58 lines
1.1 KiB
58 lines
1.1 KiB
addEmptyPathspec = false
# Mark any lines that have had a commit skipped using --ignore-rev with a `?`
markIgnoredLines = true
# Mark any lines that were added in a skipped commit and can not be attributed with a `*`
markUnblamableLines = true
ui = true
verbose = true
editor = nvim
excludesfile = ~/.config/git/ignore
tool = nvimdiff
context = 8
interHunkContext = 8
prompt = false
trustExitCode = true
[difftool "nvimdiff"]
cmd = nvim -R -d $LOCAL $REMOTE
[difftool "difftastic"]
cmd = difft $LOCAL $REMOTE
[difftool "kitty"]
cmd = kitty +kitten diff $LOCAL $REMOTE
prune = true
pruneTags = true
sslVerify = false
defaultBranch = master
follow = true
tool = nvimdiff1
conflictstyle = zdiff3
ff = only
prompt = false
keepBackup = false
rebase = false
default = nothing
autosquash = true
autoStash = true
updateRefs = true
smtpserver = /usr/bin/msmtp
name = Sanchayan Maity
email = sanchayan@sanchayanmaity.net
login = sanchayanmaity
signingkey = 6F6A0609C12038F3