function __fish_setup_on_tty_login --description "Set up environment on tty login" set -qx XDG_CONFIG_HOME; or set -Ux XDG_CONFIG_HOME $HOME/.config set -qx XDG_CACHE_HOME; or set -Ux XDG_CACHE_HOME $HOME/.cache set -qx XDG_DATA_HOME; or set -Ux XDG_DATA_HOME $HOME/.local/share set -qx XDG_STATE_HOME; or set -Ux XDG_STATE_HOME $HOME/.local/state for extra_path in ~/.{local,nix-profile,cargo,cabal,ghcup}/bin if test -d "$extra_path" set -gxp PATH "$extra_path" end end if type -qf nvim set -gx EDITOR nvim set -gx VISUAL nvim set -gx MANPAGER 'nvim +Man!' else if type -qf vim set -gx EDITOR vim set -gx VISUAL vim end end if test -d {$HOME}/.nix-defexpr/channels set -gx NIX_PATH {$HOME}/.nix-defexpr/channels set -gx NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt' end if test -d /var/lib/flatpak # # set -l xdg_data_home $XDG_DATA_HOME ~/.local/share set -gx --path XDG_DATA_DIRS $xdg_data_home[1]/flatpak/exports/share:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share:/usr/local/share:/usr/share for flatpakdir in ~/.local/share/flatpak/exports/bin /var/lib/flatpak/exports/bin if test -d $flatpakdir contains $flatpakdir $PATH; or set -a PATH $flatpakdir end end end if type -qf kitty set -gx TERM xterm-kitty end if type -qf fnm fnm env --shell=fish --log-level=quiet | source end set -gx CLICOLOR 1 set -gx LSCOLORS 'gxfxcxdxbxegedabaggxgx' end # Instead of tty check, we would have liked to do this using status is-login # check but for some reason that does not work? set --local TTY1 (tty) [ "$TTY1" = "/dev/tty1" ] && __fish_setup_on_tty_login