
480 lines
18 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* */
/* Copyright (c) 1994 Stanford University */
/* */
/* All rights reserved. */
/* */
/* Permission is given to use, copy, and modify this software for any */
/* non-commercial purpose as long as this copyright notice is not */
/* removed. All other uses, including redistribution in whole or in */
/* part, are forbidden without prior written permission. */
/* */
/* This software is provided with absolutely no warranty and no */
/* support. */
/* */
/* This file contains many constant definitions that control the execution
of the program, as well as lobal data structure declarations */
#ifndef _RADIOSITY_H
#define _RADIOSITY_H
#include <cmath>
#include "glib.h"
#include "pslib.h"
* Configuration Parameters
* Task scheduling & Load balancing (1)
* --- Assignment of the patches to the processors
* This macro specifies how patches are assigned to the task queues (ie,
* processors).
* - PATCH_ASSIGNMENT_STATIC assigns the same set of patches to the same
* queue repeatedly over iterations.
* - PATCH_ASSIGNMENT_COSTBASED assigns patches to queues based on the
* work associated with those patches in previous iterations, in order
* to try to balance the initial workload assignment among processors
* and hence reduce task stealing.
#if !defined(PATCH_ASSIGNMENT)
* Constants
#define F_ZERO (1.0e-6)
#if defined(SIMULATOR)
#define MAX_PROCESSORS (128) /* Maximum number of processors
(i.e., processes) created */
#define MAX_TASKQUEUES (128) /* Maximum number of task queues */
#define MAX_TASKS (32768) /* # of available task descriptors */
#define MAX_PATCHES (1024) /* # of available patch objects */
#define MAX_ELEMENTS (80000) /* # of available element objects */
#define MAX_INTERACTIONS (640000) /* # of available interaction objs */
#define MAX_ELEMVERTICES (65536) /* # of available ElemVertex objs */
#define MAX_EDGES (65536) /* # of available Edge objs */
#if defined(DASH)
#define MAX_PROCESSORS (64) /* Maximum number of processors
(i.e., processes) created */
#define MAX_TASKQUEUES (64) /* Maximum number of task queues */
#define MAX_TASKS (32768) /* # of available task descriptors */
#define MAX_PATCHES (1024) /* # of available patch objects */
#define MAX_ELEMENTS (80000) /* # of available element objects */
#define MAX_INTERACTIONS (640000) /* # of available interaction objs */
#define MAX_ELEMVERTICES (65536) /* # of available ElemVertex objs */
#define MAX_EDGES (65536) /* # of available Edge objs */
#if defined(SGI_GL)
#define MAX_PROCESSORS (8) /* Maximum number of processors
(i.e., processes) created */
#define MAX_TASKQUEUES (8) /* Maximum number of task queues */
#define MAX_TASKS (8192) /* # of available task descriptors */
#define MAX_PATCHES (1024) /* # of available patch objects */
#define MAX_ELEMENTS (40000) /* # of available element objects */
#define MAX_INTERACTIONS (320000) /* # of available interaction objs */
#define MAX_ELEMVERTICES (16384) /* # of available ElemVertex objs */
#define MAX_EDGES (65536) /* # of available Edge objs */
#if defined(SUN4)
#define MAX_PROCESSORS (1) /* Maximum number of processors
(i.e., processes) created */
#define MAX_TASKQUEUES (1) /* Maximum number of task queues */
#define MAX_TASKS (1024) /* # of available task descriptors */
#define MAX_PATCHES (1024) /* # of available patch objects */
#define MAX_ELEMENTS (20000) /* # of available element objects */
#define MAX_INTERACTIONS (160000) /* # of available interaction objs */
#define MAX_ELEMVERTICES (16384) /* # of available ElemVertex objs */
#define MAX_EDGES (32768) /* # of available Edge objs */
#if (!defined(SIMULATOR) && !defined(DASH) && !defined(SGI_GL) && !defined(SUN4))
#define MAX_PROCESSORS (128) /* Maximum number of processors
(i.e., processes) created */
#define MAX_TASKQUEUES (128) /* Maximum number of task queues */
#define MAX_TASKS (32768) /* # of available task descriptors */
#define MAX_PATCHES (1024) /* # of available patch objects */
#define MAX_ELEMENTS (80000) /* # of available element objects */
#define MAX_INTERACTIONS (640000) /* # of available interaction objs */
#define MAX_ELEMVERTICES (65536) /* # of available ElemVertex objs */
#define MAX_EDGES (65536) /* # of available Edge objs */
#define MAX_SHARED_LOCK (3900) /* Maximum locks allocated. Objects
share these locks */
#if defined(SGI_GL) || defined(DASH) || defined(SIMULATOR)
#define CLOCK_MAX_VAL (2048*1000000) /* ANL macro clock max value */
#elif defined(SUN4)
#define CLOCK_MAX_VAL (65536*1000000) /* ANL macro clock max value */
#define CLOCK_MAX_VAL (2048*1000000) /* ANL macro clock max value */
* System defaults
/* Create new tasks if number of tasks currently
in the queue is less than this number */
/* If the number of interactions is greater than
or equal to this value, BF-refinement is
performed in parallel */
/* Number of visibility computations per
visibility task */
#define DEFAULT_AREA_EPSILON (2000.0)
/* If element is smaller than this value,
no further subdivision takes place */
/* Terminate radiosity iteration if the
difference of total energy is less than this
value. */
#define DEFAULT_BFEPSILON (0.015)
/* BF refinement threshold level. If the estimated
error of BF (due to FF error and error due to
constant approximation within an element) is
larger than this value, then subdivide */
#define DFLT_VIEW_ROT_X (10.0)
#define DFLT_VIEW_ROT_Y (0.0)
#define DFLT_VIEW_DIST (8000.0)
#define DFLT_VIEW_ZOOM (1.0)
* Display mode
#define DISPLAY_FILLED (0)
#define DISPLAY_SHADED (1)
* Statistical Measure
struct _element ;
typedef struct
long visibility_comp ;
long ray_intersect_test ;
long tasks_from_myq ;
long tasks_from_otherq ;
long process_tasks_wait ;
struct _element *last_pr_task ;
} PerIterationInfo ;
typedef struct
char pad1[PAGE_SIZE]; /* padding to avoid false-sharing
and allow page-placement */
long total_modeling_tasks ;
long total_def_patch_tasks ;
long total_ff_ref_tasks ;
long total_ray_tasks ;
long total_radavg_tasks ;
long total_direct_radavg_tasks ;
long total_interaction_comp ;
long total_visibility_comp ;
long partially_visible ;
long total_ray_intersect_test ;
long total_patch_cache_check ;
long total_patch_cache_hit ;
long patch_cache_hit[PATCH_CACHE_SIZE] ;
PerIterationInfo per_iteration[ MAX_ITERATION_INFO ] ;
char pad2[PAGE_SIZE]; /* padding to avoid false-sharing
and allow page-placement */
} StatisticalInfo ;
* Shared data structure definition.
typedef struct
long rad_start, rad_time, refine_time, wait_time, vertex_time;
} Timing;
typedef struct
/* Task queue */
/* ***** */ long index;
/* ***** */ LOCKDEC(index_lock)
Task_Queue task_queue[ MAX_TASKQUEUES ] ;
Task task_buf[ MAX_TASKS ] ;
/* BSP tree root */
Patch *bsp_root ;
/* Average radiosity value */
long converged ;
Rgb prev_total_energy ;
Rgb total_energy ;
float total_patch_area ;
long iteration_count ;
/* Computation cost estimate */
long cost_sum ;
long cost_estimate_sum ;
Patch_Cost patch_cost[ MAX_PATCHES ] ;
/* Barrier */
/* Private varrier */
long pbar_count ;
/* Task initializer counter */
long task_counter ;
/* Resource buffers */
Patch *free_patch ;
long n_total_patches ;
long n_free_patches ;
Patch patch_buf[ MAX_PATCHES ] ;
Element *free_element ;
long n_free_elements ;
Element element_buf[ MAX_ELEMENTS ] ;
Interaction *free_interaction ;
long n_free_interactions ;
Interaction interaction_buf[ MAX_INTERACTIONS ] ;
long free_elemvertex ;
ElemVertex elemvertex_buf[ MAX_ELEMVERTICES ] ;
long free_edge ;
Edge edge_buf[ MAX_EDGES ] ;
Shared_Lock sh_lock[ MAX_SHARED_LOCK ] ;
StatisticalInfo stat_info[ MAX_PROCESSORS ] ;
} Global ;
* Global variables
extern Timing **timing ;
extern Global *global ;
extern long n_processors ;
extern long n_taskqueues ;
extern long n_tasks_per_queue ;
extern long N_inter_parallel_bf_refine ;
extern long N_visibility_per_task ;
extern float Area_epsilon ;
extern float Energy_epsilon ;
extern float BFepsilon ;
extern long batch_mode, verbose_mode ;
extern long taskqueue_id[] ;
extern long time_rad_start, time_rad_end, time_process_start[] ;
* Global function names & types
* display.C
void radiosity_averaging(Element *elem, long mode, long process_id);
void setup_view(float rot_x, float rot_y, float dist, float zoom, long process_id);
void display_scene(long fill_sw, long patch_sw, long mesh_sw, long interaction_sw, long process_id);
void display_patch(Patch *patch, long mode, long process_id);
void display_patches_in_bsp_tree(long mode, long process_id);
void display_element(Element *element, long mode, long process_id);
void display_elements_in_patch(Patch *patch, long mode, long process_id);
void display_elements_in_bsp_tree(long mode, long process_id);
void display_interactions_in_element(Element *elem, long mode, long process_id);
void display_interactions_in_patch(Patch *patch, long mode, long process_id);
void display_interactions_in_bsp_tree(long process_id);
void ps_display_scene(long fill_sw, long patch_sw, long mesh_sw, long interaction_sw, long process_id);
void ps_display_patch(Patch *patch, long mode, long process_id);
void ps_display_patches_in_bsp_tree(long mode, long process_id);
void ps_display_element(Element *element, long mode, long process_id);
void ps_display_elements_in_patch(Patch *patch, long mode, long process_id);
void ps_display_elements_in_bsp_tree(long mode, long process_id);
void ps_display_interactions_in_element(Element *elem, long mode, long process_id);
void ps_display_interactions_in_patch(Patch *patch, long mode, long process_id);
void ps_display_interactions_in_bsp_tree(long process_id);
* elemman.C
void foreach_element_in_patch(Patch *patch, void (*func)(), long arg1, long process_id);
void foreach_leaf_element_in_patch(Patch *patch, void (*func)(), long arg1, long process_id);
void ff_refine_elements(Element *e1, Element *e2, long level, long process_id);
long error_analysis(Element *e1, Element *e2, Interaction *inter12, Interaction *inter21, long process_id);
void bf_error_analysis_list(Element *elem, Interaction *i_list, long process_id);
long bf_error_analysis(Element *elem, Interaction *inter, long process_id);
long radiosity_converged(long process_id);
void subdivide_element(Element *e, long process_id);
void process_rays(Element *e, long process_id);
long element_completely_invisible(Element *e1, Element *e2, long process_id);
Element *get_element(long process_id);
long leaf_element(Element *elem, long process_id);
void init_elemlist(long process_id);
void print_element(Element *elem, long process_id);
void foreach_interaction_in_element(Element *elem, void (*func)(), long arg1, long process_id);
void compute_formfactor(Element *e_src, Element *e_dst, Interaction *inter, long process_id);
void compute_interaction(Element *e_src, Element *e_dst, Interaction *inter, long subdiv, long process_id);
void insert_interaction(Element *elem, Interaction *inter, long process_id);
void delete_interaction(Element *elem, Interaction *prev, Interaction *inter, long process_id);
void insert_vis_undef_interaction(Element *elem, Interaction *inter, long process_id);
void delete_vis_undef_interaction(Element *elem, Interaction *prev, Interaction *inter, long process_id);
Interaction *get_interaction(long process_id);
void free_interaction(Interaction *interaction, long process_id);
void init_interactionlist(long process_id);
void print_interaction(Interaction *inter, long process_id);
* rad_main.C
void start_radiosity(long val);
void change_display(long val);
void change_view_x(long val);
void change_view_y(long val);
void change_view_zoom(long val);
void change_BFepsilon(long val);
void change_area_epsilon(long val);
void select_model(long val);
void utility_tools(long val);
void radiosity(void);
long init_ray_tasks(long process_id);
void init_radavg_tasks(long mode, long process_id);
void init_global(long process_id);
void print_usage(void);
* rad_tools.C
void print_statistics(FILE *fd, long process_id);
void print_per_process_info(FILE *fd, long process);
void get_patch_stat(Patch *patch, long dummy, long process_id);
void get_elem_stat(Element *elem, long dummy, long process_id);
void count_interaction(Element *es, Element *e1, Element *e2, Element *e3, long *c3, long *c2, long *c1, long *c0, long process_id);
long search_intearction(Interaction *int_list, Interaction *inter, long process_id);
void print_running_time(long process_id);
void print_fork_time(long process_id);
void init_stat_info(long process_id);
void clear_radiosity(long process_id);
void clear_patch_radiosity(Patch *patch, long dummy, long process_id);
* smallobj.C
float vector_length(Vertex *v);
float distance(Vertex *p1, Vertex *p2);
float normalize_vector(Vertex *v1, Vertex *v2);
float inner_product(Vertex *v1, Vertex *v2);
void cross_product(Vertex *vc, Vertex *v1, Vertex *v2);
float plane_normal(Vertex *vc, Vertex *p1, Vertex *p2, Vertex *p3);
void center_point(Vertex *p1, Vertex *p2, Vertex *p3, Vertex *pc);
void four_center_points(Vertex *p1, Vertex *p2, Vertex *p3, Vertex *pc, Vertex *pc1, Vertex *pc2, Vertex *pc3);
void print_point(Vertex *point);
void print_rgb(Rgb *rgb);
ElemVertex *create_elemvertex(Vertex *p, long process_id);
ElemVertex *get_elemvertex(long process_id);
void init_elemvertex(long process_id);
void foreach_leaf_edge(Edge *edge, long reverse, void (*func)(), long arg1, long arg2, long process_id);
Edge *create_edge(ElemVertex *v1, ElemVertex *v2, long process_id);
void subdivide_edge(Edge *e, float a_ratio, long process_id);
Edge *get_edge(long process_id);
void init_edge(long process_id);
void init_sharedlock(long process_id);
Shared_Lock *get_sharedlock(long segment, long process_id);
* visible.C
void init_visibility_module(long process_id);
void get_test_rays(Vertex *p_src, Ray *v, long no, long process_id);
long v_intersect(Patch *patch, Vertex *p, Ray *ray, float t);
long traverse_bsp(Patch *src_node, Vertex *p, Ray *ray, float r_min, float r_max, long process_id);
long traverse_subtree(Patch *node, Vertex *p, Ray *ray, float r_min, float r_max, long process_id);
long intersection_type(Patch *patch, Vertex *p, Ray *ray, float *tval, float range_min, float range_max);
long test_intersection(Patch *patch, Vertex *p, Ray *ray, float tval, long process_id);
void update_patch_cache(Patch *patch, long process_id);
long check_patch_cache(Vertex *p, Ray *ray, float r_min, float r_max, long process_id);
void init_patch_cache(long process_id);
long patch_tested(Patch *p, long process_id);
float visibility(Element *e1, Element *e2, long n_rays, long process_id);
void compute_visibility_values(Element *elem, Interaction *inter, long n_inter, long process_id);
void visibility_task(Element *elem, Interaction *inter, long n_inter, void (*k)(), long process_id);