set --path -a NESTED_FISH_LABELS function fish_prompt set -l command_status $status set -l question_mark_in_circle '?'\u20dd set_color red; echo -n '# ' # Print nesting if test (count $NESTED_FISH_LABELS) -gt 0 echo -ns '[' (set_color yellow) \ (string join (set_color red)/(set_color yellow) $NESTED_FISH_LABELS) \ (set_color red) '] ' end # Print current location if [ "$PWD" = "$HOME" ] set_color green; echo -n '~' else set -l parent_dir (dirname "$PWD") set_color blue if [ "$parent_dir" = "$HOME" ] echo -n '~' else echo -n (basename "$parent_dir") end echo -n ' → ' set_color green; echo -n (basename "$PWD") end echo -n ' ' # Show some pretty git information if we're in a git repo set -l is_git_worktree (git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2>/dev/null) if test "$is_git_worktree" = true if git rev-parse '@{u}' >/dev/null 2>&1 # If an upstream is set, check how far ahead/behind the branch is set -l git_commits_ahead (git rev-list '@{u}..HEAD' | wc -l | awk '{print $1}') set -l git_commits_behind (git rev-list 'HEAD..@{u}' | wc -l | awk '{print $1}') if [ \( "$git_commits_ahead" -eq 0 \) -a \( "$git_commits_behind" -eq 0 \) ] set_color blue; echo -n '⦿' else if [ "$git_commits_behind" -gt 0 ] set_color red; echo -n "↓$git_commits_behind" end if [ "$git_commits_ahead" -gt 0 ] set_color brred; echo -n "↑$git_commits_ahead" end end else # Otherwise, indicate that an upstream is unknown set_color brred; echo -n "$question_mark_in_circle" end set -l git_branch (git branch 2>/dev/null | sed -n '/\* /s///p') if test -n "$git_branch" set_color blue; echo -n ' [' # Color the branch name differently if the working tree is dirty if [ (count (git status --porcelain)) -gt 0 ] set_color brred else set_color yellow end echo -n "$git_branch" set_color blue; echo -n '] ' end end if [ "$command_status" -eq 0 ] set_color brcyan; echo -n 'λ: ' else set_color red; echo -n 'λ! ' end set_color normal # Color the hostname in the prompt dynamically whenever connected through SSH if set -q SSH_TTY set -g fish_color_host brred end if set -q VIRTUAL_ENV echo -n -s (set_color -b blue white) "(" (basename "$VIRTUAL_ENV") ")" (set_color normal) " " end end