--[[ NOTHING INSIDE THIS FILE NEEDS TO BE EDITED BY THE USER. ]] --- @class Yolokai.Definition --- @field bg string|table the background color --- @field blend number the transparency value --- @field dark Yolokai.Definition special highlight definition for when `&bg` is 'dark' --- @field fg string|table the foreground color --- @field light Yolokai.Definition special highlight definition for when `&bg` is 'light' --- @field style Yolokai.Style special appearance alterations --- @class Yolokai.Style --- @field color string|table color of underline or undercurl --[[/* Vars */]] --- Which set of colors to use. local _USE_256 = tonumber(vim.go.t_Co) > 255 or string.find(vim.env.TERM, '256') --- Which index to use for `cterm` highlights. local _PALETTE_CTERM = _USE_256 and 2 or 3 --- Which index to use for `gui` highlights. local _PALETTE_HEX = 1 --- The `string` type. local _TYPE_STRING = 'string' --- The `table` type. local _TYPE_TABLE = 'table' --[[/* Helper Functions */]] --- @param color string|table the color name or definition --- @param index number --- @return number|string color_value a hex, 16-bit, or ANSI color. "NONE" by default local function get(color, index) -- {{{ † if type(color) == _TYPE_TABLE and color[index] then return color[index] elseif type(color) == _TYPE_STRING then return color end end --}}} ‡ --- @param rgb string some string of RGB colors. --- @return string hex local function tohex(rgb) return string.format('#%06x', rgb) end --- Create a metatable which prioritizes entries in the `&bg` index of `definition` --- @param definition Yolokai.Definition the definition of the highlight group --- @return table local function use_background_with(definition) return setmetatable(definition[vim.go.background], {__index = definition}) end --[[/* Module */]] --- A Neovim plugin to create more straightforward syntax for Lua `:map`ping and `:unmap`ping. --- @class Yolokai local yolokai = {} --- @param name string the name of the highlight group --- @return Yolokai.Definition definition an nvim-highlite compliant table describing the highlight group `name` function yolokai.group(name) local no_errors, definition = pcall(vim.api.nvim_get_hl_by_name, name, vim.go.termguicolors) if not no_errors then definition = {} end -- the style of the highlight group local style = {} for k, v in pairs(definition) do if k == 'special' then style.color = tohex(v) elseif k ~= 'background' and k ~= 'blend' and k ~= 'foreground' then style[#style+1] = k end end return { fg = definition.foreground and tohex(definition.foreground), bg = definition.background and tohex(definition.background), blend = definition.blend, style = style, } end -- Generate a `:highlight` command from a group and some definition. --- Generate and execute `:highlight` command from a group and some definition. --- @param group_name string the `{group-name}` argument for `:highlight` --- @param definition Yolokai.Definition|string a link or an attribute map function yolokai.highlight(group_name, definition) -- {{{ † local highlight = {} if type(definition) == _TYPE_STRING then -- `highlight_group` is a link to another group. highlight.link = definition else -- Take care of special instructions for certain background colors. if definition[vim.go.background] then definition = use_background_with(definition) end highlight.bg = get(definition.bg, _PALETTE_HEX) highlight.fg = get(definition.fg, _PALETTE_HEX) highlight.ctermbg = get(definition.bg, _PALETTE_CTERM) highlight.ctermfg = get(definition.fg, _PALETTE_CTERM) highlight.blend = definition.blend local style = definition.style if type(style) == _TYPE_TABLE then for _, option in ipairs(style) do highlight[option] = true end highlight.special = get(style.color, _PALETTE_HEX) elseif style then highlight[style] = true end highlight.reverse = highlight.inverse highlight.inverse = nil end vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, group_name, highlight) end --}}} ‡ --- Set `g:terminal_color_`s based on `terminal_colors`. --- @param terminal_colors table a list 1..16 of colors to use in the terminal function yolokai:highlight_terminal(terminal_colors) for index, color in ipairs(terminal_colors) do vim.g['terminal_color_'..(index-1)] = vim.go.termguicolors and color[_PALETTE_HEX] or color[_PALETTE_CTERM] end end return setmetatable(yolokai, {__call = function(self, normal, highlights, terminal_colors) --- resolve highlight groups being defined by function calls. --- @param tbl table the current table being indexed. --- @param key string the key to resolve the value for. --- @param resolve_links boolean whether to translate highlight links into full values --- @returns the value at `tbl[key]`, when highlight links and embedded functions have been accounted for. local function resolve(tbl, key, resolve_links) local value = tbl[key] local value_type = type(value) if value_type == 'function' then -- call and cache the result; next time, if it isn't a function this step will be skipped tbl[key] = value(setmetatable({}, { __index = function(_, inner_key) return resolve(tbl, inner_key, true) end })) elseif resolve_links and value_type == _TYPE_STRING and not string.find(value, '^#') then return resolve(tbl, value, resolve_links) end return tbl[key] end -- save the colors_name before syntax reset local color_name = vim.g.colors_name -- If the syntax has been enabled, reset it. if vim.fn.exists 'syntax_on' then vim.api.nvim_command 'syntax reset' end -- replace the colors_name vim.g.colors_name = color_name color_name = nil -- If we aren't using hex nor 256 colorsets. if not (vim.go.termguicolors or _USE_256) then vim.go.t_Co = '16' end -- Highlight the baseline. self.highlight('Normal', normal) -- Highlight everything else. for group_name, _ in pairs(highlights) do self.highlight(group_name, resolve(highlights, group_name, false)) end -- Set the terminal highlight colors. self:highlight_terminal(terminal_colors) end})