inorder-mips: Remove eaComp & memAcc; use 'visible' eaComp
Inorder expects eaComp to be visible through StaticInst object. This mirrors a similar change to ALPHA... Needs to be done for SPARC and whatever other ISAs want to use InOrderCPU
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 14 additions and 268 deletions
@ -41,36 +41,21 @@ output header {{
class Memory : public MipsStaticInst
/// Memory request flags. See mem_req_base.hh.
Request::Flags memAccessFlags;
/// Pointer to EAComp object.
const StaticInstPtr eaCompPtr;
/// Pointer to MemAcc object.
const StaticInstPtr memAccPtr;
/// Displacement for EA calculation (signed).
int32_t disp;
/// Constructor
Memory(const char *mnem, MachInst _machInst, OpClass __opClass,
StaticInstPtr _eaCompPtr = nullStaticInstPtr,
StaticInstPtr _memAccPtr = nullStaticInstPtr)
Memory(const char *mnem, MachInst _machInst, OpClass __opClass)
: MipsStaticInst(mnem, _machInst, __opClass),
eaCompPtr(_eaCompPtr), memAccPtr(_memAccPtr),
generateDisassembly(Addr pc, const SymbolTable *symtab) const;
const StaticInstPtr &eaCompInst() const { return eaCompPtr; }
const StaticInstPtr &memAccInst() const { return memAccPtr; }
Request::Flags memAccFlags() { return memAccessFlags; }
@ -81,10 +66,8 @@ output header {{
/// Constructor
MemoryNoDisp(const char *mnem, ExtMachInst _machInst, OpClass __opClass,
StaticInstPtr _eaCompPtr = nullStaticInstPtr,
StaticInstPtr _memAccPtr = nullStaticInstPtr)
: Memory(mnem, _machInst, __opClass, _eaCompPtr, _memAccPtr)
MemoryNoDisp(const char *mnem, ExtMachInst _machInst, OpClass __opClass)
: Memory(mnem, _machInst, __opClass)
@ -149,32 +132,6 @@ def template LoadStoreDeclare {{
class %(class_name)s : public %(base_class)s
* "Fake" effective address computation class for "%(mnemonic)s".
class EAComp : public %(base_class)s
/// Constructor
EAComp(ExtMachInst machInst);
* "Fake" memory access instruction class for "%(mnemonic)s".
class MemAcc : public %(base_class)s
/// Constructor
MemAcc(ExtMachInst machInst);
/// Constructor.
@ -182,14 +139,17 @@ def template LoadStoreDeclare {{
def template EACompDeclare {{
Fault eaComp(%(CPU_exec_context)s *, Trace::InstRecord *) const;
def template InitiateAccDeclare {{
Fault initiateAcc(%(CPU_exec_context)s *, Trace::InstRecord *) const;
@ -200,44 +160,9 @@ def template CompleteAccDeclare {{
Fault completeAcc(Packet *, %(CPU_exec_context)s *, Trace::InstRecord *) const;
def template MemAccSizeDeclare {{
int memAccSize(%(CPU_exec_context)s *xc);
def template MiscMemAccSize {{
int %(class_name)s::memAccSize(%(CPU_exec_context)s *xc)
panic("Misc instruction does not support split access method!");
return 0;
def template EACompConstructor {{
/** TODO: change op_class to AddrGenOp or something (requires
* creating new member of OpClass enum in op_class.hh, updating
* config files, etc.). */
inline %(class_name)s::EAComp::EAComp(ExtMachInst machInst)
: %(base_class)s("%(mnemonic)s (EAComp)", machInst, IntAluOp)
def template MemAccConstructor {{
inline %(class_name)s::MemAcc::MemAcc(ExtMachInst machInst)
: %(base_class)s("%(mnemonic)s (MemAcc)", machInst, %(op_class)s)
def template LoadStoreConstructor {{
inline %(class_name)s::%(class_name)s(ExtMachInst machInst)
: %(base_class)s("%(mnemonic)s", machInst, %(op_class)s,
new EAComp(machInst), new MemAcc(machInst))
: %(base_class)s("%(mnemonic)s", machInst, %(op_class)s)
@ -246,7 +171,7 @@ def template LoadStoreConstructor {{
def template EACompExecute {{
%(class_name)s::EAComp::execute(%(CPU_exec_context)s *xc,
%(class_name)s::eaComp(%(CPU_exec_context)s *xc,
Trace::InstRecord *traceData) const
Addr EA;
@ -272,63 +197,6 @@ def template EACompExecute {{
def template LoadStoreFPEACompExecute {{
%(class_name)s::EAComp::execute(%(CPU_exec_context)s *xc,
Trace::InstRecord *traceData) const
Addr EA;
Fault fault = NoFault;
if(fault != NoFault)
return fault;
// NOTE: Trace Data is written using execute or completeAcc templates
if (fault == NoFault) {
return fault;
def template LoadMemAccExecute {{
%(class_name)s::MemAcc::execute(%(CPU_exec_context)s *xc,
Trace::InstRecord *traceData) const
Addr EA;
Fault fault = NoFault;
if (this->isFloating()) {
if(fault != NoFault)
return fault;
EA = xc->getEA();
fault = xc->read(EA, (uint%(mem_acc_size)d_t&)Mem, memAccessFlags);
// NOTE: Write back data using execute or completeAcc templates
return fault;
def template LoadExecute {{
Fault %(class_name)s::execute(%(CPU_exec_context)s *xc,
Trace::InstRecord *traceData) const
@ -418,80 +286,6 @@ def template LoadCompleteAcc {{
def template LoadStoreMemAccSize {{
int %(class_name)s::memAccSize(%(CPU_exec_context)s *xc)
// Return the memory access size in bytes
return (%(mem_acc_size)d / 8);
def template StoreMemAccExecute {{
%(class_name)s::MemAcc::execute(%(CPU_exec_context)s *xc,
Trace::InstRecord *traceData) const
Addr EA;
Fault fault = NoFault;
EA = xc->getEA();
if (fault == NoFault) {
if (fault == NoFault) {
fault = xc->write((uint%(mem_acc_size)d_t&)Mem, EA,
memAccessFlags, NULL);
// @NOTE: Need to Call Complete Access to Set Trace Data
//if (traceData) { traceData->setData(Mem); }
return fault;
def template StoreCondMemAccExecute {{
%(class_name)s::MemAcc::execute(%(CPU_exec_context)s *xc,
Trace::InstRecord *traceData) const
Addr EA;
Fault fault = NoFault;
uint64_t write_result = 0;
EA = xc->getEA();
if (fault == NoFault) {
if (fault == NoFault) {
fault = xc->write((uint%(mem_acc_size)d_t&)Mem, EA,
memAccessFlags, &write_result);
if (traceData) { traceData->setData(Mem); }
if (fault == NoFault) {
if (fault == NoFault) {
return fault;
def template StoreExecute {{
Fault %(class_name)s::execute(%(CPU_exec_context)s *xc,
Trace::InstRecord *traceData) const
@ -697,27 +491,6 @@ def template StoreCondCompleteAcc {{
def template MiscMemAccExecute {{
Fault %(class_name)s::MemAcc::execute(%(CPU_exec_context)s *xc,
Trace::InstRecord *traceData) const
Addr EA;
Fault fault = NoFault;
EA = xc->getEA();
if (fault == NoFault) {
return NoFault;
def template MiscExecute {{
Fault %(class_name)s::execute(%(CPU_exec_context)s *xc,
Trace::InstRecord *traceData) const
@ -759,15 +532,6 @@ def template MiscCompleteAcc {{
def template MiscMemAccSize {{
int %(class_name)s::memAccSize(%(CPU_exec_context)s *xc)
panic("Misc instruction does not support split access method!");
return 0;
def format LoadMemory(memacc_code, ea_code = {{ EA = Rs + disp; }},
mem_flags = [], inst_flags = []) {{
(header_output, decoder_output, decode_block, exec_output) = \
@ -53,18 +53,11 @@ def LoadStoreBase(name, Name, ea_code, memacc_code, mem_flags, inst_flags,
iop = InstObjParams(name, Name, base_class,
{ 'ea_code':ea_code, 'memacc_code':memacc_code, 'postacc_code':postacc_code },
ea_iop = InstObjParams(name, Name, base_class,
{ 'ea_code':ea_code },
memacc_iop = InstObjParams(name, Name, base_class,
{ 'memacc_code':memacc_code, 'postacc_code':postacc_code },
if mem_flags:
mem_flags = [ 'Request::%s' % flag for flag in mem_flags ]
s = '\n\tmemAccessFlags = ' + string.join(mem_flags, '|') + ';'
iop.constructor += s
memacc_iop.constructor += s
# select templates
@ -72,29 +65,18 @@ def LoadStoreBase(name, Name, ea_code, memacc_code, mem_flags, inst_flags,
# corresponding Store template..
StoreCondInitiateAcc = StoreInitiateAcc
memAccExecTemplate = eval(exec_template_base + 'MemAccExecute')
fullExecTemplate = eval(exec_template_base + 'Execute')
initiateAccTemplate = eval(exec_template_base + 'InitiateAcc')
completeAccTemplate = eval(exec_template_base + 'CompleteAcc')
eaCompExecuteTemplate = eval('EACompExecute')
if (exec_template_base == 'Load' or exec_template_base == 'Store'):
memAccSizeTemplate = eval('LoadStoreMemAccSize')
memAccSizeTemplate = eval('MiscMemAccSize')
# (header_output, decoder_output, decode_block, exec_output)
return (LoadStoreDeclare.subst(iop),
+ MemAccConstructor.subst(memacc_iop)
+ LoadStoreConstructor.subst(iop),
+ memAccExecTemplate.subst(memacc_iop)
+ fullExecTemplate.subst(iop)
+ EACompExecute.subst(iop)
+ initiateAccTemplate.subst(iop)
+ completeAccTemplate.subst(iop)
+ memAccSizeTemplate.subst(memacc_iop))
+ completeAccTemplate.subst(iop))
output header {{
Reference in a new issue