Sanchayan Maity 00cefaa665 nvim: config: Disable relative number & rely on sneak
Signed-off-by: Sanchayan Maity <>
2020-06-04 18:18:22 +05:30

110 lines
4.7 KiB

" Set up leaders
let mapleader="\<SPACE>"
let maplocalleader=","
set shada="NONE" " Prevent SHADA files from being generated or read
set colorcolumn=80 " Highlight 80th column
set laststatus=2 " Always show status bar
set updatetime=100 " Let plugins show effects after 100ms
set mouse-=a " Disable mouse click to go to position
set encoding=utf-8
set exrc " Allow loading local .nvimrc files
set secure " Disallow use of autocmd, shell and write in local rc
set showcmd " Show (partial) command in status line.
set showmatch " Show matching brackets.
set ruler " Show the line and column numbers of the cursor.
set formatoptions+=o " Continue comment marker in new lines.
set formatoptions+=j " Delete comment character when joining commented lines
set textwidth=78 " Hard-wrap long lines as you type them.
set autoindent " Copy indent from current line when starting a new line
set noerrorbells " No beeps.
set modeline " Enable modeline.
set linespace=0 " Set line-spacing to minimum.
set nojoinspaces " Prevents inserting two spaces after punctuation on a join (J)
set noshowmode " Because of neovim's cursor shape
set splitbelow " Horizontal split below current.
set splitright " Vertical split to right of current.
set nobackup " no backup files
set nowritebackup " only in case you don't want a backup file while editing
set noswapfile " no swap files
set nofoldenable " Open folds by default
set undofile " Enable undo persistence across sessions
set hidden
set noautochdir
set hlsearch
set nostartofline " Do not jump to first character with page commands.
set ignorecase " Make searching case insensitive
set smartcase " ... unless the query has capital letters.
set magic " Use 'magic' patterns (extended regular expressions).
set autoread " Autoload file if it changes on disk
set termguicolors " Enable colors for terminal
set completeopt-=menu
set completeopt-=longest " Don't insert the longest common text
set completeopt-=preview " Hide the documentation preview window
set completeopt+=menuone " Show the completions UI even with only 1 item
set completeopt+=noinsert " Don't insert text automatically
set completeopt+=noselect " Do not select a match in the menu
" Required for vim-workspace
" See
set sessionoptions-=blank
set fileformat=unix
set inccommand=split
set switchbuf=useopen
set backspace=indent,eol,start
set scrolloff=3 " Show next 3 lines while scrolling.
set sidescrolloff=5 " Show next 5 columns while side-scrolling.
" Wild menu
set wildmenu
set wildmode=longest:full,full
set wildoptions=pum
set pumblend=30
set wildignore=*.o,*.obj,*~,*.exe,*.a,*.pdb,*.lib
set wildignore+=__pycache__,.stversions,*.spl,*.out,%*
set wildignore+=*.so,*.dll,*.swp,*.egg,*.jar,*.class,*.pyc,*.pyo,*.bin,*.dex
set wildignore+=*.zip,*.7z,*.rar,*.gz,*.tar,*.gzip,*.bz2,*.tgz,*.xz
set wildignore+=*DS_Store*,*.ipch
set wildignore+=*.gem
set wildignore+=*.png,*.jpg,*.gif,*.bmp,*.tga,*.pcx,*.ppm,*.img,*.iso
set wildignore+=*.so,*.swp,*.zip,*/.Trash/**,*.pdf,*.dmg,*/.rbenv/**
set wildignore+=*/.nx/**,*.app,*.git,.git
set wildignore+=*.wav,*.mp3,*.ogg,*.pcm
set wildignore+=*.mht,*.suo,*.sdf,*.jnlp
set wildignore+=*.chm,*.epub,*.pdf,*.mobi,*.ttf
set wildignore+=*.mp4,*.avi,*.flv,*.mov,*.mkv,*.swf,*.swc
set wildignore+=*.ppt,*.pptx,*.docx,*.xlt,*.xls,*.xlsx,*.odt,*.wps
set wildignore+=*.msi,*.crx,*.deb,*.vfd,*.apk,*.ipa,*.bin,*.msu
set wildignore+=*.gba,*.sfc,*.078,*.nds,*.smd,*.smc
set wildignore+=*.linux2,*.win32,*.darwin,*.freebsd,*.linux,*.android
" We do this to prevent the loading of the system fzf.vim plugin. This is
" present at least on Arch/Manjaro
set rtp-=/usr/share/vim/vimfiles
" Disable providers we do not give a shit about
let g:loaded_python3_provider = 0
let g:loaded_python_provider = 0
let g:loaded_ruby_provider = 0
let g:loaded_perl_provider = 0
let g:loaded_node_provider = 0
" Disable some in built plugins completely
let g:loaded_netrw = 1
let g:loaded_netrwPlugin = 1
let g:loaded_matchparen = 1
let g:loaded_matchit = 1
let g:loaded_2html_plugin = 1
let g:loaded_getscriptPlugin = 1
let g:loaded_gzip = 1
let g:loaded_logipat = 1
let g:loaded_rrhelper = 1
let g:loaded_spellfile_plugin = 1
let g:loaded_tarPlugin = 1
let g:loaded_vimballPlugin = 1
let g:loaded_zipPlugin = 1
" Add the in built Cfilter plugin. Replaces QFGrep.
packadd cfilter
" Colorscheme
colorscheme molokai