# Servers to auto-connect servers: - addr: chat.freenode.net port: 6697 tls: true realname: Sanchayan Maity nicks: ['SanchayanMaity', 'SanchayanM', 'Sanchayan'] # (optional) Server alias for display in tab line alias: freenode # Channels to automatically join join: - '#gstreamer' - '#pulseaudio' - '#pipewire' - '##randomstuffhere' - '#ghc' - '#haskell' - '#Haskell-docs' - '#haskell-lens' - '#rust' - '#dri-devel' - '#freedesktop' - '#bluez' - '#nixos' - '#osdev' - '#riscv' - '#rust-embedded' # Three authentication methods: pass, sasl, and nickserv_ident # These are optional and you probably only need one of these, delete # others. # Server or nick password # pass: 'hunter2' # SASL authentication sasl: username: 'SanchayanMaity' password: '' # Identify nick by sending a message to NickServ: # (useful when `pass` or `sasl` fields above are not used) # nickserv_ident: 'hunter2' # Defaults used when connecting to servers via the /connect command defaults: nicks: ['SanchayanMaity'] realname: 'Sanchayan Maity' join: [] tls: false # Where to put log files log_dir: '/tmp/' # (Optional) Limits the maximum number of messages stored for each UI tab. Defaults to unlimited. # scrollback: 512 # Color theme based on 256 colors. Colors can be defined as color indices # (0-255) or with their names. # # Below are the defaults. You can delete them if you don't want to change # anything. # # Accepted color names are: # default (0), black (0), maroon (1), green (2), olive (3), navy (4), # purple (5), teal (6), silver (7), gray (8), red (9), lime (10), # yellow (11), blue (12), magenta (13), cyan (14), white (15) # # Attributes can be combined (e.g [bold, underline]), and valid values are bold # and underline. colors: nick: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 ] clear: fg: default bg: default user_msg: fg: black bg: default err_msg: fg: black bg: maroon attrs: [bold] topic: fg: cyan bg: default attrs: [bold] cursor: fg: black bg: default join: fg: lime bg: default attrs: [bold] part: fg: maroon bg: default attrs: [bold] nick_change: fg: lime bg: default attrs: [bold] faded: fg: 242 bg: default exit_dialogue: fg: default bg: navy highlight: fg: red bg: default attrs: [bold] completion: fg: 84 bg: default timestamp: fg: 242 bg: default tab_active: fg: default bg: default attrs: [bold] tab_normal: fg: gray bg: default tab_new_msg: fg: purple bg: default tab_highlight: fg: red bg: default attrs: [bold]