Sanchayan Maity 9e8562186a nvim: plugin_settings: Fix golden ratio for floating windows
Without this setting golden ratio tries to resize floating windows which
does not work well.

Signed-off-by: Sanchayan Maity <>
2020-06-21 09:48:57 +05:30

115 lines
2.9 KiB

" Let vim-gitgutter do its thing on large files
let g:gitgutter_max_signs=1000
let g:gitgutter_map_keys = 0
let g:gitgutter_highlight_linenrs = 1
let g:gitgutter_preview_win_floating = 1
let g:gitgutter_use_location_list = 0
let g:gitgutter_sign_added = '+a'
let g:gitgutter_sign_modified = '+m'
let g:gitgutter_sign_removed = '-r'
let g:gitgutter_sign_removed_first_line = '^^'
let g:gitgutter_sign_modified_removed = 'mr'
" Automatically detect style file and apply style to formatting
let g:clang_format#detect_style_file = 1
" For workspace
let g:workspace_session_directory = $HOME . '/.vim/session/'
let g:workspace_undodir = $HOME . '/.vim/undodir'
let g:workspace_autosave = 0
let g:workspace_autosave_ignore = ['gitcommit', 'qf', 'tagbar']
let g:workspace_session_disable_on_args = 1
" Toggle quickfix/location list
let g:toggle_list_no_mappings = 1
let g:mapleader = "\<Space>"
let g:maplocalleader = ','
let g:which_key_use_floating_win = 1
" Rainbow Parentheses
let g:rainbow_active = 1
let $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS='--layout=reverse'
" Incremental search
let g:incsearch#auto_nohlsearch = 1
" Markdown
let g:vim_markdown_conceal = 0
let g:cpp_class_scope_highlight = 1
let g:cpp_member_variable_highlight = 1
let g:cpp_class_decl_highlight = 1
let g:cpp_posix_standard = 1
let g:cpp_experimental_template_highlight = 1
let g:cpp_concepts_highlight = 1
" Sneak
let g:sneak#label = 1
let g:sneak#s_next = 1
let g:sneak#use_ic_scs = 0
" Markify
let g:markify_error_text = 'E'
let g:markify_warning_text = 'W'
let g:markify_info_text = 'I'
let g:ale_linters_explicit = 1
let g:ale_lint_on_enter = 0
let g:ale_lint_on_save = 1
let g:ale_lint_on_text_changed = 'never'
let g:ale_linters = {
\ 'haskell': ['hlint'],
\ 'clojure': ['clj-kondo', 'joker'],
\ 'purescript': ['purty'],
\ 'python' : ['autopep8', 'flake8'],
\ 'fish' : ['fish'],
\ 'bash' : ['shellcheck']
" Golden Ratio
let g:golden_ratio_exclude_nonmodifiable = 1
" Neovim LSP Diagnostics
let g:diagnostic_enable_virtual_text = 1
let g:diagnostic_show_sign = 1
let g:diagnostic_auto_popup_while_jump = 1
let g:diagnostic_insert_delay = 1
" For nvim-completion
let g:completion_enable_auto_popup = 1
let g:completion_auto_change_source = 1
let g:completion_chain_complete_list = {
\ 'c': [
\ {'mode': 'keyn'},
\ {'mode': 'tags'},
\ {'mode': '<c-p>'},
\ {'mode': '<c-n>'}
\ 'haskell': [
\ {'complete_items': ['lsp']},
\ {'mode': 'keyn'},
\ {'mode': 'tags'},
\ {'mode': '<c-p>'},
\ {'mode': '<c-n>'},
\ 'rust': [
\ {'complete_items': ['lsp']},
\ {'mode': 'keyn'}
\ 'purescript': [
\ {'complete_items': ['lsp']},
\ {'mode': 'keyn'},
\ {'mode': '<c-p>'},
\ {'mode': '<c-n>'}
\ 'default': [
\ {'mode': 'keyn'},
\ {'mode': '<c-p>'},
\ {'mode': '<c-n>'},
lua require 'lsp'