Sanchayan Maity e4c13abefa src: Refactor DB and Logger out of lib
Signed-off-by: Sanchayan Maity <>
2020-07-28 18:27:33 +05:30

24 lines
868 B

module DB.Language where
import Control.Exception (Exception)
import Control.Monad.Free.Church (F, liftF)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple (Connection, FromRow, Query)
data SqlDBMethodF next where
SqlDBMethod :: FromRow r => (Connection -> Query -> IO [r]) -> ([r] -> next) -> SqlDBMethodF next
SqlThrowException :: Exception e => e -> (a -> next) -> SqlDBMethodF next
instance Functor SqlDBMethodF where
fmap f (SqlDBMethod runner next) = SqlDBMethod runner (f . next)
fmap f (SqlThrowException exceptionMsg next) = SqlThrowException exceptionMsg (f . next)
type SqlDb = F SqlDBMethodF
sqlDbMethod :: FromRow r => (Connection -> Query -> IO [r]) -> SqlDb [r]
sqlDbMethod action = liftF $ SqlDBMethod action id
sqlThrowException :: Exception e => e -> SqlDb a
sqlThrowException exception = liftF $ SqlThrowException exception id