Sanchayan Maity 3ce0fbf73d nvim: after/ftplugin/rust: Set compiler and makeprg
We pick up the compiler cargo file from rust.vim as the errorformat
seems better perhaps to consider a few more things compared to the one
included in neovim.
2021-10-17 18:30:31 +05:30

16 lines
682 B

compiler cargo
setlocal makeprg=cargo\ build\ --all
nnoremap <buffer> <Leader>rD :RustDisableInlayHints<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <Leader>rt :RustToggleInlayHints<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <Leader>rr :RustRunnables<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <Leader>rm :RustExpandMacro<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <Leader>rc :RustOpenCargo<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <Leader>rp :RustParentModule<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <Leader>rj :RustJoinLines<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <Leader>rh :RustHoverActions<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <Leader>rd :RustMoveItemDown<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <Leader>ru :RustMoveItemUp<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <Leader>rs :RustStartStandaloneServerForBuffer<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <Leader>rg :RustViewCrateGraph<CR>