Sanchayan Maity
Using abbreviations for shell commands does not seem clean. They also seem out of place along with other cabal abbreviations. While at it, we also add a helper to nuke all Haskell build artefacts. This is convenient instead of running cabal clean in every project or relying on Kondo. For deleting directories, we replace -delete with -exec rm -rv {} + or -exec rm -rv {} \ which should delete directories recursively without error. + at the end will result in rm -rv file1 file2 ... while using \ will result in rm -rv file1; rm -rv file2; ...
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abbr cbench 'cabal bench --enable-benchmarks'
abbr cbuild 'cabal build --jobs=(math --scale=0 (nproc) / 2) --write-ghc-environment-files=always'
abbr cbuildn 'cabal build --jobs=(math --scale=0 (nproc) / 2) --write-ghc-environment-files=always --allow-newer'
abbr cconf 'cabal configure'
abbr cwipe 'cabal clean'
abbr cclean 'cabal-clean'
abbr cdel 'cabal-clean --delete'
abbr crem 'cabal-clean --remove'
abbr cexec 'cabal exec -v0 -- ghc --print-libdir'
abbr cdoc 'cabal haddock --enable-documentation'
abbr cinstall 'cabal install --jobs=(math --scale=0 (nproc) / 2) --installdir=$HOME/.local/bin --overwrite-policy=always --install-method=copy'
abbr crun 'cabal run'
abbr crepl 'cabal repl --build-depends pretty-simple'
abbr ctest 'cabal test --enable-tests --test-show-details=direct'
abbr cupdate 'cabal update'
abbr cea 'cabal-edit add'
abbr cel 'cabal-edit list'
abbr ceu 'cabal-edit upgrade'
abbr cer 'cabal-edit remove'
abbr cel 'cabal-edit latest'
abbr ceR 'cabal-edit rebuild'
abbr ceU 'cabal-edit upgradeall'
abbr cef 'cabal-edit format'
abbr cee 'cabal-edit extensions'
abbr cel 'cabal-edit lint'
abbr chg 'cabal-hoogle generate'
abbr chr 'cabal-hoogle run'
abbr chv 'cabal-hoogle version'
abbr cpi 'cabal-plan info'
abbr cps 'cabal-plan show'
abbr cpt 'cabal-plan tred'
abbr cpd 'cabal-plan diff'
abbr cpl 'cabal-plan list-bins'
abbr cpL 'cabal-plan list-bin'
abbr cpf 'cabal-plan fingerprint'
abbr cpD 'cabal-plan dot'
abbr cpdp 'cabal-plan dot-png'
abbr cpt 'cabal-plan topo'
abbr cplr 'cabal-plan license-reportate'