(const std::deque<DRAMPacket*>& queue) const;
uint64_t minBankActAt(const std::deque<DRAMPacket*>& queue) const;
* Keep track of when row activations happen, in order to enforce
@ -429,9 +410,9 @@ class DRAMCtrl : public AbstractMemory
* accesses to the open page.
* @param bank The bank to precharge
* @param pre_done_at Time when the precharge is done
* @param pre_at Time when the precharge takes place
void prechargeBank(Bank& bank, Tick pre_done_at);
void prechargeBank(Bank& bank, Tick pre_at);
void printParams() const;
@ -650,11 +631,9 @@ class DRAMCtrl : public AbstractMemory
Stats::Scalar totQLat;
Stats::Scalar totMemAccLat;
Stats::Scalar totBusLat;
Stats::Scalar totBankLat;
// Average latencies per request
Stats::Formula avgQLat;
Stats::Formula avgBankLat;
Stats::Formula avgBusLat;
Stats::Formula avgMemAccLat;