Sanchayan Maity 0fcf2563ad environment: Set up environment variables via systemd
We were setting these in fish shell setup during login. Move them
here so that they can be correctly inherited by systemd services.

Without this, the tmux session service does not get the environment
variables which do not get set by the time tmux session service starts.
2022-10-03 11:37:04 +05:30
10-xdg.conf environment: Set up environment variables via systemd 2022-10-03 11:37:04 +05:30
20-firefox.conf environment: Set up environment variables via systemd 2022-10-03 11:37:04 +05:30
30-qt.conf environment: Set up environment variables via systemd 2022-10-03 11:37:04 +05:30
40-misc.conf environment: Set up environment variables via systemd 2022-10-03 11:37:04 +05:30