Sanchayan Maity 8206103d7d
Use alacritty as default terminal
Now that alacritty supports undercurls let us switch back to using
it as the default and foot as the back up.
2023-01-19 14:15:13 +05:30

52 lines
1.2 KiB

# vim: ft=dosini
term = foot-extra
login-shell = no
font = monospace:style=Regular:size=13
font-bold = monospace:style=Bold:size=13
font-italic = monospace:style=SemiBold Italic:size=13
font-bold-italic = monospace:style=Bold Italic:size=13
box-drawings-uses-font-glyphs = yes
dpi-aware = yes
lines = 0
style = underline
color = 111111 dcdccc
hide-when-typing = no
alternate-scroll-mode = no
alpha = 0.8
foreground = dddddd
background = 000000
regular0 = 000000 # black
regular1 = cc0403 # red
regular2 = 19cb00 # green
regular3 = cecb00 # yellow
regular4 = 0d73cc # blue
regular5 = cb1ed1 # magenta
regular6 = 0dcdcd # cyan
regular7 = dddddd # white
bright0 = 767676 # bright black
bright1 = f2201f # bright red
bright2 = 23fd00 # bright green
bright3 = fffd00 # bright yellow
bright4 = 1a8fff # bright blue
bright5 = fd28ff # bright magenta
bright6 = 14ffff # bright cyan
bright7 = ffffff # bright white
scrollback-up-page = Page_Up
scrollback-down-page = Page_Down
show-urls-copy = Control+Shift+e
max-shm-pool-size-mb = 2048