Sanchayan Maity fcbdfc31ab nvim: Fix LSP configuration
Not sure what changed in recent releases for either nvim, packer or
lspconfig plugins, but, our custom LSP configuration file seems to
not be loaded or have any effect when specified via packer's config
directive. So load it manually in init.
2021-01-01 11:56:33 +05:30

106 lines
3.6 KiB

-- Global vim options
vim.o.laststatus = 2
vim.o.updatetime = 100
vim.o.scrolloff = 3
vim.o.sidescrolloff = 5
vim.o.textwidth = 78
vim.o.linespace = 0
vim.o.exrc = true = true
vim.o.showcmd = true
vim.o.showmatch = true
vim.o.ruler = true
vim.o.autoindent = true
vim.o.errorbells = false
vim.o.modeline = true
vim.o.joinspaces = false
vim.o.showmode = false
vim.o.splitbelow = true
vim.o.splitright = true
vim.o.foldenable = false
vim.o.undofile = true
vim.o.hidden = true
vim.o.autochdir = false
vim.o.hlsearch = true
vim.o.startofline = false
vim.o.ignorecase = true
vim.o.smartcase = true
vim.o.magic = true
vim.o.autoread = true
vim.o.termguicolors = true
vim.o.fileformat = 'unix'
vim.o.inccommand = 'split'
vim.o.switchbuf = 'useopen'
vim.o.encoding = 'utf-8'
vim.g.python3_host_prog = '/usr/bin/python3'
-- Disable providers we do not give a shit about
vim.g.loaded_python_provider = 0
vim.g.loaded_ruby_provider = 0
vim.g.loaded_perl_provider = 0
vim.g.loaded_node_provider = 0
-- Disable some in built plugins completely
vim.g.loaded_netrw = 1
vim.g.loaded_netrwPlugin = 1
vim.g.loaded_matchparen = 1
vim.g.loaded_matchit = 1
vim.g.loaded_2html_plugin = 1
vim.g.loaded_getscriptPlugin = 1
vim.g.loaded_gzip = 1
vim.g.loaded_logipat = 1
vim.g.loaded_rrhelper = 1
vim.g.loaded_spellfile_plugin = 1
vim.g.loaded_tarPlugin = 1
vim.g.loaded_vimballPlugin = 1
vim.g.loaded_zipPlugin = 1
-- Map leader
vim.g.mapleader = " "
vim.g.maplocalleader = ","
-- Needs to be set before loading quickr-cscope
vim.g.quickr_cscope_keymaps = 0
-- Needs to be set before vimtex gets loaded, else it complains
vim.g.tex_flavor = 'latex'
vim.g.vimtex_view_general_viewer = 'qpdfview'
vim.g.vimtex_view_general_options = '--unique \\@pdf\\#src:@tex:@line:@col'
vim.g.vimtex_view_general_options_latexmk = '--unique'
-- Needs to be before togglelist gets loadded
vim.g.toggle_list_no_mappings = 1
-- Enable rainbow brackets everywhere
vim.g.rainbow_active = 1
-- Settings using nvim.api
-- Needs to be set before vim-sneak is loaded
vim.api.nvim_command('let g:sneak#label = 1')
vim.api.nvim_command('let g:sneak#s_next = 1')
vim.api.nvim_command('let g:sneak#use_ic_scs = 0')
-- We do this to prevent the loading of the system fzf.vim plugin. This is
-- present at least on Arch/Manjaro
vim.api.nvim_command('set rtp-=/usr/share/vim/vimfiles')
vim.api.nvim_command('set shada="NONE"')
vim.api.nvim_command('set mouse-=a')
vim.api.nvim_command('set formatoptions+=o')
vim.api.nvim_command('set formatoptions+=j')
vim.api.nvim_command('set completeopt=menuone,noinsert,noselect')
vim.api.nvim_command('set wildmenu')
vim.api.nvim_command('set wildmode=longest:full,full')
vim.api.nvim_command('set wildoptions=pum')
vim.api.nvim_command('set pumblend=30')
vim.api.nvim_command('set sessionoptions-=blank')
vim.api.nvim_command('set backspace=indent,eol,start')
vim.api.nvim_command('set diffopt=filler,internal,algorithm:histogram,indent-heuristic')
-- Do not create any backups or swap file
vim.api.nvim_command('set nobackup')
vim.api.nvim_command('set nowritebackup')
vim.api.nvim_command('set noswapfile')
require 'plugins'
require 'autocmd'
require 'keymappings'
require 'yolokai'
require 'lsp'
-- Load our custom color scheme
vim.api.nvim_command('colorscheme yolokai')