
327 lines
11 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

local actions = require "fzf-lua.actions"
local remap = vim.api.nvim_set_keymap
local opts = { noremap=true, unique=true, silent=true }
require'fzf-lua'.setup {
global_resume = true,
global_resume_query = true,
winopts = {
height = 0.90,
width = 0.90,
row = 0.35,
col = 0.50,
border = { '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' },
fullscreen = false,
hl = {
normal = 'Normal',
border = 'Normal',
cursor = 'Cursor',
cursorline = 'CursorLine',
search = 'Search',
title = 'Normal',
scrollbar_f = 'PmenuThumb',
scrollbar_e = 'PmenuSbar',
preview = {
default = 'bat',
border = 'border',
wrap = 'nowrap',
hidden = 'nohidden',
vertical = 'down:45%',
horizontal = 'right:60%',
layout = 'flex',
flip_columns = 120,
title = false,
scrollbar = false,
scrolloff = '-2',
scrollchars = {'', '' },
delay = 100,
winopts = {
number = true,
relativenumber = false,
cursorline = true,
cursorlineopt = 'both',
cursorcolumn = false,
signcolumn = 'no',
list = false,
foldenable = false,
foldmethod = 'manual',
keymap = {
fzf = {
["Ctrl-d"] = "half-page-down" ,
["Ctrl-u"] = "half-page-up" ,
["Ctrl-a"] = "beginning-of-line",
["Ctrl-e"] = "end-of-line" ,
["Ctrl-n"] = "preview-down" ,
["Ctrl-p"] = "preview-up" ,
["Ctrl-f"] = "preview-page-down",
["Ctrl-b"] = "preview-page-up" ,
["Ctrl-z"] = "abort" ,
["Ctrl-t"] = "toggle-all" ,
actions = {
files = {
["default"] = actions.file_edit_or_qf,
["ctrl-s"] = actions.file_split ,
["ctrl-v"] = actions.file_vsplit ,
["ctrl-t"] = actions.file_tabedit ,
["ctrl-q"] = actions.file_sel_to_qf ,
buffers = {
["default"] = actions.buf_edit ,
["ctrl-s"] = actions.buf_split ,
["ctrl-v"] = actions.buf_vsplit ,
["ctrl-t"] = actions.buf_tabedit,
fzf_opts = {
['--ansi'] = '',
['--prompt'] = '> ',
['--info'] = 'inline',
['--height'] = '100%',
['--layout'] = 'reverse',
previewers = {
cat = {
cmd = "cat",
args = "--number",
bat = {
cmd = "bat",
args = "--style=numbers,changes --color always",
theme = 'Monokai Extended Bright',
config = nil,
head = {
cmd = "head",
args = nil,
git_diff = {
cmd_deleted = "git diff --color HEAD --",
cmd_modified = "git diff --color HEAD",
cmd_untracked = "git diff --color --no-index /dev/null",
man = {
cmd = "man -c %s | col -bx",
builtin = {
syntax = true,
syntax_limit_l = 0,
syntax_limit_b = 1024*1024,
files = {
previewer = "bat",
prompt = 'Files ',
multiprocess = true,
git_icons = false,
file_icons = false,
color_icons = false,
find_opts = [[-type f -not -path '*/\.git/*' -printf '%P\n']],
rg_opts = "--color=never --files --hidden --follow -g '!.git'",
fd_opts = "--color=never --type f --hidden --follow --exclude .git",
actions = {
["default"] = actions.file_edit,
git = {
files = {
prompt = 'GitFiles ',
cmd = 'git ls-files --exclude-standard',
multiprocess = true,
git_icons = false,
file_icons = false,
color_icons = false,
status = {
prompt = 'GitStatus ',
cmd = "git status -s",
previewer = "git_diff",
file_icons = false,
git_icons = false,
color_icons = false,
actions = {
["right"] = { actions.git_unstage, actions.resume },
["left"] = { actions.git_stage, actions.resume },
commits = {
prompt = 'Commits ',
cmd = "git log --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --color",
preview = "git show --color=always {1}",
actions = {
["default"] = actions.git_buf_split,
["ctrl-s"] = actions.git_buf_split,
["ctrl-v"] = actions.git_buf_vsplit,
["ctrl-t"] = actions.git_buf_tabedit,
bcommits = {
prompt = 'BCommits ',
cmd = "git log --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --color",
preview = "git show --color=always {1}",
actions = {
["default"] = actions.git_buf_split,
["ctrl-s"] = actions.git_buf_split,
["ctrl-v"] = actions.git_buf_vsplit,
["ctrl-t"] = actions.git_buf_tabedit,
branches = {
prompt = 'Branches ',
cmd = "git branch --all --color",
preview = "git log --decorate --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --color {1}",
actions = {
["default"] = actions.git_switch,
icons = {
["M"] = { icon = "M", color = "yellow" },
["D"] = { icon = "D", color = "red" },
["A"] = { icon = "A", color = "green" },
["R"] = { icon = "R", color = "yellow" },
["C"] = { icon = "C", color = "yellow" },
["?"] = { icon = "?", color = "magenta" },
grep = {
prompt = 'Rg ',
input_prompt = 'Grep For ',
multiprocess = true,
git_icons = false,
file_icons = false,
color_icons = false,
rg_opts = "--column --line-number --no-heading --color=always --smart-case --max-columns=512",
grep_opts = "--binary-files=without-match --line-number --recursive --color=auto --perl-regexp",
glob_flag = "--iglob",
glob_separator = "%s%-%-"
args = {
prompt = 'Args ',
files_only = true,
actions = { ["ctrl-x"] = actions.arg_del }
oldfiles = {
prompt = 'History ',
cwd_only = false,
buffers = {
prompt = 'Buffers ',
file_icons = false,
color_icons = false,
sort_lastused = true,
actions = {
["ctrl-x"] = { actions.buf_del, actions.resume },
tabs = {
prompt = 'Tabs ',
tab_title = "Tab",
tab_marker = "<<",
file_icons = false,
color_icons = false,
actions = {
["default"] = actions.buf_switch,
["ctrl-x"] = { actions.buf_del, actions.resume },
lines = {
previewer = "builtin",
prompt = 'Lines ',
show_unlisted = false,
no_term_buffers = true,
fzf_opts = {
['--delimiter'] = vim.fn.shellescape(']'),
["--nth"] = '2..',
["--tiebreak"] = 'index',
blines = {
previewer = "builtin",
prompt = 'BLines ',
show_unlisted = true,
no_term_buffers = true,
fzf_opts = {
['--delimiter'] = vim.fn.shellescape('[:]'),
["--with-nth"] = '2..',
["--tiebreak"] = 'index',
quickfix = {
file_icons = false,
git_icons = false,
lsp = {
prompt_postfix = 'Lsp ',
cwd_only = false,
async_or_timeout = 5000,
file_icons = false,
git_icons = false,
lsp_icons = true,
severity = "hint",
icons = {
["Error"] = { icon = "E:", color = "red" },
["Warning"] = { icon = "W:", color = "yellow" },
["Information"] = { icon = "I:", color = "blue" },
["Hint"] = { icon = "H:", color = "magenta" },
file_icon_padding = '',
file_icon_colors = {
["lua"] = "blue",
manpages = { previewer = { _ctor = require'fzf-lua.previewer'.fzf.man_pages } },
-- Buffers and Files
remap('n', '<Leader>b' , ':FzfLua buffers<CR>' , opts)
remap('n', '<Leader>B' , ':FzfLua oldfiles<CR>' , opts)
remap('n', '<Leader>fF', ':FzfLua files<CR>' , opts)
remap('n', '<Leader>fl', ':FzfLua blines<CR>' , opts)
remap('n', '<Leader>fL', ':FzfLua lines<CR>' , opts)
remap('n', '<Leader>fq', ':cclose<CR>:FzfLua quickfix<CR>' , opts)
remap('n', '<Leader>fQ', ':lclose<CR>:FzfLua loclist<CR>' , opts)
-- Git
remap('n', '<Leader>ff', ':FzfLua git_files<CR>' , opts)
remap('n', '<Leader>/' , ':FzfLua git_status<CR>' , opts)
remap('n', '<Leader>fb', ':FzfLua git_branches<CR>' , opts)
remap('n', '<Leader>fc', ':FzfLua git_bcommits<CR>' , opts)
remap('n', '<Leader>fC', ':FzfLua git_commits<CR>' , opts)
-- Grep
remap('n', '<Leader>fg' , ':FzfLua grep<CR>' , opts)
remap('n', '<Leader>f/' , ':FzfLua live_grep<CR>' , opts)
remap('n', '<Leader>f\\', ':FzfLua live_grep_resume<CR>' , opts)
remap('n', '<Leader>fs' , ':FzfLua grep_cword<CR>' , opts)
remap('n', '<Leader>fS' , ':FzfLua grep_cWORD<CR>' , opts)
remap('x', '<Leader>fs' , ':<C-u>FzfLua grep_visual<CR>' , opts)
remap('n', '<Leader>fr' , ':FzfLua grep_last<CR>' , opts)
remap('n', '<Leader>fR' , ':FzfLua live_grep_glob<CR>' , opts)
-- Misc
remap('n', '<Leader>fh', ':FzfLua command_history<CR>' , opts)
remap('n', '<Leader>fH', ':FzfLua search_history<CR>' , opts)
remap('n', '<Leader>fm', ':FzfLua marks<CR>' , opts)
remap('n', '<Leader>fM', ':FzfLua man_pages<CR>' , opts)
remap('n', '<Leader>fo', ':FzfLua changes<CR>' , opts)
remap('n', '<Leader>fO', ':FzfLua jumps<CR>' , opts)
remap('n', '<Leader>fk', ':FzfLua keymaps<CR>' , opts)
-- LSP
remap('n', '<Leader>lr', ':FzfLua lsp_references<CR>' , opts)
remap('n', '<Leader>ld', ':FzfLua lsp_definitions<CR>' , opts)
remap('n', '<Leader>lD', ':FzfLua lsp_declarations<CR>' , opts)
remap('n', '<Leader>lt', ':FzfLua lsp_typedefs<CR>' , opts)
remap('n', '<Leader>li', ':FzfLua lsp_implementations<CR>' , opts)
remap('n', '<Leader>ls', ':FzfLua lsp_document_symbols<CR>' , opts)
remap('n', '<Leader>lw', ':FzfLua lsp_workspace_symbols<CR>' , opts)
remap('n', '<Leader>lW', ':FzfLua lsp_live_workspace_symbols<CR>', opts)
remap('n', '<Leader>la', ':FzfLua lsp_code_actions<CR>' , opts)
remap('n', '<Leader>le', ':FzfLua lsp_document_diagnostics<CR>' , opts)
remap('n', '<Leader>lE', ':FzfLua lsp_workspace_diagnostics<CR>' , opts)