function gl --description 'Git browse commits' set -l log_line_to_hash "echo {} | grep -o '[a-f0-9]\{7\}' | head -1" set -l view_commit "$log_line_to_hash | xargs -I % sh -c 'git show --color=always % | bat -ldiff'" set -l view_commit_nvim "$log_line_to_hash | xargs -I % sh -c 'git show %'" set -l copy_commit_hash "$log_line_to_hash | wl-copy" set -l git_checkout "$log_line_to_hash | xargs -I % sh -c 'git checkout %'" set -l git_cherry_pick "$log_line_to_hash | xargs -I % sh -c 'git cherry-pick %'" set -l open_cmd "xdg-open" set github_open "$log_line_to_hash | xargs -I % sh -c '$open_cmd https://github.\$(git config remote.origin.url | cut -f2 -d. | tr \':\' /)/commit/%'" git log --color=always --format='%C(auto)%h%d %s %C(green)%C(bold)%cr% C(blue)%an' $argv | \ fzf --exact --no-sort --reverse --tiebreak=index --no-multi --ansi \ --preview="$view_commit" \ --header="ENTER to view, CTRL-Y to copy hash, CTRL-O to open on GitHub, CTRL-X to checkout, CTRL-C to exit, CTRL-S to cherry-pick" \ --bind "enter:execute:$view_commit_nvim | nvim -R -" \ --bind "ctrl-y:execute:$copy_commit_hash" \ --bind "ctrl-x:execute:$git_checkout" \ --bind "ctrl-o:execute:$github_open" \ --bind "ctrl-s:execute:$git_cherry_pick" \ --bind "ctrl-d:half-page-down,ctrl-u:half-page-up,ctrl-n:preview-down,ctrl-p:preview-up,ctrl-f:preview-page-down,ctrl-b:preview-page-up" end