Sanchayan Maity e6397864d0 nvim: after: ftplugin: Fix various key mappings
Make sure we use <buffer> to make a local mapping just for the active
2021-05-02 19:23:57 +05:30

18 lines
404 B

" Always open QF window at the bottom
wincmd J
" Quit vim if the last window is qf
autocmd! BufEnter <buffer> if winnr('$') < 2| q | endif
setlocal scrolloff=0
setlocal nowrap
setlocal norelativenumber number
setlocal linebreak
setlocal nolist
setlocal nocursorline
setlocal nobuflisted
setlocal nospell
nmap <buffer> [- :colder<CR>
nmap <buffer> ]+ :cnewer<CR>
nmap <buffer> <Leader>g :Cfilter<SPACE>